Recruiting / Interest Check - Pathfinder - The Godsmouth Heresy - Email Campaign


No one knows who carved the cyclopean faces that perch on the cliffs below the city of Kaer Maga, gazing sternly upon the lands of Varisian below. Some say these visages depict the legendary Runelords of Thassilon, while others claim they represent deities far more ancient than the upstart gods of modern Avistan. Their depths are still unplumbed, their mystery still unsolved, for when you venture inside the mouth of a god, who knows what you might find?

Howdy folks and an early Happy New Year to everyone!
I am looking for 2-4 mature players for an adventure set in Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers. I currently have two (2) committed players and three (3) players who have yet to commit.

Game stuff you need to know:
1/ Pathfinder Rules - Core and Advanced Player's Guide - I will also consider other guides if you have a link or can post me the info on some specific trait or feat, etc.

2/ PC's are "monster" races and you have many to choose from: any of the Goblinoid races, and suitable monster PC's with no more than CR 2. Currently, the two players are running a Drow Necromancer and a Halfling Wererat Rogue. For character creation, use a 30-pt buy, max HP at first level, average gold, and one (1) magic item worth no more than 2000 gp. Sound good?

3/ This is an EMAIL pbp game. I might create a discussion thread on here, but the majority of the game will be via email. Email allows me to attach group posts, files, pics, maps, music, etc. If you have Gmail, you're set to go.

4/ Posting frequency will be 2-3 group posts a week. This will not be a fast-paced game. Most of us have jobs and families, so I don't expect players to be "plugged in" every minute and post every day or multiple times a day. Post when you can, at least twice a week, and we'll go from there.

5/ This game will be rated "R" - so I would like an age statement with your character submission; I am looking for mature players, age 21 and over, who will not be offended by an occasional sentence or three of vulgarity or a graphic pic used for game flavor. All of my players are in their mid-30's, with a couple of us pushing (ahem) fifty. No adolescents please!

6/ I am a rules-lite DM - meaning, the rules are guidelines and if they need to be bent to move the game along or to make it a bit more fun, so be it! No rules lawyers need apply! I'm an old-timer, been gaming/DMing since '83 in college. I've ran numerous 1E-3.5E games, but this is my first Pathfinder game as a DM, so I'm excitedly nervous! Ha!

I'm sure there's a few things I'm forgetting, and if they come to me I'll post 'em here. Ask any questions you wish and good luck. You can submit your characters here or send me an email:
Here's a little bit more about the adventure that I'll leave you to think about:

Deep below the anarchic city of Kaer Maga, someone—or some thing—has begun stealing corpses from the city’s most prestigious tomb, the Godsmouth Ossuary. Fearing the worst, the clerics of Pharasma in charge of maintaining the crypts quietly call for aid, not wanting to risk their own members in combating whatever horrors may have crept in from the tunnels and hidden chambers of the legendary Undercity. Yet when the PCs venture below the closed-off sections of the crypt, what they
find may be more than they bargained for.

'lo there, knight of hedges.

I'm definitely interested and even come with the prerequisite of having an email account! I know, I know, quite rare and prestigious a thing to have, but ... wait, it's not? Oh well. It's a Gmail account, even, since you mention those specifically.

I'll have to look at the monster races, of course, but that does sound very interesting.

I do have one question, or rather a request, though that may influence my ability to participate: emails containing, for example, those graphic pics -- would it be possible to have all of those marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW) in the subject line?

I tend to check my email and post during my breaks, but don't really want to open that sort of email there. Then I'll know to respond to those from my home computer.

Von Doom wrote:

I do have one question, or rather a request, though that may influence my ability to participate: emails containing, for example, those graphic pics -- would it be possible to have all of those marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW) in the subject line?

I tend to check my email and post during my breaks, but don't really want to open that sort of email there. Then I'll know to respond to those from my home computer.

What I normally do is type up a group post in Word and insert the pic(s) directly into the Word document, which I attach to the email - so no NSFW pics or language will be exposed when you open your email.

And just to clarify, graphic pics are rare and won't be the norm in posts. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. :)

I'll survive the lack of regular gratuitous violence and/or nudity, I'm sure. That isn't much help, though, since then I'll just be opening the word document at work instead of the email unless it's noted as NSFW. ;)

I have to admit that I'm not ... very clear on the CR and monsters as characters rules and such, but would a Half-Fiend Human or Elf be viable? If I'm reading this right, the CR increase changes as the HD of the original monster increase. This could probably be fixed by simply not gaining the extra spell-like abilities you get as the HD increase.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That sounds interesting...I think a duergar ranger would fit in well with the party. Weapon specialization will wait on the other new party members, though.

Von Doom wrote:

I'll survive the lack of regular gratuitous violence and/or nudity, I'm sure. That isn't much help, though, since then I'll just be opening the word document at work instead of the email unless it's noted as NSFW. ;)

I have to admit that I'm not ... very clear on the CR and monsters as characters rules and such, but would a Half-Fiend Human or Elf be viable? If I'm reading this right, the CR increase changes as the HD of the original monster increase. This could probably be fixed by simply not gaining the extra spell-like abilities you get as the HD increase.

