KaeYoss |
Dwarves are like short orcs with beards and better PR agents.
Yeah, that PR agent thing is the only thing that prevented the big dwarf annihilation.
We're working on it...
They ain't weaker unless you're counting smell.
I have a couple of Pathfinder books that prove you wrong:
Dwarf: No Str bonus.
Orc: +4 strength.
Dwarves do the same things[...]
And they don't rape.
I hate to bring logic into this, but this is mutually exclusive. Because orcs totally rape.
I choose to listen to the truth, i.e. discounting your "story".
KaeYoss |
KaeYoss wrote:Exactly. Dwarves are what real men aspire, but continually fail, to become.Tyrael Maal wrote:But dwarves are no real men. They're no men at all. They're dwarves.
All this talk about beards reminds me. Why do all dwarfs have beards? Because real men shave with chain saws.
You know what: I'll leave you your delusions. It's basically all you have.
stonechild |
Brian Bachman wrote:KaeYoss wrote:Exactly. Dwarves are what real men aspire, but continually fail, to become.Tyrael Maal wrote:But dwarves are no real men. They're no men at all. They're dwarves.
All this talk about beards reminds me. Why do all dwarfs have beards? Because real men shave with chain saws.You know what: I'll leave you your delusions. It's basically all you have.
Brian, ignore the gnome (easy to do). As a race they tend to be the most jealous as they're the closest to dwarf kind but yet fall so short.
Brian Bachman |
KaeYoss wrote:Brian, ignore the gnome (easy to do). As a race they tend to be the most jealous as they're the closest to dwarf kind but yet fall so short.Brian Bachman wrote:KaeYoss wrote:Exactly. Dwarves are what real men aspire, but continually fail, to become.Tyrael Maal wrote:But dwarves are no real men. They're no men at all. They're dwarves.
All this talk about beards reminds me. Why do all dwarfs have beards? Because real men shave with chain saws.You know what: I'll leave you your delusions. It's basically all you have.
You mean gnomes actually exist as something other than silly garden ornaments? I was so busy ignoring them that it slipped my mind.
PF version it's easy to dismiss them as dwarven children going through a rebellious stage.
Brian Bachman |
Brian Bachman wrote:KaeYoss wrote:Exactly. Dwarves are what real men aspire, but continually fail, to become.Tyrael Maal wrote:But dwarves are no real men. They're no men at all. They're dwarves.
All this talk about beards reminds me. Why do all dwarfs have beards? Because real men shave with chain saws.You know what: I'll leave you your delusions. It's basically all you have.
Dwarves are immune to delusions. They know who they are, like it and could care less what the rest of the world thinks.
Madcap Storm King |
I don't hate dwarves, I just hate dwarf fluff. I haven't read Dwarves of Golarion, but the APG saying that dwarves didn't want to be alchemists unless they could make magic beer was pretty much my entire reason for making my dwarves racist imperialist warmongers. If your character conforms to the dwarf racial "package", then I'm sorry to say, but the guy playing a CG drow ranger with two scimitars and a figurine of wonderous power has more characterization than you, even though he actually put in less effort.
MinstrelintheGallery |
MinstrelintheGallery wrote:Every player in my group has played a dwarf at least once- but only two of us will even consider playing gnomes.
Gnome hate is much more prevalent in my opinion.
+1 I hate gnomes
Oh, I don't ahte gnomes, I'm one of the two do do like them. But I have several players who will NEVER play them. All of us have rolled up dwarves, every single player.
Ardenup |
I like dwarves. I hate the speed penalty.
Sorry to say I don't play them often. (I can't pass up human bonus feat- usually)
I'll play a dwarf cleric or Inquisitor (travel domain) any day.
Or a Barbarian or Monk.
BTW- Ivan Bouldershoulder Rocks!!!
I admit Thwibbledorf Pwent is stupid.
Also (forget the name) there was a pretty cool dwarf champion who, when the 2 dwarven kingdoms went to war with each other, begged his king to not make him fight. The king ordered him to and so he turned up to the battle CLEAN SHAVEN and wept openly as he killed his kin.
Cookies for whomever gets the char and what book it was.
