Jamesblonde |

I was thinking that Strength Domain would be the best. Enlarge Person, and Strength Surge at first level.. I play a Half-Orc Inquisitor, and I wanted to know what all of you thought about my choice of domain. I'm also curious as to this...
Inquisitors get Teamwork feats, one of them has to do with AoO's.
If my ally gets an attack of opportunity on an enemy adjacent to me, I also get an attack of opportunity against the enemy.
There was some effect somewhere, that I get... if I crit, my allies get an attack of opportunity. And.... then I get one as well.
Another idea I had was this: If I have two one handed weapons, I'm more likely to crit. So.. I would use a Scimitar(1d6 damage-18/20 x2 crit), and a Kukri (1d4 damage 18/20 x2 crit). That seems a lot better than a Falchion (2d4 damage 18/20 x2 crit).
Any tips?

Chris P. Bacon |

Outflank gives your ally an AoO when you crit hit - but the ally must be in a flanking position. Paired Opportunists gives you an AoO when an adjacent ally gets an AoO. So the two feats do not work together.
The Strength and Destruction domains are strong for melee, particularly in the damage department. The Destruction domain's "Rage" subdomain is amazing. However, the Strength domain's "Ferocity" subdomain ability appears to be better than the Destruction's smite. They both deal 1/2 your cleric level in extra damage, but the Destruction's smite seems to be worded that you can make a single attack only, which might imply that it is a standard action to use; Ferocity more specifically says "Whenever you make a melee attack". Talk to your GM about the wording; I think the smite is intended to be the same as Ferocity, but I can see room for interpretation.

MordredofFairy |
I was thinking that Strength Domain would be the best. Enlarge Person, and Strength Surge at first level.. I play a Half-Orc Inquisitor, and I wanted to know what all of you thought about my choice of domain. I'm also curious as to this...
Inquisitors get Teamwork feats, one of them has to do with AoO's.
If my ally gets an attack of opportunity on an enemy adjacent to me, I also get an attack of opportunity against the enemy.
There was some effect somewhere, that I get... if I crit, my allies get an attack of opportunity. And.... then I get one as well.
Another idea I had was this: If I have two one handed weapons, I'm more likely to crit. So.. I would use a Scimitar(1d6 damage-18/20 x2 crit), and a Kukri (1d4 damage 18/20 x2 crit). That seems a lot better than a Falchion (2d4 damage 18/20 x2 crit).
Any tips?
Solo Tactics:
At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.Your buddies don't get any benefits.
The combo is still nice, it's
Paired Opportunists, Gang up, and Outflank, if i remember correctly.
Still, you need 2 other guys.
Gang-up: you are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.
That leads us to both of these working simultaneously:
Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an Attack of Opportunity from your ally.
Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 Circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.
which means: If one of your buddies gets to do an attack of opportunity OR criticals, you may also make an attack of opportunity, at +8(+4 circumstance and +4 from flanking).
That means you want your buddies to get AoOs or criticals.
Since they don't benefit from you doing so, it's quite meaningless to get a high crit range for yourself. Really, it's one of the nicer things you can do IF you have enough people in melee, it's 1-2 sure hits per round.
Heck, make Triplets with those Feats and 12 Levels of Barbarian for 3 Come and Get me Barbarians that gets +8 on every single attack made...and EVERY time one of them hits, the others hit, too, and if someone crits, the others hit too. -_-

Jamesblonde |

I'm quite sure that Clerics are the only people that get Sub Domains, unfortunately. :S
So.. that leaves me with a problem. Eh.. What can I do, without having to multiclass? I know that I'm playing with another Barbarian for sure.. and there will be a Cleric there too.... but I don't know about the others.

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I'm quite sure that Clerics are the only people that get Sub Domains, unfortunately. :S
This is correct. Stick with the strength or destruction domains, both are nice.
For the teamwork feat at level 3, for damage I'd take precise strike early. The gang up, paired opportunist and outflank is cheesy and will probably get eratta'd. The biggest problem with a melee damage dealing Inquisitor is the late access to power attack, which you will want to take at level 3.
If you have a higher point buy than 20 or very good rolled stats, I would recommend archery or twf, especially as much of your damage at Level 5+ will come from Bane.

MordredofFairy |
...The gang up, paired opportunist and outflank is cheesy and will probably get eratta'd...
I'd second that -_- I just doubt they will, seeing how it takes 3 feats and 3 frontliners(9 feats total) focusing on one guy to pull it off, unless you have a cavalier providing them.
It may be one of the cheesy things that'll eventually, unfortunately, stick around -_-

Cartigan |

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:And where this was mentioned? not in the APG, for sureJamesblonde wrote:This is correct.I'm quite sure that Clerics are the only people that get Sub Domains, unfortunately. :S
It's an interpretation issue. Clerics natively get domains, as they have in 3.5, so when ANYTHING is written referring to a class specifically in the domain section, it just says "Cleric" instead of "domain-wielding class." The problem is Druids and Inquisitors can both have Domains, and not just Clerics.
The interpretation issue arises when "Ok, so we can replace the word "Cleric" with the word "Inquisitor" or "Druid" inside the domain itself when it refers to a class, but can we do it for other things like the sub-domain rules."

