Is the Arcane Duelist a Fail vs Inquisitor? Comparing the classes role / abilities

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Look I’m not trolling here but musing on the role of an arcane duelist and the abilities he receives to fulfill it. I’ll be straight and say while I’ve been trying to optimize some builds (haven’t played one yet) I’ve noted that perhaps an Inquisitor Fills the same role only more easily.

For example- the character abilities of both classes lend themselves quite heavily to party boosting and being either a primary/secondary combatant. The Inquisitor seems to get much better toys to fulfilling these roles

Arcane Duelist Goodies:
Bard Song (inspire courage- self and party buff, can be used vs anyone and generally lasts most of the day)

Bonus Feats- 6 bonus feats- Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Disruptive, Spellbreaker, Penetrating Strike and the Greater version. These are more single focused than the selectable feats the inquisitor gets. They improve damage, cut through DR (one of the judgements can do that) and make him more effective in melee vs casters (whom will avoid melee)

Arcane Armor- Nice to see but the Inquisitor doesn’t suffer ASF anyway and has a better spellist. This would be great if the Arcane Duelist had access to more offensive spells.

Bladethirst- Good ability but the weapon buffs work at the expense of turning Inspire Courage off. Situational ability if you need a particular enchancementt on the fly.

Inquisitor Goodies:
Judgement (self buff- usually justice but different ‘modes’ selectable. 7/day lasts until target is dead at later levels you can stack multiple judgements)

Bonus Feats- 6 teamwork feats of limited use. Outflank and Paired Opportunists seems to be best depending on build. Then Coordinated Maneuvers/Defense, Lookout and swap places. The improve to hit chances and add to defense. The inquisitors feats are less focused than the Arcane Duelist but the added to hit feats probably even out the damage increases the Duelist gets.

Bane/Gtr Bane- awesome class ability which leaves arcane strike in the dust. Last only a limited time but adds more enhancement and damage. Swift action to activate and can stack with judgements.

Stalwart- Hello, remember mettle. The inquisitor has improved chance of shrugging off the worst save or lose effects completely as they generally target will/fort.

Exploit weakness- a great reason for inquisitors to wield falchions, kurkris or scimitars. Encourages critical feats, bypassing DR.

Domain- a HUGE advantage. Inquisitors can select anyone domain belonging to their deity (including subdomains) some of which offer awesome combat abilities
EG- Ferocity- allows the Inquisitor to rage and take rage powers. Maybe Reckless Abandon, Strength Surge and the extra rage power feats.
What about the Animal Domain? The Boon Companion Feat would be nice for an Inquisitor with a Tiger or Wolf pet.
Aura of Menace?

Slayer- Needs errata this ability no longer works as printed.
True Judgement- Melee version of Deadly Performance.

Now the reason I’m giving a big win to the inquisitor is most of it’s abilities can stack with others. It doesn’t have to wait to wear heavier armor. And because it’s spellist is primarily buffs, healing and condition relief it is a better party helper. And the domain is Huge.

The Arcane Duelist gets similar abilities but the better ones are performance based and can only use one at a time. The spellist has a lot of Offensive enchantment spells with a lot of things are immune to and the Bard lacks the highest spell levels or higher ability score to work great offensively. A lot of it’s buff are morale bonuses which won’t stack with Inspire Courage and it is a poorer healer, condition remover.

Any insights I’m not seeing would be appreciated.

The Inquisitor is entirely selfish. He can't do a single thing to help his party. None of his class features are group-oriented, and for the most part neither is his spell list. The Arcane Duelist, on the other hand, has a whole raft of party buffs and group-oriented class abilities. Just inspire courage is a dramatic damage increase for a party with several physical attackers, far outshining anything the Inquisitor gets.

Shadow Lodge

Ardenup wrote:


Look I’m not trolling here but musing on the role of an arcane duelist and the abilities he receives to fulfill it. I’ll be straight and say while I’ve been trying to optimize some builds (haven’t played one yet) I’ve noted that perhaps an Inquisitor Fills the same role only more easily.

For example- the character abilities of both classes lend themselves quite heavily to party boosting and being either a primary/secondary combatant. The Inquisitor seems to get much better toys to fulfilling these roles

Inspire Courage

Good Hope (stacks with both the above)

While the inquisitor might mop up the battlefield in a PvP with the bard, the bards party will trash the inquisitor's party.

The bard is the guy everyone picks first to be on their team.

0gre wrote:

Inspire Courage
Good Hope (stacks with both the above)

While the inquisitor might mop up the battlefield in a PvP with the bard, the bards party will trash the inquisitor's party.

The bard is the guy everyone picks first to be on their team.

I agree with Haste and Inspire Courage is awesome. But why would good hope stack with it? They are both morale bonuses and the same bonues don't stack (except dodge)

If you wanna compare spell lists?
I'll see your Haste (admittedly THE best 3rd level buff) and Good Hope (which I don't think stacks-I could be wrong) and raise you
Gtr Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment, Keen edge, Magic Circle, Prayer, Coordinated Effort and Righteous Vigor.

I'll admit NOTHING at 3rd level comes close to haste. Look at the other spell levels, Bard at 4th and up moves on to offensive mind effecting and the inquisitors list is still selfish but has some other buffs and condition relief too.

Don't get me wrong, I know having a Bard makes everybody else better (Inspire Courage) but I'm hating the fact to use any of the arcane duelists get abilities like bladethirst you have to turn it off.

Inquisitor doesn't have to turn off anything...
I may be undervaluing inspire courage but I had hopes the arcane duelist would rock melee as well (in limited circumstances) instead of simply being 'Crimson Arc' (you'll know if you watch Heroes)

The Inquisitor can help his buddies (prebuffs) and kicks a$$ alot harder than the Arcane Duelist.

