JaC381 |
LazarX wrote:Is there a Shadow reflection of the City of Absalom in the Plane of Shadow, and if so, does it also contain reflections of the Pathfinder Society and the Starstone Cathedral, or is there just a Broken Pattern within said cathedral? :)Unrevealed. But probably not. Shadow reflections aren't exact.
Its 3.5 era, but "The Great Beyond - A Guide to the Multiverse" has a brief intro to Shadow Absalom on pages 13-14.
Population: 24,000
Type: mixed (50% fetchling, 24% Material Plane humanoid,
10% d’ziriak, 6% intelligent undead, 10% other)

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Is it possible for tieflings to emerge through a means other than their bloodline? Like, a fiendish cult decides to use a ritual to infuse a person with fiendish power that transforms them into a tiefling as opposed to a full fiend much like the rituals in Rise of the Runelords or Wrath of the Righteous? Essentially, can a person BECOME a tiefling rather than being BORN as one?

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Is it possible for tieflings to emerge through a means other than their bloodline? Like, a fiendish cult decides to use a ritual to infuse a person with fiendish power that transforms them into a tiefling as opposed to a full fiend much like the rituals in Rise of the Runelords or Wrath of the Righteous? Essentially, can a person BECOME a tiefling rather than being BORN as one?
When you get right down to it... polymorph any object or reincarnate or wish or miracle could all, in theory, work to give someone a tiefling body.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Is it possible for tieflings to emerge through a means other than their bloodline? Like, a fiendish cult decides to use a ritual to infuse a person with fiendish power that transforms them into a tiefling as opposed to a full fiend much like the rituals in Rise of the Runelords or Wrath of the Righteous? Essentially, can a person BECOME a tiefling rather than being BORN as one?Absolutely.
When you get right down to it... polymorph any object or reincarnate or wish or miracle could all, in theory, work to give someone a tiefling body.
What would be the best way to represent an estoc/tuck sword in Pathfinder? And what nation would utilize these weapons (estoc was what the French called it, tuck was the English called it)?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:What would be the best way to represent an estoc/tuck sword in Pathfinder? And what nation would utilize these weapons (estoc was what the French called it, tuck was the English called it)?Rapier. They'd be used all over.
Can you even USE a rapier with two hands?

Alleran |
With the recent Shory article (I saw the tie to Old-Mage Jatembe and the naming of one of his Ten Magic Warriors, Black Heron!) and its reference to the Tarrasque attacking (and destroying) the city of Kho, I was reminded of the Staff of Elemental Castigation, a custom staff of the magi in Classic Treasures Revisited.
1) Are there any plans to name any more of the Ten Magic Warriors?
2) Was Black Heron the one who didn't contribute to the Ring of Nine Facets? The hidden facet of the Ring is black, and it's that facet you need to use to destroy it so there seems to be a correlation to the name.
2a) Did all the Ten Magic Warriors have names like "Black Heron"? (So there could have been White Falcon, Red Lion, and so on.)
3) Since the staff of elemental castigation was reportedly integral to forcing the Tarrasque into its prison (wherever that might be), did the staff have any connection at all to the Shory?
4) Does the "staff of the magi" artifact (the first one, anyway, which I suppose could have been a staff of eldritch sovereignty from Mythic Adventures) predate the Shory?
4a) If yes, by how much? Were they around and/or common in Azlant/Thassilon?
5) The Shory themselves seem to have had similar paths to power as Jatembe. He learned from angels, demons and gods and so on in the stories of him (including even Ydersius' severed head), while the Shory learned from similar beyond-the-veil entities (Dark Tapestry, Abaddon). Would you say there's a particular reason why the Shory fell so completely to them, yet Jatembe didn't? Besides Jatembe being awesome, of course.
6) The Shory are described in the article as pushing innovation further than other societies of their time, with a love for extrapolating on what Jatembe passed down to them. What about societies not of their time, like Azlant or Thassilon?
7) Just to touch on Jatembe again, in his time did he and/or his Magic Warriors ever trek far outside of the Mwangi Expanse? Did he go north into Avistan? Or across the sea to Tian Xia, or the Valashmai Jungle? Or did he remain firmly fixed in one particular area before he eventually left Golarion?

