
Beltran's page

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Enchantment and Evocation.

I would also like this.

Legacy of Fire was a great campaign setting and had quite a bit of flavor. Council of Thieves was another good one since it didn't go to that high of a level in the end so it would be a bit easier on your GM.

I've actually had the enjoyment of playing an alchemist in a recent campaign from 1-13 and it was an extremely enjoyable class. I was in a party of 5 and the campaign we were playing was council of thieves. The party consisted of myself (alchemist), Cleric, Fighter, Bard, and a Wizard. While many disparities between the classes seem to exist on the page rarely have I found that they play out in that manner. It is really just how you play the game and the atmosphere of your gaming group that will make you feel like an important part of the team.

Now one thing to note is that the Council of Thieves does end at 13 so you don't truly run into the end game that many people claim is where this large game shattering power gap exists, however at the end of this campaign I can say that I wasn't really seeing any disparities and in other campaigns i've played that have gone to 18-20 I still find the melee characters more than hold their own, though again it depends largely on how/when combat occurs and several other random factors.

The alchemist class as I was playing it, largely as someone that just chucked bombs, seemed to really hit its' stride around 4 and was still going strong at the end. I'd recommend playing the class because as someone that was skeptical I found most of my concerns were unfounded.

I have a Nook Color and it opens the PDF's without too much of an issue. The size of the PDF's can make it a little laggy at times.