The Exchange

Ardenup wrote:
0gre wrote:

Inspire Courage
Good Hope (stacks with both the above)

While the inquisitor might mop up the battlefield in a PvP with the bard, the bards party will trash the inquisitor's party.

The bard is the guy everyone picks first to be on their team.

I agree with Haste and Inspire Courage is awesome. But why would good hope stack with it? They are both morale bonuses and the same bonues don't stack (except dodge)

If you wanna compare spell lists?
I'll see your Haste (admittedly THE best 3rd level buff) and Good Hope (which I don't think stacks-I could be wrong) and raise you
Gtr Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment, Keen edge, Magic Circle, Prayer, Coordinated Effort and Righteous Vigor.

Good Hope grants a Morale bonus to attack and Inspire Courage grants a competence bonus to attack and damage. So... they stack.

Greater Magic Weapon = 1 touched target
Magic Vestment = 1 touched target
Keen Edge = 1 close target
Magic Circle = Alright this is nice one
Prayer = Also nice, though I think Inspire Courage is still better (on the buff side of things)
Coordinated Effort = Irrelevant, Bards have this spell also
Righteous Vigor = 1 touched target

So yeah, the Inquisitor has some nice buffs, but they are mainly single target buffs. Where as a Level 7 Bard could relatively easily buff the entire party in 2 rounds (Standard for Haste, Move for Inspire Courage +2, Second Standard for Good Hope). And look, the entire party has a +5 to hit, +4 to damage, +2 to Fortitude and Will, +3 to Reflex, +2 to ability checks, +2 to skill checks, +1 dodge to AC, an extra attack when full attacking, and an increase in movement speed. That's a pretty sizable bump in the entire party's effectiveness for not even two full rounds of actions.


Sorry I was looking over Inspire Courage quickly and stopped at 'grants morale bonus' not reading the rest of the sentence "+1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls."

So they stack.

So Arcane Duelist remains better party buffer but an Inquisitor Kills him?

The only way I can think to bring some serious DPR on an Arcane Duelist (which SHOULD be a good combatant) is to go to 3.5 and use Combat reflexes, deft oppurtunist and Rolibar's Gambit to grant lots of AOO vs the guy hitting you. Even with Inspire Courage running you don't come close to a full BAB PC with your normal full attack...

Any Core+APG ways to do it?
Maybe step up, following step, step up and strike (but uses your swift for arcane strike-damn it) or combat patrol.

Still not sure how exaclty Combat Patrol works- essentially giving up your 15/10/5 attack routine for the ability to make as many +15 AOO as your dex allows and only IF the bad guys provoke?

AlanM wrote:

So yeah, the Inquisitor has some nice buffs, but they are mainly single target buffs. Where as a Level 7 Bard could relatively easily buff the entire party in 2 rounds (Standard for Haste, Move for Inspire Courage +2, Second Standard for Good Hope). And look, the entire party has a +5 to hit, +4 to damage, +2 to Fortitude and Will, +3 to Reflex, +2 to ability checks, +2 to skill checks, +1 dodge to AC, an extra attack when full attacking, and an increase in movement speed. That's a pretty sizable bump in the entire party's effectiveness for not even two full rounds of actions.

Bard wins for buffing.

How do we raise his own DPR?
I used to use Rolibar's Gambit in 3.5

Have Displacement Up make you own attacks and get to make 3 AOO at your highest bonus everytime bad guy swings at you. Didn't get it till late though...

What In Core PF+APG will grant a Longsword wielding Arcane Duelist Heaps of AOO without burning his swift so Arcane Strike doesn't fizzle?

Bard DPR isn't bad with inspire courage running, especially when you start counting all those hits from other party members that would have been misses without it.

I've got to agree with Ardenup. While the Bard makes an awesome party buffer, I feel like the Arcane Duelist should have given up some of it's buffing awesomeness to make it a better fighter.

To me Bladethirst was the core feature of Arcane Duelist, and should have been the performance that he would be using the most often. However, it's not available at low levels, merely situational at medium levels, and almost completely useless at the highest levels (when your arcane focused weapon is capping out it's +10 enchantment bonus). Unless you are the only physical damage dealer in the party, it's almost always going to be better to Inspire Courage than to use Bladethirst.

If they got rid of Inspire Courage for something else, and focused the class more on Bladethirst, I think we'd have had a winner.

Zurai wrote:
Bard DPR isn't bad with inspire courage running, especially when you start counting all those hits from other party members that would have been misses without it.

Yeah, I know it pays to help others buuutt.. Lets face it points next to your name look alot better than assists..

The best ways I'm seeing to get extra attacks is Gtr Trip and Spellbreaker...

Merkatz wrote:

I've got to agree with Ardenup. While the Bard makes an awesome party buffer, I feel like the Arcane Duelist should have given up some of it's buffing awesomeness to make it a better fighter.

To me Bladethirst was the core feature of Arcane Duelist, and should have been the performance that he would be using the most often. However, it's not available at low levels, merely situational at medium levels, and almost completely useless at the highest levels (when your arcane focused weapon is capping out it's +10 enchantment bonus). Unless you are the only physical damage dealer in the party, it's almost always going to be better to Inspire Courage than to use Bladethirst.

If they got rid of Inspire Courage for something else, and focused the class more on Bladethirst, I think we'd have had a winner.

Or simply have had bladethirst NOT tied to performance (similar to the inquisitor's Bane ability)....Hmmm, would any sane DM allow you to swap Bladethirst for Bane?

