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Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
James, do you think Paizo will ever allow Tengu to become a player race?
Imagines Studpuffin pleading and begging and crossing all fingers in the distant faint hope that this may come to fruition.

Sharpens all the pretty swords he's proficient with.

Pual wrote:
I know I would buy Tengu of Golarion


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
James, do you think Paizo will ever allow Tengu to become a player race?

We already do—see page 406 of the Core Rulebook. It's up to your GM to decide if he agrees, or if he's interested in having tengu PCs in the game. But the tengu itself is statted up so that it should be pretyt comparable to the other races (be they the core humanoid races or most of the other zero-HD races from the Bestairies).

If you're asking: "Will Paizo ever produce a page for tengus that looks like the player race pages from the first chapter of the Core Rulebook," though, then the answer is yes.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:

If you're asking: "Will Paizo ever produce a page for tengus that looks like the player race pages from the first chapter of the Core Rulebook," though, then the answer is yes.

Do you think this pice of text will appear in a document with other details about a certain Asian -inspired campaign setting? Might it be more likely in a tome dedicated the the deeds of the mightiest warriors? Perhaps it could even appear in a volume dedicated to the most exotic of peoples known to populate the known worlds?

Silver Crusade

The Jade Regent AP? "asks while sitting attentively" :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shadewest wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If you're asking: "Will Paizo ever produce a page for tengus that looks like the player race pages from the first chapter of the Core Rulebook," though, then the answer is yes.
Do you think this pice of text will appear in a document with other details about a certain Asian -inspired campaign setting? Might it be more likely in a tome dedicated the the deeds of the mightiest warriors? Perhaps it could even appear in a volume dedicated to the most exotic of peoples known to populate the known worlds?

If we do a world guide type product for another region of the world... it strikes me that that is the BEST POSSIBLE point at which to introduce new player races. In fact, if every campaign region has its own list of player races... that's the best situation. Elves, gnomes, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, and half-orcs are all really european in flavor, and while that doesn't mean you can't make an elf or a dwarf character for a campaign set in a region that's not inspired by european mythology... it would feel weird.

Make of that what you will. I don't have much more to say about things that might or might not be player-oriented expansions focused on other parts of the world like Tian-Xia, where half of the Jade Regent AP takes place, quite yet. Ask me again in a few months, though!

Dark Archive

What factors would have Paizo consider dropping APs to switching putting out rule supplements (near) full-time like WotC? Fans? Money? Your disappearance? ;-)

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Urizen wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:
I want to know how on earth you miss-pronounce necromancer!
'neek' versus 'neck' (or to expand, neck-her- with a silent o) versus 'nech'

I've heard knee-kro-mancer, neck-row-mancer, and nek-rom-ancer.


Have you ever agreed with someone's post, at least their point, but been extremely frustrated because of how snarky, elitist, or rude it was, so you are actually annoyed that you agree with them?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
What factors would have Paizo consider dropping APs to switching putting out rule supplements (near) full-time like WotC? Fans? Money? Your disappearance? ;-)

A complete shift in company policy and philosophy coupled with a near complete cycling of owners and employees to entirely different people.

The Adventure Path concept is pretty much the backbone of the company. We've identified it as our core competency. It's what keeps our doors open.

I suppose if people stop buying the APs, that'll force us to change things around pretty drastically... but if the past decade (which is about how long Paizo's seen success with Adventure Paths) is any indication, that's not going to happen as long as we have customers.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

KnightErrantJR wrote:


Have you ever agreed with someone's post, at least their point, but been extremely frustrated because of how snarky, elitist, or rude it was, so you are actually annoyed that you agree with them?

Yes. Many times.

Almost as bad is when someone posts something I don't agree with but they do so in a mature and responsible way, and then someone comes on to the post and "defends" me or Paizo or whatever by opposing the original poster but does so in a totally irresponsible, antagonistic, and immature manner, which then forces me to come to the defense of the original poster in an attempt to keep the peace.

James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. Many times.

Almost as bad is when someone posts something I don't agree with but they do so in a mature and responsible way, and then someone comes on to the post and "defends" me or Paizo or whatever by opposing the original poster but does so in a totally irresponsible, antagonistic, and immature manner, which then forces me to come to the defense of the original poster in an attempt to keep the peace.

