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Assuming that you were the one who designed the statblock for Areelu Vorlesh in WotR (or at least had a heavy hand in it), when you were giving her that enhanced familiar (quasit with class levels and even mythic tiers) was there any change to her CR considered as a result of the upgrade? Does it take up one (or more) of her mythic path abilities?

when Plant Shape III or Giant Form I are used to assume the form of a creature with regeneration 10 or higher, do you gain regeneration 5 (as per the spell) instead or no regeneration at all ?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SAMAS wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Seannoss wrote:
I'm not a Godzilla historian so I'm wondering if this is explained at all. Why does Godzilla protect humanity? Or your own theories?

That varies from movie to movie. Indeed, in several of the movies, such as the original Gojira and in "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," Godzilla is in fact a force of destruction, and is VERY much the bad guy of the film.

In the most recent Godzilla movie... ** spoiler omitted **

Kaiju Cults. You really gotta work that into an Adventure sometime.

Speaking of which, are we ever gonna get an Adventure Module, Linked Modules, or Adventure path which will let players take a Colossus into battle against other Colossi, Behemoths, Kaiju, or other similarly humongous monsters?

Kaiju Cultist Prestige Class. You know you want to make one.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
SAMAS wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Seannoss wrote:
I'm not a Godzilla historian so I'm wondering if this is explained at all. Why does Godzilla protect humanity? Or your own theories?

That varies from movie to movie. Indeed, in several of the movies, such as the original Gojira and in "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," Godzilla is in fact a force of destruction, and is VERY much the bad guy of the film.

In the most recent Godzilla movie... ** spoiler omitted **

Kaiju Cults. You really gotta work that into an Adventure sometime.

Speaking of which, are we ever gonna get an Adventure Module, Linked Modules, or Adventure path which will let players take a Colossus into battle against other Colossi, Behemoths, Kaiju, or other similarly humongous monsters?

Kaiju Cultist Prestige Class. You know you want to make one.

Yeah with bardic music ability that allows you to control king mogaru for a limited time, with limited options.

Verdant Wheel

James Jacobs wrote:
I wouldn't use existing creatures at all for these. I'd make entirely new ones.

Really ? I always thought that D&D strived to not deal with real world angeology. Some creatures already based in them, like Chreub and the Shedu, or movanic deva and angel. I guess the Solar wound'nt be a good archangel or seraph because the number of wings thing.

0 - Maybe the celestial host from my earlier post could be possible mythic angels ?

1 - Would be thematic for a Golarion Adventure Path to do a climb the heavens adventure path ? (as descend the hell was already more or less done.)

2 - Where you would put the primitive human of the recent blog post on Golarion surface ? Or they pertain only on darklands vaults ?

3 - Is there a "world tree" in Golarion ? (A Yggdrasil-like tree)

4 - What a Golarion's elf would have for a pet ? They would have exclusive new breeds of cats and dogs, like elven cats or elven dogs ?

5 - Clouds giang sometimes live at castle atop clouds. A flying castle flying by would cause panic in small cities of Varisia ? There is somewhere were this is common place sight ?

6 - Are there celestial or fiendish humanoids in the great beyond ? What would they represent ?

7- The Shoanti still call everyone not Shoanti and varisian as Chelaxian or this also has been retconned ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was recently going through old Dungeon magazines and saw an adventure called the Porphyry House, and thought only one writer would use a word like that. Sure enough it was you!

Are there any ideas in there that have made it into Golarion? Or were they from your home campaign?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

James, how was the movie last night?

The "who knows Aroden's death" stuff prompted two questions, one out of curiosity and one that I hope has the silly answer.

1. How many Paizo employees are in the Lucky Club of knowing the answer? (I don't want names, the line needs to be drawn somewhere)

2. When someone new is inducted into this club, do you have a silly mock ceremony that everyone gets a chuckle out of, or is it, "Come in the office and sign some NDA paperwork."