Ardenup wrote:
Zurai wrote:
Bard DPR isn't bad with inspire courage running, especially when you start counting all those hits from other party members that would have been misses without it.
Yeah, I know it pays to help others buuutt.. Lets face it points next to your name look alot better than assists..

Well, with that outlook and the analysis above, why spend effort pounding a square bard into a round DPR hole instead of just running inquisitor?

Because I'm sure it can be done...

I mean if I wanna make an inquisitor be more party buff friendly I could make one with the ArchonSubdomain (Aura of Menace) or Heroism Subdomain (Party Heroism)

I like the idea of the Arcane Duelist and I'm a Gish fan. Until The Magus is released this is the way of Playing a Melee gish from 1st level. The class is new so I'm looking for the best way to make an awesome one...

Merkatz wrote:
(when your arcane focused weapon is capping out it's +10 enchantment bonus).

DOES it, though? Cap there, I mean?

The Arcane Bond weapon can get quite nasty once you make it an intelligent item. Remember, you can increase the DC by 5 to put in spells you don't actually know.

like, 3/day Divine Power.
Aforementioned Greater Magic Weapon.

So forth.

Basically, a STR-focused arcane duelist, (with 16 cha ) will have a bare minimum of +25 to hit. This is presuming 14 STR.

Presuming you can shop for proper gear, you can get up to STR 30 trivially easily, so it's 25 + 6 inspire courage + 4 greater heroism + 1 haste +5 weapon. +41.

Now, if your DM allows for increased-DC crafting and crafting intelligent items, you can get up to +47, to-hit.

Damage bonuses are, for a 2-handed weapon...

+15 STR, +6 inspire courage, +5 weapon, and another +6 from divine power, for a total of +32 damage per hit.

I'm not exactly sure how it compares, but it is pretty good.

Especially when your weapon is SPELL STORING...

But, I think a ranged bard is probably the better pick. All but STR apply to ranged attacks, too, and thus you can have hasted rapid shot multishot, and each shot getting that +11->+17 on top of it's Mighty score.

Arcane duelists make good arcane archers :). Inquisitors are divine and cannot :(. But they come with a free Fro-gurt :).

The question is what are you expecting out of the arcane duelist?

Remember any buff he's providing to the party he's providing to himself as well, and he has arcane strike on top of that as well. In addition to his arcane weapon bond allowing him to make his weapon cheaper and more directly what he wants.

Also the spell list is critical -- yes there are some nice buffs, but for the bard the best part is that is a small fraction of his actual spell list.

In addition he has battlefield control spells, debuffs, utility spells, defensive spells, and combat control features in spells like inspire Gallantry.

The arcane duelist is a great weapon against arcane casters as well -- he's one of the few people that can take teleport tactician and get in a situation to use it.

The arcane duelist is an arcane caster, in armor, with healing capabilities, buffing capabilities, and combat capabilities that currently isn't seen in other classes (the closest arcane equivlent would be a witch eldritch knight).

Abraham everything that you said is exactly the reason why I love bards so much. But I still have major issues with how Bladethirst was worked into the Arcane Duelist.

I think Bladethirst was a fantastic idea, it's a performance that I'd love to use, and it adds flavor that really sets the Arcane Duelist apart from the normal Bard. But unless you are fighting creatures that are incorporeal or vulnerable to electricity, then Inspire Courage is going to completely outclass Bladethirst. So to be most effective, I am stuck Inspiring Courage 95% of the time just like a normal bard.

This just irks me the wrong way.

Liberty's Edge

I was under the impression that only Clerics could select subdomains, so Inquisitors could not choose them. I seem to remember this being discussed on another thread.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Heymitch wrote:
I was under the impression that only Clerics could select subdomains, so Inquisitors could not choose them. I seem to remember this being discussed on another thread.

That is correct.

That rule is currently unpopular, but it is the rule. Subdomains are clerics only.

Merkatz wrote:

Abraham everything that you said is exactly the reason why I love bards so much. But I still have major issues with how Bladethirst was worked into the Arcane Duelist.

I think Bladethirst was a fantastic idea, it's a performance that I'd love to use, and it adds flavor that really sets the Arcane Duelist apart from the normal Bard. But unless you are fighting creatures that are incorporeal or vulnerable to electricity, then Inspire Courage is going to completely outclass Bladethirst. So to be most effective, I am stuck Inspiring Courage 95% of the time just like a normal bard.

This just irks me the wrong way.

Bladethirst is a replacement for Suggestion, a performance that I've never seen used in a game, ever. As far as something for nothing goes, it's pretty damn good, I think.

Let's say I'm a level 9 bard. I can change my +3 weapon into a +5 weapon in order to bypass DR? Sweet! I'll guess I'll just rely on Lingering Performance to extend my Inspire Courage for a couple of rounds.

Liberty's Edge

hogarth wrote:
Merkatz wrote:

Abraham everything that you said is exactly the reason why I love bards so much. But I still have major issues with how Bladethirst was worked into the Arcane Duelist.

I think Bladethirst was a fantastic idea, it's a performance that I'd love to use, and it adds flavor that really sets the Arcane Duelist apart from the normal Bard. But unless you are fighting creatures that are incorporeal or vulnerable to electricity, then Inspire Courage is going to completely outclass Bladethirst. So to be most effective, I am stuck Inspiring Courage 95% of the time just like a normal bard.

This just irks me the wrong way.

Bladethirst is a replacement for Suggestion, a performance that I've never seen used in a game, ever. As far as something for nothing goes, it's pretty damn good, I think.

Let's say I'm a level 9 bard. I can change my +3 weapon into a +5 weapon in order to bypass DR? Sweet! I'll guess I'll just rely on Lingering Performance to extend my Inspire Courage for a couple of rounds.

