My new character sheets for Pathfinder

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Corsario wrote:

Comes from the Extended and Extreme Range form infusions.

In particular Extended is a very common infusion to get.

Ah, got it. If I had any space to spare on the sheet that would be good, but I just don't think there's room. It's about half a line away from having to be split into two pages, it's that crowded.

I've incorporated as many of people's suggestions as I can remember and fit, and uploaded the latest copies. For convenience, here are links to all the Occult pages again:

Occultist + Implements
Spiritualist + Phantom + Combat

and while I'm at it:

Unchained classes

Noticed a few more bugs (sorry!) on the Kineticist sheet. The calculation for the Kineticist's blast damage is a little off. It's 1d6+1+Con at 1st level, plus an additional 1d6+1 for every 2 levels beyond first. (Kineticist level +1) ÷ 2 would give you the correct progression.

There's also no space for the energy blast damage, which is 1d6+½Con, plus 1d6 for every 2 levels beyond 1st. Maybe you could incorporate them both into the same part? Subscript with something like +1(Physical only) or + Con (½Con for Energy blasts)?

The other thing is far more minor, the level 3 elemental overflow section has the word "Bonus" under the word "Attack", but the word "Damage" under the word "Damage" a second time. I think it was supposed to be "Damage Bonus"?

I'm going to be GMing an occult campaign soon, and I'm so glad that you're continuing to provide the gaming community with these incredible character sheets. You're awesome, and one of the many things that make this game so great!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not sure how, but I managed to squeeze the Kineticist even tighter. There are a lot of things it would be nice to include, such as a note about what the difference between the two blast types are (since it wasn't all that clear to me on first reading it, evidently) and as Corsario says a note about the range, but there just isn't room.

I may yet try reflowing it into a 1½ page version, if I can decide which exact subset of features belongs separately.

Latest version: Kineticist

Liberty's Edge

Thank you very much!

I'm filling out a Kineticist sheet right now, and there's one more thing I noticed that's missing. In the elemental overflow section, there's no text for the bonus's cap. It only goes up to 1/3rd your Kineticist level.

Just wanted to chime in with a quick thank you for all the effort and a question (sorry didn't read the 15 pages of text to see if already answered) : any eta on archetypes for the non core classes?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lord Phrofet wrote:
any eta on archetypes for the non core classes?


Just wanted to say how much I love your sheets! I've been using them for quite some time now and all three groups I'm currently playing in use them exclusively by now.

Just sent a little something your way to show my and our appreciation for your dedicated work and support ;)

Please keep it up, there's nothing better out there!



Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's appreciated.

I will be trying out your Kineticist sheet at game tonight. I don't expect to really need it yet, but later in the campaign I have a feeling it's going to save me from a lot of headaches. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good luck. There are so many moving parts to the new Occult classes that I really think they're impossible to play properly without a really good character sheet to help you remember them all. That means I'm really trying to get them right, but sadly also means they'll be in beta for a good while before they can make it to the website proper.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A lot of people have asked me for the option to choose or upload an animal companion picture. One of the main reasons I haven't is that I have very few such pictures to present as options. The bulk of the pictures I offer come from Paizo's blog, thanks to their totally awesome community use policy (seriously, thank you, Paizo), but most of the characters they use are humanoid; the animals they show are typically monsters or enemies, rather than animal companions.

So can anyone suggest a good source of animal drawings, on a white background in the same fashion as the iconic images, which I can *LEGALLY* make available. That means either Creative Commons (attribution and non-commercial are fine, no-derivatives is a debatable point), or a license like Paizo's. I'm sure there are billions of great animal pictures on DeviantArt, but I've tried very hard to make sure this project is 100% legal in every way and I'm not about to weaken that now.


I'd love to see a german version for Pathfinder soon.
Do you still need any help with the german translation?

If so, how can I make myself useful?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Private message sent.

I'm always glad to welcome another helping hand with translation - for any language. Even the languages that are already published, because there's always more to do.

Scarab Sages

Trying the Kineticist for the first time. Gather Power reminds me of DBZ lol

This sheet looks extremely helpful, so thank you for making it!