Okay, let me try to be more clear: Any type of NSFW pic would be within the text of the attached Word document, NOT within the email itself when you open it. But, if that's an issue, it is easy for me to mark the email as NSFW. Cool?

Half-Fiend characters require a 4HD base creature, so that eliminates that option.

@John - love the Duergar Ranger option! It's a perfect class for this type of adventure.

hedgeknight wrote:
Okay, let me try to be more clear: Any type of NSFW pic would be within the text of the attached Word document, NOT within the email itself when you open it. But, if that's an issue, it is easy for me to mark the email as NSFW. Cool?

Yes, I understood that the first time. As I said, I'd check the word document at work as well if I know it to be safe. And yes, that'd be cool, but if it's a bother I can just restrict mailing to my home computer. Shouldn't be too big a deal. I'm just a very curious person.

hedgeknight wrote:
Half-Fiend characters require a 4HD base creature, so that eliminates that option.

That's a shame. I thought that was just a note for the spell-like abilities ... *shrugs*

Hmm. There already is a Drow, and I'm not too huge on the goblinoids, or duergar. There aren't too many humanoid CR2- monsters -- I guess I could just go with an Aasimar, or some sort of templated human. Half-Janni sounds kind of neat.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Do you want me to email you the character sheet, then, or post it here as a messageboard alias?

John Woodford wrote:
Do you want me to email you the character sheet, then, or post it here as a messageboard alias?

Whatever works best for you, John. I already have one email from a potential player. I'm hoping to get 6-10 character submissions to choose from. Thanks.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
hedgeknight wrote:
John Woodford wrote:
Do you want me to email you the character sheet, then, or post it here as a messageboard alias?

Whatever works best for you, John. I already have one email from a potential player. I'm hoping to get 6-10 character submissions to choose from. Thanks.


I didn't see your email in the OP; if you like you can send me a ping at my addie--username is jbwoodford.

You mentioned traits in the OP--two traits, one racial OK?

John Woodford wrote:
hedgeknight wrote:
John Woodford wrote:
Do you want me to email you the character sheet, then, or post it here as a messageboard alias?

Whatever works best for you, John. I already have one email from a potential player. I'm hoping to get 6-10 character submissions to choose from. Thanks.


I didn't see your email in the OP; if you like you can send me a ping at my addie--username is jbwoodford.

You mentioned traits in the OP--two traits, one racial OK?

My email is

And yes to the traits question.

Allo! Happy that the call for old timers reached me before it was time to turn my hearing aid off. I will be officially a year into my 4 decade in..let's see...(yikes!) 6 days.

I do have the requisite google mail account, here it is:


jdbeginshere (at) gmail (dot) com

Trying to avoid the spam robots and all...

Never played a monster pc class yet in Pathfinder but up for the challenge. Even just to see a Drow and a Duergar in the same party will be worth it!

Was looking at the Summoner class today and might be interested in trying that out. And I'm thinking a Saurian might be an interesting race to investigate the ruins of the ancients with.

If this looks good to you hedgeknight let me know and I'll continue with the build.

Khaladon wrote:

Allo! Happy that the call for old timers reached me before it was time to turn my hearing aid off. I will be officially a year into my 4 decade in..let's see...(yikes!) 6 days.

I do have the requisite google mail account, here it is:
** spoiler omitted **

Never played a monster pc class yet in Pathfinder but up for the challenge. Even just to see a Drow and a Duergar in the same party will be worth it!

Was looking at the Summoner class today and might be interested in trying that out. And I'm thinking a Saurian might be an interesting race to investigate the ruins of the ancients with.

If this looks good to you hedgeknight let me know and I'll continue with the build.

Let 'er rip, old timer - put together a brief something something and send it to me. A Saurian Summoner...I like the sound of that.

Will do. You'll have something by tomorrow

Just a reminder, I need you to state your age when you submit your character. Thanks.

Edit: And another thing or two about your submissions. Since the characters in this game are "monsters," it is perfectly reasonable that they could be of "evil" alignment. Chaotic Evil is not allowed, but anything else is permitted. Just remember that you will be working in a group of characters to achieve a goal, so tailor your characters accordingly.

Are Ghoul's allowed? Free thinking undead, CR 1, and capable of having a class.

Smerg wrote:
Are Ghoul's allowed? Free thinking undead, CR 1, and capable of having a class.

I considered it when I was first putting this game together back in October, but decided against it. No intelligent undead are allowed. Thanks for asking.

Sorry, bit of a delay as had my blackberry stolen last night. It was the main way I was accessing the net. Also NYE tonight and a birthday coming up. Still completly interested though. Happy New Years all.

Thanks to all of those who submitted characters. Among those, two were chosen: A Gnoll Druid (Set) and a Duergar Ranger (John Woodford). I now have six players and am ready to kick the game into gear! For those whose characters weren't chosen, thanks for entering and good luck finding a Pathfinder game.
Good gaming to all!

Hey there hedge, if you lose a player, let me know. I am 31 and in the Army stationed in Japan, so an email game is right upmy alley.

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