About Tristan DelacroixRace: Dhampir | Size: M | Class/Levels: Ranger* 7 (Beastmaster/Skirmisher)
Shocking Two bladed mithrial sword+1/+1 - Attack Bonus: +14/+9 twf +12/ +7 /+12 /+7 - Damage: 1 d8 + 6 + 1 d6 lightning / 1 d8 + 6 + 1 d6 lightning - Critical: 19-20 x2 - Type: S - Weight: 5lbs Dagger:
- Attack Bonus: +12 / +7 - Damage: 1d4 +5 - Critical: 19-20 x2 - Range: 10 ft - Type: S/P - Weight: 1 lbs - Location: Left wrist Dagger:
- Attack Bonus: +12 / +7 - Damage: 1d4 +5 - Critical: 19-20 x2 - Range: 10 ft - Type: S/P - Weight: 1 lbs - Location: Right wrist MW Darkwood Composite Longbow (+5 str):
- Attack Bonus: +11 / +6 - Damage: 1d8 +5 - Critical: x3 - Range: 110 ft - Type: P - Weight: 3 lbs - Efficient quiver: 20 Arrows, 20 cold iron, 20 silver; Quarterstaff - Location: Left hip inside Efficient Quiver Quarterstaff:
- Attack Bonus: +12 / + 7 twf +10/ +7/ +10/ +7 - Damage: 1 d6 + 5 / 1 d6 +5 - Critical: x2 - Type: b - Weight: 4 lbs - Location: Efficient Quiver Boot Blade:
- Attack Bonus: +12 / + 7 - Damage: 1d4 +5 - Critical: x2 - Type: P - Weight: 2 lbs - Location: Right Boot -------------------------------------------- SKILLS:
(Ranks + class skill + ability + Miscellaneous = total) - Acrobatics: 5+3+3-1 =10
------------------------ RACIAL ABILITIES:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution: Dhampirs are fast and seductive, but closer to death than most mortals. Senses: Low-light vision and darkvision 60 feet. Manipulative: +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Perception. Undead Resistance: Dhampirs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects. Light Sensitivity (Ex) Creatures with light sensitivity are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) The creature alive, but reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead— positive energy harms it, negative energy heals it. Detect Undead: 3/2
Resist Level Drain: A dhampir takes no penalties from energy draining effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw. --------------
Beast Master/ Skirmisher:
Favored Enemy ( Ex ): Undead +4 Monstrous Humanoid +2 bonus on Bluff , Knowledge , Perception , Sense Motive , and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures. Track ( Ex ): +3 Wild Empathy: +7 Combat Style Feat ( Ex ):
Favored Terrain ( Ex ):
Animal Companion (Ex): A beast master forms a close bond with an animal companion. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability except that the Ranger’s effective druid level is equal to his Ranger level. The Ranger gains a +2 bonus on wild empathy and Handle Animal checks made regarding his animal companion. Unlike a normal Ranger, a beast master’s choice of animal companion is not limited to a subset of all possible animal companion choices he may choose freely among all animal companion choices, just as a druid can. The beast master may have more than one animal companion, but he must divide up his effective druid level between his companions to determine the abilities of each companion. For example, a beast master with an effective druid level of 4 can have one 4 th-level companion, two 2 nd-level companions, or one 1 st-level and one 3 rd-level companion. Each time a beast master’s effective druid level increases, he must decide how to allocate the increase among his animal companions (including the option of adding a new 1 st-level companion). Once an effective druid level is allocated to a particular companion, it cannot be redistributed while that companion is in the Ranger’s service (he must release a companion or wait until a companion dies to allocate its levels to another companion). The share spells animal companion ability does not give the Ranger the ability to cast a single spell so that it affects all of his animal companions. This ability replaces hunter’s bond. Improved Empathy Link (Su): The beast master gains an empathic link with all of his animal companions. This functions like an empathic link with a familiar, except the Ranger can also see through a companion’s eyes as a swift action , maintaining this connection as long as he likes (as long as the companion is within 1 mile) and ending it as a free action . The Ranger can only see through the eyes of one companion at a time, and is blinded while maintaining this connection. Hunters tricks 6/6:
Sic 'Em (Ex): The Ranger can use this trick as a swift action . His animal companion makes one melee attack against an adjacent creature. The animal companion must be able to see and hear the Ranger to make this attack.
Vengeance Strike (Ex): The Ranger can use this trick as an immediate action when an enemy adjacent to him hits an ally with a melee or ranged attack. The Ranger can make a single melee attack at his highest base attack bonus against the creature who attacked his ally.
