Smerg's Star Wars - A Secret Beginning

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Licktoad GM

How many credits do Barcas and I start with?

Also, can my character purchase a fake I.D? Mostly this is for flavor.

I picked a Zabrack Scout with 1 level of Scoundrel. I've picked feats, talents, ability scores - everything but my money, gear, and hp rolls

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

The new characters have 10,000 cr to spend.

If you want something that is illegal or military then you will need to do some sort of test or get one of the other characters to do the test for you for obtaining of the privilege of the item.


I will allow all characters, old and new, one new item of military or illegal nature (still need to pay the premium on such items) without having to do any additional testing.

Tests depend on the nature of the item requested and the ability of the character to have 'manufactured' it themselves.

A slicer can manufacture fake id while a mechanic can build a vehicle. Gather Information and Persuassion can be used to have 'talked to a friend of a friend' to obtain the item.

Consider your character taking 10 on such rolls with DC 15 for average things, DC 25 for hard to acquire items, and DC 35 for one of a kind items.

Every 50% in increase of the cost to acquire the item gives a +2 modifier to this acquiring the items you want to a maximum of +250% in price. After this the price to increase is +100%, +200%, +300%, to a total maximum of +750% for a +20 modifier on the cost of the item for a rare item (I do believe you can throw money at problems).

Grand Lodge

So what is the price-tag on a New ID for Kidd? I can't find it in the book, so i don't know if that's something I can pay for or not.

I want to live under a new last name (with a legitimate or legitimate-looking history in the 'system') so Kidd can live without always worrying about the incident at the Space Station looming over him. He'll keep his first name, if possible.

I think the name should sound plain so as not to arouse suspicion, and can we buy fake id's for the ship as well? Posibly one or two alter-egos for runns to places we'd rather not be tracked back to?

My suggestion for a name would be somthing like "Grasshopper" or "Star Runner"... Nothing to catchy or eyebrow raising.

Grand Lodge

I thik the Starships of the Galaxy book has something about fake or masked Transponder? You can do mulitple "ID's" for your ship, and switch back and forth.

It's a good idea.

I do like the sound of Grasshopper.. it reinforces the "Firefly" feel. Or maybe just "Hopper", but we'd have to paint it green.

Forgott the stat increase for hitting lvl 4. Increasing dex and wis gaining +1 to all dex and wis skills, +1 ref, +1 will, +1 force power; Ionize.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:

So what is the price-tag on a New ID for Kidd? I can't find it in the book, so i don't know if that's something I can pay for or not.

I want to live under a new last name (with a legitimate or legitimate-looking history in the 'system') so Kidd can live without always worrying about the incident at the Space Station looming over him. He'll keep his first name, if possible.

A standard Code Cylinder is 500 cr. That is for a legally obtained ID based on your own ID.

A Fake ID will cost more depending upon the quality. If you were a 'spy' and this was for a mission then the price would be 50% higher then the base cost which would be 750 cr for a cheap ID that would get you past a security guard for a nightclub or a beat cop that was a rookie.

The Black Market will charge more (simple ID is x2 price and covers the basics of piloting license under a false name). If you want a full identity with a history and bank records then you are looking at the x5 price plus x2 the cost of any 'clean money' placed in those bank records that you want to access through the fake ID (750x5 = 3750 cr for standard equipment plus the cost of any clean money).

Use the Black Market multiplier as a figuration for the bonus equipment check to any Persuasion, Deception, or Knowledge (Bureaucracy) checks that involve the ID. A x4 ID is worth +4. Maximum expense on an ID this way is x10 for a +10 modifier (there is only so much a fake ID can do when someone starts putting agents into the field to ask questions).

I could dig the name the Grasshopper. Let's go with it.

I finally finished reading the story, start to finish. Good times.

What do you think about having Savarkoh be an Arkanian experiment paid for by whoever created the Valkyrie program? He could be a clone with false memories for some new nefarious purpose.

Sevarkoh was fortunate to have been taken by the Jedi. Most of the offshoots are treated as second-class citizens by Arkanian purebloods. Sevarkoh trained as a Jedi and followed Revan in the Mandalorian War. He followed Revan into the Unknown Regions but deserted when Revan and Malak fell to the Sith. He was unable to return to the Jedi Order and not willing to join the Sith. He has mostly tried to keep his head down since returning, fleeing the occasional Sith recruiters/assassins who pay him a visit and trying to fight Darth Revan and Darth Malak any way he can.

Grand Lodge

You know what, never mind. I'll stick with Kidd's ID unless somebody can convince me otherwise. It's not like Kidd could lie his way out of a paper sack anyway.