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Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:And where this was mentioned? not in the APG, for sureJamesblonde wrote:This is correct.I'm quite sure that Clerics are the only people that get Sub Domains, unfortunately. :S
In a dozen or so threads where the developers have weighed in (use the search function, this has come up so many times...) and when the APG was released at the con (GenCon I think?) Jason specifically said they were cleric-only.

Chris P. Bacon |

Oh that's silly. But I understand them wanting to have something that's just for the Cleric. This makes me wonder about a lot of cross-over abilities, though.. I mean, the Rage subdomain gives the Cleric rage powers.. are they allowed to choose rage powers listed in the APG or can they only take rage powers from the core book?
Anyway, that's another kettle of fish. Without subdomains, I'd say that Destruction is your most, well, destructive option for an inquisitor. Also, I forgot to point out earlier that Inquisitors do not gain the bonus spells associated with a domain, so don't let bonus spells influence your decision.

Chris P. Bacon |

You mentioned being attracted to the Strength domain because it grants Enlarge Person at 1st level; but Inquisitors don't get these bonus spells, they just get the domain powers.
Each domain grants a number of domain powers, depending on the level of the inquisitor. An inquisitor does not gain the bonus spells listed for each domain, nor does she gain bonus spell slots.

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I'd say Growth, the subdomain of the Plant domain. You can worship Gozreh to get it. It lets you use Enlarge person as a swift action on yourself 3+WIS times per day. Combine that with a d8 weapon that will become 2d6, and you have a high strength build of Inquisitor that can wreck some enemies with reach.
EDIT: I just found out that subdomains are Cleric only. Drag.

Chris P. Bacon |

The inquisitor is still a great class. The ability to adapt to just about any situation by swapping Judgment bonuses and teamwork feats, and any opponent with your Bane ability makes you useful in just about any fight. Being able to choose a domain (subdomains or not) gives you a lot of opportunity for flavour, too.

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As Mr. Bacon above said, the class is still pretty awesome. Destruction gives you a pretty healthy bonus to destroying things.
You might also consider the Travel domain. +10 to your base speed, plus later you get the ability to dimension door as a move action, which has a lot of uses in and out of combat.
Animal gets you an animal companion at the same level as a Ranger would, which could then take teamwork feats and be an awesome flanking partner.

Grick |

If I have two one handed weapons, I'm more likely to crit. So.. I would use a Scimitar(1d6 damage-18/20 x2 crit), and a Kukri (1d4 damage 18/20 x2 crit). That seems a lot better than a Falchion (2d4 damage 18/20 x2 crit).
You don't have martial weapon proficiency, so burning 2 feats for Scimitar and Kukri isn't good. (or one feat if you have the right Deity) Falchion is H.Orc racial weapon, so you're good. Also, with two weapons you need lots of dex, and you're already MAD. The attack penalties will hurt more without full BAB. With two-handers, you can put more in strength, get the 1.5Str bonus, get the extra bonus from Power Attack, and still cast spells without dropping/sheathing a weapon.
From 7-10 I had the crit teamwork feat and a keen falchion, I landed one crit which provoked from an ally. The flanking feats (1d6 precision damage and +4 flank bonus) came up almost every fight. YMMV.

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That sucks, big time.. I expected a lot from the Inquisitor, and it doesn't seem to be such an awesome class anymore. XD
Wait, JUST because you don't get enlarge person (and bonus spells in general)? Give the Inquisitor a break, he still dishes out MORE than enough pain. The Inquisitor I run isn't even optimized and he still wreaks utter havoc for a 3/4 BAB.
Also, their spell list is practically devoted to self buffs. Sure, the extra reach from Enlarge Person is nice, but to say the Inquisitor needs it to be awesome is just absurd.

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Travel Domain.
Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.
Take the outflank, and Precise Strike Teamwork feats. @ 8th you can hop behind monster to help flank, and you get
Gain +4 bonus on attack rolls and +1d6 precision dmg when flanking.
Combat looks something like this,
round one:
Delay till after fighter moves up to mob
move to flank (or at 8th, D-hop)
Swift to Judge Destruction +2 dmg (or at 8th add justice for +2 to hit)
Round Two:
Swift to Bane
Full attack
After two rounds swift buffs you have:
+8 to hit (4 flank, 2 bane, 2 judgement)
+ 3d6+4 (bane, precise strike, Judgement)
on each attack.