Alastir Wade

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Gauss wrote:

Out of curiousity, what option do you think the Witch will take?

- Gauss

He will stick with the permanent eye for 20k.

He i now saving for it because he thinks its a good addition to his character besides the magic effects.

So thanks again :)

Gauss wrote:

ICQ?!?! I thought that went bye bye ages ago!

No it's still working well ;)

Gauss wrote:

40K? a bit steep but its your game. :)

- Gauss

Ahh, I did misunderstood you. You meant double the price of the scroll version. -> 20k

I doubled those 20k ....

Tels wrote:
As for possible abuses, there really aren't too many. The problem you may encounter is that the Witch will now automatically detect any magical things within 120 ft of the direction she is looking. So things like Illusions, Traps, Items, and such things. It can get a little annoying, but I don't generally think it will be too big of a problem.

I might be a bit off rules there but if I do not want my players something to detect in front of time they will not. This will havt to be used whise but there are always things beyond the reaches of PCs ;)

But in generally I agree with you. Its mor annoying than really a balancing problem.

From my point of view a good idea and that should be honored I think.

I think those 40k sounds reasonably.

I have given my player those options. atm he is a bit quiet on the other end of icq .... we will see ;)

i will keep you updated!

Best regards,

Thank you Gauss!


I have some problems in calculation of the costs of a wondrous item one of my players whant to create.

Also I would like to request your thoughts for this item .. where might be a side effect (abuse) I will have to think of in the future as a GM?

Our Witch (lvl 8) has lost an eye. Now she thinks of a replacement. Her idea is a rubin enchanted with arcane sight and permanancy plugged into her eye socket.

She by herself can create wondrous items but will need help from other classes for the spells.

How do I calculate the crafting process (DCs) and the costs for this item?

I am looking forward for your ideas :)

Best regards,

Hi Kyle,

sorry if someone mentioned this before but I have problems to role attacks with the combatmanger since the last version. The Will'o'Whisp for example has an empty attack menue.

Is this a problem that only effects me or do other people also have problems with this?

Best regards,

BigNorseWolf wrote:

1) While similar, the Paladin and Druid or ranger animal companion are not the same class feature, they would not stack. A paladin's mount is called divine bond and works on one set of rules, the Druid or ranger has nature bond, which works on slightly different rules.

2) A requirement for boon companion is having the animal companion. Since you don't have one you don't qualify for the feat

Prerequisites: Animal companion or familiar class ability.

It is considered an animal companion, that has been stated by the game designers regarding if a paladins mount is an animal companion or something else. It does not matter if you get the creature through one kind of ability or another.

#2 Yeah...class ability, it does not state that you need to have the animal, it just says your class has to have that ability to have an animal which it does.

So when you take 4 lvls in paladin, then two in ranger, then the last one in paladin and for that 7th level take the boon companion feat it allows you to treat your paladin level as 7 when choosing your animal companion.

It seems as if everything has been stated in the past somwhere and noone seems to find the ppropriate sources etc..

This paladin mount building seems to produce a lot of confusing looking around the forums. Why is this not adressed in a official FAQ or in an Errata or even clarified in the Paladin description? Everything would be clear and noone would have to argue around some possible meanings from the developers.

So please to end this finally might it be possible that an official can cover this. In this thread a blog or something?

Best reagrds

Shar Tahl wrote:

Your statblock has a template applied and would presumably be for raising a horses hit dice outside of the companion use, such as a powerful purchased horse. It appears you ignored the druid companion chart completely.

You got me on this one. This explains your stats and the difference to mine calculation.

Shar Tahl wrote:

A note about combat training. Combat training is a process of the Handle Animal skill and gives only the following...

Combat Training (DC 20): An animal trained to bear a rider into combat knows the tricks attack, come, defend, down, guard, and heel. Training an animal for combat riding takes 6 weeks. You may also “upgrade” an animal trained for...

This would make sense if realy only the companion template would be taken. But on this case whats about this statement from James Jacob?

Shar Tahl wrote:
Liffy wrote:

The Paladin's heavy horse gets applied the advanced simple template as noted in the beastiray under the horse - heavy.

This part is wrong. You ONLY use the Horse listed under the druid companions. That has nothing to do with the Bestiary

So the explicit so named heavy horse is just fluff or how do you interpret this? This part is also the text Liffy refers to for applying this template.

In the Paladin description it is clearly said:

[...] This mount is usually a heavy horse (for a Medium paladin) or...[...]

Shar Tahl wrote:
Totally forgot the template too. That horse has Resist Cold, Acid, and Electricity of 15, SR 16, Darkvision and DR 10/Evil and is a magical beast. Updated the spoiler

Thank you for this build. In my oppinion its even better as there is stated on horses at the bestiary that their hooves only count as secondary attcks as long as they are not combat trained (see the SQ docile for that) - what the are when becoming 4th lvl companion. So they are primaries! The horse has 3 primary attacks make it a full companion besides the additional templates celestial etc.

But lets stay a moment at the ability stats. I cant get them calculated like you did.