Liberty's Edge

Notes on the Kinetisist class sheet:

~ You don't have anything on the sheet about Composite Blasts. At the very least the basic damage progression. From the SRD:

"Most composite blasts are either physical or energy blasts, like simple blasts. Physical composite blasts deal an amount of damage equal to 2d6+2 + the kineticist's Constitution modifier, increasing by 2d6+2 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st; energy composite blasts deal an amount of damage equal to 2d6 + 1/2 the kineticist's Constitution modifier, increasing by 2d6 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st."

~I really don't think you can avoid putting most of the wild talents on a second page. This will make everything less cramped and make room for the composite blasts. I would probably leave the Basic ___kinesises and Elemental Defence spots, along with 3-5 Composite blast slots on the main page.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, it's clear that a single page isn't enough for the Kineticist. I'm working on a one-and-a-half version of it that should be a lot tidier.

Or at least I was, until I somehow broke all the IDs in the database of my translator app just as all the German volunteers were trying to use it, and fixing it took over my life. Touch wood it's all fixed now, but it was a bit hairy for a while - and entirely my own fault for writing it in a language so obscure nobody can help me with it (Go, if anybody cares - the sources are here).

That's the main reason that neither the Unchained nor Occult classes have reached publication yet. Blame Germany. And Google. :)

Silver Crusade

Even the WIP Kineticist page is a life saver, my girlfriend was driving herself mad trying to keep track of everything. Thanks for all your hard work from another grateful user :)

Love love love your character sheets! I've been waiting for your version of the Occult classes. Thanks so much! (Don't forget the new void and wood elements for Kineticists)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sorry the new classes are all so so very late. :( This has not been a good year for me.

Kyle Berry wrote:
(Don't forget the new void and wood elements for Kineticists)

Yeah, I'm not at all surprised they added more of them.

I like the ideas, but the Summoner's sheet got a little too confusing for me. Mainly the Eidolons sheet; I tried using it, but it just got really confusing not having his hp and AC on the front page; it felt like the data was scattered across the pages.

Beyond that, solid concepts, just not optimally organized for my tastes.

Just going to put another request for Path of War classes.

Hopefully they wouldn't be too hard to add because you already have the Tome of Battle characters for the 3.5 character sheets. Path of War classes do have more going on.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Four months later, I finally have something to show for the Kineticist. Here's a version of it split into two pages:

A side
B side

There may still be fine-tuning to do on the layout, but any last-minute feedback or suggestions people can make on the mechanism would be welcome.

Next I need to make a version of it with the two extra elements. Now I've seen them, "Void" actually means negative energy (though the fluff is a bit ambiguous as to whether that makes it evil or chaotic).

just wanted to mention once again what im sure you hear a lot: you are awesome and i love your sheets, i use them all the time. I use the generic ones for classes you havent put in yet

Baval wrote:
just wanted to mention once again what im sure you hear a lot: you are awesome and i love your sheets, i use them all the time. I use the generic ones for classes you havent put in yet

Well cant give feeback on the that class , so i will just second baval here and say i always print and use your sheets , they are amazing , thanks a lot for the work you put here.

I'm not sure I understand what's going on the first page under Gather Power for the concentration check, it looks like something got jumbled there; also, on the second page I think you swapped parts of the Infusion and Composite Specialization texts.

Love these sheets, and I can't thank you enough for all the work you've put into this project.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Right on both counts. I've uploaded a slightly fixed version of both pages.

Lovely sheets. I was looking at your 3.5 sheets as well as say that there was nothing there for the Dragonlance setting.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Enlighten me. What's in the Dragonlance setting that I'd need to include? Is it all 3.5 only?

Hi sadie, I'm a great fan of your sheets, I always use them and I pretend my players to use them in the campaign I'm GMing (Yes, I'm a nasty GM, but for a good reason). Thank you for all your work!

As well as thank you I'm writing to you to ask if there's a reason why the Unchained sheets aren't on your site yet.

I'm using the Unchained Monk sheet that you posted among the others in a previous reply and them all seem pretty good to me.

