
Jamesblonde's page

Organized Play Member. 122 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Alright, I'm going to talk to him later and we'll figure it out. I appreciate the help Duiker. :)

That's reason enough for me, but I need to convince my DM. Haha.


I was wondering if teleportation prompts an AoO, specifically with the dimensional dervish feat. If possible please quote an official ruling, I believe it is spoken to specifically in 3.5 D&D but I haven't been able to find anything in Pathfinder.

I use Hero Lab. How could I switch out the spell list? Aaaaand, The spells are not lingering effects. Burning Hands is pretty much the entirety of his Fire ability, so that's why I think I need to get a spellcaster class in there somehow.

Brambleman wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

Hi. I'm interested in recreating the main character, Geralt of Rivia, from the computer game "The Witcher".

Geralt has had his body enhanced by mutagens, to push his strength beyond that of a normal man, to fight off monsters, and specializes with two-handed swords.

He also has some magic ability. Examples of mutagens from the game are: Nightvision, Healing, Evasion, etc.

None of his magic effects are incredibly powerful, but they do help out in a big way. He has the power of air to move rubble out of the way, and fire to burn his foes.

From what I imagine, he'd have to be part Fighter, and Alchemist, but what about the magic?

If I was to level up a character who was managing three classes, I imagine I'd have a tough time. So... if anyone could help me get an idea of how to go about doing that, I'd be very grateful.

One major concern is that the character would be weak. I wouldn't get the levels I needed for actual class benefits until much later on.

Is there any way to make it work?

It's a ranger archetype. Swap out the spells and hunters bond for signs and potions. Work from there.

That makes sense! He technically is a hunter... And being a ranger would allow me to wear medium armor.. Hmm...

Austin Morgan wrote:

Magus with Craft(Alchemy) and Brew Potion :)

PS: I share your interest in the badassery that is Geralt.

If I were to role a magus, I wouldn't have access to the Alchemist mutagens though. Correct?

Hi. I'm interested in recreating the main character, Geralt of Rivia, from the computer game "The Witcher".

Geralt has had his body enhanced by mutagens, to push his strength beyond that of a normal man, to fight off monsters, and specializes with two-handed swords.

He also has some magic ability. Examples of mutagens from the game are: Nightvision, Healing, Evasion, etc.

None of his magic effects are incredibly powerful, but they do help out in a big way. He has the power of air to move rubble out of the way, and fire to burn his foes.

From what I imagine, he'd have to be part Fighter, and Alchemist, but what about the magic?

If I was to level up a character who was managing three classes, I imagine I'd have a tough time. So... if anyone could help me get an idea of how to go about doing that, I'd be very grateful.

One major concern is that the character would be weak. I wouldn't get the levels I needed for actual class benefits until much later on.

Is there any way to make it work?

Hey, I just got to the level where I could create Constructs, and I wanted to know if they would benefit a large party.

I have no idea about them, and how much damage they do.. I know only that they have average HD for their level.

james maissen wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

I'm not sure how fast I will be leveling in the group, I live more than an hour away from where they hold the meet-ups.. but the group is going once a week, I believe.

What sources are you allowed to take from in making the PC?


I assume only Core, and Advanced Player's Guide.

I really like all of these ideas. Cloudkill seems hella fun!

james maissen wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

I've recently made a thread about my indecision between choosing a Sorcerer, or a Wizard, for a Kingmaker campaign that I'm joining. I chose Wizard.

What sources can you take from?

You're starting at 4th level, how fast and to what degree does that campaign look to go?


I'm not sure how fast I will be leveling in the group, I live more than an hour away from where they hold the meet-ups.. but the group is going once a week, I believe.

Fallen_Mage wrote:

I would suggest at least the Healer get it, so the both of you could try and buff the rest of the party at least.

EDIT: It's a one feat investment that could potentially make your group a First Strike Squad.

Alright. Sounds good. :D

Fallen_Mage wrote:

As I stated in the last thread, maybe get this feat:

PRD wrote:

Lookout (Combat, Teamwork)
Your allies help you avoid being surprised.

Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round.

Just think about it. You ALWAYS act in the surprise round, so you and your ally/allies with this feat always act as long as they stay next to you.

All I have to say is, wow.

So, I should suggest to my teammates to get that feat? Because I have Forewarning.

0gre wrote:
Sneak attack doesn't work with splash weapons and by extension it doesn't work with bombs.

Okay, thank you for clearing that up for me. :) Glad I wasn't missing anything.

