Forum Games

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Shadow Lodge

Banned because you know the answer.

Scarab Sages

AM Government Official is banned because everything remotely relevant has been on FM for a long time now.

The Hidden One is banned for being horny

Scarab Sages

Mark Hoover is banned for forcing me to explain to the police that I had NOTHING to do with those tapes they found In Your Closet!

Closetuda is banned for distribution of tapes without the express written consent of the NFL

Scarab Sages

Mark Hoover is banned for thugging on behalf of the NFL. Non-profit organization, my ass....

IHIYC is banned for invoking his ass

Scarab Sages

Mark Hoover is banned for being afraid to confess his own titillation.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned to being egotistical enough to think anyone would be interested.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for sending me somewhere I already am.

Clowny is banned for taking up half the page.

magic is banned cause I still don't have a taco.

Vrog Skyreaver is banned because I don't want to imagine 'em eating a taco.

rashly5 is banned because by hating tacos and the people that eat them, he wants the terrorist to win.

Skyreaver is banned for assuming there's only one terrorist.

Magic is banned for being the Terror of Aliases.

Shadow Lodge

Banned for being french

Scarab Sages

AM Government Official is banned so he can go get me a glass of water - that's what you became a public servant for, right?

Shadow Lodge

Banned for not understanding how your government works, now if you'd like the water fill this form out in triplicate and we'll get back to you in 4-6 weeks give or take a couple of months

AM Government Official is banned for Red Tape.

rashly5 is banned for focusing on color.

Banned for making it a race thing.

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned because I just noticed that hourglass on him.

Grand Lodge

rashly5 just made a successful Perception check. He found a ban.

Samuel stone is banned for making me go "wtf" when looking as his avatar pic.

Scarab Sages

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for making ME wonder where HE got those scars.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for bringing up questions no one wants the answer to.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for BEING a question no one wants the answer to.

the closet hider is banned for judging another's being

Mark "The Vacuum" Hoover is banned for using an avatar that I'm already using.

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for not being special.

Rashly5 is banned for nonconformity

rashly5 is banned for being a raccoon who things he's a bear.

Vrog is banned because that's the first time I've ninja'd. Ever.

MH is banned for blantly lying under oath and tarnishing the reputation of this thread.

The Vandalism Officer is banned because it's unclear what his office does exactly: Do they promote vandalism? prevent it?

Also, double banned because of budgetary concerns.

Vrog Skyreaver is banned due to sartorial negligence.

rashly5 is banned because my hat is cooler than his hat.

Your banned because Nordic hats are the best.

Nordie McNorderson is banned because he's not a Norn. Also, for using the name of a 4th ed. race as part of his handle. Finally, because no one has told Nord that shaving is a thing.

I am a Nord.

Skyrim is the best game ever.

Beards are sexy.

You are banned for mentioning 4th edition.

reverse banned for saying that skyrim is better than pathfinder (any game that the primary method of combat is to eek like a cartoon lady at a mouse is removed from the running for best game ever).

I reverse your ban and ban you again for an edition that will be obsolete at Gen Con 2014.

Long live Skyrim and Golarion. HAH!

hrmmm....I hadn't heard that they were releasing a new version of Pathfinder at gencon this year.

Vrog is banned for not banning.

Belphegor is banned for banning on not banning.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for pretzel-banning.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for forgetting the salt on my pretzel.

Scarab Sages

gran rey de los stereo is banned for treating me like a public servant - I'm God-King Of The Forum Games, remember? YOU get ME a pretzel!

IHIYC is banned for delusions; We have a pill for that!

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