Kyle Olson |

Sorry, just found one more thing. The "add condition" page crashes the app for me whenever i click add. Anyone else have this happen since 1.1.8? I'm pretty sure I used 1.1.7 conditions without problems.
Thanks again for everything.
It looks like I broke the Add Condition feature at the last minute. This is what happens when you are your own tester. I'll get a fix for this out quickly.

eXaminator |

Hi Kyle,
ok, I just checked out the latest version and I have 2 things:
1. Could you add the class(es) and levels to the NPC and monster Statblocks?
2. The app seems to crash if you select multiple monsters and open the damage/heal dialogue with a right-click (if you open it through a button the multi-selection will be lost) and damage or heal the selected monsters.
Anyway, awsome work :)

Kyle Olson |

2. The app seems to crash if you select multiple monsters and open the damage/heal dialogue with a right-click (if you open it through a button the multi-selection will be lost) and damage or heal the selected monsters.
Are you seeing this crash in the 1.1.9 crash fix version I just put out?

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eXaminator wrote:Are you seeing this crash in the 1.1.9 crash fix version I just put out?
2. The app seems to crash if you select multiple monsters and open the damage/heal dialogue with a right-click (if you open it through a button the multi-selection will be lost) and damage or heal the selected monsters.
I'm not seeing it 1.1.9 and the two I emailed you about are working properly.

eXaminator |

I tested version 1.1.9. It doesn't seem to happen all the time. I'm using it on Windows 7 64 Bit.
Edit: I had this twice, but I can't seem to reconstruct it right now. I'll keep you updated!
Edit2: It ssems to be connected to the "half" checkbox. It crashed using a Achaierai and an Adult Cloud Dragon, selecting both, then right clicking and selecting the Damage/Heal Dialogue, checking "HAlf" for the Achaierai and doing 20 pints of damage. But again, it doesn't seem to happen all the time...

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I spotted another error the other day. It's quite surprising no one has pointed it out yet.
When you click the 'sort' button for initiative it will place all monsters and players who have the same initiative in a random order instead of looking at the initiative modifiers to rank them.
Apart from that, everything is brilliant.

Kyle Olson |

I spotted another error the other day. It's quite surprising no one has pointed it out yet.
When you click the 'sort' button for initiative it will place all monsters and players who have the same initiative in a random order instead of looking at the initiative modifiers to rank them.
Apart from that, everything is brilliant.
The software does use the modifier to break ties, but it also rolls a random number to break ties among tied modifiers. It always rolls that random number, even in the case of a sort. I suspect this is what you are seeing. If you add two monsters with one init mod and two with another init mod and give them all the same score and press sort over and over again, you should see the higher two always be first and the lower two always be last.

Kyle Olson |

If you say so, but that's not what is happening for me. Try this exercise.
Player 1 with and int mod of 1
Monster 1 with int mod of 2
Player 2 with int mod of 3Now give them all an initiative of 10.
If you press sort 3 or 4 times it keeps changing the order they are listed.
Interesting. If you use monsters from the DB this doesn't happen, but blank monsters will sort incorrectly. If you mix them the DB monsters will always be sorted first. Thanks for noticing this. I'll get this fixed.

Kyle Olson |

Interesting. If you use monsters from the DB this doesn't happen, but blank monsters will sort incorrectly. If you mix them the DB monsters will always be sorted first. Thanks for noticing this. I'll get this fixed.
I see my problem. I'm using the Dex mod instead of the initiative modifier. Once again, thanks Kingpin. This feedback helps me make a better tool.

Kyle Olson |

I tested version 1.1.9. It doesn't seem to happen all the time. I'm using it on Windows 7 64 Bit.
Edit: I had this twice, but I can't seem to reconstruct it right now. I'll keep you updated!
Edit2: It ssems to be connected to the "half" checkbox. It crashed using a Achaierai and an Adult Cloud Dragon, selecting both, then right clicking and selecting the Damage/Heal Dialogue, checking "HAlf" for the Achaierai and doing 20 pints of damage. But again, it doesn't seem to happen all the time...
I may have to send you a special build to figure out what's happening here. Send an email to combatmanager@kyleolson.com with an email you want me to send a test build to and we'll see if we can't figure this out.