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
justmebd wrote:

The "who knows Aroden's death" stuff prompted two questions, one out of curiosity and one that I hope has the silly answer.

1. How many Paizo employees are in the Lucky Club of knowing the answer? (I don't want names, the line needs to be drawn somewhere)

2. When someone new is inducted into this club, do you have a silly mock ceremony that everyone gets a chuckle out of, or is it, "Come in the office and sign some NDA paperwork."

Or is it modeled under the "Three People can keep a secret if two of them are dead" model?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
So do Archons get naked often?

If they want to, why not?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SAMAS wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Seannoss wrote:
I'm not a Godzilla historian so I'm wondering if this is explained at all. Why does Godzilla protect humanity? Or your own theories?

That varies from movie to movie. Indeed, in several of the movies, such as the original Gojira and in "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," Godzilla is in fact a force of destruction, and is VERY much the bad guy of the film.

In the most recent Godzilla movie... ** spoiler omitted **

Kaiju Cults. You really gotta work that into an Adventure sometime.

Speaking of which, are we ever gonna get an Adventure Module, Linked Modules, or Adventure path which will let players take a Colossus into battle against other Colossi, Behemoths, Kaiju, or other similarly humongous monsters?

Maybe. That's kinda tricky though, since that's the kind of fight that kinda NEEDS to be a climactic battle, and in an RPG, any battle (especially a climactic one) that basically says, "You know those characters you spent so long building up the stats and experience and levels with? Don't worry about them; you don't need them for this important fight!" is bad adventure design.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:
Since polymorph is a 4th level Adept spell can there be wands of it?

By the rules as written, yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alleran wrote:
Assuming that you were the one who designed the statblock for Areelu Vorlesh in WotR (or at least had a heavy hand in it), when you were giving her that enhanced familiar (quasit with class levels and even mythic tiers) was there any change to her CR considered as a result of the upgrade? Does it take up one (or more) of her mythic path abilities?

I did indeed design her stats.

Her enhanced familiar is part of what boosts her CR higher than it should be; its' a bonus on top of everything else. She doesn't need to follow PC creation rules, after all, since she's not a PC. She's a unique foe, and as such giving her unique abilities helps support that. Enhanced familiar isn't designed or intended to be a PC option.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shadow_Charlatan wrote:
when Plant Shape III or Giant Form I are used to assume the form of a creature with regeneration 10 or higher, do you gain regeneration 5 (as per the spell) instead or no regeneration at all ?

You'd gain what the spell says.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Seannoss wrote:

I was recently going through old Dungeon magazines and saw an adventure called the Porphyry House, and thought only one writer would use a word like that. Sure enough it was you!

Are there any ideas in there that have made it into Golarion? Or were they from your home campaign?

In fact, calling Nocticula's city the "Porphyry City" is an easter egg to that adventure.

The town of Scuttlecove was lifted pretty much lock, stock, and barrel from my homebrew setting, as were a lot of its inhabitants. Porphyry House itself was invented entirely for the adventure. Kedward Bone, one of the NPCs in Scuttlecove, along with his familiar Matilda, is based on a super-freakish perverted player character a friend of mine created for an evil game we played in once upon a time. Tyralandi is a variant of a character I ended up playing in Erik Mona's Age of Worms campaign. Porphyry House itself was slightly inspired by a location in an obscure but really creepy Ramsey Campbell short story.

Had I not sold Scuttlecove to Wizards of the Coast, chances are VERY good it would have ended up in Golarion in the place of Riddleport.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Draco Bahamut wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I wouldn't use existing creatures at all for these. I'd make entirely new ones.

Really ? I always thought that D&D strived to not deal with real world angeology. Some creatures already based in them, like Chreub and the Shedu, or movanic deva and angel. I guess the Solar wound'nt be a good archangel or seraph because the number of wings thing.

0 - Maybe the celestial host from my earlier post could be possible mythic angels ?