Aren't them completed yet? If yes, please, take your time, I'm just asking out of curiosity since they seem available and beautiful.

sadie wrote:

Four months later, I finally have something to show for the Kineticist. Here's a version of it split into two pages:

A side
B side

There may still be fine-tuning to do on the layout, but any last-minute feedback or suggestions people can make on the mechanism would be welcome.

Next I need to make a version of it with the two extra elements. Now I've seen them, "Void" actually means negative energy (though the fluff is a bit ambiguous as to whether that makes it evil or chaotic).

Void is negative energy, and gravity, and darkness. It's a strange one. It doesn't mess with alignment at all.

I feel like an optional 3rd sheet would be cut-ups for infusion cards. A stack of forms with what they do, a minimum level, appropriate DC formula for reflex saves, and a burn cost. Followed by one for substance infusions, and a place for your listed infusion specialization. Putting them together, the bottom row should read "3 burn + (new card) 2 burn - (spot for infusion specialization number). A blank is needed for no form and no substance as well, and one for composite and metamagics that goes after the infusion reduction. Now people can mix and match blasts and see how their total burn will come out more easily.

Just a suggestion if you wanted to do something neat.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
As well as thank you I'm writing to you to ask if there's a reason why the Unchained sheets aren't on your site yet.

You're right, I've been on the verge of publishing both the Unchained and Occult classes for months now. I'm finishing some work on translations that I want to include in the next version.

I feel like an optional 3rd sheet would be cut-ups for infusion cards. A stack of forms with what they do, a minimum level, appropriate DC formula for reflex saves, and a burn cost. Followed by one for substance infusions, and a place for your listed infusion specialization. Putting them together, the bottom row should read "3 burn + (new card) 2 burn - (spot for infusion specialization number). A blank is needed for no form and no substance as well, and one for composite and metamagics that goes after the infusion reduction. Now people can mix and match blasts and see how their total burn will come out more easily.

Interesting... a lot of board and card games have tricks with combining cards like that (Gloom is a favourite, for example). There are probably a lot of other, similar areas of the game that could get a similar treatment. Just imagine a Barbarian doing their damage that way:

Weapon card: d8 + 3 (= STR * 1.5)
Rage card: +3 (by level)
Power attack card: +2 (by level)
Bardic performance card: +2
Charge card: +2
Flanking card: +2

As one who regularly has to sit there tallying up all these totals, I could see something in this. At the same time, a common criticism is that the way I do my sheets results in there being simply too many pieces of paper floating around, so I don't lightly add pages.

Fair, it's simply an option I felt compelled to present. If you don't, I plan to make some for myself anyways. :)

Uhhh cant wait for the spiritualist sheet.

I honest to god think the class is horrid ingame haha , but i love the rp potential it has.

Thanks for the hard work.

Found a few errors in the Medium page. Under the "Taboo" section, it says it allows you to use spirit surge twice per round, it should say it allows you to use spirit surge twice a day without incurring influence.

Also, the spirit bonus calculation doesn't take into account the bonus starting as +1 at first level. Maybe a "min. +1" or something?

It also might be nice to have a place to track your 5th and 6th level spells per day when channeling an archmage or hierophant spirit at higher levels.

Btw maybe im getting crazy , but there used to be an option to add buildings that you had and such before right?

I cant seem to find them right now.

Hello there,

Again very good sheets, using it for my home campains and PFS.
Making a new char for the monthly PFS session in my region, sadly it's an archetype of the skald.

Is there any plans for non-core classes archetypes this year?

Thank you again for the awesome sheets.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Padawanchichi wrote:

Is there any plans for non-core classes archetypes

Yes. Definitely.

this year?

No idea. Even if I make good progress, Skald archetypes are fairly down on the list.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nox Aeterna wrote:

Btw maybe im getting crazy , but there used to be an option to add buildings that you had and such before right?

I cant seem to find them right now.

Those are under Game Master > Kingdom Building.

By the way, I dunno if it has been mentionned, but in the beta sheet for the spiritualist, you've been positionning detect undead at 4th level instead of 5.

Wow... this is just beyond awesome. One small thing that I noticed as I was making a sheet, the Bard Archetype Sound Striker. The way Weird Words has changed and the sheet has the older version. Aside form that HOLY CRAP this is a darn nice sheet!