Animal Companion: Zero:
Size: Large Male. HP:58 Defense
Ability Scores: Str 24 (7) Dex 17 (3)Con 17 (3) Int 3 (-4) Wis 15 (2) Cha 10 (0) Special Attacks: grab, +4 on cmb
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. Skills
Proficiency two bladed sword (1st lvl) Twf (ranger) Double Slice (3rd lvl) Boon Companion (5th lvl) Improved twf (7th) Weapon Focus (two bladed sword) (GM bonus) ------------ TRAITS Hunter's Blood +1 Suspicious +1 to sense motive and this is always a class skill ----------------------- EQUIPMENT Platinum: 0 Gold: 57 Silver: 0 Copper: 0 Bag of Holding 1:
Waterskin 2lbs; Flint and steel; Bedroll 5lbs; Hemp Rope 50ft; Inflict Light wounds wand (46 charges ); small steel mirror 1/2 lb; skeleton key +10; Potion of Inflict Moderate Wounds 3 X2 wrist sheath
Efficient Quiver:
60 arrows (20 normal, 20 silver, 20 cold iron); MW darkwood longbow (+5 str); quarterstaff -------------------- Character PERSONALITY:
Tristan is hotheaded and quick to anger often the first to go from words to steel. He has little patience for others except for his wife Aria, she is the only person who can calm him down often with a simple touch on the shoulder or a look. APPEARANCE:
5"11' 180lbs Athletic build broad shoulders slender waist. Stark white shoulder length hair. Both ears are pierced the right ear has two piercing in the upper cartilage and one in the upper cartilage of the left ear. Dark red eyes like blood that appear to shine when light hits them. Slightly elongated eye teeth that get even longer when in battle or angry. Wears a black trench coat that conceals his daggers. The coat is black leather with thin plates of metal over the right shoulder. His right arm is covered in black glyphs meant to show his profession as a hunter of the undead to followers of Karone. History:
The beginning of Tristan starts nine months before his birth when a group of undead hunters snuck into the keep of a known Vampire lord. They had planned their move perfectly they took out the human guards on the outside silently as well as the skeletal on the inside. The only problem was the Lord of the keep had known they were planning this from the start one of the men of the group was a traitor and seeked immortality. When they reached his main room they found him lounging in a chair one leg thrown up over the arm of his chair. The naked bodies of numerous female corpses scattered on the floor from his feeding. "I had been wondering how long it would take you all to get here."
The remaining man and the women both fought Kyle and it seemed as if they would win until the Vampire came behind the remaining man Brandon and brought his large greatsword down and cleaved him in half. Well that was entertaining, now for the main course. He said with a wicked smile and a hungry look in his eye as he dropped the blade and slammed his fist into the side of the woman's face. When she finally awoke she noticed three things; one she was no longer in the keep, two she was naked, and three she was pregnant. Well it didn't take long to realize what that bastard had done to her rather than kill her he had left her with an abomination growing inside her. She had heard of this type of creature but had never believed it could actually be done. It was then in some dark dank cellar she decided to use the creature growing inside her to hunt and the kill the bastard responsible. First Kyle and then the Vampire Mordred. She spent the nine months of her pregnancy in hiding while gathering information on Kyle and Mordred. When Tristan was born he had a full set of stark white hair and piercing red eyes...just like his father...Igraine thought with contempt. Tristan was always trying to get his mothers affection excelling at every task she presented to him, but she only treated him with scorn and contempt. She taught him how to fight, how to hunt, and most importantly how to kill. His one friend was the tiger cub he had rescued when he was 12 he was amazed that his mother let him raise the cub. When he turned 15 she left to find Kyle and finally kill him. She never returned. Since then Tristan has hunted those who should no longer exist those who have escaped Karone's embrace. When he turned 19 he met an elven bard named Aira who for what ever reason seemed to be interested in a pitiful wretch like him. When they first met she was being backed into a corner by some lowlife thug who couldn't take no for an answer. Just as Tristan reached them he heard a loud bang and watched as the thug slumped to the ground dead with a bullet between his eyes. Can I help you? She asked he green eyes sparking in the dim light of the alley as she calmly steps over the corpse and loads another bullet into her gun. I heard the commotion and was trying to help. He said staring into her jade green eyes. Could I be so bold as to buy you a drink.. He said somewhat hesitantly. Completely entranced by this beautiful women. It didn't take long into their conversation that not only was she attractive but her mind was just as beautiful if not more. When he told her what he was and what he did rather than be appalled or frightened she did the strangest thing she grab him and kissed him on the lips then held him close. Soon after the two married and since then they have been traveling hunting for any information about Kyle, Mordred, and now Tristan's mother Igraine. They are currently headed towards the Grand Hall of the Arisan High Council, in the city of Ren in hopes that their may be someone their who can shed some light on what had happened to his mother. |