Kidd has used the last chunk of time "living" and seeing the 'verse. He hops from random job to random job using his unique skills to get (you guessed it) random stuff done. These range from bodyguard work to smuggling work to whatever. I'm giving him a dark side point to show that some of those jobs have been legit and some have not. He's basically just living it up, testing out his abilities…. getting a paycheck at the same time. He's stuck with any of the crew thats stayed together, and helped out with any of their work where they'd ask him. I figure he's holding onto most of his credits, picking up the odd item that catches his fancy… a few of those being a Heavy Blaster pistol and a lightsaber he caught wind of through some shady contacts (a yellow blade). I've also removed 2000 credits reflecting his time living it up... ya know, games, women, whatever. Fun stuff.

I'll use the freebie to pick up a Heavy Blaster Pistol licensed to Kidd. (500 credits)
The lightsaber is more expensive (the 3000 becomes 6000 credits for being rare). Do you need any rolls for the finding of this item? I just paid the book price for it being rare, but I didn't know if those rules you posted above were in addition to or instead of the book's rules.
A Utility Belt, a hip holster, and i may add some other small things, but those should be his big purchases.
This leaves him with 6770 credits all told.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

I know!

"The Innocent Merchant Vessel".

NO ONE will suspect...;)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Sevarkoh Zane wrote:

I finally finished reading the story, start to finish. Good times.

** spoiler omitted **

Sevarkoh was fortunate to have been taken by the Jedi. Most of the offshoots are treated as second-class citizens by Arkanian purebloods. Sevarkoh trained as a Jedi and followed Revan in the Mandalorian War. He followed Revan into the Unknown Regions but deserted when Revan and Malak fell to the Sith. He was unable to return to the Jedi Order and not willing to join the Sith. He has mostly tried to keep his head down since returning, fleeing the occasional Sith recruiters/assassins who pay him a visit and trying to fight Darth Revan and Darth Malak any way he can.

Looks good including the back story.

Game Closed

Basic build for my Zabrak Scout is finished. I still need to work out rolls for weapon licenses, but my wish list is done. There are also some stats like melee damage I haven't sorted out yet, and HP rolls.

The breakdown is that this guy was formerly a spec-ops sniper, bristles with weapons and knows how to use them, and will bring some oomph to space combat as well.

Just wanted to introduce the new guy.

- the poster formerly known as Draga

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:

… a few of those being a Heavy Blaster pistol and a lightsaber he caught wind of through some shady contacts (a yellow blade). I've also removed 2000 credits reflecting his time living it up... ya know, games, women, whatever. Fun stuff.

I'll use the freebie to pick up a Heavy Blaster Pistol licensed to Kidd. (500 credits)
The lightsaber is more expensive (the 3000 becomes 6000 credits for being rare). Do you need any rolls for the finding of this item? I just paid the book price for it being rare, but I didn't know if those rules you posted above were in addition to or instead of the book's rules.
A Utility Belt, a hip holster, and i may add some other small things, but those should be his big purchases.
This leaves him with 6770 credits all told.

I just need to know if you think the colour 'yellow' for the lightsaber grants any special 'bonus' when using it. Some lightsabers have colours from their crystals that give them special equipment bonuses with various tasks or force powers and I just need to know if your 'yellow' blade is such an item or merely cosmetic.

Grand Lodge

It's cosmetic. I figure having a backup would be smart, and if wouldn't hurt to have one that doesn't scream 'Sith'.

Grand Lodge

How many credits to have picked up a highly-customized "signature" heavy blaster pistol? Not looking for anything with mechanical benefit, but having the equivalent of a pearl-handled colt would be hot in Kidd's eyes. (yes, i realize it's effectively a waste of money, but that's what young guys do when they've never had money before and get a windfall.)

I have absoulutely no idea what to do with my cash. Need to give this some serious thought...

Vash'elie wrote:
I have absoulutely no idea what to do with my cash. Need to give this some serious thought...

I agree. I don't know what besides his lightfoil and a proper blaster I would buy. Need to think...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:
How many credits to have picked up a highly-customized "signature" heavy blaster pistol? Not looking for anything with mechanical benefit, but having the equivalent of a pearl-handled colt would be hot in Kidd's eyes. (yes, i realize it's effectively a waste of money, but that's what young guys do when they've never had money before and get a windfall.)

Double the cost should be fine to have a 'luxury' model.

Interestingly the credits awarded are 'in line' with the Saga Book values which suggests,

level x 2,000 cr per encounter.