Dragonchess Player |
Also (forget the name) there was a pretty cool dwarf champion who, when the 2 dwarven kingdoms went to war with each other, begged his king to not make him fight. The king ordered him to and so he turned up to the battle CLEAN SHAVEN and wept openly as he killed his kin.
Cookies for whomever gets the char and what book it was.
Why do you think Kharas from the Dragonlance books is trivia? OK, they were published over 20 years ago... As for the book, it was the second of the "twins" trilogy (actually Dragonlance Legends): War of the Twins.
Ardenup |
Ardenup wrote:Also (forget the name) there was a pretty cool dwarf champion who, when the 2 dwarven kingdoms went to war with each other, begged his king to not make him fight. The king ordered him to and so he turned up to the battle CLEAN SHAVEN and wept openly as he killed his kin.
Cookies for whomever gets the char and what book it was.
Why do you think Kharas from the Dragonlance books is trivia? OK, they were published over 20 years ago... As for the book, it was the second of the "twins" trilogy (actually Dragonlance Legends): War of the Twins.
Here's a cookie. :)
Didn't think it was too obscure. Just liked a reference for a dwarf char who was NOT just a hard drinkin', farting elf hating stereotype.
I mean, a dwarf CRYING whilst fighting!?
KaeYoss |
Why do you think Kharas from the Dragonlance books is trivia?
Who of the what books?
Dragon lance? Dragons with lances? That sounds cheezy! They have perfectly fine claws after all. Was it silvers? They think they're paladins on steroids, I wouldn't put it past them to ride dragon horses and wield dragon lances.
gigglestick |
I don't hate dwarves. Though I don't like playing them as a PC.
It's the low DEX/ Beard thing. I like to play characters who use speed over strength. And I HATE beards. I tolerate them in real life, though I think they make most people look filthy. But in RPGs, I never have a character with a beard. Or mustache. (For a while, I had to be careful with my GMing, because "he has a beard" was almost always a code for "evil badguy..." when I was running. I've gotten better since then.
Though Iron Kingdoms dwarves didn't have to have beards...
Other than that, I think they make great NPCs and I've had several players who did a great job with dwarves, so I love to have them in my parties.
MinstrelintheGallery |
I don't hate dwarves. Though I don't like playing them as a PC.
It's the low DEX/ Beard thing. I like to play characters who use speed over strength. And I HATE beards. I tolerate them in real life, though I think they make most people look filthy. But in RPGs, I never have a character with a beard. Or mustache. (For a while, I had to be careful with my GMing, because "he has a beard" was almost always a code for "evil badguy..." when I was running. I've gotten better since then.
Though Iron Kingdoms dwarves didn't have to have beards...Other than that, I think they make great NPCs and I've had several players who did a great job with dwarves, so I love to have them in my parties.
See, beards are the winning argument for me. That's why I've never played an elf.
Canor |
I don't hate dwarves. Though I don't like playing them as a PC.
It's the low DEX/ Beard thing. I like to play characters who use speed over strength. And I HATE beards. I tolerate them in real life, though I think they make most people look filthy. But in RPGs, I never have a character with a beard. Or mustache. (For a while, I had to be careful with my GMing, because "he has a beard" was almost always a code for "evil badguy..." when I was running. I've gotten better since then.
Though Iron Kingdoms dwarves didn't have to have beards...Other than that, I think they make great NPCs and I've had several players who did a great job with dwarves, so I love to have them in my parties.
There are all kinds of fluff you could use to explain a dwarf with no beard.
Captured by (enemy of your choice), shaving was part of the torture before you escaped.
Dishonored your clan and was forced to shave before being expelled from the clan.
Alchemist ... Boom, enough said.
Follow a Deity that perfers clean shaven priests.
the list is nearly endless.
Dragonsong |
I like Dwarves, because all those smexy APG fighter options loose armor training. So whenever I start plotting out any of those my first instinct is to go dwarf.
I do not adhere unwaveringly to "flavor" when making other demihumans and do not when making dwarves.
Well I take that back my flavor is much more Terry Pratchett's Ankh-Morpork city Dwarves than any thing else. IE urbane, and generally like all the other city dwellers regardless of race until someone disparages their race/ancestry.