Hate to break it to you Hogarth, but starting Bladethirst would end the Lingering Performance

APG wrote:
If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance immediately cease.

But I have to agree with much of what has already been said: The Arcane Duelist is the anti-mage party buffer, where inquisitor is a bit more selfish. They have their role and they fill it well. A party with just an arcane duelist and an inquisitor would do quite well, actually.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Parka wrote:
Well, with that outlook and the analysis above, why spend effort pounding a square bard into a round DPR hole instead of just running inquisitor?

Not to be overly plug-happy, but my iron mage might fit that round hole better!

Senevri wrote:

The Arcane Bond weapon can get quite nasty once you make it an intelligent item. Remember, you can increase the DC by 5 to put in spells you don't actually know.

like, 3/day Divine Power.
Aforementioned Greater Magic Weapon.

So forth.

Basically, a STR-focused arcane duelist, (with 16 cha ) will have a bare minimum of +25 to hit. This is presuming 14 STR.

Presuming you can shop for proper gear, you can get up to STR 30 trivially easily, so it's 25 + 6 inspire courage + 4 greater heroism + 1 haste +5 weapon. +41.

Now, if your DM allows for increased-DC crafting and crafting intelligent items, you can get up to +47, to-hit.

Damage bonuses are, for a 2-handed weapon...

+15 STR, +6 inspire courage, +5 weapon, and another +6 from divine power, for a total of +32 damage per hit.

I'm not exactly sure how it compares, but it is pretty good.

Especially when your weapon is SPELL STORING...

But, I think a ranged bard is probably the better pick. All but STR apply to ranged attacks, too, and thus you can have hasted rapid shot multishot, and each shot getting that +11->+17 on top of it's Mighty score.

Ok, so If we go A 3/day Divine Power Intelligent Longsword. Still needs shock and cleaveing quality. How soon could it reliably be done? Certainly Closes the Gap. But Righteous Might would be better (large size, DR) as the build wants extra Reach for AOO's (more attacks is more DPR)

Also inspire courage caps at +4 (+6 is inspire competence)

The highest to hit I can get is (starting STR 19, leveled to 22)

Taking BAB and full power attack into account Final Full Attack is
Primary Hand
BAB15 +4(Inspire Courage) +1 (AncestralWeapon trait) +6(STR) +3(Belt of Physical Perfection +6) +5(wpn enhancement) -5(PA), (Furious Focus means no PA on first attack)= 34/24/19 with out casting a Buff. Throw in a Haste for 35/35/25/20, good hope would be a combat pre-buff, I'm focusing on being melee ready in one round)

Damage Primary= +5, Shock, Cleaving Intelligent Longsword (3/day divine power)
D8+ 5(wpn enhance) +13(1.5 xSTR+Belt) +4(inspire Courage) + 5(Arcane Strike) +1d6 (shock) +2d6(holy)+ 15(PA)= ave 49 per hit.
Vs AC33 (1st hit garunteed, 2nd 55%, 3rd 25%) =49 per hit.

(Enhancement may be too high- going to work so no time to look up!)

The reason the DPR is so low is the uelist's to hit. Full BAB classes with thier x/day smites, FE or weapon training or an Inquisitor
with Gtr Bane and judgements can garuntee at least 2 hits for between 50 to 55 damage per strike. And if this Arcane duelist is in the party the gap widens. If the 3/day divine power is within enhancement limits and the intellegent weapon can cast it on you with it's own action the issue could dissapear. (A +6 luck bonus to hit and damage). Legal?

Abraham Spalding wrote:

The question is what are you expecting out of the arcane duelist?

Remember any buff he's providing to the party he's providing to himself as well, and he has arcane strike on top of that as well. In addition to his arcane weapon bond allowing him to make his weapon cheaper and more directly what he wants.

Also the spell list is critical -- yes there are some nice buffs, but for the bard the best part is that is a small fraction of his actual spell list.

In addition he has battlefield control spells, debuffs, utility spells, defensive spells, and combat control features in spells like inspire Gallantry.

The arcane duelist is a great weapon against arcane casters as well -- he's one of the few people that can take teleport tactician and get in a situation to use it.

The arcane duelist is an arcane caster, in armor, with healing capabilities, buffing capabilities, and combat capabilities that currently isn't seen in other classes (the closest arcane equivlent would be a witch eldritch knight).

I am wanting him to be excellent party buffer (check), condition relief (check- sort of), tertiary healer (check) but mostly I want him to rock Melee without needing a BSF to babysit him! Alot of his do all abilities suggest a great inspirational party leader and party leaders should be in the thick of it, taking it to the BBEG!

The spellist is underhelming me a bit. Great buffs but his offensive spells have saves to low to really be worth it.

Here's whant I'm thinking: (be aware took human extra spells favored class ability)


Spells Known- Including Favored Bonus (8/8/8/8/8/7/5) Combat Buffs

0-(8) Daze(Swap for Silent Portal), Light, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read Magic, Message, Mage Hand, Open/Close

1-(8) Cure Light Wounds, Feather Fall, Feather Step, Saving Finale, Touch of Gracelessness, Sleep (Swap for Expeditious Retreat), Crabwalk (+4 Charges, no AC penalty 1min/level), Improvisation (Luck bonus to checks, attack rolls)

2-(8) Cacophonous Call, Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Silence, Sound Burst (swap for Battle Hymn), Gallant Inspiration (immed+2d4 to attack), Bladeweave (swift, opponents struck save/daze 1rd/level)

3-(8)Haste, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Good Hope, Displacement, Tiny Hut, Phantom Steed, Mass Curse of Impending Blades

4-(8) Break Enchantment, Cure Critical Wounds, Dimension Door, Hold Monster, Modify Memory, Discordant Blast, Freedom of Movement, Heroic Final

5-(7) Body Harmonic, Mass Cacophonous Call, Cloak of Dreams, Frozen Note, Unwilling Shield, Stunning Finale, Gtr Dispel Magic

6-(5) Irresistible Dance, Project Image, Gtr Shout, Getaway, Brilliant Inspiration

Off topic, but our group allows subdomain for inquisitors. If you don't then Animal domain and Boon Companion is awesome.