1 - Would be thematic for a Golarion Adventure Path to do a climb the heavens adventure path ? (as descend the hell was already more or less done.)

2 - Where you would put the primitive human of the recent blog post on Golarion surface ? Or they pertain only on darklands vaults ?

3 - Is there a "world tree" in Golarion ? (A Yggdrasil-like tree)

4 - What a Golarion's elf would have for a pet ? They would have exclusive new breeds of cats and dogs, like elven cats or elven dogs ?

5 - Clouds giang sometimes live at castle atop clouds. A flying castle flying by would cause panic in small cities of Varisia ? There is somewhere were this is common place sight ?

6 - Are there celestial or fiendish humanoids in the great beyond ? What would they represent ?

7- The Shoanti still call everyone not Shoanti and varisian as Chelaxian or this also has been retconned ?

As a general rule, D&D and Pathfinder does indeed walk on eggshells when it comes to doing rules for things taken so directly from Christianity. But if I were to put those into the game, I'd absolutely stat them up as their own monsters. That said, I wouldn't put them into the game. Maybe for my homebrew, but not in a publication.

0) Sure.

1) Heaven is a tough nut to crack, since it's not a place that works well with conflict and story. It's supposed to be paradise, and in paradise, there's not conflict or pain or, frankly, a need for adventurers. Furthermore, we tend to assume that the PCs are good guys, and that's why the monster books skew toward evil and neutral. Which means that an entire AP set in Heaven would need to make up a lot of new monsters, which is problematic. Writing about heaven is REALLY hard as well. That's why folks study Dante's Inferno a lot in college, but rarely study Dante's Paradiso. Chances of us doing a "explore heaven" AP are pretty insignificant as a result.

2) I haven't looked at the primitive human blog post, so I can't say. Are they just cavemen? I'd probably put them in the Darklands, I guess... but it's not really intended to be an in-world addition as much as it is a jokey little bonus curiosity fueled by Jason getting giddy at the idea of having his own gauntlet.

3) Not on Golarion, no.

4) I see elves as cat people. But they'd also have birds, brightly colored reptiles, and low-intelligence dragons, I bet. And butterflies!!!

5) Flying castles are not commonplace sights at all. They'd cause concern, panic, curiosity, fear, and all the rest pretty much in ANY city.

6) There are. They'd represent the same thing they do in the Material Planes, but flavored with the appropriate outer planes elements. They could be citizens, rank and file soldiers, victims, tormented souls, prey, worshipers, and more.

7) Hasn't been retconned, but it's not something that every Shoanti does.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James, how was the movie last night?

Very excellent.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

justmebd wrote:

The "who knows Aroden's death" stuff prompted two questions, one out of curiosity and one that I hope has the silly answer.

1. How many Paizo employees are in the Lucky Club of knowing the answer? (I don't want names, the line needs to be drawn somewhere)

2. When someone new is inducted into this club, do you have a silly mock ceremony that everyone gets a chuckle out of, or is it, "Come in the office and sign some NDA paperwork."

1) Dunno. Maybe 6? Not sure who they've told. Hopefully not many if any.

2) Nope, although it is prefaced with something like, "I'm only telling you this because I think I can trust you to keep a secret, and I hope you DO keep it a secret and don't break my heart."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
justmebd wrote:

The "who knows Aroden's death" stuff prompted two questions, one out of curiosity and one that I hope has the silly answer.

1. How many Paizo employees are in the Lucky Club of knowing the answer? (I don't want names, the line needs to be drawn somewhere)

2. When someone new is inducted into this club, do you have a silly mock ceremony that everyone gets a chuckle out of, or is it, "Come in the office and sign some NDA paperwork."

Or is it modeled under the "Three People can keep a secret if two of them are dead" model?

It's also very much presented in the context of, "This is what I, James Jacobs, think happened and how it all went down. Other employees may have different theories, and are indeed encouraged to have different theories."