Ah, the number of times I've spoken aloud to my monitor, "please don't be on my side." ;)

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:

Almost as bad is when someone posts something I don't agree with but they do so in a mature and responsible way, and then someone comes on to the post and "defends" me or Paizo or whatever by opposing the original poster but does so in a totally irresponsible, antagonistic, and immature manner, which then forces me to come to the defense of the original poster in an attempt to keep the peace.

Oops, that might have been me a couple times.

James Jacobs wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Darn, I was hoping for some new method of slow torture to throughly punish the individual in question. I thought you were the "Master of all things Demonic"?

Why does everyone assume that us demons aren't subtle in our evils and chaos? Chaos does NOT mean "always blatant in the mayhem."

(returns to quietly plotting entropic events)

I was not making any such assumption, but I do know that Demons are THE experts to blatent mayhem which I was hoping to get some ideas about. I simply ask because subtlty does not work in this particular endeavor. Besides, I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to make my PC's freak out.

JMD031 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Darn, I was hoping for some new method of slow torture to throughly punish the individual in question. I thought you were the "Master of all things Demonic"?

Why does everyone assume that us demons aren't subtle in our evils and chaos? Chaos does NOT mean "always blatant in the mayhem."

(returns to quietly plotting entropic events)

I was not making any such assumption, but I do know that Demons are THE experts to blatent mayhem which I was hoping to get some ideas about. I simply ask because subtlty does not work in this particular endeavor. Besides, I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to make my PC's freak out.

The PCs are travelling in the middle of a desert, miles from the nearest puddle - let alone oasis - and the GM puts on music from the film Jaws as background music...

Of course sensible players will deduce that a bulette attack is coming, but still...

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Darn, I was hoping for some new method of slow torture to throughly punish the individual in question. I thought you were the "Master of all things Demonic"?

Why does everyone assume that us demons aren't subtle in our evils and chaos? Chaos does NOT mean "always blatant in the mayhem."

(returns to quietly plotting entropic events)

I was not making any such assumption, but I do know that Demons are THE experts to blatent mayhem which I was hoping to get some ideas about. I simply ask because subtlty does not work in this particular endeavor. Besides, I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to make my PC's freak out.

The PCs are travelling in the middle of a desert, miles from the nearest puddle - let alone oasis - and the GM puts on music from the film Jaws as background music...

Of course sensible players will deduce that a bulette attack is coming, but still...

screw that, I'd drop a shark on them anyways. If somebody asks me how it can survive outta water, I'd tell its cuz im the DM :)

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

Common gamer mispronunciations of words: necromancer, archetype, bestiary, and magus all come to mind.

Mispronunciations of Golarion proper nouns, particularly Varisia, Aroden, and Sarenrae.

I still can't really imagine how people would mispronounce necromancer. The others I can sort of see. In fact, I probably pronounce 'bestiary' incorrectly, I have looked up the pronunciation but have never heard anyone pronounce it the way you are apparently supposed to.

How do you pronounce bestiary?

What should one do if they are a player in a Golarion game where the GM mispronounces Golarion proper names (such as Varisia)?

Silver Crusade

Monkeygod wrote:
screw that, I'd drop a shark on them anyways. If somebody asks me how it can survive outta water, I'd tell its cuz im the DM :)

Do it literally. Then blame it on a improbability drive being activated somewhere.

The best way to pronounce bestiary is just like it's spelled.

Dark Archive

Monkeygod wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Darn, I was hoping for some new method of slow torture to throughly punish the individual in question. I thought you were the "Master of all things Demonic"?

Why does everyone assume that us demons aren't subtle in our evils and chaos? Chaos does NOT mean "always blatant in the mayhem."

(returns to quietly plotting entropic events)

I was not making any such assumption, but I do know that Demons are THE experts to blatent mayhem which I was hoping to get some ideas about. I simply ask because subtlty does not work in this particular endeavor. Besides, I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to make my PC's freak out.

The PCs are travelling in the middle of a desert, miles from the nearest puddle - let alone oasis - and the GM puts on music from the film Jaws as background music...