Currently my feat selection Looks like this (again I'm going for increased to hit and gaining AOO's)

Feat/Class Abilities:
1Bardic Performance, Cantrips, Rallying Cry, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise
2Combat Casting
3Inspire Competence +2, Power Attack
5Inspire Courage +2, Arcane Bond, Improved Trip
6Bladethirst, Disruptive
7Inspire Competence +3, Furious Focus
8Dirge of Doom
9Inspire Greatness, Gtr Trip
10Spellbreaker, Arcane Armor (Med)
11Inspire Courage +3, Inspire Competence +4, Dazzling Display
12Soothing Performance
13Shatter Defences
14Frightening Tune, Penetrating Strike
15Inspire Competence +5, Inspire Heroics, Dreadful Carnage
16Arcane Armour (Heavy)
17Inspire Courage +4, Rolibar’s Gambit
18Mass Blade thirst, Gtr Penetrating Strike
19Inspire Competence +6, Teleport Tactician
20Deadly Performance

I only took dazzling display, shatter defences so I could make bad guys easier to hit (flat footed), Dreadful Carnage is free burst intimidate, I know performance can do it but I need inspire courage always on. I'm certainly open to better choices if you guys think of any.

Glutton wrote:
Arcane duelists make good arcane archers :). Inquisitors are divine and cannot :(. But they come with a free Fro-gurt :).

But the Fro-gurt is cursed.

Tanis wrote:
Glutton wrote:
Arcane duelists make good arcane archers :). Inquisitors are divine and cannot :(. But they come with a free Fro-gurt :).
But the Fro-gurt is cursed.

Hey! I like Fro-gurt!

I personally think that Arcane Duelists are better than inquisitors by virtue of being more team-oriented, but YMMV. If your team is full of selfish SoBs who don't appreciate support roles, then go with inquisitor.

Does the Eldritch Knight still have a role at all? O_o I thought they might be *somewhat* redeemed by the new buff-based touch spells and BAB-based twilight knife, but they don't seem strong enough to really make EKs come into their own.

The inquisitor is definitely better as far as by herself... But all the stuff the Arcane Duellist gets keeps stacking and stacking as he buffs, and THEN he enters the fight.

I will say that with the protection domain and her giant initiative the inquisitor has a lot easier time surviving, especially with a decent dex and a ring of evasion. Plus you can give part of your giant saves to your allies for a bit if you think they'll need them.

The Inquisitor doesn't have as much to worry about as the Arcane Duellist, but that's because she's more melee oriented and was built fighter tough. The Duellist is kind of supposed to advance in to finish someone and then keep behind the fighter as far as melee is concerned.

I think the two would make a great team, personally. I'm the inquisitor and you gave me bonuses on my bonuses?

This is going to be awesome.

*cue guitar solo*

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Merkatz wrote:
But unless you are fighting creatures that are incorporeal or vulnerable to electricity, then Inspire Courage is going to completely outclass Bladethirst. So to be most effective, I am stuck Inspiring Courage 95% of the time just like a normal bard.

The +1 choices for Bladethirst are: defending, distance, ghost touch, keen, mighty cleaving, returning, shock, and seeking. I don't know about you, but I find more than just ghost touch or shock useful! Granted, some of them are more useful than others (and shock is actually near the bottom of that list).

Merkatz wrote:
This just irks me the wrong way.

The arcane duelist is a variant bard, with a slightly greater emphasis on combat. It is not a "duskblade lite," designed to focus primarily on combat. Yes, the inquisitor is a better one-on-one combatant, just like the cleric and druid are better combatants than the sorcerer and wizard; the bard spell list has a better selection of battlefield control and utility spells. That's just part of the thematic difference between arcane and divine in D&D and Pathfinder.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

The Arcane Duelist is a tasty delicious melee oriented party support apple.

The Inquisitor is a juicy, sweet melee-or-ranged oriented divine solo badass orange.

Each does what they are supposed to do well. Comparing them is fruitless. (HA!)

Consider also this: I probably won't allow most of the APG classes in my campaign because their flavor doesn't suit my campaign. I will probably allow most of the core class archetypes, because they do suit my campaign. So very hypothetically were you a player in my game, you wouldn't even get Inquisitor as a choice. I concede that I may be the only GM in the universe who decides to do this, but something to take into consideration.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
FiddlersGreen wrote:
Does the Eldritch Knight still have a role at all?

Yes. A smartly designed/advanced eldritch knight can have equal/higher BAB and better/more spells than an arcane duelist. Barbarian 2/Sorcerer 4/Dragon Disciple 4/Eldritch Knight 10 gives BAB +17 and spell progression as a sorcerer 16 (8th level spells); Fighter 4/Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight 10 gives BAB +17 and progression as a wizard 15 (8th level spells); Paladin 3/Sorcerer 9/Eldritch Knight 8 gives BAB +15 and spell progression as a sorcerer 16 (8th level spells); Paladin 3/Sorcerer 2/Dragon Disciple 8/Eldritch Knight 7 gives BAB +17 and progression as a sorcerer 14 (7th level spells); Wizard 5/Ranger 1/Eldritch Knight 10/Loremaster 4 gives BAB +15 and progression as a wizard 18 (9th level spells).