The advanced simple template states for recalculation an increase of 4 for every ability stat. Calculating this for 12th lvl I would come to the following results useing the base horse stats of a druid companion horse:

Stat|BASE|adv.Template|4th Lvl | Statincr.|Result
STR | 16 | +4 | +2 | | 22
DEX | 13 | +4 | | +1 | 18
CON | 15 | +4 | +2 | +1 | 22
INT | 2 | +4 | | | 6
WIS | 12 | +4 | | | 16
CHA | 6 | +4 | | | 10

Btw is there a way to make this to look like desigend by typing with somthing like [code][/code]? This looks redicolous as result.

Based on this the horse gets even better in the resulting other stats of you. So how did you calculate your stats or other way round where is my failure in understanding the calculation?

Btw this would give a paladin horse a sum of statpoints far beyond every other possible companion. The horse would have an surplus of 20(!) ability score points. This can't be balanced^^ (or I do not understand the rules to create one)

This brings me back to the origin part of my request when starting this thread:

* On whitch base the ground stats are calculated? Horse from Bestiary or druid animal companion list?
* Is the heavy template meant to be used? If yes in whitch way? Or is it fluff so that a paladin in full plate does not sit on an small araba?
* Count the hooves when combat trained like mentioned in the Bestiary as primary attacks?
* Not a question just to sum up: celestial template, possebiliity to summon, magic beast and Spell Resistance on top.

Just to be clear again: It is not - like mentioned before - this paladin horse hatred. I just try to understand the rules and the balancing behind it.

Best regards

I would by this one also. For me it do not have to be hardcover but a revised version for PFRPG in the used way APs are done would be really enough.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

SCroll down to monkey see monkey do.

This is an interesting source!

Name Violation wrote:

JR has it wrong. it was mentioned in a blog article that intelligent animals CAN take class levels, but an animal companion only uses whats on the druid chart.

JR is referencing something out of context, under a very very nice GM's allowance. its not the norm.

Ok thank you on this one :-) Is it possible to get a source from one of you? *sucking up every bit of information I can get ;-) *

Jeranimus Rex wrote:

Also, no need to nerf it, You're only able to get the normal horse from the companion list, the heavy horse reference is a typo in the rules.

After reading through it agion I have to ask something in addition. In the erratas nowhere is mentioned 'heavy horse' is adressed as typo. Where is that from? It would completlely whipe out the issues with this heavy template on top of the companion.

BigNorseWolf wrote:


Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 hooves* (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. *This is a secondary natural attack, see Combat for more information on how secondary attacks work.

-You get the stats from the druid animal companion stats.

Ok we are all clear at that. these are the stats of an druid companion horse out of the druid list. That was what I meant. And after reading the post of LazarX again I think he was meaning it also. He just whanted to clarify that it is not the entire druid list where a paladin can choos from. Sorry got that first on a second reading now.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Its supposed to be relevant. Its just not supposed to be dominating. A pouncing dire tiger or a velociraptor with a little bit of gear will out dps rogues in their sleep and sometimes pass the fighters.

I also think it should be besides a roleplaying view relevant. I also think domination would be bad. I do not think at the moment it would dominate the game but it feels a bit unbalanced in comparison to the other companions. Some of this feeling is already gone by clarificaton from where to take the stats etc.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

There's no reason a horse can't smash its hoof through 2 peoples heads. However a horse is only doing 1d6 +3 or 4 points of damage. That shouldn't be enough to regularly cleave: you'd never call cleave in advance for that little damage. A horse is used to charge, or make 3 attacks, not one pitiful standard attack.

Ok I am with you here. We completly oversaw the statement in the feat description that cleave is a standard action - also for characters ^^.

Ok but besides that regarding my imagination problem whith the physically possebility of a horse cleaving. When a horse attacks with its front hooves or bite it hase to rear up and comes down in a streight line for its hooves to attack. No way to get a swing with this sort of attack to get another foe adjectant to it in this motion sequence?

BigNorseWolf wrote:
There's a design tuesday on it.

Sorry it seems this is a knowledge gap because to be new at pathfinder. But I did not read about somthing like this util now. Can you give me a hint where to find mor about this design tuesday(s)?

Hi All,

some interesting things here.

Jeranimus Rex wrote:
Man, weird Paladin Mount Hate.

I think this is a big misunderstanding. Bothe me and my group are new at pathfinder and we are playing it with a lot of fun. Just to be clear no one of us hates paladi mounts. We just try to understand different parts of the rules correct. We are just able to express our feelings from reading the numbers not from a multiyear expirience of playing. And at he moment ist is our feeling just from looking at it as if the companion would be to good in comparison. In realy play it might not. But thats the reason we decided to ask for advise and information here :-)

Jeranimus Rex wrote:

One cool thing about the Paladin mount, is that because is has 6 int, it's able to take class levels, and that also means it can take combat feats, so long as it meets the requirements. I'm playing a Paladin right now who's horse is taking Fighter(Savage Warrior) Class Levels, and he's been doing pretty grand. Not too overwhelming, but he's been a great asset since essentially he's another melee character.

Sorry but you have lost me compleately on this thing. Taking classlevels? I thought it is just leveld appropiate to the companion table of the druid?

