Finally, some Diplomacy up in Kingmaker (Spoilers)


AAAaaah. So, long story short, I built my cleric to be a diplomat, max the skill and took a trait to make me even better, but my group is all about slaughtering everything in sight with very little time at table devoted to RP. We've spared more monster tribes than killed them, but with humans we're extremely cautious. I've never once been out of the area on a diplomatic mission, which lead me to harbor all sorts of angst with the political "roll(s)" in game. Nearing the end of scripted encounters for Rivers Run Red and our little Duchy has graduated to Kingdom courtesy the clever machinations of our Father/Grandfather figure cleric of Iomedae and who else shows up to our cavaliers coronation but the big bad whose picture adorns Part 5 but King Irovetti himself!

Now my cleric has long harbored ambitions of playing nice with her neighbors, and for plot reasons in our game she was just itching to get at the guy (and apparently every other woman in the kingdom as well, as I figure Irovetti to be the combination of "insert your favorite charismatic world leader here" and Freddy Mercury) and my GM ran a special solo session just for me to talk to him. Squee! He is sooo awesome. Yes, I am concerned that my mid-level cleric with lots of wisdom and maxed sense motive can't get a clue about his intentions from speaking with him and as a player I'm questioning his proposition to have him send a number of my healers to his kingdom for the purposes of ministering to his people, but he's just too dang cool. In character I've offered to lead him to my cathedral on the eastern border, and I really can't wait to travel with him. As a player, I know the inevitable betrayal will be heart-wrenching to my idealistic cleric, but I am incredibly eager for this experience.

I suppose in this thread we can discuss player RP with the awesome and fearsome NPCs that populate Kingmaker. *sigh* I love RP.

my group talk to everything

it has 3 sorcerors and a bard, so is charisma central

I think they realised they were a little light on tanks at the beginning so played nice all over


very nice.

my group's Infernal Sorcerer has a general plan on meeting non-fey new people:

Give them presents.
Offer to let them stay in the kingdom and keep getting presents.

If that works (like with Akiros, the Sootscales, the Levetons, and many bandits), good.

If not, it's on to plan B: Cavalier massive damage charges, shotgun blasts from the druid, and they unleash Trixie, the pink haired Gnome barbarian whose alignment should be "Chaotic Sword" or possibly "Chaotic Wahoo!"

Fey, Ogres, demons, and other incorrigible, irredeemable creatures get Plan B from the get-go.

my group is 5 wizards with differnt school specilzation and one halfling barbaren so a big party. for the most part they make friends with things and for the first few levels if they could not make friends then they used sleep.
now in rivers run red, half the players cant come to play that often so three wizards go out and find the hill giant, they make friends with it by offering it a brewery all to itself if he comes to work for them. he joins in. then he tells them of the trolls lair. on the way to to trolls, they run into the drak, it says to them do you have any last words, the party responds we have an offer for you, and in the end have the drake agree to live in there lake and eat deathrow guys, if they can cross the 4 mile wide lake then they are free. the drake is transformed into a true black dragon and aged by spells the party researched.
to make things stranger they get to the troll lair and knock out the trolls there and fight the boss. knock him out and take him with them to be put in what they like to call the blender room. where they chop up trolls and have them regen new trolls(yes i know it does not work taht way but my game so i let it) and feed them to the dragon that now lives in the lake.
also they are goign to raise the dragon eggs and make dragon steeds out of them. so my party has a bit of a twisted sence of depomacy.
(sorry for spelling mistakes)

Greetings, fellow travellers.

*sigh* I have a sorc (cha 20), a cleric (cha 16), a paladin (cha 17) and a rogue (cha 16) - all they do is hitting others with sharp or pointy bits of metal.


Silver Crusade

Well let's see, our group is kind of a diffrent take on the traditional adventuring party. There's the Cavalier (Cha 20)to serve as the tank, our fair lady the Rogue (Cha 16), the grumpy scottish sounding dwarf cleric (Cha 20), a universal school Wizard (Int 20, Cha 16),and of course the Witch (Int 20, Cha 18).

One of my personal favorite NPC's would have to be Crazy Old Bokken, Our GM always plays him as a complete headcase, so he's always fun to visit but mind you nobody want's to stay long in his hut.

But damned if those fangberries don't make his potions taste great!
(Note: ALWAYS wash them & clean them before giving him any, he NEVER washes them. The PC's earned bonus xp 300 each just for getting him to take a bath. It was quite funny, the PC's nearly drown the stench off of him.)

And ever since when we come back his way we pay him a visit and he tells us of these lunatics who were disguised like us and forced him to bathe! Needless to say his insanity is a crowd pleaser.

This thread makes me smile. My group made a bunch of stat blocks that occasionally argue about some things happening in game at the table. Fighter stat block is actually playing his stat block, but since he's one of my GM husband's better friends and a genuinely cool guy, we tend to joke around a lot in character... mostly about our character's mates. Which is better than the remainder of the stat blocks, who constantly tall jokes about him, even though he's easily the most heroic figure in the party. I know, I know, I'm the godcaster and already don't get any credit for anything other than healing, but this guy has gone down to near death dozens of times in our defense (in particular I recall the time he was trapped between two trolls who took the opportunity to rend him to shreds for almost a hundred damage in a single round) and still comes out of it with a smile on his face. In game, no one should make fun of this guy, but they do. ALL the time.

I think things would change significantly if I repeated the king's oratory rolls in a good strong voice, or said to the GM "I roll diplomacy with that NPC over there and I add my modifier to the number on this die" instead of even bothering to make an argument.

My GM started letting me do stuff solo because I beg him to. If I had known our kingmaker campaign would be a ROLLplaying game I would not have bothered making a character, but rather a stat block like all the others.

Greetings, fellow travellers.

And they did it again! Oh, well. At least they revived one of them and plan to interrogate the little bugger when he wakes up again.
Hope, there is still hope...


Hu5tru wrote:

This thread makes me smile. My group made a bunch of stat blocks that occasionally argue about some things happening in game at the table. Fighter stat block is actually playing his stat block, but since he's one of my GM husband's better friends and a genuinely cool guy, we tend to joke around a lot in character... mostly about our character's mates. Which is better than the remainder of the stat blocks, who constantly tall jokes about him, even though he's easily the most heroic figure in the party. I know, I know, I'm the godcaster and already don't get any credit for anything other than healing, but this guy has gone down to near death dozens of times in our defense (in particular I recall the time he was trapped between two trolls who took the opportunity to rend him to shreds for almost a hundred damage in a single round) and still comes out of it with a smile on his face. In game, no one should make fun of this guy, but they do. ALL the time.

I think things would change significantly if I repeated the king's oratory rolls in a good strong voice, or said to the GM "I roll diplomacy with that NPC over there and I add my modifier to the number on this die" instead of even bothering to make an argument.

My GM started letting me do stuff solo because I beg him to. If I had known our kingmaker campaign would be a ROLLplaying game I would not have bothered making a character, but rather a stat block like all the others.

Ask the DM to start giving ROLE Playing XP and watch the situation change :)

WorkSlave wrote:

Ask the DM to start giving ROLE Playing XP and watch the situation change :)

Jeebus, if I did that I'd be at least one level higher by now. I've been the one suggesting things to create for the people of the Stolen Lands a national identity since the very beginning of the campaign... but unfortunately none of that is as important as building cities and attaining hexes.

Mine is half and half. Some only want to smash things and others are into all roleplaying so I have to balance it :)

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