TheAntiElite |
I don't have dwarves, but 'dorfs' make me want to smack people unless I'm in a similarly silly mood.
My take on dwarves tends to wander in the direction of the Puritans, more in the sake of the work ethic than the other regards. They work hard. They do, admittedly, drink hard. They don't play much, because play to them is more like work, and they like their work as it is. The dourness comes of a belief that the world is out to interfere with their plans, but I tend to make my dwarves have a sort of stereotypically British 'stiff upper lip' thing. Somewhere under the beards, at least for the males.
However, a big part of my take on dwarves is based on keeping them a low-fertility race with all the perceived repercussions in light of their industrious nature. No 'thundering' analog has taken place, so the community is VERY prone to being tight-knit around mothers and women, and highly protective, etc, etc. This also tends to lead to female dwarves being rather popular for nannies, nursemaids, and the like, and having a fairly 'cougar'-ish attitude that in some cases is played for comedy and an explanation of WHY so many dwarven males adventure; they just want to have a bit of time for themselves without being pestered to get the family-building endeavors underway.
I'm weird like that. Dwarves love their crafts, and in certain regards for the ladies their 'craft' is making new dwarves, because the men sure as nine hells can't do that by themselves. (which is also somewhat responsible for a dwarven male fixation with golem-making in my campaigns, why of course it's not symbolic).
Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I don't have dwarves, but 'dorfs' make me want to smack people unless I'm in a similarly silly mood.
Since I got that one, I feel old now...
Favorite character I have played recently was a dwarf monk/inquisitor for the Church of Kols. He hunted down oath breakers that had fled dwarven lands.
dave.gillam |
Brian Bachman wrote:So, if you invite a dwarf to your party, he drinks all your beer, beats up all your friends, steals your girlfriend and trashes your house, and then walks out
Yeah, people hate dwarves because they rob, pillage, assault and rape.
So you basically say dwarves are like orcs, only a lot shorter and weaker?
Ive read, Ive pondered, and I still dont get it.
You invited him. and you clearly dont understand any of the 4 charges you make.So the fact that he and your fellow fratboys drank all the beer, well thats whats supposed to happen at a party. Who is it robbery?
Frat boy roughhousing doesnt count as assault (usually)
He'd have to be stealing your stuff to be pillaging.
Trashing a house is just part of Fratboy partying.
And just how the infinate layers of the abyss is your woman leaving with him "rape"?
And the final joke of all this; We're taking the word of a clown in makeup as to whats "manly" :roll:
Wolfsnap |
Anyone who wants to hear one of the best characterizations of a Dwarf Wizard should really go to RPGMP3.com and listen to their epic play podcast of the World's Largest Dungeon by AEG. Paul plays Balazaar, a character that manages to perfectly encapsulate, over the course of 40 sessions and 20 levels, the abject stubbornness and aggressive bloody-mindedness of dwarven nature compounded with the sheer gee-whiz love of stuff going boom really loud and general arcane insanity that is the hallmark of the best mad wizards.
ikki |
Some day, try a all-dwarf. All Fighter-Cleric (mostly cleric).
TONS of hitpoints, all healers, Bloody tanks the whole bunch. Naturally wearing enchanted Superheavy UltraplateArmour. Like +12 on just armor, and even more with enchantments (home-made).
No idea to waste points on dexterity. Or charisma. Speed? Well down to 5' now with the plates and hyper towershields of 6 inces thick adamantium. Untouchable, unmovable, indestructible. Did i mention they are all healers? and have superhigh constitions? ;)
With home-made vorpal battleaxes +1 and the rest of their stats wont matter much. Oh and probly should have some kind of ranged weapons too.
Skull |
+1 for this thread!
I loved reading through most of this, apart from some Orc hate :P
Dwarf is one of my favorite races as well, but strangely its a race that until recently I was ignoring completely. Id like to think I was saving the best for last. :)
Edit: Just remembered, for some reason I get the feeling that some people on the forum are assuming that dwarves are small creatures. This is incorrect, just because they are a bit shorter than humans does not make them "small" they still count as medium.