eXaminator |

Afaik Kyle is already thinking about a way to save own creations into the Database.
@Kyle: Great work, but you missed out a rather annoying bug I noted before regaridng the AC: Let's say you have a Monster with an Armor of 5 (mind you, I mean Armor, not the complete AC). If you now click into the Armor field and change that number to 8 and tab/click into another field it will not just leave the Armor at a value of 8 (as expected) but it will rather recalculate that field to 13 (5+8). So to actually get my NPC with an Armor of 8 I would have to enter 3 into the Armor field so that Combatmanager adds it up to 8. That can't be the expected behaviour, right? :)
Btw: I love the reduced display option!! Thanks and just in time, this'll make todays session much easier! :)

Foghammer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have a dream, where one day, at my custom built gaming table that I have made with my own two hands, all of my players will have a monitor and keyboard. This monitor will display satellite applications of Kyle's Combat Manager, allowing each player to manipulate their own character's entry in real-time, freeing me up from keeping track of their character's stats and conditions myself.
I will be able to 'speak telepathically' and pass notes to a player without alerting anyone else to what is going on and thereby preventing metagaming. Players will be able to pass notes to one another (through the GMs master screen) in a similar fashion. I will be able to generate monsters quickly, and in choosing a monster from the database, a picture will display on the players' screens depicting the horror that awaits them.
It is glorious.

Kyle Olson |

Afaik Kyle is already thinking about a way to save own creations into the Database.
@Kyle: Great work, but you missed out a rather annoying bug I noted before regaridng the AC:
Saving into the DB was the reason I created the monster editor. Now that I have the editor I can move on custom user DBs.
Sorry I missed the Armor fix. I'll have it in the next version.

Kyle Olson |

If you edit a monster's HP in the Monster Editor, could you make it so it then automatically changed the HP in the combat view?
Great updates again.
There's a weird issue with this since the Monster's max HP might not match the max HP in the character entry since I allow the HP to be rolled. I have to think about how I want to handle this.

xorial |

I have a dream, where one day, at my custom built gaming table that I have made with my own two hands, all of my players will have a monitor and keyboard. This monitor will display satellite applications of Kyle's Combat Manager, allowing each player to manipulate their own character's entry in real-time, freeing me up from keeping track of their character's stats and conditions myself.
I will be able to 'speak telepathically' and pass notes to a player without alerting anyone else to what is going on and thereby preventing metagaming. Players will be able to pass notes to one another (through the GMs master screen) in a similar fashion. I will be able to generate monsters quickly, and in choosing a monster from the database, a picture will display on the players' screens depicting the horror that awaits them.
It is glorious.
Here is something close for now.

brassbaboon |

xorial wrote:Seen something like it a couple years ago; a friend tried it but the project got costly. Something like this will also be featured in my ultimate geek cave.Here is something close for now.
I built a digital game table a few years ago and it has been a great help in running campaigns, so long as I create all the necessary digital maps beforehand. Using "Maptool" or other digital game tables it is even more valuable.
I have not done the Wii hack bit, although I've thought about it.
By far the most costly part of this is the projector, but I got lucky and found a perfectly functional 1024x768 projector on eBay for $50. So the entire cost for the table was somewhere around a hundred bucks.
The other main GM in our group also did the same thing, but he bought a new projector for almost a thousand bucks...

Kyle Olson |

I just noticed that the "Damage/Heal"-Button is missing in the Minimized View... so adding/subtracting HP isn't as easy. Maybe you could change the Name to a Label for this View and get a bit mor space for the damage/heal button.
Press Enter with the HP Text box focused to bring up the interface which went with the "HP" button.

Foghammer |

@Foghammer: Sounds like you want world of warcraft :)
=___= Get back in your hole, orc, b'fore I git dwarf-y on your rump. :D Nah, I played WoW. Took me two years to get a toon to 70 for all my attempts to role play on there (it was horrifying). Then a buddy introduced me to 3.5... I've been hooked since, and I left WoW way behind. I think that tabletop gaming can be enhanced by computers enough without turning them into video games.
I would like to see this on android tablets as well, but I think I may have already voiced this thought elsewhere in the thread...

