I picked up the web tales fiction and the novels in ePub format and it works great. Would it be possible to re-release the fiction from the Adventure Paths in an ePub format as well? Either one per chapter... or even better combine all six into a single ePub.
I am not sure if there are issues in how the contract was written for the work preventing this as an option for past stories... but if you could work it into future fiction that would at least be something.
I know I would shell out some bucks for each of them to avoid having to pull the chapter into PDF format on my e-reader.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
I would totally dig this.
Who else likes this idea?
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote: Who else likes this idea? I would like it even more if you ripped the fiction out of the APs all together and sold them separately to those who want them.
But I know that will never happen. Been a waste of space for me since AP 1 :(.
I personally would never buy them, I am not a short story fan.
I'd like it, I made my own version of the the story from #2-18 for reading on my Kindle, cutting out the middle man (ie me making it) would be nice. It would also depend on the price since I do already get them all in my subscription.
I like this idea particularly from the perspective of those Pathfinder players who are interested in the fiction of the Golarion world, but are purely players who would most likely not have cause to pick up the AP volumes. I, personally, subscribe to the APs but have never read any of the tales. When I'm in the mood for some fiction, chances are I'm not lugging around a bunch of AP volumes. If I had an epub format of them collected, however, then I'd just pop them onto my NOOK E-reader and be able to enjoy them at my leisure.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I would be for it, if they was for a pretty reasonable price. Or perhaps given as part of the AP subscription even better. Since I actually like reading novels and the such online. It would make it easier to read them than opening 6 different files.
I would really like that. I agree that I would pick them up, if they were priced right.
Add me to the list... I'd love it.
I also would like this, and am also very happy to see them in my AP product as something I can read even if I am not running the adventure in the AP.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I would also like this. I have friends who are interested in the Pathfinder Fiction, but to get the full story of Varian Jeggare and Radovan I'd need to lend them 6 AP issues first. A reasonably priced PDF/ePub would be great for them to get the full story of those two characters.
I would go for that. Great for a lore reference library.
Hey great idea! I'd be all over this. My group would really get into this big time.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
I think that you'll see some of the older Pathfinder's Journals bundled and sold as ePub books as soon as we get a little breathing room to put them together!
Great to hear and I look forward to my future shopping and reading! I do not have the first AP, so some if it will be new to me. :)
yeah, I like the idea as well. Something low priced would help a LOT. Money is TIGHT these days so I look for PDFs under $5 most of the time.
Add me to the list of 'I like this idea', folks. I actually went through the first couple APs and printed the stories separately to make reading easier, but that consumes a lot of paper/ink.
Any news on this? I am undergoing Pathfinder fiction reading withdrawal since I've stopped reading both the web posts and the AP fiction in anticipation of the ePubs.
I was just wondering about this too...
James Sutter wrote: I think that you'll see some of the older Pathfinder's Journals bundled and sold as ePub books as soon as we get a little breathing room to put them together! Breathing room in editorial doesn't come easily, I'm afraid.
As Vic says--as soon as things get a little less dire in Editor Land, we should be able to get those fiction bundles to market in relatively short order.
I try and be a good patient little product monkey slave fanboy... but is there any movement on this? Getting the AP fiction into en e-Pub is still something I would love to have available. Also it would be nice to have the e-Pub purchase options for the latest web fiction added.
Of course I understand you folks are all busy with your normal production schedule... I just wanted to put a little tickler out there. :)
Thazar wrote: I try and be a good patient little product monkey slave fanboy... but is there any movement on this? Getting the AP fiction into en e-Pub is still something I would love to have available. Also it would be nice to have the e-Pub purchase options for the latest web fiction added.
Of course I understand you folks are all busy with your normal production schedule... I just wanted to put a little tickler out there. :)
We have a bunch of them in process—shouldn't be too much longer.
Just downloaded all the new stuff and look forward to reading! Thanks for following up on my request and here is to hoping more folks buy them so you have motivation to make more! :)
Thazar wrote: Just downloaded all the new stuff and look forward to reading! Thanks for following up on my request and here is to hoping more folks buy them so you have motivation to make more! :) More are in the works! Hopefully the more we do, the more streamlined the process will get...
Fantastic! I particularly like the collected fiction from the APs although I'll end up snatching everything that's available.
Avemar wrote: Fantastic! I particularly like the collected fiction from the APs although I'll end up snatching everything that's available. Happy of the epub PF fiction I bought a while back...
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