I am trying to use a custom logo for the Hell's Rebels campaign, but it is not used on the final sheets.

This is the image I am attempting to use: 53394037.jpg

Is there any chance of seeing a character sheet that omits all the skills, leaving blank lines throughout? This would help with alternate rules like the Consolidated skills from Unchained.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

FYI, I've set up a Patreon page for this project.

After much deliberation I've decided to offer absolutely nothing by way of rewards. Everything I create for this project is 100% free and open source, so there's nothing I can offer a patron that isn't best given to everybody.

Albatoonoe wrote:
Is there any chance of seeing a character sheet that omits all the skills, leaving blank lines throughout? This would help with alternate rules like the Consolidated skills from Unchained.

Actually, I plan to support both the new consolidated skills AND the option of a blank skill list.

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Sadie, allow me to add my name to the list of many players who are incredibly grateful for your sheets. I'm a fairly new player and your sheets simply present and organize all the info in just the right way. Thank you.

I'm starting a kineticist and I looked far and wide for character sheets to use that were made by YOU. Nothing else would do! I'm glad I finally found them here.

I'm no techy, so I have no idea what any of this takes except for lots of time and work. But I would like to ask what it would take to add these kineticist sheets (as well as the other occult and unchained sheets you've made) to your website so that they can be downloaded and printed all premade like your other sheets. With the class skills already marked off, with the ability to add logos, watermarks, etc, and print in different colors?

Anyways, once again, I hope you know how many people love and depend on your sheets and how many people you've helped with your efforts. Every time I start a new pathfinder game, I print off your sheets for my group. Very well done and thank you! Please keep up the great work!

Edit: I also happened to notice a small typo in the Kineticist's "Burn" section: 'rediced' should be 'reduced.' And in the published version, will CMB bonus be replaced by CON? Or will you add that separately to the Kineticist's page?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As you can see from the files above, the new Occult and Unchained classes are very much on my plan, and soon, but I've just been held up releasing them by an unfortunate confluence of events called "life". The good news is that I've finally cleared off all the upstream tasks so I should be able to publish them within the next couple of weeks.

...just in time for Ultimate Intrigue to land. Afaict all the interesting bits of the Vigilante are the different archetypes, so I'm expecting a lot of people will be after those (myself included).

Musha wrote:

Edit: I also happened to notice a small typo in the Kineticist's "Burn" section: 'rediced' should be 'reduced.' And in the published version, will CMB bonus be replaced by CON? Or will you add that separately to the Kineticist's page?

Thanks, I'll take a look at those tonight.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll be interested to hear how a fairly new player gets on with the Kineticist. It's a very complicated class, hence the need for more than one page.

Hello, I'd like to let you know that I love your sheets. My group and I have not used anything else since we discovered them about a year ago.

Something I would like to point out: On the phantom combat sheet, under armor class, there is a spot that says "evolutions" (which we both know phantoms do not get). You might want to fix that.

Thanks for all your hard work!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Xenok wrote:
there is a spot that says "evolutions" (which we both know phantoms do not get). You might want to fix that.

<politician face> I have absolutely no idea where that could possibly have come from!


Hi again, Sadie. So far I've only played 1 game as Kineticist and there was a lot of stuff that I missed, but I didn't have your sheets to help! lol. I was rolling less damage dice than I could have, I didn't use my full DR, and I'm not sure if I used my burn to its fullest potential. My next game will be much better for sure.

If you don't mind, I'd like to offer a couple suggestions for the Kineticist sheet. Perhaps you could expand it to a full 2 pages. I've been filling it out the last couple days and I thought I could use more space for more infusion slots.

For example, at lvls 7 and 15, there could be a space for expanded element and the basic utility you gain if you choose a different element. Or, at lvl 7, if you pick the same element, you gain an extra infusion.

Then, maybe, a space for if you pick the expanded defense infusion, you can add your new defense wild talent(s) to the sheet. I've also seen many Kineticist builds that take lots of Extra Wild Talent feats, so there could be more spaces available for such builds. Then, I suppose, if you need to add anything more to bring it to a full 2 pages, you could add more lines to the existing infusion slots? Just some thoughts.

Thank you!

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