GM Ronin - Aris OOC - Group #2

Play-by-Post Discussion

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female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3

Hehe... thanks Ninn. I have linked the pics to her character file under her sword and Tallon description.

I am slowly getting around to writing her detailed history... which will include the little snippets of her past I sometimes include in her flashbacks. But the writing inspiration has to come to me... I don't feel satisfied with the results when I try to 'force it'... I'd rather gather snippets of 'scenes' from her past and when the inspiration hits...write them all into a contiguous story.

So please bear with me patiently on her history...

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

I should just stop reading playtest info *sigh* I am to confrontational and have to stop my self half way through a post and cancel it.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

Yeah... I'm raising hell. Hehe. Though most of my posts are actually logical. After all, this is the First Version Playtest and nowhere near the final product, so I'm hoping for better. As of now, no gunslinger of this variety in my campaign. I'll stick with Aria and Xandar's variations. More effective from the looks of things. I'll also stick with my Gun-Toting Magus that I have built right now. Such the awesome and less GP than Aria spent. =D

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

I'm just tired of some of the posters going so far as saying japanophile for those of us who actually like the idea of a samurai and ninja class. Currently have a ninja already made for another game and Cyra is in the process of making a samurai. Trying my best to not go off so I might just need to stay away from any discussions.

Male Half-Elf Fighter6/Sorcerer1

Wait, what? What's going on?

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

Tristan just realized how awesome I am.

Just kidding. Ultimate Combat playtest has been released and a few people are going troll over the Ninja because of how its built (i.e. They're Naruto fans) and freaking on the Samurai because its not Sengoku Basara (i.e. Samurai Warriors). They're actually better than those.

Note: I'm actually a Samurai Warriors fan and my wife is a Naruto fan, so those were meant as jokes. Don't go flipping out on me here for those. =P

>.< - I'll take your characters out.

Male Half-Elf Fighter6/Sorcerer1

Oh! Hah. Yeah, I DL'd the playtest last night, looks rad. I already have an IRL player running a tengu ninja based on the class, so it's interesting to compare the two.

female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3

Just for you information... I changed Katani's appearance slightly.
She is 5'0" and 120lbs... fits more with the way I've been describing her.

Male Half-Elf Fighter6/Sorcerer1

Hey Ronin (and eveybody, actually); is Loren still joining back up? Haven't seen him. If not -- and hopefully this isn't presumptuous -- I have a good friend who is an awesome gamer and has been following this thread and really wants to get in on the action. She's one of my players in one of my IRL games so I can vouche that she really knows what she's doing and is a dynamite player. She's got a level 7 female elf sorcerer with the protean bloodline built and ready to rock, which could bring us some sweet, additional arcane firepower. She's already on the boards so if you're interested, just lemme know and I can have her make a profile. We could meet her en route to the lake or something, maybe.

Anyway, just a suggestion/question, totally not trying to step on toes or anything if Loren is in fact coming back. Lemme know what y'all think.

female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3

We could certainly use the arcane hitting power... that is something we are woefully lacking...

Male Half-Elf Fighter6/Sorcerer1
Katani 'Stormrider' wrote:
We could certainly use the arcane hitting power... that is something we are woefully lacking...

I agree. Well, that's probably obvious, but still. :-)

Yeah.... with how i'm multiclassed I don't get much in the higher level stuff just yet =/ but once I get going it'll be awesome.

At least if we have another caster in the party I might be able to learn some spells from them... Although since she doesn't have a spell book that may be difficult. lol

@ Ronin:

I was at work for the last couple weeks and didn't have access to my books. Now that i'm at home, I can think appropriately on that Holiday feat and ability score bonus, I tried not to pick something too game changing.

Feat: Selective Channeling
Ability Score: +2 Cha

Up to you if this is cool or not, I can roll either way. =) I hope to eventually roll into a gunslinger like setup. But! I am not going to abuse a gift to magically know how to use a gun and strangely not own one :P.

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

Thral you have an email from me if you get a chance.

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

Watching a movie!?! How dare you disrespect the rp with your carelessness.
Seriously jk :) no one take the dhampir seriously.

