Mazym |

Again, the key to the bard is that he or she is someone whose performing creates supernatural effects. And there's more!
OK, this sounds like Bardic performance would work just fine in a "tribal" setting - the war chants, drumming (audible over a loooong distance), dances, etc. work really well for things like inspire courage (especially) and inspire competence, etc. Telling stories works great for fascinate.
Bardic knowledge certainly works well for "loremasters" in generally oral-based cultures. Especially since that knowledge wouldn't be in musty old libraries, but in the living culture of song, story, art, dance, etc.
Bards get Arcane Spells without books, curses, pacts with demons, or kooky bloodlines. Woohoo! And the list is full of handy and "feels right" things like cures, fears, geas, etc. Very, very good.
Works for me. OK, in a tribal setting, the close contact with nature would argue for nature spells, but one could multi-class for druid or nature cleric access.

Phneri |
hm, if you want a really tribal-themed bard, I could see tweaking some abilities for this.
Take away proficiency with all but druid weapons and non-natural armor, also drop bardic knowledge for just knowledge (nature) bonuses.
In return pick a natury domain, add those powers and add the domains spells to the bard lest.

DrDew |

Again, the key to the bard is that he or she is someone whose performing creates supernatural effects. And there's more!
OK, this sounds like Bardic performance would work just fine in a "tribal" setting - the war chants, drumming (audible over a loooong distance), dances, etc. work really well for things like inspire courage (especially) and inspire competence, etc. Telling stories works great for fascinate.
Bardic knowledge certainly works well for "loremasters" in generally oral-based cultures. Especially since that knowledge wouldn't be in musty old libraries, but in the living culture of song, story, art, dance, etc.
Bards get Arcane Spells without books, curses, pacts with demons, or kooky bloodlines. Woohoo! And the list is full of handy and "feels right" things like cures, fears, geas, etc. Very, very good.
Works for me. OK, in a tribal setting, the close contact with nature would argue for nature spells, but one could multi-class for druid or nature cleric access.
Take away proficiency with longsword, shortword, and rapier. Add throwing axe, handaxe, battle axe (and maybe kukri if in the jungle).
I think their spell list is perfect for the situation the way it is. Maybe replace Summon Monster with Summon Nature's Ally but other than that they all look right for the setting.
Might replace Disguise with Survival as a class skill.
Other than that it looks perfect for the use of tribal shaman or something like that.

Realmwalker |

hm, if you want a really tribal-themed bard, I could see tweaking some abilities for this.
Take away proficiency with all but druid weapons and non-natural armor, also drop bardic knowledge for just knowledge (nature) bonuses.
In return pick a natury domain, add those powers and add the domains spells to the bard lest.
Why most storytellers even tribal ones were the historians of the tribe, as well as the conversation center Knowledge Local and History makes sense as does Knowledge Planes (they know all the old stories and are filled with gods and other mythological creatures.
Remember Knowledge in these societies were passed by myths and stories told by the storyteller.

Phneri |
Why most storytellers even tribal ones were the historians of the tribe, as well as the conversation center Knowledge Local and History makes sense as does Knowledge Planes (they know all the old stories and are filled with gods and other mythological creatures.Remember Knowledge in these societies were passed by myths and stories told by the storyteller.
Few reasons:
First, storytelling is oration, and while maybe I'd go with knowledge history or local, planes is pushing it. Bard already has a skill that covers this.
Second, bardic knowledge reduced to just one skill is a significant mechanical nerf in power with the weapon and armor change, the end goal of which is to make up for the added spell list and domain powers, which is significant.
Finally, a bard still has every knowledge in the book as a class skill, so losing that bonus is a fairly minor hindrance.
I dunno, I might be sold on knowledge local and nature, or 2 of the four given, but I'd probably limit it there.

Karel Gheysens |
Have you looked at the Savage Skald archetype? The description mentions furious tribes. So this might be an interesting archetype to start your changes from.
And are summon monster and summon nature's ally of equal power? Summon monsters seem much more powerful.
P.S. If you want nature related spell, why not modify the bard's spell list. It shouldn't be much of a problem to identify the weaker druid spells and offer those to the bard (or offer good spells at higher levels).

Mazym |

Have you looked at the Savage Skald archetype? The description mentions furious tribes. So this might be an interesting archetype to start your changes from.
And are summon monster and summon nature's ally of equal power? Summon monsters seem much more powerful.
P.S. If you want nature related spell, why not modify the bard's spell list. It shouldn't be much of a problem to identify the weaker druid spells and offer those to the bard (or offer good spells at higher levels).
I had not seen the Skald archetype - I don't have the APG and hadn't read that part of the PRD. But I have read it and it is interesting. Thanks.