Most interesting / fun / funny character concepts you've done

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So I've read alot on these forums about this and that and this is my question...

What are some of the more interesting/fun/funny characters you've done?

I made a bar room brawler, rogue/fighter with throw anything, catch off guard, two weapon fighting, and about any other improvied weapon feat i could get.

funniest moment? Hitting two guys with a table using power attack, since it was an improvised weapon and the opponents were unarmed, they were flat footed to me so I got to add my sneak attack damage. Finished off the pair with a two weapon fighting full round attack with beer mugs.

Sovereign Court

I once had a female gnome bard that used a nagaika and was obsessed with finding a rich husband. Emphasis on rich. She had hilarious verbiage, and totally dumb feat selections (Exotic prof for a bard? That does less damage anyway? lol).

ON the more interesting side I had a character that was basically Vega from street fighter. A Monk/Rogue that used steel claws as weapons. He was a beast. Tore things to pieces. I don't recall the build, exactly. I know power attack was there, improved and greater feint.

I currently play a Setzer/Gambit esque character for Curse of the Crimson throne. He's an Arcane Duelist, using arcane strike on razor edged cards he throws using PBS and Rapid Shot.

Leshok wrote:

So I've read alot on these forums about this and that and this is my question...

What are some of the more interesting/fun/funny characters you've done?

I made a bar room brawler, rogue/fighter with throw anything, catch off guard, two weapon fighting, and about any other improvied weapon feat i could get.

funniest moment? Hitting two guys with a table using power attack, since it was an improvised weapon and the opponents were unarmed, they were flat footed to me so I got to add my sneak attack damage. Finished off the pair with a two weapon fighting full round attack with beer mugs.

I just got finished playing an arrogant elf who wore a Stetson, carried two gun blades, and had a deep hatred for elves. Was actually trying to get people to go to war with them (and was doing quite well actually.)

Another one was Kojak Hammerswallow, who was a one punch wonder (monk, took feats to make him good, but only on the first attack and only if he goes first). He likes to get drunk and take bets to see if he can swallow hammers. He belongs to Bear Rapers Inc, whose leader, Hadgar ( a dwarf), wields a maul called Bear Raper (it has a bear head as the head of the maul). Occassionally, Bear Raper will wind up missing, so Hadgar calls all the Bear Rapers together to find Kojak and stop him before he swallows the maul.

Dark Archive

Back in 2nd edition, in Spelljammer, when the 'normal' members of the party included a Giff, a krynnish Minotaur and a half-Ogre-Mage, I played a Gnomish Giant Space Werehamster (who was also a clockwork mage, and spent evenings on a cobbled-together exercise bike, 'recharging his shocking grasp gauntlet').

His shining moment was tunneling us to freedom after we were imprisoned on the Rock of Bral. Go, go, burrow speed!

It got pretty wild and woolly (rupert!) in the waning days of 2nd edition...

I played a CN bard in 2nd ED for 1 session.
The party was fighting a draco-lisk and had just spit acid on him, and his sword melted, so he lost it, charged and scored a nat 20 on the thing with his guitar. WHABONG!
He died on the dracolisks's next action :)

Favorite off the wall guy was a dwarf barb2/battlerager5/fighter 4.
Danfarth Stonehack. He was dual wielding greatswords (I miss monkey grip), one dropped from a baddy early on, was +1 shocking burst and the other a few game sessions later was +2 thundering.
When negotiations would start to run afoul, he'd draw them and clang em together as part of an intimidate check. It worked often :)

wait... a dwarven barbarian/battlerager/fighter was NEGOTIATING??

that is a weird character! ;)

Link, from Legend of Zelda.