Abraham spalding wrote:
Not much synergy in combat abilities, but flavor wise it sounds nice. Not sure you'll get much out of it outside of combat either.

Hmm, okay.. So sneak attack would not affect the damage a bomb does?

I just had an idea, to combine the bombs of an Alchemist, to a Rogue.. is this good, or no?

I see a future of Vanish+True Strike+Unarmed Disarm on BBEG with Huge weapon.


Black Lotus wrote:

get a wand of silent img, cost 750.

(you dont get a discount.)
Pearls Of power lvl 1 (if any of you guys want to argue with me saying he cant craft it, its on the FAQs that he can eazly.)
When u cast a spell, and u need it back then, you spend a standard action using the pearl of power, and u get a lvl 1 spell back.
Extremely useful.
Harvy sack: Lets u store all kinds of goodies.

Thanks! I really appreciate your advice. I think that's the wand I'll get, then.

After I have purchased the Bracers, the Cloak, and the Potion, I have nearly 4400g. What scrolls would you suggest?

Name Violation wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:
Mynameisjake wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:
No, no.. sorry. I made a lame reference to Dragonball Z. When I said that it was over 9000, I meant that it was awesome. :D
Ahh. Sorry, my age is showing. Failed my Know: Pop Culture check!

Hahaha. Well, one thing I'm perplexed about is this: Craft: Wondrous Items...

How does that help me? I looked at it, and even if I were to create the cloak of resistance +1, I'd have to pay 1000g for the materials/creation cost. Is there no benefit to being able to create these items?

Creating it yourself cost half of the market value, so a 1k item costs 500 gp to make.

I see that now, pretty nice! It's a wonder they don't just name the feat Craft: Money Saving. :D

Black Lotus wrote:

wait tell 5th level and pick that as your bonus feat then.

Its amazing, u get everything HALF off.
I am 4rth lvl and have 8k gold saved (dm is giving a little extra gear to people, and i just say every time, ill take the gold. Only thing i own is my cloak, tunic, loan cloth, my spell pouch, Couple spell books (only take them out of the party bag of holding when I need to.)
a dagger or two... and 1 wand of silent img which i use about once an combat.
And 8k cash.
I plan on making my self a headband +4 when i get to 5th lvl and get a bonus feet which i will choice Craft wondrous items.
+ everyone in the party can benefit from it.

I actually already have the feat. I just wasn't sure how it benefited me, but now I see that it reduces the price of items greatly.

Actually, it looks like I have overlooked something. It would only cost me 500g to create the Cloak of Resistance +1.

And I have to have the spell: Resistance, so.. how does that work, exactly?

Greg Wasson wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

I've never played a Wizard before this, so I guess I don't need UMD for that. Thanks for clearing it up with me. :D

You had me second guessing too :P I was thinking maybe there was a line about forbidden schools not being allowed to be used as if they were on the spell list.

Re read stuff...and then I thought it seemed like a reasonable house rule, not that I would do it to my players...but reasonable for some games.


Yeah, I think there are a lot of things about the Wizard that I don't understand yet. Here's to hoping I perform well in my first session. ^_^

Mynameisjake wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:
No, no.. sorry. I made a lame reference to Dragonball Z. When I said that it was over 9000, I meant that it was awesome. :D
Ahh. Sorry, my age is showing. Failed my Know: Pop Culture check!

Hahaha. Well, one thing I'm perplexed about is this: Craft: Wondrous Items...

How does that help me? I looked at it, and even if I were to create the cloak of resistance +1, I'd have to pay 1000g for the materials/creation cost. Is there no benefit to being able to create these items?

No, no.. sorry. I made a lame reference to Dragonball Z. When I said that it was over 9000, I meant that it was awesome. :D

Greg Wasson wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:
Greg Wasson wrote:

Color spray is still useful the stunned condition is quite nice on an opponent. Drops objects held. -2ac loses dex bonus to ac and cannot take actions.


Would it be worth it to spend 750g on a wand, to do this, though? I'm worried that the spell will not work when I need it to, because UMD checks are not 100% sure to work.

I am confused why you would need UMD. Color spray is a wizard spell list spell. Is this a house rule in your game?


I've never played a Wizard before this, so I guess I don't need UMD for that. Thanks for clearing it up with me. :D

Black Lotus wrote:

Not wroth it as a wand.

Maybe a memorzation.
Consider my idea for a familiar.
if its on your spell list, for wands you don't need to use UMD.

Wait, on my memorized spell list, or in my spell book?

