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You said......"1) It can affect all creatures of a single specific type of monster, like orcs or xills or nabasus or leprechauns. Identifying monsters using Knowledge checks in this way doesn't take an action (although in some cases, some GMs might limit the number of checks you can make as a house rule), but using bardic performance to generate effects does. You're limited by how many times you can activate bardic performance as to how many times in a round you can hand out these bonuses. At 1st to 6th level, you can only do one creature a round as a standard action. At 7th to 12trh, when it's a move action to start a performance, you can do 2 a round. At 13th level and above, when it's a swift action, you can basically do 3 a round (one swift, then 2 move actions). You pay a round of bardic performance each time you activate it, of course. This ability is more useful, in other words, the fewer different types of monsters there are in the fight."

I read this six times and i am not clear on what you are trying to get at here....I know all about bards activating performances with a "lesser" action at higher levels, but it sounds like you are suggesting that the archivist can activate more than one performance(which no bard can) at the start of a performance by spending additional "starting actions". It is obvious the bard can affect multiple allies(seeing + hearing him w/in 30') giving them bonuses against every creature of a specific type he identifies and that he can/may identify multiple types of creatures before attempting to start a performance. What is not spelled out in the performance description and(i'm afraid) in your response is whether he can give the bonuses to allies against multiple TYPES of creatures he HAS identified.

The ability replaces inspire courage and is WORSE than IC in that allies need to see it(line of sight) as well as hear the performance, which comes into play reasonably often. And that its activation is conditional on identifying enemies, meaning either a very large investment(6 different Knowledge skills need a point about every other level) have been made in doing so or risk failing to indentify anything not "common". The "effect only working on one creature type" would further water down the ability to near uselessness against a mixed bag of enemies.

Most DM's seem to think replacing IC's damage bonuses with a AC bonus justifies the downside...and maybe it would if the party used hardly any weapon attacks, which would be very rare in PFS play where most PCs are very low level.

Can an Archivist give the bonuses to allies against multiple TYPES of creatures he HAS identified in the same performance? I feel the need to ask for a simple YES or NO on the above sentence...although reasons are welcome. I have researched this for at least 4 hours before asking here..and very much appreciate the answers.

James. Do you ever get free Pathfinder Battles minis?

The Exchange

James, have you ever designed a PC based on a fictional character (e.g., Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood)? Do you have any tips on how to "succeed" in pulling it off?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Rats. Why is it that all the deities with the most "Celtic" trappings (Pulura, who's described as a powerful faith in Sarkoris, the most Celtic nation according to you; Tolc, an explicitly northerly being, Sarkoris being a northern nation; Cernunnos, Ogma, Connla, all taken from actual Celtic mythology) are all chaotic?
Because of the consonance between the words "Celtic" and "Chaotic."
So it's pretty much a given that a Sarkorian Kellid who is a paladin HAS to worship a "foreign" or "crusader" deity like Iomedae, Ragathiel or Sarenrae?

How about about Erastil? He's easy to portray as the father or elder brother of Cernunnos.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Rats. Why is it that all the deities with the most "Celtic" trappings (Pulura, who's described as a powerful faith in Sarkoris, the most Celtic nation according to you; Tolc, an explicitly northerly being, Sarkoris being a northern nation; Cernunnos, Ogma, Connla, all taken from actual Celtic mythology) are all chaotic?
Because of the consonance between the words "Celtic" and "Chaotic."
So it's pretty much a given that a Sarkorian Kellid who is a paladin HAS to worship a "foreign" or "crusader" deity like Iomedae, Ragathiel or Sarenrae?

Not at all.

Sarkoris is NOT a Celtic nation. It's merely the region that most closely approximates those traditions. Golarion doesn't have a region like you're so desperate to find in the same way it has an analog for Egypt.

"Lost Kingdoms" is your best source for information about Sarkoris. It's got just over a page and a half of information about Sarkorian religion; there's a LOT there for paladins to worship, not all of it deities. That said... the themes and nature of Sarkoris are NOT all that appropriate for a paladin, frankly... any more so than it's appropriate for a paladin to come from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords or Irrisen or the Linnorm Kingdoms. It is certainly possible, yeah... but a paladin will be a fish out of water there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MeanDM wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
MeanDM wrote:
If you were forced by circumstance to join a cult of one of the Elder Gods, which would you choose and why?
Are you actually talking about the Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods, none of whom are actually Elder Gods? Or are you actually asking about gods like Nodens? Because in that case, I suppose Bast, because I like cats. That also supposes you buy into Chaosium's placement of her as an elder god, though. Also that I'm remembering that correctly in the first place.