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Race questions!
1) Are blood and blood types compatible between races? Like can an elf/dwarf/human/orc give a blood transfusion to a member of another race?
1a) And are Aasimars and Tieflings' blood compatible with members of their race they were born from? Like, can a human-born Aasimar transfer blood or give a organ donation to fellow humans?
Iron Gods Player's guide just came out and I have a question on androids:
1) Can Androids grow beards?
2) Are all Android based on a "human" looking anatomy? Or are there dwarf or elf looking androids?
And on Taldor
1) Commoners in Taldor are suppose to be beardless. Since that is like 90% of the population... is there a larger then normal, barber, shaving blades, magical/non-magical/herbal hair removal lotion/product market there then other inner sea countries?

Kajehase |

I'm not James (or the James in charge of the fiction, either, in fact), but no there isn't, and from what I've gathered Paizo approaches authors and asks them to pitch ideas for novels - for the web fiction serials I'm less sure, but I'm pretty convinced hlu still need some kind of previous writing credits to be in the running.

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Ragnus Magnus wrote:Hi James, do you think we'll ever get a straight answer as to why all the members of house Rogarvia disappeared and what actually became of Choral the Conqueror (red dragon?!?)?If we ever do a Brevoy-themed adventure path, I suspect so. No plans at this time though.

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These types of questions are best served being asked, FAQed, and answered in the rules forums. Getting the FAQ back up and running is a big part of why we hired up from 3 to 4 designers, but that process, as far as I understand it, isn't kicking into high gear until after the convention season is over.
Thanks anyways James, I'll go ask Clarissa and see what she says.

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Race questions!
1) Are blood and blood types compatible between races? Like can an elf/dwarf/human/orc give a blood transfusion to a member of another race?
1a) And are Aasimars and Tieflings' blood compatible with members of their race they were born from? Like, can a human-born Aasimar transfer blood or give a organ donation to fellow humans?
answers to question 1: I think so, based on the fact that it doesnt matter to vampires, i think a transfusion will work

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Some firearm rule questions, since I can't seem to find a straight answer on the forums.
1) Advanced firearms! All of them can be loaded to full capacity as a move action. The text on metal cartridges is just saying where the tech came from, not stating that they work like alchemical cartridges and the reduce the loading time, right?
2) It's not called out specifically in the Rapid Reload text, but would Rapid Reload (any Advanced Firearm) reduce the loading time to a swift/free action?