Of course sensible players will deduce that a bulette attack is coming, but still...
screw that, I'd drop a shark on them anyways. If somebody asks me how it can survive outta water, I'd tell its cuz im the DM :)

Just attack them with a Nightwave.

Liberty's Edge

Shadewest wrote:
The best way to pronounce bestiary is just like it's spelled.

That's how I pronounce it - 'best i ar ee' (as opposed to 'beast i ar ee', as I have heard some people pronounce it).

I looked it up once, and, although I may have completely misinterpreted the pronunciation guide, I thought it said you pronounced the 't' with a 'ch' sound as in 'church'.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:

I still can't really imagine how people would mispronounce necromancer. The others I can sort of see. In fact, I probably pronounce 'bestiary' incorrectly, I have looked up the pronunciation but have never heard anyone pronounce it the way you are apparently supposed to.

How do you pronounce bestiary?

What should one do if they are a player in a Golarion game where the GM mispronounces Golarion proper names (such as Varisia)?

For real words... the best place to go is www.dictionary.com. They have a little microphone button for most words that you can click and it says the word out loud for you.

In the case of Bestiary, dictionary.com has two ways to pronounce it:


At Paizo, we use the former (BEST-ee-air-ee).

If you're in a game where the GM mispronounces the words, whether or not you correct him/her depends on your personality, and the possibility the GM will retaliate with wrath upon being told he/she's doing it wrong.

Scarab Sages


How about some Dire Chicken stats?

Dark Archive

How do you come up with NPC names?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
joela wrote:
Why do you think scifi trpgs don't sell as well as fantasy trpgs?

Considering that most sci fi is merely fantasy dressed up with plastic and chrome... almost all of those tropes ARE fantasy tropes. Great illustrative example... Warhammer.

Dark Archive


Are there pictures on the internet of James Sutter riding a bicycle naked?

Well, since you did state you enjoy Mass effect, I pretty much have to ask you what kind of class you prefer for Shepard?
Also, which of the recruit able Npc's do you like best? Both Mass effect and Mass effect 2.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Callum Finlayson wrote:
Are there pictures on the internet of James Sutter riding a bicycle naked...


Speaking of grammatical/spelling issues that get under your skin, do you still let people calling a Rogue a "Rouge" bother you? I know it is a bit of a stretch to translate slang, but personally when I hear people use "rouge" as a noun I just assume they are talking about a french communist and react accordingly.

If the rogue/rouge issue does bother you then you might take a look at your good friend Wes's profile. Looks like he's got three levels of "rouge."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:


How about some Dire Chicken stats?

Nope. Closest you'll get is the axe beak in the Bonus Bestiary. Maybe EVENTUALLY a terror bird or a diatryma.

"Dire chicken" is too silly. Monsters are SERIOUS BUSINESS!!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

David Fryer wrote:
How do you come up with NPC names?

Various methods.

Most I make up. Some I find on online name generators. Some I build by spelling words backwards and rearranging the letters. Some I get from looking at books of name collections. Some I mangle from literature. In the case of Viking names, I ask Erik Mona.

It's a lot easier for me to judge if a name someone else makes up is cool, in fact, than it is to make up a brand new name. Naming characters (or locations, or ships, or organizations, or whatever) is my #1 cause of writer's block.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
joela wrote:
Why do you think scifi trpgs don't sell as well as fantasy trpgs?
Considering that most sci fi is merely fantasy dressed up with plastic and chrome... almost all of those tropes ARE fantasy tropes. Great illustrative example... Warhammer.

I wouldn't say most sci-fi is just fantasy dressed up. Or, more precisely, I would say you could say the same thing in reverse.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Callum Finlayson wrote:


Are there pictures on the internet of James Sutter riding a bicycle naked?

At one point in time, there certainly were. Not sure where they live now, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

BoggBear wrote:

Well, since you did state you enjoy Mass effect, I pretty much have to ask you what kind of class you prefer for Shepard?

Also, which of the recruit able Npc's do you like best? Both Mass effect and Mass effect 2.