I was, indeed, asking about the Elder Gods. Just because you get more Great Old One questions. :)

That said....

What Great Old One cult would you join if you were forced by some circumstance?:)


Paizo Employee Creative Director

GreatKhanArtist wrote:
So I am completely out to lunch on thinking the 2015 AP has anything to do at all with the ancient empires? I really was leaning towards Azlant.

You'll find out soon enough.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zhangar wrote:

To ask some questions on the topic of the Abyss...

1) What sort of cosmetic modifications would Nocticula indulge in with hezrou and vrocks?

2) Does the Abyss sometimes start spawning a specific kind of demon in response to a new demon lord rising up? For example, did misogyny demons beginning to spawn as a direct response to Kostchtchie's ascendance. A lot of demons represent really specific sins that arguably fall under existing broader categories.

3) Off the top of your head, what would be the "newest" type of demon that the Abyss recently developed and started spawning? I can think of CR 19 guys that Lamashtu personally developed, but those are probably still ancient because Lamashtu did that back when she was "just" a demon lord.

1) Not much. She's not all that interested in those demons. Too ugly and angry and un-subtle in their ways.

2) Yes; the nature of demons that manifest does indeed get influenced by demon lord proximity. That's more a case of souls of the right types of sin being "sorted" by Pharasma and being sent on to the proper Abyssal realm, though, than the Abyss itself making a decision on what demons to create.

3) It's probably a demon we haven't statted up yet, frankly, because the idea of a "new" demon is pretty cool... cool enough that if we go with it, I'd like it to be part of an adventure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Albatoonoe wrote:
I know she is all for creating them, but is Urgothoa against destroying undead? Of course, I'm not talking about undead followers of Urgothoa, but just generic undead.

She has no qualms about destroying undead; you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and all that. She wouldn't support an anti-undead crusade, though. But undead killing each other or a worshiper killing undead in her quest to retrieve an ancient evil weapon from a crypt or so on... undead that die as a side effect of her worshipers attempting another task... she doesn't mind that at all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JaC381 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
If a soul worships a deity, it generally goes to that deity's realm, despite the soul's alignment at death.

What sort of destination awaits a worshipper of Desna, or Rovagug, who, as far as I know, don't have planar realms? (Ditto Gozreh, perhaps Nethys, etc. various other gods who aren't associated with another plane.)

Do Rovagug worshippers end up in the Cage, possibly to be immediately devoured by their god? Do Desna worshippers become sparkling motes of light that trail behind her vast wings as she flutters through the dark places of the universe? (Ooh, that sounds like a Romanticist paradise, right there!)

Desna has a planar realm on Arcadia.

So does Rovagug... it's just that Rovagug's planar realm isn't on the outer planes but its own demiplane.

We should have a bit more to say about deity realms early next year!

Do you mean in ISG? I didn't see what happens to Rovagug's petitioners exactly spelled out in it. Do they go to the Dead Vault, or to the qlippoth-controlled Outer Rifts? Do souls sent to the Dead Vault strengthen or sustain Rovagug, or do they not really matter?

Also, is there a relation between the Dead Vault and the Vaults of Orv?

Inner Sea Gods is indeed what I was talking about. It doesn't answer every question though, obviously.

Petitioners manifest only on the outer planes. Worshipers of Rovagug who die and are sent on to the Abyss or wherever would become petitioners normally. Souls sent on to the Dead Vault itself have a different, currently unrevealed fate, but they do NOT become petitioners, because the Dead Vault is not one of the outer planes.

There is a lot of relationship between the Dead Vault and Orv. At this point, that relationship is being left deliberately vague.

1) If a coin falls and there is no one to hear it jingle on the floor, will Merisiel be there to catch it?