Two-Weapon Fighting Sword and Board Ranger

Substituted the Animal Companion for a Coure Eladrin (a celestial that almost perfectly matches Navi)

EDIT: I'll also note he had a flaw that prevented him from forming intelligent words in battle, so the only noises he made while fighting were the same ones from Ocarina of Time :D

Leshok wrote:

wait... a dwarven barbarian/battlerager/fighter was NEGOTIATING??

that is a weird character! ;)

That's what happens when you travel with a "fawking bard" (he said that often :P ).

Currently a barbarian named "Faulkner" (After William Faulkner and the Pokemon gym leader) who is completely obsessed with birds. His hair is a feathered mohawk, he painted the scales on his scale mail to look like feathers. He has a feathery "mane" on his vest, and wields a trident named "Talon" with a shield named "Mama Hen." His speech mannerisms are very barbarian-esque, and he's the laughing stock of the group.

Just after we killed a guard in front of a jail, incapacitated another with Sleep, and the third surrendered.

Surrendered Guard, as we're locking him in the jail: "Where's Frank?"

Monk: "Frank?"

The entire party looks back into the clearing in front of the jail. A guard is lying dead on the ground, three puncture wounds in his torso from Talon.

Faulkner: "Want say word for Frank?"

Monk: "Dead."

Faulkner: "Good word. Accurate."

Once I had a religious zealot of a monk devoted to Sune. I always described his fighting as more like dancing, his monk robe was a sequined vest, he wore gloves as to not sully his perfect hands and, he would people up monsters that "had no compassion" with his "love touch". Also he was try to bed everything that moved (regardless of gender).

To this day one of my favorite characters was Babbit. She was created after a dinner with the DM; in which, he went on and on about the things he hated that players did. Including playing cross gender, picking up prestige classes that gained magical abilities for no apparent reason. I then created the character to be every thing he hated.

She screamed and closed her eyes the first time she was in combat, her only goal was to become part of this group that was attached to a prestige class (that gained magical abilities).

The best part was by the time the game ended she was the dm's favorite character.

@Kryzbyn - It's not 'WHABONG', it's 'KABONG'!

Let's see ... 1st edition halfling fighter ... had a Girdle of Storm Giant Strength (giving him a Strength of 25) and Gauntlets of Ogre Power (18/00 Strength). He liked arm wrestling humans in bars for drinking money. Never lost. LOL

3.5E - I couldn't find an appropriate race, so I went with a Human Bard, had his masterwork lute enchanted as a Club +1, Bane (music critics). Yes, the DM allowed it. Also had it enchanted with Thundering. When he scored a crit, there was a loud KABONG! His nickname? El Kabong.

You see a lot of crazy builds and zany concepts over about 30 years of playing. Strangely, though, the craziest to come to my mind wasn't a particularly unusual build at all: it was a half-orc thief from second edition. And he wasn't even my character.

He belonged to a friend, who also happened to be the most outrageously provocative and disruptive player ever. Now, where that behavior normally got him kicked out, or the game eventually ended from countless disruptions, in the case of Gruthel (the aforementioned half-orc), it was for the most part just one hilarious antic after another.

After ability adjustments and point-buy, he ended up with a mind-bending 2 Charisma and a Wisdom that was almost equally as low. We had a great time drawing amazingly ugly pictures of him, complete with wild tufts of hair, extra eyes, and a second mouth situated on the side of his neck.

My friend played him so rock stupid in the wisdom department, and so repulsive and difficult to deal with... well, let's just say if they gave out awards for Roleplaying around the kitchen table, he would have got Best Actor. There wasn't a single situation that ended well, but they all ended hilariously.

To me, the funniest part was when Gruthel was finally turned to stone by a cockatrice. Two party members were petrified so, and we had no way to carry them back to town, so we agreed to bury them temporarily, until we could return with means to change them back. We all sat quietly for a minute, looking at each other expectantly. Finally, Gruthel's player smiled, shook his head and said, "No, I don't think we should dig him up. Let's just leave him there."

It was a fitting end to such a remarkably awful PC, that his own player/creator decided it was best just to leave him petrified and buried.