Greg Wasson wrote:

Color spray is still useful the stunned condition is quite nice on an opponent. Drops objects held. -2ac loses dex bonus to ac and cannot take actions.


Would it be worth it to spend 750g on a wand, to do this, though? I'm worried that the spell will not work when I need it to, because UMD checks are not 100% sure to work.

Mynameisjake wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

I'm allowed the magic items of a level four character, and I assume that is something like, a wand, and another magic item.. but I'm not sure.

What kind of wand do you think would be best? I believe that because the size of our group is so large, we fight monsters with greater HD than 4.

Color Spray is quite useless against something higher than 4 HD, to my belief.

Not entirely useless, but, yeah, pretty much.

At 4th level your magic item budget is 6K in gold. Most GMs prefer you not spend more than half or a third, or even a quarter on any one item. Check with your GM on his policy.

Cloak of Resistance, +1 (1K) is a must.

Bracers of Armor, +1 (1K) is a pretty standard purchase.

500gp in scrolls (hopefully at half-price since you have scribe scroll) should cover just about everything.

Another 500 to flesh out your spell book with just about every spell you could ever need.

A couple of Cure Moderate Wounds Potions (300 or so, each) for emergencies. Also one of Gaseous Form for abandoning the party to its fate...hey, it happens. At least you can come back for their bodies.

Wand, hmmmm. Wands are problematic. The ones that do decent damage w/o a save are expensive, and the ones that have a save have pretty low saves. Have to think about that one. Charm Person (750gp) is actually not a bad choice, despite the low save. Just keep zapping the prisoner until he/she/it fails the save. Depends on the campaign, tho.

Hahaha. Gaseous Form idea is over 9000!

That's amazing. Eh... I thought that I could make scrolls, so why would I buy them?

There are three healers in the group. Are potions still needed?

And, well.. I'm still indecisive about the Wand.

What is the part about spending money to add spells to my spellbook? I'm not familiar with that.

Mynameisjake wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

I have 40 hitpoints at level 4. Is that good?

And.. eh, what is the deal with the Eschew Materials thing? It says that it can summon materials of 1g worth, and less... That's not much, is it? I mean, I think Scribe Scroll would take more than 1g.

Depending on the campaign, of course, 40hp at 4th level is really good, especially for a Wizard!

As for Eschew Materials: It's entirely situational. Since most spells have a material component required, should you be deprived of your pouch, your spells available can really take a hit. Sunder, Steal, theft, capture, can all deprive you of your spell component pouch. Again, it's situational, tho. Depends entirely on how you GM runs things. They're cheap, so buy a couple of extra, just in case.

DudeMeister makes some good points, as well.

I'm allowed the magic items of a level four character, and I assume that is something like, a wand, and another magic item.. but I'm not sure.

What kind of wand do you think would be best? I believe that because the size of our group is so large, we fight monsters with greater HD than 4.

Color Spray is quite useless against something higher than 4 HD, to my belief.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

The rules are silent on the issue of whether a gauntlet affects spell-casting, so unless your GM rules differently a Gauntlet works fine.

I personally prefer a Familiar (because I can then take Improved Familiar, and an Imp makes a great diviner familiar thanks to their augury, and commune SLAs). Plus they have hands and can thus make Use Magic Device checks, and other magic items.

But that said, a bonded item's spontaneous spell 1/day is incredibly useful for making you appear to be prepared for ANY contingency. I usually save it for spells like knock, detect secret doors, feather fall etc.

Oh, yeah.. Wow.. that really makes it a hard decision, then! I like the idea of having the fallback spell choice.. that's really something.

The idea of controlling another creature does not appeal to me, for this character, but I think the familiar and bonded object both have their benefits.

Mynameisjake wrote:
Jamesblonde wrote:

The feats I have taken are Toughness, and Improved Initiative.

I decided that I had an idea.. so I have made my Bonded Object a Gauntlet..

Is that going to penalize my spellcasting at all?

Nope, gauntlet is an EXCELLENT choice. Should have remembered it.

With your con, you probably don't need toughness, depending on the difficulty of the campaign, of course. Since you want to avoid hth combat at all costs, anyway, might consider dodge or combat expertise for the AC bump. Defensive Combat Training is also a pretty good choice, to deal with those pesky "grapple" opponents.

I have 40 hitpoints at level 4. Is that good?

And.. eh, what is the deal with the Eschew Materials thing? It says that it can summon materials of 1g worth, and less... That's not much, is it? I mean, I think Scribe Scroll would take more than 1g.

The feats I have taken are Toughness, and Improved Initiative.

