Is it possible to make a teleporting fighter


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Cape of the Mountebank would work, especially if you want to use it with the Dimensional Agility line of feats, which Boots of Teleport won't trigger.

Read about half of the first page before I decided to write it since i hadn't seen the suggestion yet.

The dimensional line of feats allow this if you can caste dimensional door or are a monk with their abdjuring step thingy. The first feat lets you cast and take any actions you have left (as normally dimension door ends your turn after it's used-even if it's used as a quick action). Eventually it allows you to use DD as a quick action, with a full attack so after each attack you can teleport again, up to double your movement amount, or teleport distance (i think whichever is lower), and provides flanking (even withyourself) from every square you attack from.

As mentioned before, Horizon walker Prc is good for this, monk is, eldrtich knight Prc is also decent, magus as well. So just depends on how "pure fighty" you wanted.
You could make a Kensei-blackblade with his sentient talking blade, who only ever uses DD as a spell.

If your in a home game, being allowed to use shadow dancer's, cleric or wizards fast movment stuff is reasonable if you ask me.

Theres sadly really difficult to actually do it below 10

so, ichigo kurosaki? well, DD and a beefy blast spell

Grand Lodge

I tried to do it in Hero lab this morning after work for the Inquisitor, you have to be 10th level before you get access to DD. I guess you could go 10 levels of fighter there after. I have never really looked at the Magus before but do they get it? or would you have to wand and UMD it?

boring7 wrote:

Because Prestige Classes are the devil.

Now here's a question, how do you make something like dimensional agility work for a Hound Archon? CR 4 leaves a lot of room for character levels for the DM with a cruel mind and evil players.

Hound Archons have the self-teleport (plus 50 lbs.) spell-like ability. When I took one as a companion (modified male Healer from Miniatures 3.5 book ), I gave him levels of Ranger followed by Paladin. So now the dimensional greatsword fighter had tracking, Favored Enemy, and Smite Evil. In our Epic tabletop campaign the Hound Archon was always our "first strike" NPC against any enemy at range. He would teleport in, hit, and teleport out repeatedly. A Holy Avenger greatsword with the Ranger Favored Enemy bonus and the Smite Evil bonus and Power Attack with the Vital Strike bonus really, really, hurts at higher levels.

How'd he get his teleport down below a standard action?

The Hound Archon didn't, he relied upon his Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil to prevent any attacks for that first round before his teleport ended and he could get in a swing. A Cloak of Displacement (Minor or Major) would help with a miss chance, and I might just get that for him.

Zathyr wrote:

Sweet unholy thread necromancy!

I'm guessing the whole Dimensional Agility line of feats didn't exist yet when this was started.

It's too bad that probably doesn't work with the Teleportation Wizard's Shift ability. Saying "probably" there, because the rules are a little vague, but going more towards no than yes.

Melkiador wrote:
Zathyr wrote:

Sweet unholy thread necromancy!

I'm guessing the whole Dimensional Agility line of feats didn't exist yet when this was started.

It's too bad that probably doesn't work with the Teleportation Wizard's Shift ability. Saying "probably" there, because the rules are a little vague, but going more towards no than yes.

far as ive seen, it's in the same boat as the shadowdancer, close, but no cigar (unfortunately for the SD)

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