2) If I fall and there is no one there to witness it, who will catch me?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Meager Rolmug wrote:

You said......"1) It can affect all creatures of a single specific type of monster, like orcs or xills or nabasus or leprechauns. Identifying monsters using Knowledge checks in this way doesn't take an action (although in some cases, some GMs might limit the number of checks you can make as a house rule), but using bardic performance to generate effects does. You're limited by how many times you can activate bardic performance as to how many times in a round you can hand out these bonuses. At 1st to 6th level, you can only do one creature a round as a standard action. At 7th to 12trh, when it's a move action to start a performance, you can do 2 a round. At 13th level and above, when it's a swift action, you can basically do 3 a round (one swift, then 2 move actions). You pay a round of bardic performance each time you activate it, of course. This ability is more useful, in other words, the fewer different types of monsters there are in the fight."

I read this six times and i am not clear on what you are trying to get at here....I know all about bards activating performances with a "lesser" action at higher levels, but it sounds like you are suggesting that the archivist can activate more than one performance(which no bard can) at the start of a performance by spending additional "starting actions". It is obvious the bard can affect multiple allies(seeing + hearing him w/in 30') giving them bonuses against every creature of a specific type he identifies and that he can/may identify multiple types of creatures before attempting to start a performance. What is not spelled out in the performance description and(i'm afraid) in your response is whether he can give the bonuses to allies against multiple TYPES of creatures he HAS identified.

The ability replaces inspire courage and is WORSE than IC in that allies need to see it(line of sight) as well as hear the performance, which comes into play reasonably often. And that its activation is conditional on identifying enemies, meaning either a very large investment(6 different Knowledge skills need a point about every other level) have been made in doing so or risk failing to indentify anything not "common". The "effect only working on one creature type" would further water down the ability to near uselessness against a mixed bag of enemies.

Most DM's seem to think replacing IC's damage bonuses with a AC bonus justifies the downside...and maybe it would if the party used hardly any weapon attacks, which would be very rare in PFS play where most PCs are very low level.

Can an Archivist give the bonuses to allies against multiple TYPES of creatures he HAS identified in the same performance? I feel the need to ask for a simple YES or NO on the above sentence...although reasons are welcome. I have researched this for at least 4 hours before asking here..and very much appreciate the answers.

Holy wall of text, Batman!

The simplest response? No.

A slightly less simple response?

At 1st to 6th level, an archivist can apply the bonuses to one kind of monster by activating bardic performance as a standard action.

At 7th to 12th level, an archivist can apply the bonuses to two kinds of monsters by activating bardic performance twice as a pair of move actions.

At 13th level and above, an archivist can apply the bonuses to three kinds of monsters by activating bardic performance as a swift action and then as two move actions.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Minis Maniac wrote:
James. Do you ever get free Pathfinder Battles minis?

Yes. Being Creative Director has some perks.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

eldergod0515 wrote:
James, have you ever designed a PC based on a fictional character (e.g., Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood)? Do you have any tips on how to "succeed" in pulling it off?

Not often, assuming you're not counting something like stating up a fictional character who appears in a Pathfinder Tales book.

As a general rule, characters created for novels are going to be difficult to stat up in games, particularly games outside of the original genre, and especially if you're a big fan of the character and want to overdo things.

I've statted up lots of monsters based on fictional characters though; things like Cthulhu and Hastur and Bokrug come to mind, along with monsters like the hounds of Tindalos, shoggoths, morlocks, zuvembies, the Jabberwock, and so on. In those cases, I try to mimic the themes as best I can. I read everything there is about the character (or at least enough to get a good idea of their capabilities) and then go from there. In some cases, the original text gives things to you by saying things like "This guy lifted the 4 ton rock over his head—it was the heaviest thing he ever picked up!" and you can use that to figure out an exact strength score, but for the most part, it's guesswork and practice.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
tsuruki wrote:

1) If a coin falls and there is no one to hear it jingle on the floor, will Merisiel be there to catch it?

2) If I fall and there is no one there to witness it, who will catch me?

1) Probalby not. She's (mostly) put the greed part of thievery days behind her.

2) Slenderman?


No question (at least for now), but I just wanted to say congratulations on your diet milestone.

I will say, when I saw recent pictures, and your name captioned below, I couldn't believe it. What did they do with James Jacobs?