The eldritch knight is not as strong as a party buffer, though.

Liberty's Edge

DeathQuaker wrote:
Each does what they are supposed to do well. Comparing them is fruitless. (HA!)

Inquisitors are taller, and have bigger hands. Arcane Duelists have much better teeth, however. Oh, sorry, will stop comparing now...

But can an Arcane Duelist buff enough and be enough of a threat himself without needing a Full BAB Char.

I'm REALLY trying to make him good enough for a party with no Full BAB chars.

EG- Arcane Duelist
Monk (Specializing in Medusa's Wrath, stun)
Arcane Duelist

I love all PF's extra base classes and archetypes.
The role overlap is nice but so far the inquisitor is the only 3/4 class that i know can reliably sub for a full BAB class.
Would an Arcane Duelist be able to boost himself and his monk/rogue buddies to Lead them vs BBEG?

Still in a game playing a Ranger, but would liike to try arcane duelist next and know it'll be good

Shadow Lodge

Ardenup wrote:
But can an Arcane Duelist buff enough and be enough of a threat himself without needing a Full BAB Char.

You make him "good enough" simply by singing inspire courage. Inspire courage turns him into a full BAB character. With a party full of non-full BAB characters, the inspire courage bonus brings all the 3/4 characters to full BAB. That's pretty significant.

In the end you're trying to compare apples to onions. A bard, even an arcane duelist, is going to be focused on helping the group, and if you have a good group who realizes what's going on, they'll quickly see that the bard's abilities all lie in the group and what the group can do that they couldn't do before. In a group of four, those four extra hasted attacks can all be attributed to the bard. If inspire courage lets four new hits occur, the bard has contributed a minimum bonus of four times their inspire courage bonus to the group (more if it lets things like the rogue's sneak attack actually hit).

Furthermore, bards also have access to some of the significant control spells, and as most players are well aware, control of the battlefield and negating the other team's ability to hit you at all is easily the easiest way to win fights. BAB and damage isn't the end-all-be-all of the game; sure it's helpful and important, but if you can set up scenarios where your opponents can't fight back, who cares if it takes you five rounds to kill them or ten, they're still dead (and in the case where you've prevented them from attacking you, you group is stronger for it).

I can tell by your questions and answers though that you want to play the selfish character that receives the limelight, and for that reason alone you should be picking an inquisitor. If you're not willing to play the team player type character, you'll never be satisfied with the class.

StabbittyDoom wrote:

Hate to break it to you Hogarth, but starting Bladethirst would end the Lingering Performance
APG wrote:
If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance immediately cease.

Oh. Well, that just blows. :-)

hogarth wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:

Hate to break it to you Hogarth, but starting Bladethirst would end the Lingering Performance
APG wrote:
If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance immediately cease.
Oh. Well, that just blows. :-)

ther is however a feat i forget the name that lets you maintain any morale bonus for 1d4 rounds past the round it finshed

I think they are pretty well ballancd against eachother. The Arcane Duelist will get more consistent damage at a competative rate and simultaneously buff the party. The inquisitor will excell where he does, with some of the highest peak damage in the game, but will be extremely limitted in how frequently he can do this, and will likely manage his resources more and bring him in line with normal damge dealers. I would rather have the Arcane Duelist in my party, I would rather play the inquisitor (right now because I have wanted to since the beta started and haven't had a good chance yet). I would enjoy playing both classs.

I think the OP's original problem here is that he's looking for the Arcane Duelist to out damage the Inquisitor. Which is making him upset because the Inquisitor can hit extremely hard if made properly.

Now the thing he's overlooking is that the Duelist is going to be a far more versitile character. You don't play a Bard to be the hero you play a Bard to make everyone else look good. Sure in a one on one fight I'd put my money on the Inquisitor, but in mass melee I'd be thanking the Duelist every other round for the bonuses that he's giving the party.

What can I say, I use to play a Bard/Marshal in Greyhawk so I know the benefits of a dedicated party buffer.

Just put your sword down and realize that you can be a great help just by being there as a bard is my advice.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Nybris wrote:
Just put your sword down and realize that you can be a great help just by being there as a bard is my advice.

Which kind of defeats the purpose of being an Arcane Duelist.

If you aren't effective in a one-on-one duel, then you're really more of an Arcane Guy-Who-Does-What-Every-Bard-Does.

Arcane duelists are extremely effective dueling mages, since they get all the mage-fighting feats for free.

Also (on a different topic), don't discount the DPR gains associated with Penetrating Strike and Greater Penetrating Strike. Inquisitors only get to bypass 3 DR types (magic, which everybody can bypass anyway, a single alignment which must be part of their own alignment, and adamantine). Greater Penetrating Strike reduces DR by 10, regardless of the type, and even reduces DR/- by 5. Penetrating Strike is also always-on, an extraordinary ability (rather than supernatural, which wouldn't function in an anti-magic zone), and doesn't take up any kind of "ability slot".

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Zurai wrote:
Arcane duelists are extremely effective dueling mages, since they get all the mage-fighting feats for free.

Heh. Good point. I've been thinking of them as duelists who happen to be arcane. But you're right; they are really good at dueling against the arcane.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
FiddlersGreen wrote:

Does the Eldritch Knight still have a role at all? O_o I thought they might be *somewhat* redeemed by the new buff-based touch spells and BAB-based twilight knife, but they don't seem strong enough to really make EKs come into their own.

Absolutely.. for one thing he doesn't come with the baggage an Inquisitor has... and he's also a full fledged Wizard for the times you need a wizard. with full access to the spells, and magic items a Wizard can use.