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With the recent Shory article (I saw the tie to Old-Mage Jatembe and the naming of one of his Ten Magic Warriors, Black Heron!) and its reference to the Tarrasque attacking (and destroying) the city of Kho, I was reminded of the Staff of Elemental Castigation, a custom staff of the magi in Classic Treasures Revisited.
1) Are there any plans to name any more of the Ten Magic Warriors?
2) Was Black Heron the one who didn't contribute to the Ring of Nine Facets? The hidden facet of the Ring is black, and it's that facet you need to use to destroy it so there seems to be a correlation to the name.
2a) Did all the Ten Magic Warriors have names like "Black Heron"? (So there could have been White Falcon, Red Lion, and so on.)
3) Since the staff of elemental castigation was reportedly integral to forcing the Tarrasque into its prison (wherever that might be), did the staff have any connection at all to the Shory?
4) Does the "staff of the magi" artifact (the first one, anyway, which I suppose could have been a staff of eldritch sovereignty from Mythic Adventures) predate the Shory?
4a) If yes, by how much? Were they around and/or common in Azlant/Thassilon?
5) The Shory themselves seem to have had similar paths to power as Jatembe. He learned from angels, demons and gods and so on in the stories of him (including even Ydersius' severed head), while the Shory learned from similar beyond-the-veil entities (Dark Tapestry, Abaddon). Would you say there's a particular reason why the Shory fell so completely to them, yet Jatembe didn't? Besides Jatembe being awesome, of course.
6) The Shory are described in the article as pushing innovation further than other societies of their time, with a love for extrapolating on what Jatembe passed down to them. What about societies not of their time, like Azlant or Thassilon?
7) Just to touch on Jatembe again, in his time did he and/or his Magic Warriors ever trek far outside of the Mwangi Expanse? Did he go north into Avistan? Or across the sea to Tian Xia, or the Valashmai Jungle? Or did he remain firmly fixed in one particular area before he eventually left Golarion?
1) Not at the moment, but someday I suspect so. We've actually not yet fully delved into this part of the world, so a lot of the following answers are going to be sparse.
2) Unrevealed at this point.
2a) It's quite likely, yes. Almost like they were superheroes... which they kinda were.
3) Unrevealed.
4) Yes.
4a) They were absolutely around in Azlant and Thassilon, but as for where the first one came from we've not yet revealed.
5) A combination of Jatembe being awesome and the Shory being a group, not an individual. With a group, there's more of a chance for corruption and failure bringing things down.
6) Azlant and Thassilon pushed things further, and arguably some of the more recent societies have pushed things further, although in different directions than something like flying cities. The Shroy are pretty much unparalleled when it comes to building flying cities and the like.
7) Unrevealed.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Race questions!
1) Are blood and blood types compatible between races? Like can an elf/dwarf/human/orc give a blood transfusion to a member of another race?
1a) And are Aasimars and Tieflings' blood compatible with members of their race they were born from? Like, can a human-born Aasimar transfer blood or give a organ donation to fellow humans?
Iron Gods Player's guide just came out and I have a question on androids:
1) Can Androids grow beards?
2) Are all Android based on a "human" looking anatomy? Or are there dwarf or elf looking androids?
And on Taldor
1) Commoners in Taldor are suppose to be beardless. Since that is like 90% of the population... is there a larger then normal, barber, shaving blades, magical/non-magical/herbal hair removal lotion/product market there then other inner sea countries?
1) That's a level of detail the game doesn't get into. Up to your GM.
1a) See #1 above.
1) Yes.
2) Yes. That's the definition of "android," more or less. It's possible for someone to build an android that looks like an elf or dwarf, but at this point, all of the people and devices that build androids don't know about elves or dwarves, since those races are not around where androids come from.
1) The whole "bearded/beardless" thing in Taldor is something we're retconning out; it's too complex and silly and unnecessary.

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I may be behind the times here, but...
Is there some official spot for fans to write Pathfinder fiction, and where do I sign up?
Also, is it safe to assume Paizo approaches authors for their novels, rather than vice-versa?
For our novel line, we are currently only working with published authors.

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James Jacobs wrote:Kingmaker?Ragnus Magnus wrote:Hi James, do you think we'll ever get a straight answer as to why all the members of house Rogarvia disappeared and what actually became of Choral the Conqueror (red dragon?!?)?If we ever do a Brevoy-themed adventure path, I suspect so. No plans at this time though.
Kingmaker isn't a Brevoy-themed adventure path. It takes place entirely in a different country. There's more Nidal in Council of Thieves (a Cheliax AP) than there is Brevoy in Kingmaker.
A Brevoy AP would be VERY different than Kingmaker.

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Hello James,
Do you have any advice on how to come up with interesting and varied names for one's own PFRPG Setting's Deities?
The same advice for naming anything.
Make sure you say the name out loud with numerous pronunciations. And make sure you ask friends to read the name and say it out loud to ensure the name sounds the way you want it to sound. And if you have a friend who can make a joke out of any name, make sure to ask that friend first!
Beyond that... read voraciously. Study how names are built. Look at lists of names from different cultures. Spell words backwards and then rearrange a few letters. Use names from mythology or the Bible or history.