I decided that I had an idea.. so I have made my Bonded Object a Gauntlet..

Is that going to penalize my spellcasting at all?

Mynameisjake wrote:

Hmmm, let's see. Bear in mind that it's likely others will strongly disagree with some of my suggestions.

Cantirps: Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, and Light are pretty much, "must haves." I'd add Detect Poison, myself.

1st lvl: You don't want to break "invis" so I'd take a look at obscuring mist, enlarge person, grease, summon I, silent image, and gravity bow; just about anything that gives your side a bonus. I'd probably take Color Spray, just for when you're backed into a corner.

2nd level: detect thoughts, create treasure map, glitter dust, web, minor image, bear-bull-cat-eagle-fox-owl bumps are always appreciated by party members. Summon II, as well. Glitter and Web will break "invis" (probably), but you can buff and summon to your heart's content.

In general:

Scrolls are your friend. Make many, many of them. Remember you can scribe while adventuring as well. Strive for as wide a variety as possible. See invisibility is a must for a scroll.

I kinda disagree with Treantmonk about the bonded item. Being able to spontaneously cast is pretty significant. Scrolls can cover it, but a ring makes a nice bonded item (Sauron's experience notwithstanding). ;)

If you're allowed to choose traits, there's one called "reactionary" that grants a +2 to init. You can never have enough init.

One tactic to consider:

While "vanished", cast True Strike (another good scroll spell), then use disarm or steal against an item-using BigBad. With your bonus, just about anything he/she/it wields/wears/uses can be yours. This is sometimes the best "debuff" of all. Nothing like the look on an optimized barbarian's face when the "nerd" takes his great axe away in mid swing. :)

Hope this helps.

Alright, that sounds nice! How would I use disarm on the baddie, though?

And I cannot find Detect Poison in Herolab... I've got the APG Bonus Package, and that's it, is Detect Poison in another book?

Edit: I found Detect Poison, in Herolab it is already in your spellbook. Fail! :D

Mynameisjake wrote:

My pleasure. It's one of my favorite classes, especially when combined with Fighter for an EK. Being able to act in the surprise round is truly priceless. As a straight wizard, the class struggles a bit at lower levels, but once you get high enough to really start to be the ALL SEEING EYE, you can make GMs cry.

If you have access to the APG, I like the variant that let's you "throw" you senses.

Good luck with your Diviner.

I think I have some more questions, actually.

Can I post my stats/build, for you? And I'll ask that you give me your criticism. I don't plan to Min/Max with this character, because the stats are rolled.. and I rolled very well.

Name: Andaer
Race: Human

STR:13 (+1)
INT:21 (Human bonus of +2, and level four bonus of +1) =(+5)

Arcane Familiar, instead of Bonded Object. I took Treantmonk's words to the heart, when he said, "Remember when Saromon lost his staff, how screwed he was?" :D

Treantmonk +1000.

I have the Greensting Scorpion, which gives me a +2 bonus to Initiative while he's close to me.

Foresight is my Specialized school.

It gives me the option to roll a d20 at the beginning of my turn, as a free action, and lets me use the result of it's roll, in place of another roll that I make during my turn.

It also allows me to act during Surprise Rounds.

My Initiative bonus is +11 right now, so with my Familiar, it goes to +13. Not bad, I think.

My forbidden schools are Necromancy and Enchantment, although I may change my mind on this...

My favorite level one spell that I have is Vanish. It's invisibility, except it doesn't last as long.

The reason that I value invisibility spells so highly, is that I do not attack enemies, so the effect will last it's full course. :)

So, now for the questions.

What spells will I find to be most useful to a large party of adventurers? I believe that my group will regularly consist of eight or more players.

They have a Magus who shows up sometimes, but is not very often with them.

So, I would be "The" Wizard of the group, and while I understand that I should use a wide array of spells, that kind of makes me uneasy. There is a huge book of spells, and I dunno which ones to pick. :D

The campaign is a modified Kingmaker campaign, and from what I have been told, they have not fought any sort of enemy more than others.

I keep looking to Grease, Mount, and Vanish, those are my definite choices.

I like to put in Mirror Image, for the funfactor of it, as well as the defense.

But, other than that.. what will consistently be helpful to a large group?

Mynameisjake wrote:

You could, however, use it to mask the aura of an item you didn't want someone to know was magical.

You could also use it to change/create the aura of an item to something like Necromancy to cast suspicion on someone for using "dark forces!", assuming that fits the setting.

