Barbed Devil's Summon Barbed Devil / Lemures Ability

Rules Questions

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hi everybody: how long does it take to a Barbed Devil to use his Summon Barbed Devil/Lemures (Mag.)Ability? A standard action, or 1 round as per the Summon Monster spells? Many thanks!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
vale73 wrote:

Hi everybody: how long does it take to a Barbed Devil to use his Summon Barbed Devil/Lemures (Mag.)Ability? A standard action, or 1 round as per the Summon Monster spells? Many thanks!


All spell-like abilities take only a standard action unless specifically stated otherwise. To more clearly answer your question: It's a standard action.

vale73 wrote:

Hi everybody: how long does it take to a Barbed Devil to use his Summon Barbed Devil/Lemures (Mag.)Ability? A standard action, or 1 round as per the Summon Monster spells? Many thanks!


I've always ruled that it's 1 round per the following lines:

From the description of summon "A creature with the summon ability can summon other specific creatures of its kind much as though casting a summon monster spell"

Then from Spell-Like Abilities: "A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description."

And then from Summon Monster: "Casting Time 1 round"

So Summon is a spell-like ability with a casting time of 1 round (as noted in the spell description).

vale73 wrote:

Hi everybody: how long does it take to a Barbed Devil to use his Summon Barbed Devil/Lemures (Mag.)Ability? A standard action, or 1 round as per the Summon Monster spells? Many thanks!


It's a standard action, though there will be table variation on this.


Thank you very much, and must the barbed devil summon the lemures/barbed devils within the range of the Summon Monsters Spell or can he summon them within a greater distance?
And if a Barbed Devil teleports away and flees from the combat, do the lemures/barbed devils remain, or do they disappear? They remain, right?
And...many thanks, and happy new year to everyone!!!!

J.R. Farrington, Esq. wrote:
vale73 wrote:

Hi everybody: how long does it take to a Barbed Devil to use his Summon Barbed Devil/Lemures (Mag.)Ability? A standard action, or 1 round as per the Summon Monster spells? Many thanks!


I've always ruled that it's 1 round per the following lines:

From the description of summon "A creature with the summon ability can summon other specific creatures of its kind much as though casting a summon monster spell"

Then from Spell-Like Abilities: "A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description."

And then from Summon Monster: "Casting Time 1 round"

So Summon is a spell-like ability with a casting time of 1 round (as noted in the spell description).

"much as though casting a summon monster spell" is not the same, from a rules perspective, as "summon monster 1/day" or "treat as summon monster". In other words, you don't use the mechanics from the summon monster spell; it's just saying that summon monster is the most similar spell.

Grand Lodge

Hi Zurai,

please quote a Source in the Rulebook which undermines that Sentence.

All Sources i have point to what J.R. Farrington was quoting.

What you said could be an GM's interpretation of the Rules, but the only thing i can read is what is written in the Rules.

Regards, Calimar.

Silver Crusade

Calimar_T wrote:

Hi Zurai,

please quote a Source in the Rulebook which undermines that Sentence.

All Sources i have point to what J.R. Farrington was quoting.

What you said could be an GM's interpretation of the Rules, but the only thing i can read is what is written in the Rules.

Regards, Calimar.

Calimar, can you please quote a source that cite the words "much as though casting a summon monster spell" means "function exactly like a summon monster spell"?

What you said could be an GM's interpretation of the Rules, but the only thing i can read is what is written in the Rules.

"A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description."

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

It is a 1 round action for the barbed devil to use the summon ability.

The summon ability of the barbed devil is directly listed as a spell-like ability and that it functions as casting a summon monster spell. The differences between the ability and the spell are listed, both in the Summon section of the monster rules and in the individual creature's description.

Spell-like abilities (Sp) wrote:
A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description.

The spell description for the summon monster spell, which is clearly the spell in question (because it says so) has a casting time of 1 round. Thus it is 'noted otherwise in the spell description'.

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