Once again, congratulations!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Rats. Why is it that all the deities with the most "Celtic" trappings (Pulura, who's described as a powerful faith in Sarkoris, the most Celtic nation according to you; Tolc, an explicitly northerly being, Sarkoris being a northern nation; Cernunnos, Ogma, Connla, all taken from actual Celtic mythology) are all chaotic?
Because of the consonance between the words "Celtic" and "Chaotic."
So it's pretty much a given that a Sarkorian Kellid who is a paladin HAS to worship a "foreign" or "crusader" deity like Iomedae, Ragathiel or Sarenrae?

Not at all.

Sarkoris is NOT a Celtic nation. It's merely the region that most closely approximates those traditions. Golarion doesn't have a region like you're so desperate to find in the same way it has an analog for Egypt.

"Lost Kingdoms" is your best source for information about Sarkoris. It's got just over a page and a half of information about Sarkorian religion; there's a LOT there for paladins to worship, not all of it deities. That said... the themes and nature of Sarkoris are NOT all that appropriate for a paladin, frankly... any more so than it's appropriate for a paladin to come from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords or Irrisen or the Linnorm Kingdoms. It is certainly possible, yeah... but a paladin will be a fish out of water there.

I'm really desperate to find a way to represent the King Arthur of pseudo-history and Celtic myth. I find that version much more compelling than the traditional Knight In Shining Armor version that we get from Malory (and that Golarion has PLENTY of, both in Mendev and Lastwall). There's only so many ways you can play that before it gets boring, and it's pretty much the way almost EVERYONE pictures paladins already!

Ross Byers wrote:
How about about Erastil? He's easy to portray as the father or elder brother of Cernunnos.

That was one of my FIRST places to look, but Erastil's values and style are inherently NOT like King Arthur. Erastil's pride lies in commoners and village reeves, not in kings and their warriors. It explicitly states in his article in Pathfinder 32 that he finds people whose entire career revolves around fighting dangerous. "Quests? Courtly love? Pshaw! Old Lady Niska needs her roof repaired, Farmer Mick's cow is calving, and there's goblins sneaking winter supplies out of the granary! Get your damn head out of the clouds and get to work!" Plus, his favored weapon is the longbow. When a paladin of Erastil picks up the Radiance weapon in The Worldwound Incursion, it will automatically morph into a longbow, which is not what I want. I like swords.

I just, I...really, really have King-Arthur-mania on the brain, and I feel like going with a Mendevian or Lastwall Iomedae worshiping paladin feels to...generic. Is too instantly recognizable. It's bad roleplaying form to copy an existing fictional character so obviously and blatantly that it derails everything. I don't want to be a bad roleplayer.

What do I do?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Hobbun wrote:


No question (at least for now), but I just wanted to say congratulations on your diet milestone.

I will say, when I saw recent pictures, and your name captioned below, I couldn't believe it. What did they do with James Jacobs?

Once again, congratulations!

Yay! Thanks!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I'm really desperate to find a way to represent the King Arthur of pseudo-history and Celtic myth. I find that version much more compelling than the traditional Knight In Shining Armor version that we get from Malory (and that Golarion has PLENTY of, both in Mendev and Lastwall). There's only so many ways you can play that before it gets boring, and it's pretty much the way almost EVERYONE pictures paladins already!

The thing is there is no "single" King Arthur even if you limit it to pre-Malory stuff. There are all variants from the relatively passive "Fisher King" to the warrior on traveling crusade.

What you need to decide is "which" Arthur you want to represent. For many possible Arthurs, a combination of Fighter and Aristocrat levels is appropriate. (Not Paladin, that's pretty much early Lancelot and Galahad territory. Later Lancelot would be a combination of Ex-Paladin and Fighter levels.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The quest for the King Arthur PC is a good one... but it's one that's been going on for a while. It would likely be better served becoming its own thread over in the advice boards, perhaps? ;-)

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
The quest for the King Arthur PC is a good one... but it's one that's been going on for a while. It would likely be better served becoming its own thread over in the advice boards, perhaps? ;-)

Duly noted. I will do so. And sorry for pestering you with this. :(

And now that I've got that out of my system, what makes the Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan) your favorite Shoanti tribe for PCs?