Cutter |

A couple of thoughts/suggestions for the floating initiative Window for you Kyle...
(1) The active character box at the top is consistently narrower then the character list below (the main initiative list). That means it wraps sooner with a long name then the rest of the window does. It might be nice if they were roughly the same width. That might save some screen real estate because the window can be a bit narrower before long names would wrap.
(2) It would be nice if the initiative window automatically scrolled if the list is longer then the can fit in the window size. Right now if I am clicking the next turn button the turn indicator in the initiative window disappears when a creature who is scrolled off the bottom of the window comes up in the order.
Great job as always though and keep it up. I (like many others I am sure) don't even think about running a session without your software in front of me anymore.

eXaminator |

eXaminator wrote:I just noticed that the "Damage/Heal"-Button is missing in the Minimized View... so adding/subtracting HP isn't as easy. Maybe you could change the Name to a Label for this View and get a bit mor space for the damage/heal button.Press Enter with the HP Text box focused to bring up the interface which went with the "HP" button.
I'll check that out when I'm at home. Not the most obvious way though ;)
I'd still prefer labels for the mini view since it can get rather hard to select monsters otherwise without accidentally clicking a button or something. (and clicking into the text field doesn't select the entry)
2 more things:
- I sometimes seem to get the wrong statblock when clicking on a PC (this doesn't seem to happen within the Monster list).
- It would be nice to be able to change the order of entries within the PC/Monster list :)

Ullapool |

For those with Macs or Linux boxes (a surprisingly large number of people) you cannot install this via wine (Windows emulation). I have a lot of experience building wine (in fact, I play D&D Online via wine on my Mac). It's just as simple as the .net framework version 4 isn't supported under wine (yet): AS EXPLAINED HERE.
So we're out of luck for this cool tool.
Not to get on too high of a soapbox, but those of us who flock to Pathfinder often do so for the Open Gaming License. Not surprisingly, that same mentality comes out of the Linux (and BSD) crowd. What I'm saying here is that the probability of folks using Macs and Linux are higher here than perhaps in the general computing or even gaming community.
All that said, you have way too much work invested I assume to redesign this in something that would be cross-platform compatible. It's just disappointing.
And no, no boot camp / qemu - I don't have a Windows license nor do I intend to give Microsoft money for one. Again, philosophical views abound.
Tool looks cool! Wish I could use it! Nice work on the project.
Kyle, if you really are doing things that are specific to .NET 4, then that's the end of the road for Mac/Linux users for a while. If you're not, or perhaps only doing a few things that you might could do another way in .NET 2, then know that it's very possible changing to .NET 2 would allow "us" to use this tool. Again, I don't have any idea about .NET programming and what you've done that is specific to that particular version.
On a side-note, if you're interested in a collaboration, I have a lot of programming experience and am looking for a side-project. I would be happy to help in some way.

Ullapool |

Ullapool wrote:It is in WPF, which i believe isn't supported in wine for .Net 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0
Kyle, if you really are doing things that are specific to .NET 4, then that's the end of the road for Mac/Linux users for a while.
It's also not supported by Mono either. As you can see HERE. /sadpanda.
WPF - no plans to implement

Kyle Olson |

When I import .rgprp files (PCGen output), the Touch and Flat-footed AC are defined in the file but are showing up as 0 {zero) in both the 'Character Stats - Selected' and the 'Party - Combat' views.
-- david
There are some notable issues with PCGen import I need to go back and address.

Papa-DRB |

I really like this. Used it for the first time last night to run my combats and it works pretty well. I have several output files from PCGen if you need samples to use.
-- david
Papa-DRB wrote:There are some notable issues with PCGen import I need to go back and address.When I import .rgprp files (PCGen output), the Touch and Flat-footed AC are defined in the file but are showing up as 0 {zero) in both the 'Character Stats - Selected' and the 'Party - Combat' views.
-- david

Kyle Olson |

A couple of thoughts/suggestions for the floating initiative Window for you Kyle...
(1) The active character box at the top is consistently narrower then the character list below (the main initiative list). That means it wraps sooner with a long name then the rest of the window does. It might be nice if they were roughly the same width. That might save some screen real estate because the window can be a bit narrower before long names would wrap.
(2) It would be nice if the initiative window automatically scrolled if the list is longer then the can fit in the window size. Right now if I am clicking the next turn button the turn indicator in the initiative window disappears when a creature who is scrolled off the bottom of the window comes up in the order.
Great job as always though and keep it up. I (like many others I am sure) don't even think about running a session without your software in front of me anymore.
I actually didn't get a chance to run a game with this until after I pushed out the first version so I hadn't got a feel for it. This feedback is appreciated. There's a lot more I can do with this window when I know what people need.
I'm having a slight (and surprising) technical problem with the scrolling but hopefully that will be in the next version.