Roleplaying wise it's also the most elf-friendly option. :)

StabbittyDoom wrote:

Hate to break it to you Hogarth, but starting Bladethirst would end the Lingering Performance

Just read that myself. Kind of makes me wonder what the point of that feat is then. Sure it keeps your performance going for 2 rounds if you for some reason you get interrupted and can't maintain it but that's pretty minor and situational for to spend a feat on. Now if allowed you start a second performance while you previous one lingers for 2 rounds, now that's a feat worth taking!

If not that then if feat was scalable and allowed you to pick up a lingering performance then the feat would useful. Say you get stunned for 1 round. You performance is over but it lingers for 2 rounds. At the end of the 2 rounds it's done and you have to spend another performance to start it up again. Now if this feat allowed you to pick up the performance after being stunned if done before the lingering effect ends then it's worthwhile.

voska66 wrote:

Just read that myself. Kind of makes me wonder what the point of that feat is then. Sure it keeps your performance going for 2 rounds if you for some reason you get interrupted and can't maintain it but that's pretty minor and situational for to spend a feat on. Now if allowed you start a second performance while you previous one lingers for 2 rounds, now that's a feat worth taking!

If not that then if feat was scalable and allowed you to pick up a lingering performance then the feat would useful. Say you get stunned for 1 round. You performance is over but it lingers for 2 rounds. At the end of the 2 rounds it's done and you have to spend another performance to start it up again. Now if this feat allowed you to pick up the performance after being stunned if done before the lingering effect ends then it's worthwhile.

It's "multiply your performance rounds per day by 3" more or less. But yeah, it'd be nice if it let you start another one and keep the previous going for 2 rounds, too.

voska66 wrote:

If not that then if feat was scalable and allowed you to pick up a lingering performance then the feat would useful. Say you get stunned for 1 round. You performance is over but it lingers for 2 rounds. At the end of the 2 rounds it's done and you have to spend another performance to start it up again. Now if this feat allowed you to pick up the performance after being stunned if done before the lingering effect ends then it's worthwhile.

It WOULD have been awesome because it would allow you to maintain up to 3 performances at once you hit 13th level. Every round start a new performance as a swift while the others persist. Wouldn't have used any extra rounds of performance either. Witches can do this with Cackle.

In any case to respond to a few points:

Nybris wrote:
I think the OP's original problem here is that he's looking for the Arcane Duelist to out damage the Inquisitor. Which is making him upset because the Inquisitor can hit extremely hard if made properly.

Not quite. But I like to think ALL 3/4 classes should have a means to hit hard at least a few times a day.

MisterSlanky wrote:
I can tell by your questions and answers though that you want to play the selfish character that receives the limelight, and for that reason alone you should be picking an inquisitor. If you're not willing to play the team player type character, you'll never be satisfied with the class.

In a way, YES. I'd like to build a Arcane Duelist who is like the Ultimate Utility Player. He may not be the best specialist (Kicker, Quarterback, etc) but he's good enough to slot in anywhere and Play VERY well in addition to lifting the team. The kinda guy the group wants having their back, first guy picked to partner with.

The Arcane duelist comes with all the team lifting abilites and defensive skills out of the box. I'm working on his offensive game.

In any case I think I may have it worked out, how to have the Arcane Duelist ready for Frontlining in one spell. The solution was mentioned by someone ealier and I didn't really think about it.
The Key is the Arcane Focus weapon.
It can be cheaply enchanted yourself and the abilities can be up graded.

So taking Ancestral Weapon (free Masterwork Longsword at 1st level)
Assuming wealth by level guidelines your sword costs 1/2 the price to enchant yourself as opposed to buying it. Spend 1/2 the 'normal' price allocation on your appropriate level enhancement bonus. The other 1/2 should go on fist making the sword intelligent and able to first cast divine favor and later replace it for divine power.

An intelligent weapon can cast this spell on your during your turn without burning your own action.

(I'm certainly NOT a crafting expert so correct me where i err, please)At 6th level you could enchant the sword for +2 and an ability
At 9th max encantment is +3, and an ability
At 12th, +4
At 15 +5
At 18 +6

I'm not sure where but I know increasing the craft DC can put in spells not on your list.
ASAP it needs Intellegence, Empathy and the ability to cast Divine Favor (later swap for divine power).

(Level 13 example)
Rd1 Roll for initiative
Swift Inspire Courage, Cast Haste and Move (Sword Casts Divine Power on you on your turn)
Rd2 Fight! (your DPR is near Fighter levels) or Cast Good Hope for Party love.

I also changed the builds feats to benefit more from my allies:
Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes,Combat Expertise
Combat Casting
Power Attack

Arcane Bond, Gang up
Conrugan Smash

Weapon Focus: Longsword
Dazzling Display

Lingering Performance
Penetrating Strike
Shatter Defences.

Rolibar’s Gambit
Gtr Penetrating Strike
Teleport Tactician

Now, build gets auto flank from pals, auto intimidates foe hit with PA (to lower their chance to hit), shatter defences makes foes lose dex to AC (more likely to hit). Lingering Performance adds rounds. Rolibar's Grants AOO's

Hitting as Hard as an Inquisitor....(if being selfish)
Takes 1 rd Cast Good Hope instead of Haste, wpn casts Divine Power

Taking BAB and full power attack into account Final Full Attack is
Primary Hand
BAB15 +4(Inspire Courage) +1 (Ancestral) +1 (Weapon Focus) +6(STR) +3(Belt of Physical Perfection) +5(wpn enhancement) -5(PA)=30/25/20
End of Rd 1 To Hit is 38/33/28.
Vs AC33 (2 shots are auto, 3rd is 75%)

Damage Primary= +5, Shock, Intelligent Longsword
D8+ 5(wpn enhance) +13(1.5 xSTR+Belt) +4(inspire Courage) + 5(Arcane Strike) +1d6 (shock) +15(PA)= ave 49 per hit. +8 for Divine/Good Hope
=ave around 140 dpr (I think)

Won't win the DPR olympics but good enough for me when I'm making everybody else rock as well!