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Secane wrote:answers to question 1: I think so, based on the fact that it doesnt matter to vampires, i think a transfusion will workRace questions!
1) Are blood and blood types compatible between races? Like can an elf/dwarf/human/orc give a blood transfusion to a member of another race?
1a) And are Aasimars and Tieflings' blood compatible with members of their race they were born from? Like, can a human-born Aasimar transfer blood or give a organ donation to fellow humans?
Please leave the answering to me to avoid cluttering the thread. Thanks! :-)

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Some firearm rule questions, since I can't seem to find a straight answer on the forums.
1) Advanced firearms! All of them can be loaded to full capacity as a move action. The text on metal cartridges is just saying where the tech came from, not stating that they work like alchemical cartridges and the reduce the loading time, right?
2) It's not called out specifically in the Rapid Reload text, but would Rapid Reload (any Advanced Firearm) reduce the loading time to a swift/free action?
Both great questions for the rules boards for an FAQ tagging.

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Ninjaxenomorph wrote:Both great questions for the rules boards for an FAQ tagging.Some firearm rule questions, since I can't seem to find a straight answer on the forums.
1) Advanced firearms! All of them can be loaded to full capacity as a move action. The text on metal cartridges is just saying where the tech came from, not stating that they work like alchemical cartridges and the reduce the loading time, right?
2) It's not called out specifically in the Rapid Reload text, but would Rapid Reload (any Advanced Firearm) reduce the loading time to a swift/free action?
Funny, almost like the question was tagged long before this...

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The rules say that touch spells can be delivered via a touch attack (duh) or even via a punch. If I have a claw attack can I deliver spells via those? Or other natural attacks?
Alternatively, <alternatively because it just talked about delivering via touch>
you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with
a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case,
you aren’t considered armed and you provoke attacks of
opportunity as normal for the attack. If your unarmed
attack or natural weapon attack normally doesn’t provoke
attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack. If the
attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed
attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges.

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James: I'm getting pretty excited about the Iron Gods AP. I think it is just what I need, what with my burnout on high fantasy recently. Thank you.
My question: would it be within the modus operandi of the Technic League to perform vile genetic experimentation and manipulation and/or cybernetic implantation on various humanoids?

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James Jacobs wrote:Funny, almost like the question was tagged long before this...Ninjaxenomorph wrote:Both great questions for the rules boards for an FAQ tagging.Some firearm rule questions, since I can't seem to find a straight answer on the forums.
1) Advanced firearms! All of them can be loaded to full capacity as a move action. The text on metal cartridges is just saying where the tech came from, not stating that they work like alchemical cartridges and the reduce the loading time, right?
2) It's not called out specifically in the Rapid Reload text, but would Rapid Reload (any Advanced Firearm) reduce the loading time to a swift/free action?
I'm aware that, historically, the FAQ system has been slow and inefficient. That's something we are hoping to address soon, and hiring up from 3 to 4 designers is, as is my understanding, part of the way we're getting ready to address it. With Gen Con and the convention season hitting us hard, though, it will be a little longer before we can turn our attentions to the FAQ system.
Me providing answers that may or may not sync up with the way the design team rules on things has, in the past, caused more problems than it's solved, and so I don't answer rules questions if I can help it on this thread.

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The rules say that touch spells can be delivered via a touch attack (duh) or even via a punch. If I have a claw attack can I deliver spells via those? Or other natural attacks?CRB wrote:Alternatively, <alternatively because it just talked about delivering via touch>
you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with
a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case,
you aren’t considered armed and you provoke attacks of
opportunity as normal for the attack. If your unarmed
attack or natural weapon attack normally doesn’t provoke
attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack. If the
attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed
attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges.
Please let me provide the answers on this thread (or the advice to take the question to a more appropriate thread), rather than cluttering up the thread. Also, try not to be snarky.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James: I'm getting pretty excited about the Iron Gods AP. I think it is just what I need, what with my burnout on high fantasy recently. Thank you.
My question: would it be within the modus operandi of the Technic League to perform vile genetic experimentation and manipulation and/or cybernetic implantation on various humanoids?
Excellent; hope it does the trick!
And yes, if it's science or magic used for evil or disturbing ends, the Technic League would be all over it.