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:

I trying to make a celestial host with regular angel christian hierachy. I don't know if Paizo is willing to make them as creatures or not, but which creatures that already made into bestiaries would be good for:

1 - Seraphim ?
2 - Cherubim (Celestial Shedu ? Lamassu ?) ?
3- Ophanim ?
4- Thrones ?
5- Dominions ?
6- Virtues ?
7 - Powers ?
8 - Principalities ?
9 - Archangels ?
10 - Angels (not all of them, a especific one to represent the original concept) ?
Edited 11 - Putti ? (The baby/toddler cupid-like angels)

I wouldn't use existing creatures at all for these. I'd make entirely new ones.

I would suggest that one might want to look at InNominee to get thematic ideas as to creating these creatures. And their demonic opposites.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:

I trying to make a celestial host with regular angel christian hierachy. I don't know if Paizo is willing to make them as creatures or not, but which creatures that already made into bestiaries would be good for:

1 - Seraphim ?
2 - Cherubim (Celestial Shedu ? Lamassu ?) ?
3- Ophanim ?
4- Thrones ?
5- Dominions ?
6- Virtues ?
7 - Powers ?
8 - Principalities ?
9 - Archangels ?
10 - Angels (not all of them, a especific one to represent the original concept) ?
Edited 11 - Putti ? (The baby/toddler cupid-like angels)

I wouldn't use existing creatures at all for these. I'd make entirely new ones.
I would suggest that one might want to look at InNominee to get thematic ideas as to creating these creatures. And their demonic opposites.

Or perhaps the Bible. :-P

Verdant Wheel

James Jacobs wrote:

As a general rule, D&D and Pathfinder does indeed walk on eggshells when it comes to doing rules for things taken so directly from Christianity. But if I were to put those into the game, I'd absolutely stat them up as their own monsters. That said, I wouldn't put them into the game. Maybe for my homebrew, but not in a publication.

I know, what i wanted to know is if internally there were any disguised official substitute for them. I already have some thoughts about that.

1 - Would Paizo do a offcial version of the Putto as they are more an art thing than really something religious ? (You already done an evil form of them in the Accuser Devil).

2 - I know that Isle od Dread had a huge presence in Savage Tide, but you would say there is chance for a Land of Dinossaur (or even Mega fauna) to appear in a future adventure path again ?

3 - A heaven adventure path could be about the adventurers having to prove their mettle or goodness at each step up they have to make. After Iomedae bad experience, do you think that celestial tests of character are banned from Paizo's adventures ?

4 - People often associate science to law, and magic to chaos. Now that a bit of technology is reaching Golarion, and Inevitables being outsiders constructs. Would that be true for Golarion or chaotic technology could happen ?

5- In my iteration of Golarion, judicial system is handled by judges that are inquisitors of law. They worship an "lawmakers pantheon", Abadar and Asmodeus are obvious choices. But i can't really decide for a lawful good representative god. Could say who do think is the best lawmaker among the LG know gods of Golarion ?

Is there any way to make a spell from a spell-like ability be cast as the mythic version?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Draco Bahamut wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

As a general rule, D&D and Pathfinder does indeed walk on eggshells when it comes to doing rules for things taken so directly from Christianity. But if I were to put those into the game, I'd absolutely stat them up as their own monsters. That said, I wouldn't put them into the game. Maybe for my homebrew, but not in a publication.

I know, what i wanted to know is if internally there were any disguised official substitute for them. I already have some thoughts about that.

1 - Would Paizo do a offcial version of the Putto as they are more an art thing than really something religious ? (You already done an evil form of them in the Accuser Devil).

2 - I know that Isle od Dread had a huge presence in Savage Tide, but you would say there is chance for a Land of Dinossaur (or even Mega fauna) to appear in a future adventure path again ?

3 - A heaven adventure path could be about the adventurers having to prove their mettle or goodness at each step up they have to make. After Iomedae bad experience, do you think that celestial tests of character are banned from Paizo's adventures ?