See what happens when I get bored? I start going into withdrawal and then I start making characters that I can't play cause I don't have a game for them. Damn you never ending character generator!!!!

female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3

Well there you go... a steamy forest scouting... Katani's kind of ...foreplay.. :)

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

Huh...I thought it would have involved blood...Katani has a greater blood lust than Tristan does and it is part of his nature. ;) Also for DRA you still have an email from me.

Male Half-Elf Fighter6/Sorcerer1
Tristan Delacroix wrote:
Huh...I thought it would have involved blood...Katani has a greater blood lust than Tristan does and it is part of his nature. ;) Also for DRA you still have an email from me.

Yup! Got it. I'm just slower to reply while I'm at the day job 'cos I'm mobile. No GMail access through the proxy here.

@Katani: I just hope you're not so busy flirting you miss some tracks or something. ;-)

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

Job....I remember what that is wish I had one at the moment.

female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3

@Tristan: LOL... Damn straight! I hear you on that one!

@Thral: Hehe... that's why Katani only took 10 on her flirting! :) {Wink!}

Plus the dice roller was kind... all of her 'Detailed Search' rolls were great, save her mediocre Knowlegde {Nature} check...

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

The dice roller seems to like Aria and Tristan I've noticed but it hates almost all of my other characters.

the dice roller usually dooms me to last on an Ini order in most of my PBP's lol but lately my attack rolls have been very nice =)

Havoc XIII needs his rp fix we need an update. Two rps is just not enough for a rp addict :(

Lol tell me about it, i'm in 4 Pbp's and so far they have all come to a screeching halt ;) gotta love weekends! But I'm rebuilding a 1-20 character class so I have something to distract me. I'm also cleaning the house... woo fun!

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

I need to get in a really fast paced rp with Cyra I love having a new post every couple of hours (if not more) I am constantly refreshing th thread nearly all day. Yea addictions! (term used jokingly not meant to insult those with real addictions.)

Ninn wrote:
Lol tell me about it, i'm in 4 Pbp's and so far they have all come to a screeching halt ;) gotta love weekends! But I'm rebuilding a 1-20 character class so I have something to distract me. I'm also cleaning the house... woo fun!

Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to DMPC Syl/Ansrithar to keep things moving in TLoM. Sorry, delinquent in my GM'ly duties. :-/

Like you said, gotta love weekends. :-p

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

How dare you slack off DRA back to work!

NP Dra! You are pretty busy lol and I wasn't trying to complain, its just the weekend so its always slow. =) xD Besides old Dolo needs some RP time since we left him =/

Besides this gives me a chance to get a few things done lol. Thats why i'm not in any rush =) and I think Syl has his/her (don't know) college stuff they are doing so its understandable =)

Rin Lightbringer wrote:

NP Dra! You are pretty busy lol and I wasn't trying to complain, its just the weekend so its always slow. =) xD Besides old Dolo needs some RP time since we left him =/

No worries, I just like to keep things moving and feel bad when I can't. I like a really fast pace, too. I guarantee things will be moving along again at some point tonight. I'm actually GMing IRL right now (players are discussing something), but I'll get a chance to update later.

Tristan Delacroix wrote:
How dare you slack off DRA back to work!

Hahahaaaa, I know, right! I'm such a slacker.

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7
DM Downrightamazed wrote:
Tristan Delacroix wrote:
How dare you slack off DRA back to work!
Hahahaaaa, I know, right! I'm such a slacker.

Yeah I don't think slacker works for someone running what 5 games or more?

Ninn wrote:
Besides this gives me a chance to get a few things done lol. Thats why i'm not in any rush =) and I think Syl has his/her (don't know) college stuff they are doing so its understandable =)

Oh yeah, totally true. I feel his(or her) pain on that count, that's for sure.

Tristan Delacroix wrote:
DM Downrightamazed wrote:
Tristan Delacroix wrote:
How dare you slack off DRA back to work!
Hahahaaaa, I know, right! I'm such a slacker.
Yeah I don't think slacker works for someone running what 5 games or more?

Yeah thats why I say NO RUSH! I don't know how DRA keeps up lol xD Although I used to play with 14 players xD those were fun times!

