Awsome Magus Video

Round 3: Revised Magus Discussion

Scarab Sages

Great video of what I envision a high level Magus to be.

Dragon Age 2

Dark Archive

Yeah, I saw this video a few weeks back. A screen cap from the end where he's walking toward the camera with a flame in his hand almost become my character pic.

I played an Arcane Warrior in the first game and that's pretty much what I wanted the Magus to be. I was even roughing out a design concept that had the ability to swap out spells for long term benefits like the ongoing abilities of the DA Arcane Warrior. I like the Magus as it came out, though. I think the Arcane Warrior idea is still good and I'd like to see something similar get picked up for a PrC or something.

I wish. I just don't see a Magus playing out like that though. Heck, you can't even use that weapon effectively for spell combat, because it would be two handed and that limitation is still firmly in place.

I loved my Arcane Warrior in DA and Origins; he was by far the toughest of my three characters and the most fun to play.

I just wish the new Magus had gotten arcanas to let him get into heavier armors earlier and that the spell threat wasn't the same as the weapon threat. As it currently stands, I doubt I'd ever see a Magus that wasn't a light armor/scimitar/Dervish Dance build.

Substitute a half-spear and you're pretty close to the clip. I agree that is what a magus should be-looks like he knew cure spells though.

Really? THIS is what you want the Magus to look like? I mean fair enough; I enjoyed Dragon Age quite a bit as well. But honestly, the combat to magic ratio of this guy is what I would expect from a combat Paladin with the levels of divine replaced by levels of arcane. A magus is supposed to do both simultaneously and equally. I was kind of hoping they wouldn't model the Arcane Warrior style from dragon age because it felt more like playing an Arcane Paladin than some sort of pure gish sword and spell character.

Seemed like a short enough fight. I don't assume that a Magus will be throwing around spells willy nilly or maybe used them all in earlier fights. (I have never played one myself.) He used a few spells and maybe argued with the DM that he can cauterize his wounds with fire spells. Yeah, I suppose it very well could be a paladin, probably actually an antipaladin from the look of those spells. It depends how you imagine everything I suppose.

The Chant of Light is a Lie, the chantry as ties to Cheliax and the thrice damnd house of thrune!!!!

trust them not!!!!

Andraste wqas a whore!!!!

on that note: DA 2 will be a great game

Gauthok wrote:
I wish. I just don't see a Magus playing out like that though. Heck, you can't even use that weapon effectively for spell combat, because it would be two handed and that limitation is still firmly in place.

My thoughts exactly.

I just enjoyed the hell out of the clip, magus-like or not. I'm no good at it, or I'd try to stat out that weapon. It's a looked great in action.

Dark Archive

It depends on what level you're at. My first level Magus has cast 3 spells in 9-10 hours of game play and not a one of them was with spell combat.

Bhrymm wrote:

Great video of what I envision a high level Magus to be.

Dragon Age 2

THAT! I want to play THAT!

I do sooooo luv the Swordstaff ;)

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