4 - People often associate science to law, and magic to chaos. Now that a bit of technology is reaching Golarion, and Inevitables being outsiders constructs. Would that be true for Golarion or chaotic technology could happen ?

5- In my iteration of Golarion, judicial system is handled by judges that are inquisitors of law. They worship an "lawmakers pantheon", Abadar and Asmodeus are obvious choices. But i can't really decide for a lawful good representative god. Could say who do think is the best lawmaker among the LG know gods of Golarion ?

There's no "official disguised substitute."

1) Dunno. Depends on the mood and opportunity and more.

2) Absolutely. Both Mediogalti Isle and Deep Tolguth are very much our "dinosaur lands" regions. And both of those are of great interest to me...

3) I feel like the Iomedae reaction was a tempest in a teapot; a vocal minority misunderstood the intent and themes there, but overall, I think it's not really worth dwelling on.

4) I do not associate science with law and magic with chaos, so no, that's not gonna be an issue. Science can have nuclear bombs and magic can have rigid control.

5) Torag.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just saw the picture of the new you with the gauntlet, it's the first I've seen of you since before you went on the diet. You look awesome!

Tell me something James, do elves have a proclivity towards cookies? On a more serious note are there any mixed dwarf/duergar communities on Golarion?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gordrenn Higgler wrote:
Is there any way to make a spell from a spell-like ability be cast as the mythic version?

If you're a monster like a demon lord, yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:
Just saw the picture of the new you with the gauntlet, it's the first I've seen of you since before you went on the diet. You look awesome!

Aww... why thank you!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:
Tell me something James, do elves have a proclivity towards cookies? On a more serious note are there any mixed dwarf/duergar communities on Golarion?

Elves like cookies, sure. They're more of a halfling or gnome thing though.

There are mixed dwarf/duergar communities... but only if you count the duergar cities in Nar-Voth who keep dwarves as slaves!

James Jacobs wrote:
LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:

I trying to make a celestial host with regular angel christian hierachy. I don't know if Paizo is willing to make them as creatures or not, but which creatures that already made into bestiaries would be good for:

1 - Seraphim ?
2 - Cherubim (Celestial Shedu ? Lamassu ?) ?
3- Ophanim ?
4- Thrones ?
5- Dominions ?
6- Virtues ?
7 - Powers ?
8 - Principalities ?
9 - Archangels ?
10 - Angels (not all of them, a especific one to represent the original concept) ?
Edited 11 - Putti ? (The baby/toddler cupid-like angels)

I wouldn't use existing creatures at all for these. I'd make entirely new ones.
I would suggest that one might want to look at InNominee to get thematic ideas as to creating these creatures. And their demonic opposites.
Or perhaps the Bible. :-P

There's actually scant little in tbe Bible about the angelic hierarchy.

The heirarchy Draco refered to was described in detail in a work called De Coelesti Hierarchia. That book was written in the 5th century by a Christian Neoplatonic philosopher who called himself Dionysius the Areopageate. (The name is known to be a pseudonym, so he's usually called Pseudo-Denys by scholars.)

Man-- I so rarely get to use that degree in medieval history!

Rysky wrote:
Just saw the picture of the new you with the gauntlet, it's the first I've seen of you since before you went on the diet. You look awesome!

I just saw the same photo, and I'll second Rysky's comment: You look great! Fantastic job!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Haladir wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Just saw the picture of the new you with the gauntlet, it's the first I've seen of you since before you went on the diet. You look awesome!
I just saw the same photo, and I'll second Rysky's comment: You look great! Fantastic job!

Thanks! Turns out hewing down foes with a dogslicer is good exercise.

Liberty's Edge

who is the most competitive person at the Paizo Office?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Paladinosaur wrote:


who is the most competitive person at the Paizo Office?

Jason Bulmahn.