JaC381 |
I have a question about the Metamagician’s Apprentice intelligent item.
The item description says:
The bound apprentices’ intellects have no free will but retain their rebellious imaginations. Under normal circumstances, the rod must do what its wielder commands, but it can make telepathic, respectful complaints about how unhappy it is to be a group of living minds imprisoned in an inanimate object—though few wielders care. While no good creature would create a metamagician’s apprentice, he or she can still wield one.
If a metamagician’s apprentice becomes dominant after a personality conflict, it insists the wearer find a way to free its mind from the object or destroy the item so its mind can be at peace.
So the apprentice has no free will and must normally do as commanded. But it has an Ego of 20, and it states that domination is possible. Doesn't that mean the user needs to make a DC 20 Will save every day? How do I square that with "no free will"? If it can only require a Will save under certain conditions, what counts as not "normal circumstances"?

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I have a question about the Metamagician’s Apprentice intelligent item.
The item description says:
The bound apprentices’ intellects have no free will but retain their rebellious imaginations. Under normal circumstances, the rod must do what its wielder commands, but it can make telepathic, respectful complaints about how unhappy it is to be a group of living minds imprisoned in an inanimate object—though few wielders care. While no good creature would create a metamagician’s apprentice, he or she can still wield one.
If a metamagician’s apprentice becomes dominant after a personality conflict, it insists the wearer find a way to free its mind from the object or destroy the item so its mind can be at peace.
So the apprentice has no free will and must normally do as commanded. But it has an Ego of 20, and it states that domination is possible. Doesn't that mean the user needs to make a DC 20 Will save every day? How do I square that with "no free will"? If it can only require a Will save under certain conditions, what counts as not "normal circumstances"?
That does indeed mean exactly that. "Free will" isn't a rules term. If the rod takes you over after you fail to resist its ego, it controls you and its rebellious personality takes over. "Normal circumstances" in this case are "You haven't failed a Will save to avoid being controlled by the item."

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Inner Sea Combat had the Order of the Beast for Cavaliers that followed Rovagug.
And now Advanced Class Guide has Order of the Beast that grants Hunter abilities.
Was the first one supposed to be called Order of the Rough Beast?
It probably would have been nice to make that differentiation, yeah. Would have been even better to not have two such closely named orders in the first place.

JaC381 |
JaC381 wrote:That does indeed mean exactly that. "Free will" isn't a rules term. If the rod takes you over after you fail to resist its ego, it controls you and its rebellious personality takes over. "Normal circumstances" in this case are "You haven't failed a Will save to avoid being controlled by the item."I have a question about the Metamagician’s Apprentice intelligent item.
The item description says:
The bound apprentices’ intellects have no free will but retain their rebellious imaginations. Under normal circumstances, the rod must do what its wielder commands, but it can make telepathic, respectful complaints about how unhappy it is to be a group of living minds imprisoned in an inanimate object—though few wielders care. While no good creature would create a metamagician’s apprentice, he or she can still wield one.
If a metamagician’s apprentice becomes dominant after a personality conflict, it insists the wearer find a way to free its mind from the object or destroy the item so its mind can be at peace.
So the apprentice has no free will and must normally do as commanded. But it has an Ego of 20, and it states that domination is possible. Doesn't that mean the user needs to make a DC 20 Will save every day? How do I square that with "no free will"? If it can only require a Will save under certain conditions, what counts as not "normal circumstances"?
Ok, thanks! Another question about this item, quote:
A metamagician’s apprentice knows four metamagic feats (limited to feats that use a spell slot one or two levels higher than the spell’s actual level, such as Silent Spell and Empower Spell) and acts as a greater metamagic rod for those feats. The rod can only apply one metamagic feat to a spell at a time, though (like a metamagic rod) the wielder can use his own feats and the rod’s on the same spell.
Normal metamagic rods work for three spells per day. When it says that it works as a rod for four different feats, does that mean it can apply each feat three times for a total of twelve spells per day, or it has three charges per day and you pick which feat you want those charges to use?