@ DRA: Have fun with your IRL game =) I miss playing in those sometimes but there's no good players in my area =/

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

Ronin where you deploying to if I might ask?

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero
Tristan Delacroix wrote:
Ronin where you deploying to if I might ask?

Not sure if I'm allowed to say, so!

Two words. First word starts with S. Second word A.

No need to say it or type it or anything, but if you figure it out just nod.

I love loopholes.

Also, seeing as how I didn't supply a decent gathering of information for you, here's a brief background of the lake so you know what you're up against. Its based off of various real world lakes - the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal being two of the most prominent sources. Anyways, this being a fantasy setting I increased its measurements to almost double that of the Caspian Sea. That should give you some idea of its size.

Its max length is 820 miles with a max width of 410 miles. It has a surface area of 219,100 square miles and an average depth of 2487 feet. Its deepest point is at 5492 feet and has a water volume of 6,200 cubic miles. Its residence time is around 390 years and its shore length is 4,400 mile. Make note for your character to know the actual numbers will take a Knowledge Check.

I've supplied this information for both groups. Will provide specifics for other areas too if given time to track them down. Thanks and sorry again about the wait. I know everyone's anxious. I work from 3 AM - 6 PM as an MP, so I hardly have time on my days of work. I have just enough time to come home, kiss my wife and son, eat dinner, and go to bed. Then lather, rinse, repeat.

As my wife says sometimes 'People have rl things to do~' so its understandable that you've been lacking time, its cool you got on and gave us this much with your schedule being that hectic~! =)

*nod* Good luck with wherever you will be going soon, I have quite a few friends who are still in the service so I am pretty familiar with how deployment can be. But I never personally have served in any sense, I was going to if I was unable to find a decent job where I lived but I ended up in the oil field work. So now i'm pursuing that route in my college studies coming up, hopefully I will get out of the oil field and do some more domestic process work, drinking water or some other utility.

Male Dhampir Ranger(Beastmaster/Skirmisher) 7

*nod* stay safe wherever you are going. My father as well as Cyra's are retired air force and a good number of our family were as well. Stay safe and good luck.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero
Ninn wrote:

As my wife says sometimes 'People have rl things to do~' so its understandable that you've been lacking time, its cool you got on and gave us this much with your schedule being that hectic~! =)

*nod* Good luck with wherever you will be going soon, I have quite a few friends who are still in the service so I am pretty familiar with how deployment can be. But I never personally have served in any sense, I was going to if I was unable to find a decent job where I lived but I ended up in the oil field work. So now i'm pursuing that route in my college studies coming up, hopefully I will get out of the oil field and do some more domestic process work, drinking water or some other utility.

I would hate to hop on and give you lot some short sentences or weak lines and then say sorry that I'm on right now, but I'm not posting anything because I'm busy ... even though I'm on right now.... yeah... that makes sense... right?

You know what I mean?

Also, best of luck with your studies and job search. I had a decent job before I joined, but decided to do so anyways. No regrets there, though I'm not a fan of my job at all. Too much politics and bull to put up with, but such is the nature of the beast.

Thanks to all. Not heading out for another two months but already busy busy getting weapon qualifications up-to-date.

female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3

No rush Ronin... I know.. I'd rather do a great job when running a game than a mediocre job as well! :)

female Human Barbarian 1 / Ranger 3 / Summoner 3


Hi all. I don't know if I can continue to participate in any games on here, because I'm becoming extremely stressed out right now with everything around me.

I'm having difficulties progressing with my studies, and I need to re-assess my priorities. I will be reposting this in all of my games, since it is accurate and reflects taking responsibility for my action or inaction.

I really want to continue, but it does not look good for me now. I wish you all the best, and will try to return soon - because I'm in need of a stress-release, and I can't give you my best when I'm not at 100%.


Male Half-Elf Fighter6/Sorcerer1

Huge bummer, you will be missed, but I totally understand. Gotta have things tight before you can really cool out and game it up. Take care, hope to see you back soon!

Just so everyone knows i'm still here, dealing with a house fire right now, but Ninn is definitely still kicking. ;) I'm just stuck by the charge lol!

Church* not charge..... i'm brain dead right now :p lol

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