New Order of the Stick Strip Up


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I mean what he was gonna say.

Lads, I know I jus' lied to ye, but dis time it really be me!

Not really any sensical plot that'll just let them trust Durkon again without destroying him.

MageHunter wrote:

I mean what he was gonna say.

Lads, I know I jus' lied to ye, but dis time it really be me!

Not really any sensical plot that'll just let them trust Durkon again without destroying him.

True but I could see Roy think hmm wait a minute.

That's generally because Roy is almost the brains of the operation. ALMOST.

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MageHunter wrote:

I mean what he was gonna say.

Lads, I know I jus' lied to ye, but dis time it really be me!

Not really any sensical plot that'll just let them trust Durkon again without destroying him.

Plus, Durkon didn't know how long he'd be in control, so trying to stick around would have been risky.

I wonder if we'll ever see the vampire spirit of Durkula in Hel's realm or something. Just to see what sort of consequences he's facing. I feel confident that we'll see Durkon's spirit in Thor's realm (or maybe somewhere else) before the comic is over.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1132: Afterdeath

That got answered quick.

I love that a bunch of dwarves don't have the accent. I know we met some, but it kind've seems like he's the only one.

It's like trying to figure out why Ambassador Mollari has an accent.

Maybe because Mollari is to be emperor?

Also I'm sure I agree with Durkon, the cat's fine.

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Also I'm sure I agree with Durkon, the cat's fine.

I'm not. Cats are evil!

That's why they're fine. They are evil and fine.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

1132: Afterdeath

That got answered quick.

Sometimes I think Rich must read our comments here.

>.> Probably fine....

I think Rich just has scrying 5...

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1133: Call Answering

Some times I think Rich would benefit from having Golorian's afterlife system...

But then we wouldn't get these meetings works! :)

Liberty's Edge

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Unbounded optimism. That is Elan al'right :-)

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That and him expositioning how plot works in such a way that it has no choice but to resurrect durkon and in a convenient enough way.

Eh. I remain skeptical that will actually happen. I think the twist is they can only res one and Durkon lets them choose the other cleric.

Hilgya is probably a high enough level to bring Durkon back. I would say she counts as Durkon's personal rival, so she is at least as high a level of cleric as he is.

Silver Crusade

The other possibility is that Hilgya is Durkon's permanent replacement as the team cleric. I've kinda been assuming that since she showed up, but I was also assuming Durkon's soul would actually be destroyed once Durkula was done with it, which never happened.

I don't think we every did vampirism that way. I think we even let resurrection fix vampirism. Well kind of the first one destroyed the vampire the second one actually resurrected the player.

This is where wish and divine intervention always made more sense to me than just a handy "resurrection" spell.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
This is where wish and divine intervention always made more sense to me than just a handy "resurrection" spell.

Well my referenced experience was 1st D&D so miracle wasn't an option... I suppose wish would of worked fine.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1134: A Mile In His Shoes

Perfect opportunity for an "Oh. My. God."


I was thinking more like "Have at Thee" or something more Thor related...


Well I figured I'd leave miracle out since like you said, it wasn't available in 1st edition. But divine intervention, clearly that's something that existed then.

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Shadowborn wrote:
Fromper wrote:

I had to look it up: Belkar getting the clasp from the gnome. I remembered he had it, but wondered why it didn't help earlier. I forgot that rubbing it was the activation, which Mr. Scruffy did.

Interestingly, Belkar is expressing his feelings, and the clasp isn't hurting him. His alignment just officially shifted - he's no longer evil!

As for Durkon's revelations, now I want to go back and read ALL of it, to see all the memories and how this was all set up. I'm not sure how I feel about this payoff, though - does this mean the vampire is no longer evil and no longer works for Hel? Shouldn't all vampires go through this when they're done absorbing all the memories of their hosts? I still don't quite get where that's all going.

Most vampires probably don't bother. They take what they need and discard the rest.

And Durkon basically tricked Durkula into letting him expose to all the Goodness of his life. And Durkon is an exceptionally Good (if somewhat stuffy) person.

So basically, Durkon did a destroy undead while he was still dead. :)

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


I was thinking more like "Have at Thee" or something more Thor related...


Well I figured I'd leave miracle out since like you said, it wasn't available in 1st edition. But divine intervention, clearly that's something that existed then.

YEah I think divine intervention always works.

Well it's more DM/GM...but yes.

Liberty's Edge

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I think the talk will happen off-screen and will result in Durkon refusing the Resurrection

As that would make for the greatest dramatic tension

And would explain why we even get those panels :-P

New strip is up! 1135: OMG

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Called it!

I love that Thor did a four wall take on comic book Thor. :)

Also, he's got better armor.

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Gods... How tall do I want to be. Hmm about a head length over the tallest person in the room.

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It would've been funny if the hammer stayed the same size and he could effortlessly lift it.

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Well he is the Mighty Thor, Mage. ;)

Shadow Lodge

1136: Orders From The Top

So our newest issue shows us that even when he's a GOOD Thor, he's still not the best Thor...

Dark Archive

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New one

Whaaaa? Xyklon has had a fortress all this time?!!

Silver Crusade

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"...Xykon has a... ?"

My reaction was exactly the same as Durkon's.

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Have readers forgotten about Xykon's fortress?


That's not the same as saying he's got a fortress. He could be stopping ANYWHERE in the Astral Plane. I mean that's like saying "Hey let's pit stop in Hell." Hell's a big place. There's lots to see.

Silver Crusade

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Yes, after 6 or 7 years since we last saw it, I did forget about it.

After recent events, I keep saying I need to go back and reread all of OOTS from the beginning. This just drives that home.

I didn't read anything into it other than they were stopping there. NOT that "Hey look I have a fortress there!"

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I don’t think Xykon’s fortress is likely to be very important, since Redcloak has the real phylactery.

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Captain collateral damage wrote:
I don’t think Xykon’s fortress is likely to be very important, since Redcloak has the real phylactery.

SHHH!!! Don't tell Xykon.

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Careful! They bark.

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Sharoth wrote:
Careful! They bark.

Its ok those tree's have apparently turned over a new leaf.

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