Once you get high enough level to cast Shrink Item, you can turn your spell book into a "rag", then use Magic Aura to mask the, well, aura. Then you use the rag as your "loincloth". Even if captured, nobody ever takes your loincloth....

Also good for tricking low level merchants into buying "this nifty magic sword" you found. Just don't hang around for very long afterward....

Hahaha! +1 for the ideas. Thank you sir.

Mynameisjake wrote:

In re: #3, I don't believe that's possible. The "magic aura" refers to whether an item detects as magic or not, and, if so, what type of magic. I don't believe that it would allow the addition of an "evil" aura.

And, Go Team Diviner!

Ah, darn! :D I was hoping I could pull off some sneaky kickass'in with that. Well, thanks for letting me know. :)

I've recently made a thread about my indecision between choosing a Sorcerer, or a Wizard, for a Kingmaker campaign that I'm joining. I chose Wizard.

I have made THIS thread to question the lengths to which one could go using Divination abilities.

A few questions, as follows..

1. Detect Thoughts is a spell that allows the caster to detect "surface" thoughts. I would understand surface thoughts to be the thoughts that are occurring currently... is that true?

2. Locate Object. What does it act as? An in-mind compass of sorts? A direct pinpoint of the location? It says that you can sense the direction of an object, specific, or type. What I mean to ask is this, if I am given the task of retrieving a family heirloom that's believed to have been stolen by bandits... well, upon using Locate Object, will I have the knowledge of where it is? Or will I just have the direction to go?

3. Magic Aura, a spell of the Illusion school, claims that it allows you to change an object's magical aura. Does that mean that it cannot be cast on people, or monsters? It it's allowed to be cast on people, think of the possibilities! If you're in a situation where there's someone you want to get out of the way, you can change his magical aura to Evil. Then you point it out to the guards, they get a Wizard to check it out. When they see that he's Evil, he's probably going to be killed.

I really like wringing out all of the juices from these low level spells. I think a lot of them aren't given enough attention. I refuse to be another blaster caster, I want this Wizard to be the all-knowing, instead of the all-destroying. I'll leave that up to the people with weapons. :D

Right now I'm liking the Wizard idea a lot.. I'm pretty sure on my decision to make one. Thanks everyone for your help. :D

I chose the Arcane Familiar, Greensting Scorpion..

It gives +2 Initiative, as long as he's within arm's reach of me.. bringing my Init. bonus to 13.

I have Forewarning, from Divination Specialty.. so no being surprised. :D

Seems to be pretty powerful.

Another thing... I'm thinking of getting a Wand of Silent Image... Could someone give me an example of what kind of illusion that would be?

Apparently the Fighter in the group already has Craft Arms and Armour, so... I only need to get Craft: Wondrous? The problem is this: I don't see Craft: Wondrous in Herolab... is it not available at lower levels?

Fox-Paw wrote:


Unfortunately I'm not interested in roleplaying as a witch. I can't really mesh with the whole idea of flying on a broom. :D

Hmm could always strap a saddle to a flying Great sword... I jest.

Id say go with Wizard, lots of down time means some good old fashion item creation, in fact check out the Chillax book its got some cool spells, I believe there is one in there that allows you to possess things that have your image [Some one site this please] so if you want to keep an eye on things just place a bunch of Gnomes around town that look like you, they can even smile with you controlling them.
As a side note, I played a witch once, there isnt as much Broom flying as youd expect.

Hahaha.. :D Alright, that sounds like a cool idea.

AdAstraGames wrote:

While a Sorcerer isn't the right choice for Kingmaker, which has the downtime to play to the Wizard's item creation feats (and Sorcerers suck at item creation), I can re-iterate what was said up above.

Being a Sorcerer with the right metamagic feats (Elemental Spell and Intensify Spell are the big big ones for blasters, Persistent Spell and Reach Spell are the big ones for Save or Suck spells, and turn the Fey and Infernal bloodline sorcerers into unholy terrors) means that while you may not have the RIGHT tool for the job, you've often got things that can be made to work on the fly.

Being a human sorcerer means having buckets of spells after 5th level due to the favored class bonus. Having standard WBL and wands, or access to scrolls, or access to permanent items that cast N times per day, means you can compensate for the Wizard's flexibility with money, which is ultimately what he's doing to get his vaunted flexibility. Except he'll be futzing along with 5d6 wands of fireball, and you'll be futzing with wands of Detect Thoughts. Guess which one isn't hindered by caster level?

Wizards suck at blasting; the reason why most guides say "Don't be a blaster!" is because the people who wrote them don't understand how well Sorcerers do AT blasting.