Made an Ork Scout in Earthdawn.

Gahad (Orks have basically a racial OCD that manifests in creative ways) selection was as follows;

Alcoholism (I'd leave town to adventure with a dozen wineskins of spirits on me. At least).

Inability to speak about Horrors: horrors being the lovecraftian/demonic/terribly evil BBEGs of the game world.

When the party saved the town after an early adventure, my character claimed the tavern. And proceeded to drink it into debt while creating various interesting new brews (combined nature lore with medical study to experiment).

Also led to some hilarious drunken master checks (I tended to open-end roll into obscenely high numbers at bizarre times, usually while my Ork was totally plastered).

Finally, my character (being the scout) found the terrible greater Horror responsible for our current predicament and managed to get away (this was done privately with the GM, away from the group). The dawning terror of the rest of the party as my character returned and could not speak about what he'd seen was priceless.

My favorite characters are the ones capable of obscene displays of power.

My character was a human warlock with a horrible temper. The DM allowed spellcasters to develop epic spells/invocations/powers as long as we could make the checks. I successfully made the checks around lvl 16 and developed an invocation called Ridiculikinesis; this allowed me to telekinetically rip up a small structure (chunk of wall, huge statue, etc.), hold it for up to 10 minutes, and slam it down with fun results.

Setting - Sharn, City of Towers
Background - Before our DM finally retired our Eberron campaign (we stopped sometime after reaching lvl everybody's-a-lvl-2-commoner Eberron), our group of anti-heroes and lunatics finally grew tired of dealing with a rival adventuring party composed of teenage nobility and a paladin of the Silver Flame; our solution was to sap their base of opperations and kill them. After that failed, miserably, and we made our way out of Khyber (looong story) we were all lvl 18 and decided to start our own adventuring company and subsequentially retire.
Our rivals were still active and twice as obnoxious as before and started working against us on a politcal level. Business was impossible and now our rivals had the backing of the local LG Adventurer Society (can't remember the name). Our group finally had enough and issued an ultimatum in the form of a gift. In our group's travels we took out a daelkyr-lord (CR 20-something outsider) and had it "stuffed" (preserved); this was the gift. We sent this to Sharn's government asking them to do something about Team Prick - otherwise we take Sharn for ourselves.
Our rivals got word and formed an army; so did our group. During the chaos, the rival group made their way to a tower we were holding.
The paladin charged across the bridge towards us on horseback.
In response my character (using the flight invocation) flew out to greet him; my warlock used Ridiculikinesis and (after DM approval) grabbed the top 50% of a nearby tower and took out the paladin and his filthy little horse too.

I got to check off another one on my Things-I-Absolutely-Must-Do list.

My last really memorable character was a Elf Wizard who was completely obsessive/compulsive. He refused to touch food, and he would only eat with mage hand. He would frequently order absurd things in restaurants, often asking for insane requests (like having his food arranged in a very specific way on his plate). He also used prestidigitation frequently to clean everything. He would spend hours sitting in every chair in a room until he found one that he liked. He had outfits for every occasion of the day, for every day. He would be useless if the party was awoken in the night by an ambush, because he couldn't fight unless he was wearing his day-specific adventuring outfit. He was also the smartest person in the world, and would be glad to prove it on a daily basis. One quote comes to mind: commoner: "you should go speak to -insert npc name-, he lives in the old house on the hill, he's the smartest person in town." Me: "Thats impossible. I'm in town!" His banned schools where Evocation (because he was affraid of explosions) and Necromancy (because...deadthings...germs...unsanitary). Which is funny, because the unholy living dead were the only things capable of putting up with his ridiculous behavior.

Also, I had a friend of mine play in an old forgotten realms campaign. His character was an epic metal bard named Foghat Limozine. He once got captured by frost giants, but they let him go, because he bequothed to them, the secrets of Metal. They later began worshiping him like kids in the 80's worshiped Iron Maiden. This caused him to become a minor deity. All of this was possible because of a glibbness bluff check, and a natural 20 on his maxed out perform check. He also took a trip to the 9 hells, and had a devil forge for him a magical lute made from minotaur bones.