I imported my character from 1 to 2; female character who focused on using sniper rifles, hacking computers, and pistols. I believe I took the infiltrator/assassin route or whatever that was called (class names felt to me to be largely irrelevant in Mass Effect). Ended up taking the paragon side of things, but felt free to renegade it up now and then when folks were being jerks.

My favorite NPCs in 1 were Liara and Tali.
My favorite NPCs in 2 were Jack and Tali.

I kind of liked the idea of my team being a sci-fi version of Charlie's Angels, I suppose.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Enkili wrote:

Speaking of grammatical/spelling issues that get under your skin, do you still let people calling a Rogue a "Rouge" bother you? I know it is a bit of a stretch to translate slang, but personally when I hear people use "rouge" as a noun I just assume they are talking about a french communist and react accordingly.

If the rogue/rouge issue does bother you then you might take a look at your good friend Wes's profile. Looks like he's got three levels of "rouge."

I actually don't let the rogue/rouge bother me much. That's one of the things you just have to get used to if you play Warcraft, like getting used to idiots using the word "huntard." Or having to periodically work for dwarves.

I will indeed alert Wes that his profile has a typo. He will be pleased and delighted to know the INTERNET IS WATCHING AND JUDGING.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Is "Just Oak and More" as bad a name for a store as I think it is?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
Is "Just Oak and More" as bad a name for a store as I think it is?

It's not great, but it's better than "Come Get Wood" or the like.

Nothing says what's on your mind like pushing someone out of a skyscraper eh? Or explode a large container of gas or something and torch someone who talks far too much.

Any of the characters you thought fell flat?

Did you see the first Dungeons & Dragons movie? What were your thoughts on it, most people seem to think that the second one "Wrath of the dragon god" was better in so many ways. I have not seen either as of yet.

Have you ever been at the cinema and ended up walking out because the movie was so horrible you just couldn't watch it?

What do you think the best way to play a true neutral character? If the chosen class would help you its a Magus level 6. What factors would need to be taken into consideration?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

BoggBear wrote:

Nothing says what's on your mind like pushing someone out of a skyscraper eh? Or explode a large container of gas or something and torch someone who talks far too much.

Any of the characters you thought fell flat?

Did you see the first Dungeons & Dragons movie? What were your thoughts on it, most people seem to think that the second one "Wrath of the dragon god" was better in so many ways. I have not seen either as of yet.

Have you ever been at the cinema and ended up walking out because the movie was so horrible you just couldn't watch it?

I think all of the characters were interesting in one way or another; one of Bioware's greatest strengths is their ability to make interesting NPCs. I would go so far event to say that that's their GREATEST strength.

I saw the first D&D movie. In fact, there was a special advance screening of the movie for all of Wizards of the Coast. The whole company bundled up to go see the movie at a theater down the street. The movie was 99% complete; they didn't have the credits finished, but all the special effects and music and editing was done. The feeling we had coming out of that movie was a mix of anger, disbelief, shell-shock, and isolated pockets of desperate claims that "It wasn't as bad as it could have been." Personally, I really hated the movie. Not only was it poorly made in almost every way a movie can be poorly made, it didn't FEEL like D&D to me. Especially since the movie kept introducing weird new things that had no real analogue in D&D. That three-eyed blue mutant at the thief city comes to mind...

The second one, while still not a great movie, is worlds better. It not only had monsters and stuff that behaved in the way you'd expect them to, but it was (more or less) set in Greyhawk, since proper names of established bad guys and locations were used.

If you HAVE to see one... see the second one. But if you just want to see a movie that'll inspire you to play a fantasy RPG and doesn't suck... go see Lord of the Rings or Conan or, frankly, something like Beastmaster. Most fantasy movies are better than the D&D movie.

I've never walked out of a movie at the theater. The closest I've come to walking out on a movie because it was so bad that it was nealry unbearable was "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." And that moved from "This movie is really bad" to "This movie is epic terrible and I need to witness it so that I'll have another movie to bookend the entire gamut of movies by," so quickly that I stuck it out just to see if it could get worse. It did.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gerrard Dixon wrote:
What do you think the best way to play a true neutral character? If the chosen class would help you its a Magus level 6. What factors would need to be taken into consideration?