I don't know if this is merely something that happened over time, but it seems that when Nirmathas and Molthune are mentioned, Nirmathas is generally depicted in the more favorable light, because they're the defenders in the war, because they're sort of the "freedom" nation, abhorring the slavery that Molthune willingly practices, and because they aren't as petty (the only reason they hate the Pathfinders is because they opened a lodge in Nirmathas). Does Molthune and her people have ANY redeeming qualities? Or are they pretty much meant to act as antagonists for adventures?

Is it just me, or do the Aldori Swordlords' grievances against Issia seem somewhat petty too? It seems like the main complaint Aldori Swordlords have against their northerly neighbors is that they're "arrogant" (pot calling kettle much?).

I know paladins can't venerate Desna, given her Chaotic nature, but how does SHE view paladins?

Where on Golarion would it be easiest to walk down a street and hear a language that isn't "Golarion-Native" (not talking like Elven or Gnomish, but, say, English or Triaxian)? Which Non-Golarion languages would be most common in that city?

I made my Aasimar Oracle as a pixel art thing. Is this awesome yes/no?

James Jacobs wrote:

2) Slenderman?

Holy s$*@. I should not fall down then.

1) Which of the new ACG Iconis would you most like to have as a intern in your office?

2) If the entire lineup of Iconics from CRB, APG, UM, UC and ACG would band together at 12th level, what is the most awesome foe they might possibly vanquish?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The quest for the King Arthur PC is a good one... but it's one that's been going on for a while. It would likely be better served becoming its own thread over in the advice boards, perhaps? ;-)

Duly noted. I will do so. And sorry for pestering you with this. :(

And now that I've got that out of my system, what makes the Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan) your favorite Shoanti tribe for PCs?

I don't know if this is merely something that happened over time, but it seems that when Nirmathas and Molthune are mentioned, Nirmathas is generally depicted in the more favorable light, because they're the defenders in the war, because they're sort of the "freedom" nation, abhorring the slavery that Molthune willingly practices, and because they aren't as petty (the only reason they hate the Pathfinders is because they opened a lodge in Nirmathas). Does Molthune and her people have ANY redeeming qualities? Or are they pretty much meant to act as antagonists for adventures?

Is it just me, or do the Aldori Swordlords' grievances against Issia seem somewhat petty too? It seems like the main complaint Aldori Swordlords have against their northerly neighbors is that they're "arrogant" (pot calling kettle much?).

I know paladins can't venerate Desna, given her Chaotic nature, but how does SHE view paladins?

When I was designing the Quahs, I had several different ways to differentiate them. Several were custom built to be strong choices for associations with the specific player characters for the campaign I ran where everyone had to be a Shoanti tribe member. A few of them were built to specifically be bad guys. The Lyrune Quah, though, was the one I built based on my own preferences—it's the one whose beliefs and methods and attitude most closely match my own.

Nirmathas being placed in a more favorable light is likely the result of my personal preferences for which of the two is more appealing coming through. Molthune does have redeeming qualities—patriotism is one, as is loyalty. Those can be non-redeeming to some folks, of course.

And there's nothing wrong with grievances being petty. After all, there's plenty in the real world that's petty that gets blown out of proportion.

Desna and her church view paladins as good friends to have in a pinch, especially against evil foes, but overall are too stuffy and narrow-minded and frustrating to hang around with for too long. Paladins outstay their welcome FAST in most Desnan circles. Desna herself is likely to think paladins are too obsessed with law to the detriment of championing good, and that if they abandoned the distractions of law that they'd be much more effective heroes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Where on Golarion would it be easiest to walk down a street and hear a language that isn't "Golarion-Native" (not talking like Elven or Gnomish, but, say, English or Triaxian)? Which Non-Golarion languages would be most common in that city?

Kaer-Maga, perhaps, which has a HUGE amount of languages.

Certainly Katapesh, which would have a wide range as well.

Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dracoknight wrote:
I made my Aasimar Oracle as a pixel art thing. Is this awesome yes/no?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

tsuruki wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

2) Slenderman?

Holy s+@+. I should not fall down then.

1) Which of the new ACG Iconis would you most like to have as a intern in your office?