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Ok, thanks! Another question about this item, quote:
A metamagician’s apprentice knows four metamagic feats (limited to feats that use a spell slot one or two levels higher than the spell’s actual level, such as Silent Spell and Empower Spell) and acts as a greater metamagic rod for those feats. The rod can only apply one metamagic feat to a spell at a time, though (like a metamagic rod) the wielder can use his own feats and the rod’s on the same spell.
Normal metamagic rods work for three spells per day. When it says that it works as a rod for four different feats, does that mean it can apply each feat three times for a total of twelve spells per day, or it has three charges per day and you pick which feat you want those charges to use?
It has three charges per day; you get to pick what feat to use when you use a charge.

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claudekennilol wrote:Please let me provide the answers on this thread (or the advice to take the question to a more appropriate thread), rather than cluttering up the thread. Also, try not to be snarky.
The rules say that touch spells can be delivered via a touch attack (duh) or even via a punch. If I have a claw attack can I deliver spells via those? Or other natural attacks?CRB wrote:Alternatively, <alternatively because it just talked about delivering via touch>
you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with
a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case,
you aren’t considered armed and you provoke attacks of
opportunity as normal for the attack. If your unarmed
attack or natural weapon attack normally doesn’t provoke
attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack. If the
attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed
attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges.
That wasn't me being snarky, that was me reading the rules (after I asked) and coming back and striking out the question and putting in the answer 'cause as far as I know posts can't be deleted.

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It's evident from the Ornelos family crest that the fleur-de-lis is a heraldic symbol on Golarion. But since France doesn't exist on Golarion, what does the fleur-de-lis represent?

Generic GM |

Hello Mr. Jacobs!
I hope today finds you well!
When the other runelords wake up, how will each of them respond to hearing that Karzoug was slain? Like would Alaznist be pleased with the heroes, or enraged that somebody beat her to it? For the sake of this question Krune has not been bothered by any Pathfinder Society agents.
Thank you for your time!
P.S. - I hope you have a blast at Gencon!

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James Jacobs wrote:That wasn't me being snarky, that was me reading the rules (after I asked) and coming back and striking out the question and putting in the answer 'cause as far as I know posts can't be deleted.claudekennilol wrote:Please let me provide the answers on this thread (or the advice to take the question to a more appropriate thread), rather than cluttering up the thread. Also, try not to be snarky.
The rules say that touch spells can be delivered via a touch attack (duh) or even via a punch. If I have a claw attack can I deliver spells via those? Or other natural attacks?CRB wrote:Alternatively, <alternatively because it just talked about delivering via touch>
you may make a normal unarmed attack (or an attack with
a natural weapon) while holding a charge. In this case,
you aren’t considered armed and you provoke attacks of
opportunity as normal for the attack. If your unarmed
attack or natural weapon attack normally doesn’t provoke
attacks of opportunity, neither does this attack. If the
attack hits, you deal normal damage for your unarmed
attack or natural weapon and the spell discharges.
AH; fair enough. Didn't notice you were quoting yourself; thought you were strikthroughing someone else's question and replying with a rulebook quote.
Nevermind then! Is all good!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello Mr. Jacobs!
I hope today finds you well!
When the other runelords wake up, how will each of them respond to hearing that Karzoug was slain? Like would Alaznist be pleased with the heroes, or enraged that somebody beat her to it? For the sake of this question Krune has not been bothered by any Pathfinder Society agents.
Thank you for your time!
P.S. - I hope you have a blast at Gencon!
Good question! And one I hope to some day answer... but not yet!

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Both the Blood of Angels and Blood of Fiends books describe the possibility of, and provide mechanics for, non-human Outsider mixes. Additionally the Oread have a dwarf blooded feat.
I notice that other sources handling similar things, for example, Blood of the Night doesn't provide the same insight for non-human crossbloods.
Is it a safe assumption that there might be drow-dhampir, gnome-suli, halfling-sylph, or ratfolk-ifrit out there in Golarion?
If so, would you recommend just reskinning (in this case quite literally) the human version of the race and applying any size modifiers required with very little other changes, so that say a drow-dhampir is mechanically equivalent to a normal dhampir, or are there some nature vs nurture issues to handle. For example, might a drow-dhampir have the same weapon familiarity or starting languages as a normal drow?