My most recent favs have been
-Boffo- a Gnome Air bloodline sorc, spoke in an Indian accent, and was the party face. NG, got nommed by a fell flotsam :P
-Grigg- Grippli (small frog) witch, potion seller, spoke with a Russian accent, actually left 1/2 the party behind when the job went bad, took the bard with him. CN, only really in it for hiimself, but wouldn't go out of his way to harm others.

One of my favorites was actually a character i came up with for a lvl 1 PF campaign that never got passed lvl 1. lol. He was an infernal bloodline human sorcerer who was bat-shit crazy. He spoke in a low mumbled voice to himself and his familiar...a tiny ball of fire he created with Prestidigitation...he was completely convinced it was his familiar. He was utterly dumb and devoid of all interpersonal relations. He was actually convinced he was a wizard, but could not understand why he was kicked out of the magic school. He did not understand the infernal language, but spoke it in his sleep and freaked out his party members.

He was fun times.

Another was in a 3.5 game. I rolled a raptoran mystic theurge that had 2 distinct personalities: the wizard and the cleric. I worked it out with my DM and we came up with a special roll i had to make every round of combat to determine which personality was manifested. The campaign had a large number of situations like:

<i>fighter is close to dieing</i>
Fighter: "Heal ME!"
Me: "I cant! imma blow his ass up!"
<i>next round, fighters dead and the baddies will die from a fireball</i>
Rogue: "Drop the fireball and end it, before we wip!"
Me: "How'd the fighter die!? I gotta rez him somehow!"
<i>rogue bolts, i die, ranger dies, fighters dead</i>
Party: <i>to me</i> "WTF?!?!?! WHERE DID THIS GUY COME FROM?!!? we love him hahahahaha."


Wow, I love these. It reminds me of the single craziest character I've ever played.

We were preparing for a campaign and I just couldn't think of what to play. So I did what all good players do and asked another player to pick a race and class at random. We came up with the Ogre Wizard (or as we prefer, the Ogre Mage XP).

It was ridiculous! Even with the low BAB I was hitting like a brick...well you know...with a greataxe. The backstory was that a Wizard had used arcane experiments on me and attempted to teach me magic. I learned. And I ate him. He had a "scarf" around his neck that the psychotic murderer (who happened to be mark of justiced to us) psion [telepath]/soul knife noticed was a wizards robe. So when I cast Fireball out of no where in the fourth session, people were a bit confused.

But I think the most enjoyable part was grabbing the dwarf player and jumping out of a football field sized tree, and using my axe to slow our decent. It was great!

No to mention I still talked like a goon even after everyone realized i was smarter than the average ogre.

Had a monk follower of Sune named Cyclone Jones (3.5). Wore a sequined gown, but I basically made him act like Ric Flair. I even took improved grapple instead of stunning fist, so I could get my figure four leg lock on. Our adventure groups name? The Horsemen, of course!

In the early days of Pathfinder (probably back during the Beta), our GM adapted Bruce Cordell's Return to the Tomb of Horrors for 3.5/PF play. Most of our characters during that play session were left over from a previous campaign and were powerhouses in their own right, having been built as hybrids of Pathfinder classes and material from old 3.5 sourcebooks.

Shortly after escaping the City of Moil and making our way into the Fortress of Conclusion proper, S'hesh, my beloved lizardman barbarian/scout/anointed knight, met his demise when he came into contact with a sphere of annihilation. I needed a replacement, and had been bandying around a concept for awhile after watching one too many Peter Sellers films (in this case, Murder by Death). Thus, Fao Qing Aso joined the party, inundating every conversation with variants of every lame "Confucius say" joke you've ever heard (rephrased as "Drunken Aso have saying...").