Considering you are 4th level that means you should earn 8,000 cr per encounter and if you consider that there are roughly 8 encounters per level the money really adds up (even when you take the money and divide it among 4 to 6 people).

I often think the book prices are very low compared to the income.

On the other hand, the value given in credits doesn't represent the money typically eaten up with monthly lifestyle.

BTW for reference, the 'acquired' money which I'm treating as a finders fee for return of the stolen money (bankers are keeping quiet on the incident since the money was recovered and to discourage future hacks of the uncrackable system) has your ship financed and you living in a wealthy lifestyle.

Officially the money provided for the lifestyle is a security consulting retainer fee where they may request future assistance from your security company.

Grand Lodge

Excellent, 500 more credits deducted, and Kidd is the owner of a one-of-a-kind (maybe) silver alloy, pearl-gripped work of art that just happens to do 3d8 energy damage.

Game Closed
Smerg wrote:
(I do believe you can throw money at problems).

Smerg - I was hoping there was a Tech Specialist among the crew, so I could purchase Improved Damage for my blaster carbine. It appears that we don't have one, so would it be possible to find a 3rd party who would perform said service? If so, how much?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Six wrote:
Smerg wrote:
(I do believe you can throw money at problems).
Smerg - I was hoping there was a Tech Specialist among the crew, so I could purchase Improved Damage for my blaster carbine. It appears that we don't have one, so would it be possible to find a 3rd party who would perform said service? If so, how much?

Roughly how much of a improvement in the damage of the weapon are your thinking.

Generally, weapon damage is 'capped' at near the maximum the weapon could create and extra damage comes from feats and talents in the Saga system. This is a 'game mechanic' to prevent double stacking of a weapon bonus and a feat/talent bonus creating something outside of the designers game bubble (Extra dice are more likely to trigger CT loss and death and what the characters can equip a large company or planetary government can equip which isn't good for the players.)

Similar damage weapons cover a wide variety and increases in a few points are significant.

Still, if I know what you are looking for then I'll check the books for something like that.

Just as a range
Carbines are 3d8
Heavy repeating blasters 3d10
Heavy E-Web blasters 3d12

All of these upgrade to 4dX with the correct feats.

*Raises Hand* I'm a tech specialist...
Just forgott to update my feat and trait.

Game Closed

Page 21 of Starships of the Galaxy

Tech Specialist:
Tech Specialist
    The new Tech Specialist feat allows a hero to make custom modifications to weapons, armor, droids, devices, and vehicles so that they function beyond their normal specifications.

    Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.

    Benefit: You can modify a device, suit of armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle so that it gains a special trait. Specific traits are given on the Tech Specialist Modifications table below. You may perform only one modification at a time. Unless noted otherwise, you cannot grant more than one benefit to a single device, suit of armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle, and you can't apply the same benefit more than once.

    Before beginning the modification, you must pay one-tenth the cost of the device, suit of armor, weapon, droid, or vehicle you wish to modify or 1,000 credits, whichever is more. Completing the modification requires 1 day per 1,000 credits of the modification's cost. At the end of this time, make a DC 20 Mechanics check; you can't take 10 or take 20 on this check. If the check succeeds, the modification is completed successfully, and the object gains the desired trait. If the check fails, you lose all credits spent making the modification, and the object doesn't gain the desired trait. However, you may start over from scratch if you wish. Other characters trained in the Mechanics skill can assist you, reducing proportionately the time needed to complete the modification. At the end of modification process, they can make a Mechanics check to aid your check.

    The market value of a modified item is equal to the base cost of the item plus double the cost of the modifications made to it (not including credits wasted on failed modification attempts).

    Special: This feat is considered a bonus feat for the noble and scoundrel classes.

Improved Damage:
    The weapon deals +2 points of damage with a successful hit. If the weapon has a damage multiplier (for example, 6d10 x 2), apply the extra damage before applying the multiplier.

Game Closed
Vash'elie wrote:

*Raises Hand* I'm a tech specialist...

Just forgott to update my feat and trait.

Oh, my! You and I need to talk, my friend.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I think the 1/10 cost of the item is on the low side but the minimum cost of 1,000 cr will work in this case. Don't expect to modify a starship for 1/10 cost and the DC may be higher then 20 to achieve the result.

In the case of vehicles and ships, I would make comparisons to real life hot rods, drag racers, and professional race vehicles. A hot rod is often 5 to 10 times the base value of the vehicle with the inclusion of upgraded parts to make them perform at levels that are often two to three times the base vehicle (and their overall life can be measured often in hours as a result of some of the high stresses they are subjected to handle). Professional vehicles like formula cars have engines costing millions to achieve their high speed and require large amounts of maintenance to keep that up.