2) If the entire lineup of Iconics from CRB, APG, UM, UC and ACG would band together at 12th level, what is the most awesome foe they might possibly vanquish?

1) Jirelle!

2) Slenderman! They'd be able to save you from your doom!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...

Is it Bocce? Because that's like a second language to me.

Idk if this is taboo to ask (I know your fellow employees design these), but what is your favorite and least favorite pathfinder adventure module? It could be part of an adventure path.

My favorite: I'm torn between River of Darkness and Entombed With The Pharaohs
Least favorite: Flight of the Red Raven

James Jacobs wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Where on Golarion would it be easiest to walk down a street and hear a language that isn't "Golarion-Native" (not talking like Elven or Gnomish, but, say, English or Triaxian)? Which Non-Golarion languages would be most common in that city?

Kaer-Maga, perhaps, which has a HUGE amount of languages.

Certainly Katapesh, which would have a wide range as well.

Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...

Starfall is a language?

1)How does Desna view Iomedae?

2)How does Iomedae view Desna?

James Jacobs wrote:
Zhangar wrote:

To ask some questions on the topic of the Abyss...

1) What sort of cosmetic modifications would Nocticula indulge in with hezrou and vrocks?

2) Does the Abyss sometimes start spawning a specific kind of demon in response to a new demon lord rising up? For example, did misogyny demons beginning to spawn as a direct response to Kostchtchie's ascendance. A lot of demons represent really specific sins that arguably fall under existing broader categories.

3) Off the top of your head, what would be the "newest" type of demon that the Abyss recently developed and started spawning? I can think of CR 19 guys that Lamashtu personally developed, but those are probably still ancient because Lamashtu did that back when she was "just" a demon lord.

1) Not much. She's not all that interested in those demons. Too ugly and angry and un-subtle in their ways.

2) Yes; the nature of demons that manifest does indeed get influenced by demon lord proximity. That's more a case of souls of the right types of sin being "sorted" by Pharasma and being sent on to the proper Abyssal realm, though, than the Abyss itself making a decision on what demons to create.

3) It's probably a demon we haven't statted up yet, frankly, because the idea of a "new" demon is pretty cool... cool enough that if we go with it, I'd like it to be part of an adventure.

2)Does this work on the other outer planes as well like Hell,Nirvana and the Maelstrom?

Will you guys talk about the cosmetic features of the outsider minions of different gods in future deity articles?

James Jacobs wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Where on Golarion would it be easiest to walk down a street and hear a language that isn't "Golarion-Native" (not talking like Elven or Gnomish, but, say, English or Triaxian)? Which Non-Golarion languages would be most common in that city?

Kaer-Maga, perhaps, which has a HUGE amount of languages.

Certainly Katapesh, which would have a wide range as well.

Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...

So Hajoth Hakados doesn't make the list?

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
[Urgothoa] has no qualms about destroying undead; you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and all that.

How often does Urgathoa eat undead and mushroom omelettes?

1)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to other mortal races like elves and dwarfs?

2)why would a elf or dwarf worship a human?

3)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to prideful creatures like dragons?

3)why would a dragon worship a human?

4)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to outsiders like angels?(to get outsider minions)

5)you said outsiders view mortals as animals.so why would a outsider worship and serve a mortal

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shisumo wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...
Is it Bocce? Because that's like a second language to me.

It is not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Spastic Puma wrote:

Idk if this is taboo to ask (I know your fellow employees design these), but what is your favorite and least favorite pathfinder adventure module? It could be part of an adventure path.

My favorite: I'm torn between River of Darkness and Entombed With The Pharaohs
Least favorite: Flight of the Red Raven

It's not taboo to ask, but I don't answer the questions like this anyway, since I try to avoid showing favoritism or avoid badmouthing the work of authors I've hired to work for me.

I absolutely DO have favorites and least favorites though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Where on Golarion would it be easiest to walk down a street and hear a language that isn't "Golarion-Native" (not talking like Elven or Gnomish, but, say, English or Triaxian)? Which Non-Golarion languages would be most common in that city?

Kaer-Maga, perhaps, which has a HUGE amount of languages.

Certainly Katapesh, which would have a wide range as well.

Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...

Starfall is a language?