Thanks Guys, (but feedback on the item crafting would be good!)

Phasics wrote:

ther is however a feat i forget the name that lets you maintain any morale bonus for 1d4 rounds past the round it finshed

Where is that? Might be good. Haven't Found it in my APG.

Ardenup wrote:
Phasics wrote:

ther is however a feat i forget the name that lets you maintain any morale bonus for 1d4 rounds past the round it finshed
Where is that? Might be good. Haven't Found it in my APG.

Not certain what Phasics is talking about, but there's a campaign trait in the Second Darkness Player's Guide that does that. That could be what s/he's thinking of.

When it comes down to it the big difference between the bard and inquisitor is in the buffs for DPR.

AT level 10:

The inquisitor beats the bard against one target:

+11 to hit, +13+2d6 to damage

compared to:

+7 to hit, +9 to damage

However: against multiple opponents the bard fares much better -- the reason being the Inquisitor must use his judgements (2nd judgement ability) and specific target buffing spells (like wrath) in order to deal that damage. In general damage buffing the bard comes out ahead since the inquisitor has to fall back on weapon of awe, and heroism. This drops his to hit bonus by 3 (2 sacred, 1 morale) and his damage bonus by 5 (3 morale 2 sacred) and only if he still has bane left -- once his bane is gone he loses 2 more from both.

Without the target specific buffs he's looking at:
+5 to hit + 5 to damage (divine might, weapon of awe, heroism)

With Bane it becomes:
+7 to hit + 7 to damage+2d6

With wrath and judgement he gets the final +4 to hit and +6 to damage.

Where as the bard always gets his full +7 to hit, + 9 to damage and shares +5 to hit and + 4 to damage with the rest of the party (as well as the save boosts, speed boost, extra attack and AC boost from haste).

The bard also has better defensive spell choices, and utility spells. Mass feather step for example is not available to the inquisitor, nor is mirror image.

The morale bonus thing isn't actually that useful is the only least not for inspire courage. It gives morale to the saves, but the attack and damage buff is competence.

DrowVampyre wrote:
The morale bonus thing isn't actually that useful is the only least not for inspire courage. It gives morale to the saves, but the attack and damage buff is competence.

Not sure what you are trying to say. Good hope is a great stacker with inspire courage. +2 to all saves instead of just against fear, and the +2 to hit and damage stack with inspire courage as they are different types of bonuses. For the most played levels (5~10) this is doubling the bard's bonuses granted for his party (+2 for inspire courage + 2 for good hope = +4) and granting a fresh bonus to all saving throws that in all likelihood will stack with anything else the party has.

For the inquisitor who has three main buff types (luck, morale, sacred) it's a matter of choosing the right buff for the situation:

1 BBEG? Use Wrath or Righteous Wrath
A bunch of monsters? Use heroism

1 BBEG? Use Judgement
A bunch of monsters? Use weapon of Awe

Self buff? Divine Power or Divine Favor
Party buff? Prayer.

Abraham spalding wrote:
Not sure what you are trying to say. Good hope is a great stacker with inspire courage. +2 to all saves instead of just against fear, and the +2 to hit and damage stack with inspire courage as they are different types of bonuses. For the most played levels (5~10) this is doubling the bard's bonuses granted for his party (+2 for inspire courage + 2 for good hope = +4) and granting a fresh bonus to all saving throws that in all likelihood will stack with anything else the party has.

Sorry, I shoulda been clearer. Stacking morale bonuses on top of inspire courage is, indeed, great, but the trait that lets morale bonuses persist for 1d4 rounds isn't all that great because inspire courage gives competence rather than morale bonuses to your attacks and damage. So even with said trait, you can't weave performance types to keep more than one going (at least, not using inspire courage as one of them).

Abraham spalding wrote:

When it comes down to it the big difference between the bard and inquisitor is in the buffs for DPR.

The inquisitor beats the bard against one target!

However: against multiple opponents the bard fares much better -- the reason being the Inquisitor must use his judgements (2nd judgement ability) and specific target buffing spells (like wrath) in order to deal that damage. In general damage buffing the bard comes out ahead since the inquisitor has to fall back on weapon of awe, and heroism. This drops his to hit bonus by 3 (2 sacred, 1 morale) and his damage bonus by 5 (3 morale 2 sacred) and only if he still has bane left -- once his bane is gone he loses 2 more from both.

Without the target specific buffs he's looking at:
+5 to hit + 5 to damage (divine might, weapon of awe, heroism)

Where as the bard always gets his full +7 to hit, + 9 to damage and shares +5 to hit and + 4 to damage with the rest of the party (as well as the save boosts, speed boost, extra attack and AC boost from haste).

The bard also has better defensive spell choices, and utility spells. Mass feather step for example is not available to the inquisitor, nor is mirror image.

That is also a bloody good point i hadn't origonally considered. Similar to a fighter vs paladin argument. Good attack vs everybody, measured against Excellent attack vs one target. The more I discuss this the more I wanna play this class. (Still loving my instant enemy casting twf ranger in current game)

Still, I think my spellist mentioned above needs some work and any advice about level/cost/practicality of the Intelligent Longsword would be good.


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