NeoFax |
If only Pathfinder had something like this. Completely available on any system that can run a web browser and Microsoft Silverlight(Not so thrilled about Silverlight especially with HTML5 available in most browsers now). I would be more than happy to pony up the money I pay for my WotC subscription to Paizo.
Kryzbyn |
If only Pathfinder had something like this. Completely available on any system that can run a web browser and Microsoft Silverlight(Not so thrilled about Silverlight especially with HTML5 available in most browsers now). I would be more than happy to pony up the money I pay for my WotC subscription to Paizo.
As long as its actually a useful tool an allows you to input stats, I'd go along with this.
InsideOwt |
There are some freeware programs such as PCGen that allowing players to generate characters based on various rule sets. Pathfinder is one option and the characters I have generated using PCGen have been great. Sadly no APG content yet but probably in the future.
I would second the want for a browser based character generator. :)
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Liz Courts Contributor |
Aravan |
Actually I have been using the alpha/beta release of PCGen that has the new info from the APG. I would say it is 90% complete at the moment. So far the archtypes I have tried out have worked, though I have found a couple that were buggy. The most obvious thing missing on the release I am using is there is no support for the new favored class options.
All in all PCgen does have some flaws as a pathfinder char generator, but my overall experience has been very favorable.
LilithsThrall |
With a world full of geeks and nerds who are fans of this game, surely SOMEONE would be willing to create some freeware??? We'd give you MAD props at cons!!! <3
I've actually been developing one. I started about a week ago. I don't like doing anything half-ass, so it's going to take some time to get it finished.
Deanoth |
The best generator I have seen thus far is Hero Labs by Lonewolf. It is also the ONLY Official Paizo Backed Software on the Market FOR Pathfinder.
Now I know some will say that it is expensive and the like BUT it is the MOST complete Character Generator out there to date. Yes you will have to pay extra for the Advanced Players Guide Information and the Bestiary as well as say the Armory and the Race Guides, but if for some reason you choose not to purchase them then you have the option of entering all the information yourself.
The main thing I LOVE about Hero Labs is the versatility. It allows the user to input so much custom information such as items and prestige classes to minute details such as mundane gear and even Gestalt characters if it is needed.
The price block if you want it is:
26.99 for the software & the Pathfinder Dataset
included in the Pathfinder Dataset is ALL of the Adventure Paths owned by Paizo (Starting at Rise of the Runelords. The Game Mastery Guide and all the Stock NPC's that were in that book.
14.99 for the Bestiary
9.99 for the Advanced Players Guide
19.99 Player Companion Bundle combines the "Adventurer's Armory", "Player Companion Races #1", "Player Companion Races #2", "Player Companion Regions #1", and "Player Companion Regions #2" packages into one bundle for a discounted cost. (the individual packages listed below
Adventurers Armory (Individually 4.99)
Player Companion Races #1 incorporates all of the material from the first three Player Companion supplements focused on races: Elves of Golarion, Dwarves of Golarion, and Gnomes of Golarion. ($4.99)
Coming Fall 2010! Player Companion Races #2 provides the content from the following three Player Companion supplements focused on races: Orcs of Golarion, Halflings of Golarion, and Humans of Golarion. ($4.99) (If you buy the bundle at the listed price this is included in THAT price).
Player Companion Regions #1 includes all material from the first three Player Companion books focused on regions: Osirion, Land of the Pharaohs; Taldor, Echoes of Glory; and Qadira, Gateway to the East. ($4.99)
Player Companion Regions #2 spans the content from the second three Player Companion books focused on regions: Cheliax, Empire of Devils; Andoran, Spirit of Liberty; and Sargava, the Lost Colony. ($4.99)
There is more listed for the fall of 2010 not yet released.. but soon will be. :)
Like I mentioned above, you do not HAVE to buy each of the add-ons but you can enter them yourself but it will take time.
The editor is a versatile tool that is part of Hero Labs. This tool is included and man can you customize Hero labs with it.
NeoFax |
I currently use both PC-Gen and HeroLabs. My preference is PC-Gen. As for the APG points above, PC-Gen is pushing hard right now to include all of the APG and have the info correct. <<disclaimer>>I contribute to PC-Gen, so may have a certain bias.<<disclaimer>> My point though was that it would be nice to have a online system that can be used to generate a character, compare to how others have designed their character so I can weigh the options as at this point it is kinda daunting. Also, to branch out into encounter/campaign generators, monster generator, treasure/traps/hazards/haunts/poisons....
ProfessorCirno |
While I would have no issue with on online "option" being able, to have the content loaded on my computer/laptop, independent of an internet connection, is critical for me. With the recent changes made by WotC, I have opted not to renew my subscription.
I would advise looking at the past Character Builder and ignoring the horrifying new version they're carting out.
Michael Brewer 79 |
I recommend people check THIS out.
That there is some cool ... schtuff.
Thanks for the shout-out, John!
I would like to pipe-in and say I am in the middle of developing a free online character generator for the Pathfinder RPG. It started as a personal project, but then I thought I shouldn't keep something that might be useful to myself.
At the moment, I'm keeping the URL for the site under wraps until I get the first version sufficiently tested, but you can see screenshots and an early PDF from it in action at the link JReyst posted and a recent update at my blog, Mad Brew Labs:
The generator is entirely XHTML 1.0 Strict/CSS 2.1/Javascript for the UI but an ASP.NET server side takes all the user input and builds a custom PDF character sheet you can save to your own machine. So it should work on anything with a modern web browser and a PDF reader, but I haven't tested it on any mobile devices.
v1.0 Feature Implementation (bold items are finished; italicized items are in development):
- Ability Scores (point buy, tier points, racial adjustments)
- Core Classes (alignment restrictions, favored class bonuses, selectable class features)
- Skills (class skill training bonus, skill focus bonus, racial bonuses, ability modifiers)
- Calculated Combat Stats (BAB, CMB, CMD, AC, Touch AC, Flat Footed AC, Saves, HPs, Speed, Initiative)
- Feats (Racial, class granted feats, full prerequisite validation)
- Equipment (calculate wealth, calculate encumbrance, attack/damage bonuses, highlight proficiency, equip to slots)
- Spells (select known spells, select memorized spells, calculate DCs, calculate dice/bonuses)
- Save to PDF (complete with calculated values, racial & class features, custom landscape layout)
I plan on opening the beta version to the public on December 13th. I should have enough of the guts in place to make the generator mildly useful (everything in place except Equipment & Spells). At the moment, I'm only developing for the Core Rule Book, but I want to tackle the AGP as soon as I have the spit and polish on the core stuff.
If everyone would like, I'll release the URL for the beta testing here on the 'boards when it's ready for open testing. Also, if you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to tell/ask.