Fao Qing lasted only two sessions of play, and was turned into a wight by Acererak in our final confrontation with the demilich. Yet the laughs he brought to our table are fondly remembered by us all two years later. (And I am once again channeling Peter Sellers' performance as Dr. Strangelove through my Call of Cthulhu character, Professor Rolf von Dusseldorf.)

Following are the hastily constructed stats and accompanying intro I used to familiarize the other characters with the monk they met wandering the halls of the Fortress of Conclusion. (And yes, this build is probably broken and in violation of numerous rules - the GM approved it, though, deciding that we would need every advantage we could possibly scrounge up to defeat Acererak!)

Fao Qing, Disciple of Drunken Aso
Chaotic Good Human Monk 4 / Drunken Master 8

"Drunken Aso not always Drunken Aso. He born Little Aso. Little Aso always dream of growing up to be Big Aso, even when other children call him Dumb Aso. But he grow up strong and become Big Aso, and Big Aso take up art of empty hand. Big Aso not win tournament for two years, and he thinking maybe he just Sad Aso. Then one day, Aso drown sorrows in neighborhood tavern. The drinks make him strong and quick, like river dragon. Aso win his third tournament after drinking jug of sake off emperor's banquet table. Elders say, 'By the gods! No one able to defeat that Drunken Aso!' Drunken Aso's teachings passed down by his family, father to son, for nineteen generations now. That is my full name, you see - Fao Qing Aso."

Str 16 +3
Dex 14 +2
Con 12 +1
Int 14 +2
Wis 18 +4
Cha 14 +2

Hit Points 93
Armor Class 27; Touch 27; Flat Footed 25
BAB +9
CMB +13; +15 Grapple/Trip
CMD 31
Saves: Fortitude +13, Reflex +12, Will +10 (+12 vs. enchantments).

Special Abilities: Evasion, Fast Movement +10', Ki Pool (magic, 6 pts.), Slow Fall 20', Greater Improvised Weapons, Stagger, Stunning Fist (7/day, stunned and fatigued, DC 20), Swaying Waist (+2 Dodge bonus vs. one enemy), Drink Like a Demon (+2 Str or Con, -2 Int/Wis, up to 8 at once, 11 rounds), For Medicinal Purposes (3/day).

Full Attack +12/+7 melee, +11/+6 ranged
Flurry of Blows +15/+15
Unarmed Damage 1d10+3/x2
Improvised Weapon Damage 2d6+3+1d8/19-20 x2; an improvised weapon breaks on a natural 1.

Skills: Acrobatics (Dex) 12/+17, Bluff (Cha) 12/+17, Climb (Str) 4/+10, Escape Artist (Dex) 5/+10, Intimidate (Cha) 1/+6, Perception (Wis) 12/+19, Ride (Dex) 4/+9, Sense Motive (Wis) 9/+16, Stealth (Dex) 9/+14, and Swim (Str) 4/+10.

Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude, Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Catch Off-Guard, Combat Expertise, Toughness, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon Mastery, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Greater Feint.

Equipment: Monk's robe, ring of protection +4, amulet of natural armor +4, Type I bag of holding containing 100 bottles of fine sake, 3 beads of force.

Wealth: 500 gp

Rufus Thistlebrier, carpenter:

Many years ago I was invited to join an ongoing AD&D campaign by some friends. I went to a game session and sat next to the GM, listening in for a little while until they took a short break. The GM asked me to roll attributes during the break so that I could start making a character, do I got out some dice and, in front of the GM and the whole group rolled 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 16, and then a 00 for percentile strength.