I think that playing a character to fit an alignment, honestly, is going about it the wrong way.

Magi don't have alignment restrictions, so I'd come up with a history and personality and then play him/her however that suggested the character be played, and at THAT point I'd pick the alignment.

James Jacobs wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
How do you come up with NPC names?

Various methods.

Most I make up. Some I find on online name generators. Some I build by spelling words backwards and rearranging the letters. Some I get from looking at books of name collections. Some I mangle from literature. In the case of Viking names, I ask Erik Mona.

It's a lot easier for me to judge if a name someone else makes up is cool, in fact, than it is to make up a brand new name. Naming characters (or locations, or ships, or organizations, or whatever) is my #1 cause of writer's block.

I am good at generating names and would be happy to assist in the future.

Shakes Boggle cubes and rolls.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

If you're asking: "Will Paizo ever produce a page for tengus that looks like the player race pages from the first chapter of the Core Rulebook," though, then the answer is yes.


James Jacobs wrote:
Enkili wrote:

Speaking of grammatical/spelling issues that get under your skin, do you still let people calling a Rogue a "Rouge" bother you? I know it is a bit of a stretch to translate slang, but personally when I hear people use "rouge" as a noun I just assume they are talking about a french communist and react accordingly.

If the rogue/rouge issue does bother you then you might take a look at your good friend Wes's profile. Looks like he's got three levels of "rouge."

I actually don't let the rogue/rouge bother me much. That's one of the things you just have to get used to if you play Warcraft, like getting used to idiots using the word "huntard."

Are you one of the many players who HATE when people blame anything and every thing on the "damn huntard"?

at the risk you going off on an hours and pages long rant, why do you utterly despise Revenge of the Fallen?? I rly rather liked that movie, even with the stereotypical personae.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

Are you one of the many players who HATE when people blame anything and every thing on the "damn huntard"?

at the risk you going off on an hours and pages long rant, why do you utterly despise Revenge of the Fallen?? I rly rather liked that movie, even with the stereotypical personae.

I am. My main character is a female night elf hunter, and I barely ever play any other characters at all because other classes' inability to have a pet dinosaur is, frankly, a significant disadvantage (warlocks, with the ability to get pet succubi, come VERY close to sidestepping the dino pet requirement). So I am indeed a bit sensitive to players who blame things on the "Damn huntard." It doesn't help that the last 2 years or so, Blizzard seems to have been ignoring the hunter in favor of making classes that fill all three raid roles more important. The simple fact that, for a long time, hunters were not thought of in the game as the best pullers sums it all up.

As for "Revenge of the Fallen," I didn't like it for a lot of reasons. I thought the story was riddled with cliches. I thought that it had a lot of really lame immature stuff (like devastator's balls, for example). The special effects were SO busy and cluttered that when two robots fought, it was difficult or impossible to follow the action, a flaw that was only compounded by Michael Bay's inept directing that seems to be allergic to any shot lasting more than 3 seconds. I thought that there was a lot of really unnecessary racism in a couple of the transformer characters. The story ITSELF was too cluttered with unnecessary stuff. There were no dinobots. And too many of the transformers were generic and interchangeable and non-memorable. There's more reasons I didn't like it, but I've blocked most of them from memory.

Dark Archive

the new classes from the ultimate combat, will those be getting iconics? and if so... can you tell us anything about them yet?

And will they be half-baked, too?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
the new classes from the ultimate combat, will those be getting iconics? and if so... can you tell us anything about them yet?

Yup, they will. Check out the just-released Ultimate Combat playtest for a preview of what the three new iconic characters look like!

And no... they don't have names yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mouthy Upstart wrote:
And will they be half-baked, too?

Yup. I'm really hoping to push the boundaries of mediocrity with them. If all goes well, folks will be more excited than ever to armchair design better stats from the comfort of their own chairs.

I'll still get paid the same anyway.

How do I kill spiders?! Barring that, how do I get use of my right hand back? The eight-legged monsters kinda ate it.

I'm fine, just itchy.

Dark Archive

Callum Finlayson wrote:


Are there pictures on the internet of James Sutter riding a bicycle naked?

Wait. What? Why?

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