I'll put the materials price at +100% the price of the weapon or minimum 1,000 cr to do the upgrade. That is more in keeping with 'real' life economics (straight purchase price is double the materials cost).

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

If you want to rig your equipment, you should look at the rules for equipment and weapon templates as well as prototypes in the Knights of the Old Republic book.

Grand Lodge

Is this open to all equipment? As in, could Zane and I have our lightsabers modified for more damage in the same way if we have the creds?

Grand Lodge

It looks (now that I've done some searching) that modifications on lightsabers are done with crystals, which can't be bought and must be quested for.

Game Closed

p75 of the KOTOR Campaign Guide describes weapon and armor accessories, including the Enhanced Energy Projector, which I think works on lightsabers. No damage bonus, but it lets you re-roll natural 1's.

Cost: 3,000cr

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

You do have 6 to 12 months of travel and adventure which means there is opportunity to acquire a crystal or information that might lead to finding a crystal.

Let me know what crystal that you would want and then I'll decide if you have located it or rumors of it depending on the rarity and power.

Just a quick note, I don't except 'stun damage' lightsabers. If you want to stun someone use a fist or a pistol with a stun setting. A sharp weapon is a 'teaching' tool of respect for the weapon and the usage of the weapon.

I'll be fairly open to things in KOTR campaign book.

Grand Lodge

@Smerg, I agree about the stun lightsaber.... weak.

With that in mind, I'd be interested in getting Kidd a handful of damage-boosting crystals, which include Sigil, Daminia, Nextor, and Sapith crystals. Any of these grant a +2 to damage with the lightsaber.

Barring that, he'd be interested in Solari crystals, which add to his ability to Deflect incoming projectiles. (+2 to Deflect Talent rolls.)

Also, if Vash is able to do weapon upgrades for us, I'd love for her to upgrade Kidd's Heavy Blaster Pistol (aka "The Muse") to give it +2 damage as well. That would be 1,000 credits per attempted upgrade on Vash's part.

She'd have to make a Mechanics DC20 check, and every attempt would cost me 1000 credits.

I believe you must be 7th level to upgrade a lightsaber. The bonus is in lieu of the +1 to attack rolls of a synthetic crystal.

I'd like to spend 3,000 credits to turn one of the forward crawlspaces on the ship into a medical bay. Something along the lines of the little medical room on Serenity.

Also, can we spend money on other ship enhancements?

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

If Kidd is training me in the ways of the force, does he provide a lightsaber, or to I get my own? There is a price on them in the books, are they availabe anywhere? Any particular color, or random?

Game Closed

Looks Like Vash is going to be busy!

@Vash - When you get a chance, I'd like to try for that Improved Damage mod on my Carbine. I'm hoping to get in right in 2 attempts or less, since it costs 1,000cr per.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

You need a Jedi Knight or higher (7th level or higher) to do the work. If you have contacts to an organization and are in good standing or have a mentor that still maintains the Padawan relationship then you have no trouble getting this work done.

Without those direct bonds then it is more difficult to get a lightsaber constructed or worked upon because no Jedi Knight (or Sith Lord for that matter) wants to give a weapon to someone that might stab them with it or do something against the creator's code of Jedi/Sith conduct.

A regular mechanic usually lacks the force skills to do the work.

Vash though comes under a unique quality as she naturally sees with the Force as a racial talent. I will allow Vash to use her Mechanics skill on the work as she naturally sees what usually only a Knight or higher can see.

The Solari crystal shouldn't be a problem to get because it is defensive (Jedi Knights won't complain) and the Build DC is 0 to work with it.

Crystals that increase damage are harder to get as most organizations consider these to be signs of the Sith. In a post Sith and Mandalorian world these crystals have been confiscated and locked away by organizations like the Jedi or 'lost' in facilities rumoured to have ties to Sith Alchemy. Some planets have bans on possessing and selling these items (viewing them again through their association to the Sith as signs of a Sith presence or taint). Most museums that show Sith items have had the crystals removed and confiscated by organizations within the government or organizations outside of the government that are trusted to watch over such items (like the Jedi).

The blaster should not be a problem following the guidelines of KOTOR campaign book or the ones that I suggested previously.


You can certainly spend money to purchase items or upgrades for the ship.

You should be able to set up a medical section though not a Baca Tank. A base 2-1B Medical Droid (or KOTOR equivelent) would cost 4,300 cr to acquire. I'll cut the price by roughly 20% as the facilities are fixed instead of mobile working out to a price of 3450 (round on the 50 credits).