Nope. It's a city. Wherein a language we haven't yet talked about in public is spoken by those who know it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xavier c wrote:

1)How does Desna view Iomedae?

2) How does Iomedae view Desna?

1) As a control freak and an upstart more interested in glory than in what's good for her worshipers.

2) As a hippie and weird old goddess more interested in making decisions without thinking through the consequences than planning for the long term.

They certainly respect each other's power... but they're not big fans of each other.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Zhangar wrote:

To ask some questions on the topic of the Abyss...

1) What sort of cosmetic modifications would Nocticula indulge in with hezrou and vrocks?

2) Does the Abyss sometimes start spawning a specific kind of demon in response to a new demon lord rising up? For example, did misogyny demons beginning to spawn as a direct response to Kostchtchie's ascendance. A lot of demons represent really specific sins that arguably fall under existing broader categories.

3) Off the top of your head, what would be the "newest" type of demon that the Abyss recently developed and started spawning? I can think of CR 19 guys that Lamashtu personally developed, but those are probably still ancient because Lamashtu did that back when she was "just" a demon lord.

1) Not much. She's not all that interested in those demons. Too ugly and angry and un-subtle in their ways.

2) Yes; the nature of demons that manifest does indeed get influenced by demon lord proximity. That's more a case of souls of the right types of sin being "sorted" by Pharasma and being sent on to the proper Abyssal realm, though, than the Abyss itself making a decision on what demons to create.

3) It's probably a demon we haven't statted up yet, frankly, because the idea of a "new" demon is pretty cool... cool enough that if we go with it, I'd like it to be part of an adventure.

2)Does this work on the other outer planes as well like Hell,Nirvana and the Maelstrom?

In that souls appropriate for a deity's realm tend to be appropriate for the deity's outsiders, yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
Will you guys talk about the cosmetic features of the outsider minions of different gods in future deity articles?

About the same as we did in all the previous ones.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Graeme Lewis wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Graeme Lewis wrote:
Where on Golarion would it be easiest to walk down a street and hear a language that isn't "Golarion-Native" (not talking like Elven or Gnomish, but, say, English or Triaxian)? Which Non-Golarion languages would be most common in that city?

Kaer-Maga, perhaps, which has a HUGE amount of languages.

Certainly Katapesh, which would have a wide range as well.

Definately Starfall. The language that you'd hear there but almost nowhere else hasn't yet been revealed though...

So Hajoth Hakados doesn't make the list?

Nope. It does not, Nor does any other city in Numeria.

The question was "What are some places where it would be easiest to hear a non-Golarion language?" Not "What are ALL of the places where it would be POSSIBLE to hear a non-Golarion language?"

Paizo Employee Creative Director

"Weasel" wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
[Urgothoa] has no qualms about destroying undead; you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and all that.
How often does Urgathoa eat undead and mushroom omelettes?

She doesn't eat much. Her stomach has no bottom after all. Just falls right out on the floor.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:

1)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to other mortal races like elves and dwarfs?

2)why would a elf or dwarf worship a human?

3)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to prideful creatures like dragons?

3)why would a dragon worship a human?

4)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to outsiders like angels?(to get outsider minions)

5)you said outsiders view mortals as animals.so why would a outsider worship and serve a mortal

1) By doing missionary work, both on your own and via your current worshipers.

2) Personal choices.

3) See #1 above.

3) See #2 above.

4) See #1 above.

5) Not all outsiders view mortals as animals. Some do. Some do not. If your mortal is powerful enough to have become a mythic character who can grant spells... that is in and of itself reason for an outsider to sit up and take note—that mortal is unlike pretty much EVERY OTHER MORTAL IN EXISTENCE with a very very very few number of exceptions.

James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:

1)How does Desna view Iomedae?

2) How does Iomedae view Desna?

1) As a control freak and an upstart more interested in glory than in what's good for her worshipers.

2) As a hippie and weird old goddess more interested in making decisions without thinking through the consequences than planning for the long term.

They certainly respect each other's power... but they're not big fans of each other.

Without getting spoileriffic, do you think a Desnan PC could successfully run through Wrath of the Righteous? How might a Chaotic PC react to the more Lawful aspects of the AP?

James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:

1)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to other mortal races like elves and dwarfs?