Cutter |

Kyle, I can't say thanks enough for this release.
The new damage/healing dialog is exactly what I have been waiting for. Well no, it's even better then I was thinking. The option to apply half damage will make area of affect stuff so easy to record, I can't wait to try it out at the table.
I think you have cleared everything off my Combat Manager wish list at this point.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
And I have said this before but to the GM's out there that are reading this post and have not yet tried out the program, Download it now and try it - in 10 minutes you'll be asking yourself how you ever lived without it.

Kyle Olson |

I think the only thing on my personal list would involve adding items to the monster/npc list, such as with an editor and especially from Herolab/PCGen.
But honestly at this point, it's like asking for a cherry with a stem to replace the stemless one on your sundae.
I've got some ideas on how to handle this. Many people want their own library of monsters.
I also still have to remember to fix the PCGen import.

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enrious wrote:I think the only thing on my personal list would involve adding items to the monster/npc list, such as with an editor and especially from Herolab/PCGen.
But honestly at this point, it's like asking for a cherry with a stem to replace the stemless one on your sundae.
I've got some ideas on how to handle this. Many people want their own library of monsters.
I also still have to remember to fix the PCGen import.
I think it'd be nice to import in .stock files from HL - they're basically just multiple .por files in one.

Sethvir |

Ok, I used this program for tonight's game, and it's usefulness just went through the roof! For tonight's combat, we had just 5 players, and the primary DM and I were co-DM'ing the session tonight as we were switching over duties tonight.
With only 5 players, though we were in naval combat, and had several NPC's in play along with a dozen other human foes, 5 ships and the land based crews defending the harbor, and a couple of cohorts as well. We also had a three treants involved as well. Keeping track of the initiative tonight any other way would have been a nightmare! We used the Monster Advancer tonight to estimate growth factors on plant creatures to determine the attacks and damage on the fly for size increases as well.
It was fantastic! After the session tonight, I shared the on-screen results with the rest of the group, and they were amazed at what it was capable of and the amount of content it had available. The only problem, none of them run Windows. One runs an iPad, the others run various flavors of Linux.
Thanks for everything with this program.

Cutter |

Just got done running a session with 1.1.9 and yeah the new changes are awesome and all the rules reference make running the game a snap.
However I do have one large problem. Tonight for the first time I am having stability problems with the program. Combat Manager crashed on me about 5 different times tonight. Which is really annoying in the middle of a fight since there is no way to just restart and continue from where you were. I had to reload my party, re-add the monsters, guess at what everyone hitpoints were and, what initiatives they were on several times. Needless to say that is a bit of a problem.
I'll send you an email with what info I have Kyle, but I just wanted to post my problem here in case anyone else was having something similar happening.

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I had the same experience as Cutter - every crash save one was when I was using the new ability to damage/heal via the menu.
The one exception occured when I had simply clicked on a monster, but I believe I had just finished using that menu.
Level of enthusiasm about this program after all of the crashes tonight:
Much increased.
This is a great program and will be evilgasmic when this bug is squashed.

eXaminator |

I used it last night too and had one crash while using the normal Damage interface (not the new one). I guess there's an error in the basic damage code? Anyway, as far as I understood Kyle in his eMail to me, I guess he might have fixed this for the new release already.
That said: Still a great programm. Some more basic usability options would still be nice. I just thought some sort auf autosave would be nice. It should save some data about how I arranged the window (i.e. if I resized the statblock portion on the main screen) and what I selected in the configs (an sources, though I'm not 200% sure if it doesn't do that already), too. But these would be rather cosmetic changes, not absolutly neccesary...

Sethvir |

I had no crashes at last night's game, used a bit for hit points for a few of the baddies, but used the individual drop downs only for accounting for damage, so no issues on my part. Doesn't sound like I was probably doing what others were doing with the damage changes though. Didn't roll initiative either. Entered values and resorted as new combatants were added during the fight.
For what it is worth, running it under Win 7 64 bit on a laptop.

