Prismatic spray question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

There was alot of trouble to change spells from 3.5 so that they were no longer save or die. "Finger of death" and "slay living" were called out specifically in the conversion guide. However "Primsatic ray" has the Green ray which is Save or die. Was this an over sight or am I missing something

Thank you

I see Prismatic Spray, Sphere & Wall, but not "ray".

The Green part is Poison.

Another Question...

How do you guys deal with the "sent to another plane" part? Is it basically "roll a new character" time?

Where's the Weed? wrote:

I see Prismatic Spray, Sphere & Wall, but not "ray".

The Green part is Poison.

Another Question...

How do you guys deal with the "sent to another plane" part? Is it basically "roll a new character" time?

No, I roll randomly on a home made chart. Then it role plays out. (As Dm, I have a penchant for using prismatic spray) By the level that my players are facing PS using bad guys, they also have access to divinations to find their lost comrades and plane shifts to get there/get back. The only time its "make a new character" is if, for instance, a fighter with no fire resistance gets sent the plane of fire and his comrades cant get to him in a few rounds.

I assume you mean the 7th level spell Prismatic Spray.


Green = Poison (Frequency 1/rd. for 6 rd.; Init. effect death; Sec. effect 1 Con/rd.; Cure 2 consecutive Fort saves)*

I suspect this one was allowed to stand for a few reasons:

  • It's a high level spell.
  • There's only a 1 in 7 chance for this effect to hit.
  • Poison is something lots of things are immune or highly resistant to.

It's mostly the spells that have but a single line of defense against death (i.e. a saving throw - I'm not counting spell resistance) that were changed like that.

Spells where several things have to work together to let the death effect kick in are still there.

Phantasmal killer, for example, still kills you, but you have to fail first a will save and then a fort save.

I´ve seen that spell somewhere, it was a prismatic Spray, turned into a ray, and it was a 5th lvl spell. i May be wrong tho

unopened wrote:
I´ve seen that spell somewhere, it was a prismatic Spray, turned into a ray, and it was a 5th lvl spell. I may be wrong tho.

You're thinking of the one from the Spell Compendium.

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