Being an 8th level Sorcerer means never having to say "I'm sorry, I'm out of 8d6 fireballs."

Being an 8th level Draconic Half-Orc Sorcerer means never having to say "I'm sorry, I'm out of 8d6+12 fireballs." :)

Hmm, okay.. interesting. I'll definitely take it into consideration.

I would like to have a crafting skill, and I thought that Craft: Book would be cool, for a wizard to have.. I could write about the parties adventures.. but could I sell the book for money? I have no idea how the Kingmaker campaign works... and, even if I could sell the book... do they have a printing press to mass produce it?

If anyone has any knowledge of Kingmaker's economy... please share.

Kthulhu wrote:
Witch. Unlimited "spellbook" (aka familiar) of the wizard, and if you run out of X/day spells you can rely on your hexes. You sacrifice a bit of the variety of the sorcerer/wizard spell list, but I think the hexes make up for it. They're also good enough that you'll probably barely pick a feat other than Extra Hex. Added bonus: since Int in her spellcasting stat, she'll have lots of skill points to throw around too. High UMD + lots of wands + hexes + witch spells = no need for sorcerer or wizard. You also can ease the healing burden on the cleric, as well.

Unfortunately I'm not interested in roleplaying as a witch. I can't really mesh with the whole idea of flying on a broom. :D

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Really depends on the flavour you're going for.

Again my advice is based on what I'd find fun to play, so take it with a grain of salt.

Divination Specialist: Forbidden Schools - Necromancy and Enchantment. Find out everything there is to know about your enemies. Teleport your party in and wreck 'em with summons! BWAHAHAHA. You don't need Enchantment with such a wide array of high Cha characters, and Necromancy lends itself to morally questionable or not so handy Save-or-Die spells.

That's how I'd roll it, but its important to find your own characterisation and flavour.

That's really funny, actually.. I had the same setup, just messing with Herolab atm... I guess it's a good way to role it then. :D

Because, I mean.. I definitely don't want to cast evil spells.. and the forewarning is amazing.

Carbon D. Metric wrote:

For Kingmaker?

Wizard. Far and away wizard. You simply put, have SO many more options and opportunities for long term study, item creation, and the like in a kingmaker game than... well probably ANY other set and authored campaign than I can think of.

Take the time, and your share of the gold to scribe all as many scrolls into your spellbook, and then proceed to scribe those into scrolls again so you can have a variety of spells available to you "in the field." Just make sure to get your hands on a nice handy extradimensional space to store them, and all your other magical goodies in.

I need your advice on what my Specialized School should be... I see that Divination is good for that, because of the forewarning, that allows me to act in surprise rounds with 1/2 of my wizard level added to Init..

But Conjuration is better for summoning creatures...

That's hard to pick between, and... then the hardest for me is the Forbidden Schools. XD

I have no clue what to forbid. I'm looking to fill the battlefield control, or GOD, role in my party... I hope that helps.

Drejk wrote:

Sorcerer is easier, Wizard is more demanding when it comes to day-to-day care. With wizard you have to focus upon understanding current situation and notice all possible hints about furture encounters to make best choices what spells to prepare. Often there are no hints and you have to prepare spells that you think will be best for the day. You allso gets Scribe Scroll for free and should use it often to get scrolls with utility spells for 1/2 price.

As a Sorcerer you have fixed array of spells without eventual flexibility of preparation for specific events but you have much more spells per day. Use Magic Device skill and wands or scrolls from other classes are good investement.

I would have been a Sorc, but Dude made a good point about having a lot of Charisma-based characters in the party already. It's alright though, I think the Wizard will be nice.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards.

A rough guide to choosing spells. Don't be straight jacketed by optimisation, but it's a good place to start.

Thank you for your help Dude. :D

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Looks like you've already got some Charisma heavy characters (Paladin, Oracle, Bard/Magus/Rogue). Playing a high Int character can be fun in that context.

Furthermore you're going to have a lot of down time, which is a Wizard's best friend. Time to add to your spell book, build arcane devices or even research entirely new spells (assuming your GM is cool with that kind of thing).

That said, I have a preference for Wizards over Sorcerers, (when I was younger it was the other way around). Nowadays the idea of being a mastermind who has exactly the tool he needs for any given situation seems cool to me. Looks like you've got plenty of damage around, your group might benefit from some utility.

Alright, thank you.. I'll make a Wizard. Now.. there are different spells to pick from, but things like Color Spray are going to be most important.. correct?

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