Jeranimus Rex wrote:

Also, no need to nerf it, You're only able to get the normal horse from the companion list, the heavy horse reference is a typo in the rules. And if the Ranger feels really bad about his nerfed animal buddy, he can choose to spend a feat to make it @Lvl, as opposed to Lvl-3.

Again noone want it to nerf when we understand the complete mechanics and everyting figures out to be appropiate. Sorry for this but perhaps I am a bit slow in understanding every passage of the rules - at least we try :-). This is btw another point whitch seems a bit confusing to us. We already found that feat. But why to hell has he to take this feat and not a paladin? Both become their companion later at a lvl and not from the beginning. Both classes hasve to choose to take a companion or to take another option in there classabilities. Both classes are not initially designed around haveing a companion but the paladin has not to take the feat and gets also other templates on top (we know the ranger can take also other companions with more flexebility for combat etc.). This 'feels' for us at the moment not fair.

LazarX wrote:

The Paladin only gets what's directly specified as available. It's not the druid list, only a choice of horse, pony, or riding dog. So while it's effective level is a little bit higher than the ranger it's nowhere near the combat utility. The effective greater number of hit dice is mainly so that it has a better chance of surviving a dragon's flame when the Paladin lance charges one.

Ok from what list would you choose the stats for the horse? Also James Jacob stated that the Horse war trained becomes its hooves as primary attacks - giving a horse full 3 attacks. In my eyes far away from a not combat relevant companion.

Another question: What about the feat cleave for a horse? Is it physically able to do a cleave? I have some imaginative problems with that ^^

Oh btw is there somewhere a descent FAQ regarding this? tis seems very irritating gamemechanism whitch really need clarification from official

Hi all!

An additional question came up in our session.

It is cleared that the paladin horse bases on the template for the druid companion.

What is the statement for the extra mentioned heavy horse? Does the template 'heavy horse' also comes on top of the base stats of the druid companion horse?

Best regards

Asteldian Caliskan wrote:

-Its only real combat purpose is charge (which is very good if you design a small char for it, but then the Horse is not independantly attacking so its lvl is somewhat irrelevant)

As far as I understand the rules - the horse is combat trained and can attack on its own? It gets feats and everything a companion also gets. Ok you have problems in dungeons or inhouse but otherwise it is a full companion.

It gets on top things like celestial template etc. So in my opinion lvl -3 would be fair.

Thank you all for the answers!

Personally I would also prefere the paladin mount as level -3 like the ranger. It would even it out a bit.

Thank you both for your answers.

Just to be sure on a thing. I took a closer look gain to the horse.
It seems as if the horse from the compnion list is already a hybrid between the normal horse and the heavy horse - so the advanced template should not be applied on top.

My guess is the paladin and oracle get their companions from the list the druid provides and not from the Bestiary. If they would get them from the bestiary the gap would be even grater because the seem far out of balance with their ststs.

Hi All,

I have tried several searches in the forum but found nothing answering my questions - if I did not run the correct searches just a link would enough as answer ;-)

Ok my problem:

At the moment in my group there are a druid, ranger, orace, paladin.

All of them can get an animal compenion based on the druid animal companion.

But all of this seems not to be balanced.

1. Druid get an animal compenion chosen out of the lists in core etc. The stats are clearly stated. Everything fine so far.

2. Rangers can choos also out of those lists and their effective druid lvl references to Ranger-3. Seems ok for me because he gets it later and is some sort of hybrid in this case.

3. Paladin and Oracle become a companion referencing to there classlevel as effective druid lvl. Beside this they get several additional advantages like starting INT of 6 and gaining in case of the paladin extra goodies like celestial template, magical beast and instant summoning to her side later on. Also it is explicit stated that they get a 'heavy horse'. In the bestiary it is stated that a heavy horse gains the simple advanced template.

Now my questions regarding this three points:

- did I understand the rules like stated above correct?
- If I understand the rules correct, how can I explain my players that strong to nature bonded classes like ranger or especialy druid are getting even weaker companins like a paladin woh has nothing to do with nature?

At the moment my players are a bit pissed (besides the oracle and the paladin ;-) ) and I hope you can bring me some light into the darkness :D

Best regards

Ok now I am really spechless .. this is just 5 days between updates and feature requests are even done after last release ... and they are in this one.

Cutter wrote:

The only thing I can't seem to get to work is the spell links and tooltips for spells known/prepared. Spells are still displaying the same for me(no tooltip and not linked). Is there anything that needs to be done to enable this?

For me the links and popups are working fine - for spells and feats. I installed it just in the path the old installation was.

Oh by the way - I recognised, that the installer always want to install in c:\.... might it be possible to add a check if the last version is installed in a different path? Then you would not have to choose the alternative path everytime installing an new version. Man I am a lazy user ;-)

Best regards Alandia

Hi Kyle,

firstly I would really like to thank you for this astonishing piece of software!

One thing I would like to request for future releases:

I really like the links to the feats every monster/NPC provides. You click on them and get an redirect to the feats site explaining it in detail.

Just this feature I would like to request for the spells also. The database is there and I (especially as a new player to pathfinder) would love to click on a spell and get an redirect to the spelldatabase.

Best regards from Germany