Everyone was duly impressed with the numbers, and had suggestions for what crazy multi-classed characters I could make with those. I caught some jealousy vibes as well, since there were already 4 PCs and any character I make was sure to overshadow other characters when I caught up to their level. They had:
Elven Cleric/Wizard
Elven Cleric/Wizard
Elven Wizard/Rogue
Half Elven Cleric/Rogue/Wizard

Every character was an elf or half-elf (Elves were hands-down the most optimized race choice), Multi-class (Again, hands-down the most optimized choice), spellcaster. Also, every character was written to be the center of attention: lost heir of the kingdom, chosen by the gods, etc.

So I made "Rufus Thistlebrier" a first level human fighter. He was the straight-man & supporting actor to everyone's superstar. It was awesome!

Tune in for exciting stories of mystery and never before seen adventure like:

Rufus gets hungry:
No one had ever kept track of rations or bought food in the game before, so on our 11th day in a dungeon when Rufus was almost out of food and asked when they would be returning to town, everyone was amazed. The one of the magical elves cast a spell that summoned wonderful food and drink, and we had a great feast in the dungeon! From then on, we rarely had to subsist on dried meat and hard biscuits, because the elves took turns summoning magical food each day.

Rufus poops:
Making camp in a large room where we'd recently fought a battle, Rufus dragged all the corpses into a corner far from where he intended to sleep. Then as the part was settling in, he disappeared behind a dungeon feature (A huge stone chair). Everyone was freaked out by a party member being out of sight, and started talking about what nefarious deeds Rufus must be up to.

One PC cast a scrying spell to spy on Rufus' and the GM showed him the note I'd passed. It said, "These elves never sleep and they always seem to be watching me. Which is kinda creepy. How's a guy supposed to get some privacy? When I'm done moving the bodies, and tear off some scraps of clean cloth, bring my waterskin, and go behind that big stone chair to strip off my armor, take a sponge bath, and probably a dump."

Rufus talks to a monster:
We turn a corner in a dungeon, Rufus in the lead of course, him being the only character in the group who didn't fight for last-spot. Rounding the corner, the GM describes a hideous monster looking right at Rufus! So, he does what any reasonable person would do. He yelled, "Holy @#$%!" and dropped his torch.

As the rest of the party started preparing powerful magics to battle whatever came around the corner, the monster asked Rufus, "Why have you intruded upon my lair?" Rufus, being raised my good people, was a polite young man, and apologized for the intrusion, explaining that he had not known anyone was living in this particular chamber, and could he please be pointed in the general direction of The Lich, for his companions wished to do battle with it. The monster, shuddering at the thought of the lich, kindly allowed us to proceed through it's chamber, and provided a useful description of the surrounding area.

And many more favorites!

In 3.5, I played a Halfling Scout who had a few levels of Fighter (for the archery feats) who made a reputation for himself as a hunter of rare monsters and then turning around and cooking them. He made a ton of cash selling garlic-rubbed, slow smoked owlbear and the like. He got to the point where a couple of adventures turned on rival nobles who pressured the party to hunt and cater events that were being held on the same day.

The crowning achievement was my ultra-lucky natural 20 plus Skirmish damage when fighting a dragon that proved to be the death blow (and I hadn't landed a shot all combat). I hired a team of laborers to bring the body back and made dragon-cue with a line of people jockeying for position! It was win, as I got the meat and one of the party got the scales for a set of armor. The party made a ton on the dragon--cue by trading gold and magic items for a seat at the table. We targeted nobles and a mage's guild. It was thanks to the bard being my hype-girl. "When will you ever have a chance to taste the flesh of such a great beast. Perhaps you will ingest some of the dragon's power?"

Of course, a dragon-worshipping cult tried to seek revenge kind of made that a one-time menu selection.

I hate playing elves, and so when some friends learned that I wanted to play a bladesinger (AD+D gish, that had to be elven) they were pretty surprised. When I showed up, I described my character as an avariel (winged elf) with no wings, and an arm and eye missing as well. One of my friends started laughing pretty hard.

"You're playing a half elf! He's only got half of himself left!"

Then we laughed for a while. Best elf I ever played.

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