2)why would a elf or dwarf worship a human?

3)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to prideful creatures like dragons?

3)why would a dragon worship a human?

4)What is the best way for a mythic human with the Divine Source power to spread there faith to outsiders like angels?(to get outsider minions)

5)you said outsiders view mortals as animals.so why would a outsider worship and serve a mortal

1) By doing missionary work, both on your own and via your current worshipers.

2) Personal choices.

3) See #1 above.

3) See #2 above.

4) See #1 above.

5) Not all outsiders view mortals as animals. Some do. Some do not. If your mortal is powerful enough to have become a mythic character who can grant spells... that is in and of itself reason for an outsider to sit up and take note—that mortal is unlike pretty much EVERY OTHER MORTAL IN EXISTENCE with a very very very few number of exceptions.

So you just walk up to them and be like "i'm a god you want to worship me"?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

2) Maybe. I'd love to see it get published, personally, but whether or not he can find the time to actually write it before the heat death of the universe is unclear, unfortunately.

That's it, really. Me and the heat death of the universe, locked in a no-holds-barred cage match.

I hope to publish Kings of Absalom some day. I just ran the entire campaign so far (about 20 hours of play) a few weeks ago at Kubla Con, and I'll be debuting the next "chunk" at PaizoCon on Friday. After Gen Con I plan to start up my campaigns again (it's been about 2 years since the last session).

There are currently three active groups in Kings of Absalom, in addition to about eight convention tables who have gotten a 4-8-hour sample of it.

The recent Kubla Con table was unique, in that the same six players (one more than the normal 5) got to play in 6-hour chunks over three consecutive days. I'd happily play with the same table again (they were _fantastic_), but they're stuck somewhere between the active groups and the convention groups in terms of whether I count them as participating or not. In many ways, they got a more purified form of the campaign than anyone, as it was easy for everyone to remember little details since the previous session was always just yesterday.

The three groups are:

PAIZO GROUP 1 (work friends, played in Paizo conference room)
James Jacobs: Shensen (CG female half-elf bard)
James L. Sutter: Artemis Kraugh (NG male tengu wizard "folk hero")
Rob McCreary: Bexilarius "Avarice" Varandin (LE male tiefling alchemist)
Jeff Alvarez: Clef Bellyberry (CG male halfling rogue)
F. Wesley Schneider: Dhalghad Caldammas (LN male human fighter)

BALLARD GROUP (neighborhood friends, played at Card Kingdom's Cafe Mox)
Jason Bulmahn: Traskar Grimtusk (LN male half-orc monk)
Tom Burkhart: Grynth (CG male dwarf barbarian)
Kyle Hunter: Erskine Rebis (N male human bard)
Dave Rambo: Felix Esau Boone (CG male human cleric of Kurgess)
Danica King: Zarzeni (CN female half-elf rogue)

THE SULTAN GROUP (neighborhood friends, played on my buddy Ross's Sultan game table)
Ross Williams: Kja Thrushtuner (CG female gnome summoner)
Meg Maples: Elsbeth (LG female half-elf paladin)
Eli Harrison: Dashiell Keys (CG male halfling rogue)
Ben Desbien: Garen Loc (NG male human urban ranger)
Ciaran Barnes: Brother Hermide Lahzan (N male human cleric of Pharasma)

Assuming I can find the time, I'd like to put together about two or three more groups of fellow Paizo folks and run them through from the beginning, but for now I'm concentrating on finishing the second campaign arc (levels 4-6, probably). They players are newly arrived at a subterranean shanty town called Fall's End far, far below the Siphons District of Absalom, which I've designed as a sandbox. It's currently got about a dozen detailed locations areas with lots of adventure hooks running between them, but the only over-arching "plot" that binds everything together is "get out of town," something that turns out to be considerably more difficult than one might assume.

I've spent more time working on the campaign in the last two months than I had in the previous year, so it's very exciting!

Oh, did I mention that I've audio recorded every single session with all of the three main groups? Some day I hope to edit that into something listenable, but that too takes time…

James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
Will you guys talk about the cosmetic features of the outsider minions of different gods in future deity articles?
About the same as we did in all the previous ones.

In Wrath of the Righteous yes.In inner sea gods no

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