Forum Games

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Schism is banned for her lack of Quiche making talent.

Grand Lodge

Monica Belluci is banned for her appreciation of quiche

Scarab Sages

grimdog73 is banned for having a name like a 1990s E-mail address.

IHIYC is banned for failing to recognize that grimdog73 is a 1990's e-mail address.

Uncle Teddy is banned for not emptying his email spam folder since the 1990s.

Grand Lodge

Molten Dragon is banned for still using ICQ

...and I do have an email with my name in it...frpm the 90's no less....funny aint it....

grimdog73 is banned for sharing personal information.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for exceeding the legal adorability limit.

IHIYC is banned for giving nightmares to nightmares.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Uncle Teddy is banned for trying to take credit for the charge up San Juan Hill.

Charles Scholz is banned for stealing his outfit from several Mortal Combat ninjas. FINISH HIM!

GMB is banned for stealing his ears from Spock. "Captain there are no sentient life forms in this thread."

Banned for hiding for almost a whole week.

Belphegor is banned for not liking the original black and white version of the mummy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Banned for being wrong. This is my favorite scene.

Belphegor is banned for not locking up GoatToucher in isolation yet.

TFF is banned for trying to break-a my stride.

GoatToucher is banned for his unenlightened attitude regarding Rocky Mountain big horn sheep.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GM_Beernorg is banned for giving GoatToucher ideas.

Uncle Teddy is banned for subscribing to too many paizo products at once. You have reached your limit, good sir.

Molten Dragon is banned for failing to capitalize the P in Paizo.


Grandpa is banned for getting excited about nude sheep magazine day.

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for mixing me up with GoatToucher. Get new glasses - we look nothing alike. And I thought my eyesight was bad.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Grandpa Wonderbra is banned for staying up to late last night and about to fall asleep at his computer.

Charles Scholz wrote:

Uncle Teddy is banned for trying to take credit for the charge up San Juan Hill.

Funny thing is I've got a relative who rode with Roosevelt and the Rough Riders (don't think he was there at San Juan though). As the story goes he was in charge of Roosevelt's horse and carried a spare pair of glasses.

Now on to the banning...

Charles Scholz is banned for waking Grandpa Wonderbra.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Banned for hiding all weekend.

Scholz is Banned for wearing too much red.

Inheritor is banned for wearing cheap eyeliner that runs.

Monica is banned for exceeding normal allowed earring size.

GMB is banned for not having any accessories on at all!?!


Molten Dragon is banned for not having a molten core.

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for being presumptuous.

Banned for worst cosplay idea ever.

(The Crow set in medieval times? Get rekt.)

Banned for stealing my spare pair of spctacles

Banned for false accusations.

I won these fair and square in a high stake Mounted Card Game.

Piercedthrough is banned for not having enough piercings.

Wylliam Harrison is banned for no one being able to tell if he is really staring at them or not...its kinda creepy.

Banned for failing to realize that what he thinks is Wylliam is actually a life sized decoy.

(Clever girl...)

Banned for attempting hairlessness, but not committing to removing the eyebrows as well.

Banned for being too much of an uncultured plebeian to realize the true value of eyebrows in communication.

(Cue eyebrow waggle)

Banned for eyebrow waggling without a permit.

(Raises an eyebrow)

Banned for popping your collar like a frat boy.

Banned for wearing outdated spectacles.

Banned for ridiculously outrageous facial hair.

Scarab Sages

Piercedthrough is banned for indecent lack of pupils.

Banned for calling the kettle black.

Banned for failing to recognize IHIYC does have pupils - they're just really tiny and beady.

Uncle Teddy is banned for having "strip cartoon" eyes.

Banned for having no "I"s in his name.

GoatToucher is Banned for Hypocrismn; you have no "I"s in your name either.

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