MendedWall12 |

I had no crashes at last night's game, used a bit for hit points for a few of the baddies, but used the individual drop downs only for accounting for damage, so no issues on my part. Doesn't sound like I was probably doing what others were doing with the damage changes though. Didn't roll initiative either. Entered values and resorted as new combatants were added during the fight.
For what it is worth, running it under Win 7 64 bit on a laptop.
I've not had a crash problem either, and I actually have used the multiple damage/heal interface. Running on a Windows XP 32 bit laptop. Seems like the crashes might be unique to different systems, not the program... ?

Kyle Olson |

I used it last night too and had one crash while using the normal Damage interface (not the new one). I guess there's an error in the basic damage code? Anyway, as far as I understood Kyle in his eMail to me, I guess he might have fixed this for the new release already.
I have a fix, I just have to get the other features I was working on stable before I can get a release out. Hopefully soon.
I just thought some sort of autosave would be nice.
Autosave is on my todo list. I certainly would like to get it done, but there are complications I need to work out to make sure I can restore the state properly.

Cutter |

Suggestion for inclusion in rules tab.
Could be possibly get the rules for spell casting and concentration checks added somewhere in the rules tab? The concentration check DC's and related charts are something I often have to look up and I don't think it is included any where as of yet, unless I am just not seeing it.

Kyle Olson |

Cutter |

This tool is great and such, but you could still get the DM screen which has most skill DC tables (and concentration check DCs) on it ;-)
I do own a copy of the DM screen, but I am finding that with the amount of info that Combat Manager has in it these days that the laptop is quickly replacing my need for the DM screen at all.

Kyle Olson |

It is having problems with generating wondrous items.
If you deselect everything but Wondrous Items and one other (such as wands) it will only produce items from that list (in this case, wands). If you only have Wondrous Items selected then the programme will crash.
Thanks for finding this. I was rushing too fast to get one bug out so I didn't test everything in this feature.

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kingpin wrote:Thanks for finding this. I was rushing too fast to get one bug out so I didn't test everything in this feature.It is having problems with generating wondrous items.
If you deselect everything but Wondrous Items and one other (such as wands) it will only produce items from that list (in this case, wands). If you only have Wondrous Items selected then the programme will crash.
It's fine. I'm sure people on here don't mind considering themselves unofficial testers. I sure don't.

Kyle Olson |

Is there anyway we can tell which spell conditions are making stat changes and which aren't other then trial and error?
You can ask someone else you has used trial and error. You could scan the spells.xml file to find all the spells with a "bonus" item.
Seriously, here's what I have for now:
All of the level 2 transmutations e.g. Bull's Strength, Owl's Wisdom, and the level 6 mass versions.
Mage Armor
Enlarge Person regular and mass
I plan to have more in the future and to use the same mechanism for rules effect for regular conditions. I also will add an icon to make it obvious which spells modify stats.

Stynkk |

Just tried the app out, great work! Simply awesome for organization's sake..
a few things I noticed when looking things over..
1. When adding to the BAB value for a party member in the "Combat" tab the attack value does not change until you click the "Attacks" tab and then click "edit attacks". After opening the window, the changes display and things work properly.
2. Is there any way to add class levels in your monster advancer? Some creatures (like Orcs for example) have no racial die and just class levels in terms of monster advancement.
Thank you for sharing your work

MendedWall12 |

How about a version for PCs? Where they would have their character(s) shown with the spells and magic items they possess for quick look up. No monsters would be displayed either.
Are you talking about an entirely new tab at the top designated Player Characters? That would be difficult to do since every person would be inputting PCs on their own. Especially since you can create them from scratch, or import them from either PCGen or Herolab. Which is not to say that I don't think that would be a useful tab, just sounds like it might be a programmers nightmare. Of course, this is coming from someone who has exactly -75,000 programming experience.
Thanks for the update Kyle. You're churning these out so quickly, I won't be surprised if version 2.0 is ready by the end of April. :P
Edit: I can't believe this hasn't come up before, or maybe it has and I missed it, but there doesn't seem to be any good way of adding a Barbarian's rage (other than a "custom" under the add conditions interface). I'd love to see this as a quick click item that makes stat changes just like the spells you just added. That would be major awesomesauce!