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Kidd is not a knight; so, he can't build a lightsaber. He can let people borrow his lightsaber for practice.

Vash is a special case with her race and their 'knowledge' of force systems; so, I'll allow her to build a lightsaber for people that would like one and not go through 'proper' channels for acquiring a lightsaber.

(This might be one reason her race suffered 'problems' from both the Sith and the Jedi as they likely wanted to keep the information and ability under their control. As long as people have to come to you for something, you have a lock on that commodity. I'm sure the Jedi wouldn't wish harm on someone but they might prioritize their limited resources. Of course this is just a space station rumour and their likely is no truth to it.)

Colour is more 'cosmetic' and not a cost in the construction unless you are going for an enhancement which will have a cost associated with it.

BTW Kidd material cost on the Lightsaber is +50% of the base price for the Solari crystal. I think that makes it 1,500 cr in materials cost.

For a DC20 mechanics check Vach'elie can take 10 for an even 20, if take 10 is allowed then concider your equipment upgraded.

Grand Lodge

I'll roll Vash's Mechanics checks for upgrading the gun and lightsaber...

For the gun (shooting for DC 20 - 1000 credits per attempt)
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Same thing for lightsaber, but it costs me 1500 credits per attempt:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

So 3500 additional credits spent by Kidd, 3 days of work, and my gun does +2 damage and my lightsaber gives me a +2 to Deflect attempts.

This is all on top of the money I've already spent to actually acquire both items, and of course is in need of approval from Smerg

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Vash'elie wrote:
For a DC20 mechanics check Vach'elie can take 10 for an even 20, if take 10 is allowed then concider your equipment upgraded.

Unfortunately, taking 10 is not allowed on this roll to better determine the cost of producing the final product (part of the rules).

Kidd did the rolls correctly.

Grand Lodge

Kol DyThrand wrote:
If Kidd is training me in the ways of the force, does he provide a lightsaber, or to I get my own? There is a price on them in the books, are they availabe anywhere? Any particular color, or random?

I just bough mine. There is no license for lightsabers, but they are rare, and I just assumed we weren't in an are that they wouldn't be rare. So base cost is 3000 cred's, but double that for the rare modifier, up to 6000 creds. That's what I paid for mine. Then I had Vash upgrade the crystal for another 1500 credits (that was two posts ago).

Once you've shelled out the cash, you can choose what color it is and what the hilt style is.

At least that's what Smerg let me do for my second lightsaber.

Also, updating my character sheet after Smerg's approval above, the remaining 3000 credits I'm happy to use on ship upgrades. So keep that in mind as we figure out what to do with the Grasshopper.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

An interesting discussion.

Someone bought the RPG licence for Star Wars

I wonder who. Likely, four months or more before we know.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

OK, I think I'm set; just tinkering with equipment now.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

So, will people be roughly ready for me to do the intro post to the new story on Sunday night / Monday?

Grand Lodge

I'm down. Does this mean we'll be meeting the new guys in-thread?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiddrik wrote:
I'm down. Does this mean we'll be meeting the new guys in-thread?

Yup. I'm going to take it that you 'picked' up the new people in the interim between the story of the Spike and the new story.

The 'story' of how the new people joined the crew of the Grasshopper can be left up to the audience to ponder. Did they come with the ship? Were they extra muscle? Were they attracted to the teachings of Kidd? Are they just passengers that happen to be working their way across the galaxy?

Ok, I'm getting a feel for what to spend my creds on.

First off;
Tweaking my brace computer, making it a Masterwork Brace Computer raising it's equipment bonus to +2.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
=1000 cr, 1 days work.

Buy a Computer Interface Visor (1200cr) and give that the Masterwork quality as well for a +3 equipment bonus.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
=1000 cr, 1 days work.

Buy a Mechanical Interface Visor (1250cr) and give it the Masterwork quality for a +3 equipment bonus.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
=1000 cr, 1 days work.

Total: 5450 credits and 3 days work, leaving Vash'elie 6550cr.

I'm wondering if she should tweak the ship some? If so then it would cost 1/10 of it's cost, either 7500 or 2800 depending on if the used or new cost is used.

Attempt 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 or +13 if Smerg will allow Vash'elie to use her Masterwork Mechanical Interface Visor ;)

Attempt 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 Improved Damage is a go.

Vash'elie wrote:

I'm wondering if she should tweak the ship some? If so then it would cost 1/10 of it's cost, either 7500 or 2800 depending on if the used or new cost is used.

I'd put up some creds for that, Vash.

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