Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

rashly5 is banned for loss of consciousness.

lucky7 is banned for being a different creature type.

Banned for blatant speciesism!

magic is still banned for my lack-o taco.

Vrog is banned because I'm not at Con o' the North yet!!!!

The original hoovster is banned because only a fool would go north in this weather.

The ripper of air is banned for not realizing: I AM that fool!

Mark Hoover is banned for being the brute squad.

Vrog is banned for back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back bannings.

no taco, magic? talk to the BAN!

Scarab Sages

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for stopping in the Red Zone.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for having a repetitively long name to type out every time. It's annoying.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for not doing what I do: Quote using the "Reply" button -> delete everything but name of poster quoted -> add whatever -> profit!

Hidey hole is banned for rules lawyering the message boards.

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for a little while.

Dark Archive

Mater Slaad is banned because the slaad invasion must be contained !

Quiche Lord Gille de Rais is banned because trying to stop the Slaad invasion is like trying to expect the Spanish Inquisition.

Scarab Sages

Tater Slaad is banned because there will never be another DJ-Bogie, so stop trying.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for pandering to beholders.

Liberty's Edge

Quiche Lisp is banned for not looking out for the man with the gun.

Scarab Sages

lucky7 is banned for paranoia-mongering.

Liberty's Edge

IHIYC is banned for being serious.

lucky7 is banned because why not serious?

Liberty's Edge

rashly5 is banned due to eating too many Ramen noodles.

Edgar Allen Po is banned because that's not possible.

Scarab Sages

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned for being the worst nutritionist ever.

IHIYC is banned for being surgically incapable of frowning

Scarab Sages

Mark Hoover is banned for discriminating against the disabled.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

IHIYC is banned for scaring the Closet Monster.

YAAR, Schism be banned fer usin' all tha hair gel.

Pirate is banned for vaporing without a license.

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for failing to provide me with cured smoked pork belly.

gran rey de los bacon is banned for failing to provide me a picture of said cured smoked pork belly.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for advertising personal perversities we didn't need to hear about.

Jingler McEyebrows is banned for not being accepting of everyone's proclivities

The Vaccuum is banned for having shifty eyes.

and if any of the next banners say I am banned for having no eyes, they are banned for being unimaginative.

Banned for having eyes, but not being able to use them.
How's that? :P

Magic is banned not saying there is no EYE in team

Mark Hoover is banned for not screaming.

The Rash Man is banned for conforming to the crowd

Mark Hoover is banned for not allowing me to have my destiny.

Dr Fate is banned for defying the Norns.

Mark Hoover is banned for helping the Normands try to conqueror Pict Land.

The Mad Badger is banned for being ambiguous as to the meaning of Mad in his name.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The rash is banned for not realizing "we are all mad here".

Schism is banned because I dont think you're HAPPY enough.

Scarab Sages

Mark Hoover is banned for conspiracy to assassinate Pope Frank.

In is banned for televising the revolution

Scarab Sages

Mark is banned for wearing socks with sandals.

Banned because my dinosaur can beat up your dinosaur...

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