Cutter |

I'm having a slight (and surprising) technical problem with the scrolling but hopefully that will be in the next version.
You are having a technical problem..... why am I not worried? LOL
As for doing more with the window, the only thing I can think of that might be cool is to show the ready or delay flag on characters that choose that action.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager update to 1.2.9:
Add single column view for combat pane
Add double column view for character stats
Remember window Size
Fix Armor adjustment in monster editor
Add notes popup to characters.
Apply Weapon Finesse changes automatically
Scroll to current player in Initiative Window
Show delaying and readying icons in Initiative Window
Add Magic Item Rules
PCGen import improvements

Cutter |

Okay I have a couple of issues with this release unfortunately...
(1) The combat state is no longer being automatically saved. In the last releases if I quit the program or it crashed, when I restarted the combat would come back exactly as where it left off. This release is coming up with a completely empty combat (no monsters, or characters loaded). This is a big loss for me - I loved that feature. Hopefully this is a minor oversight?
(2) Remembering the window size is nice, but it is not remembering the window position. It comes up the correct size but parts of it are shoved off the right side of my screen and I have to drag to reposition the window. Remembering the layout of draggable subwindow boundaries and things like one or two column displays would also be a plus...
I love the changes to the initiative window. Really nice job there Kyle! Seeing it with the delay and ready icons now though has given me another idea. How about having an option to display condition icons in that window as well, and perhaps also indicate creatures with negative hp like you do in the combat window?
Thanks for the great work as always!

Kyle Olson |

(1) The combat state is no longer being automatically saved
This should still be working. For now you might try to delete your
\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager\Combat State.xml file.
(2) Remembering the window size is nice, but it is not remembering the window position.
I forgot to get this is before getting this pushed out. I'll get this fixed up.

![]() |

Great program! It has been a fantastic tool.
I've had an odd issue with the monster editor trying to build my PC's; when I change the perception value under the 'senses' box, the value will either not update correctly, or I get two 'Perception +x' in the field in the main combat window.
If I just delete the contents of the senses field, the 'Perception +x' will be replaced in the main combat window, but not under senses in the monster editor.
Also it doesn't seem to cooperate with any value placed under perception in the skills section.
It doesn't happen to every PC, but I don't see a pattern of why it's happening when it does. Seems a bit fiddly.
Am I doing something wrong?

Papa-DRB |

eXaminator |

awww... you broke a little feature I really liked: In the last version it was possible to doubleclick on the "Monster DB", "Selected" or "Current" headline on the left to toggle them... that doesn't work anymore (I like to hide "current" and "Monster DB" views most of the time to get some space for the "Selected" view. But it was very convenient to be able to fast toggle the "Monster DB" part. Any way of getting that back in?

Kyle Olson |

awww... you broke a little feature I really liked: In the last version it was possible to doubleclick on the "Monster DB", "Selected" or "Current" headline on the left to toggle them... that doesn't work anymore (I like to hide "current" and "Monster DB" views most of the time to get some space for the "Selected" view. But it was very convenient to be able to fast toggle the "Monster DB" part. Any way of getting that back in?
I didn't know if anyone noticed. It was a little broken so I intentionally took this one out. I'll get it back in.

Cutter |

Cutter wrote:(1) The combat state is no longer being automatically saved
This should still be working. For now you might try to delete your
\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager\Combat State.xml file.
Did this and it didn't make any difference. It still won't save. This seems to be specific to this machine. I installed on my laptop and things are working fine. Also if I try to load the combat state I get a popup with all sorts of method and XML errors. I'll email you a screen shot of the errors, perhaps you have some idea...
I even did a full uninstall/reinstall and that made no difference...

Sethvir |

Sethvir wrote:Send the file and I'll take a look.My combat state saves just fine. However, in doing my testing, I have tried to import my Herolab .por file, it freezes Combat Manager. Haven't found any other issues at this point on any of the machines where I install the software.
Sent to you.
Thanks as always.

Cutter |

Kyle Olson wrote:Cutter wrote:(1) The combat state is no longer being automatically saved
This should still be working. For now you might try to delete your
\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager\Combat State.xml file.Did this and it didn't make any difference. It still won't save. This seems to be specific to this machine. I installed on my laptop and things are working fine. Also if I try to load the combat state I get a popup with all sorts of method and XML errors. I'll email you a screen shot of the errors, perhaps you have some idea...
I even did a full uninstall/reinstall and that made no difference...
Problem found and solved by Kyle.
This man has got to be the greatest tech support person of all time!

Alandia |

Hi Kyle,
firstly I would really like to thank you for this astonishing piece of software!
One thing I would like to request for future releases:
I really like the links to the feats every monster/NPC provides. You click on them and get an redirect to the feats site explaining it in detail.
Just this feature I would like to request for the spells also. The database is there and I (especially as a new player to pathfinder) would love to click on a spell and get an redirect to the spelldatabase.
Best regards from Germany