The non-adaptive player... (advice)


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MendedWall12 wrote:
Other GM's when you storytell through combat do you use a lot of spatial and direction references? Example: You notice a well armored orc about 70 feet to your north across some less than ideal terrain... Or how do you describe scenes and NPC movement in those situations?

When I am not using minis I try for a more generalized description that conveys the important information. I also expect my players to ask for more detailed information to help fill in the details.

Heres an example description.

"You step out of the cave entrance and into the forest. In this area there are many trees growing close together. Some of them have grown so close together that their branches are entwined together. You also notice that the undergrowth on the forest floor is covered with small dense patches of vines. You realize that moving through this area is going to be difficult at best. As you are taking in your surroundings you notice that there are no animal noises. The near silence that surrounds you is unnerving. You hear the sounds of something moving through the undergrowth. Ahead, maybe 70 or 80 paces, you see a darkened figure moving through the trees. As the figure moves it looks around and you are able to see that it is a well armed Orc. What do you do?"

As it was mentioned earlier: For flight stands, my group uses the plastic dice cubes. They're big enough to set a model on, small enough to not obscure much, will handle large size critters, and are GENERALLY large enough to avoid dinging mini's when placed over them. We also use dice set alongside or atop the stand to indicate the height of a subject, an altimeter of sorts.

To the rest: meh. What I type won't matter as the OP appears intractable with regards to his GM style, the other concerned party isn't available for clarifications/discussion, and ultimately I have no stake in the matter. I'm withdrawing.

But the flight stands. Definitely the flight stands.

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