Can my Dhampir Grappler still drain someone like a capri sun and do Con damage without them being the designated subtype? Just being nit-picky. I understand no bonuses(temp HP/Str) but, "if you cut me, do i not bleed?"

"Blood Drinker
Consuming blood reinvigorates you.
Prerequisite: Dhampir.
Benefit: Choose one humanoid subtype, such as "goblinoid" (this subtype cannot be "dhampir"). You have acquired a taste for the blood of creatures with this subtype. Whenever you drink fresh blood from such a creature, you gain 5 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus on checks and saves based on Constitution. The effects last 1 hour. If you feed multiple times, you continue to gain hit points to a maximum of 5 temporary hit points for every three Hit Dice you have, but the +1 bonus on Constitution-based skill checks and saving throws does not stack.
Normally, you can only drink blood from an opponent who is helpless, grappled, paralyzed, pinned, unconscious, or similarly disabled. If you have a bite attack, you can drink blood automatically as part of your bite attack; otherwise, you must first cut your target by dealing 1 hit point of damage with a slashing or piercing weapon (though you may feed upon a creature with severe wounds or a bleed effect without cutting it first). Once you cut the target, you can drink from its wound as a standard action. Drinking blood deals 2 points of Constitution damage to the creature you feed upon." ~Feat in question

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
SAMAS wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Seannoss wrote:
I'm not a Godzilla historian so I'm wondering if this is explained at all. Why does Godzilla protect humanity? Or your own theories?

That varies from movie to movie. Indeed, in several of the movies, such as the original Gojira and in "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," Godzilla is in fact a force of destruction, and is VERY much the bad guy of the film.

In the most recent Godzilla movie... ** spoiler omitted **

Kaiju Cults. You really gotta work that into an Adventure sometime.

Speaking of which, are we ever gonna get an Adventure Module, Linked Modules, or Adventure path which will let players take a Colossus into battle against other Colossi, Behemoths, Kaiju, or other similarly humongous monsters?

Maybe. That's kinda tricky though, since that's the kind of fight that kinda NEEDS to be a climactic battle, and in an RPG, any battle (especially a climactic one) that basically says, "You know those characters you spent so long building up the stats and experience and levels with? Don't worry about them; you don't need them for this important fight!" is bad adventure design.

It all depends on how you use them.

The first idea that comes to mind is to stage the final confrontation with the BBEG right before or right after. Slay his monster, then you have to go into a mountain hideout or demiplane to finish the job. Alternately, kill the BBEG, then his monster rampages.

The second is to integrate the players individual skills into the fight. Have one or two control/guiding the Colossus, and the rest casting spells in support or fighting off enemies (even the BBEG) in the middle of the fight. Just, you know, watch your step. *grin*.

The third is to integrate the discovery/(re)construction of the colossus into the adventure. That way the big fight is a reward in and of itself.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bill Nye The Alchemist Guy wrote:

Can my Dhampir Grappler still drain someone like a capri sun and do Con damage without them being the designated subtype? Just being nit-picky. I understand no bonuses(temp HP/Str) but, "if you cut me, do i not bleed?"

"Blood Drinker
Consuming blood reinvigorates you.
Prerequisite: Dhampir.
Benefit: Choose one humanoid subtype, such as "goblinoid" (this subtype cannot be "dhampir"). You have acquired a taste for the blood of creatures with this subtype. Whenever you drink fresh blood from such a creature, you gain 5 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus on checks and saves based on Constitution. The effects last 1 hour. If you feed multiple times, you continue to gain hit points to a maximum of 5 temporary hit points for every three Hit Dice you have, but the +1 bonus on Constitution-based skill checks and saving throws does not stack.
Normally, you can only drink blood from an opponent who is helpless, grappled, paralyzed, pinned, unconscious, or similarly disabled. If you have a bite attack, you can drink blood automatically as part of your bite attack; otherwise, you must first cut your target by dealing 1 hit point of damage with a slashing or piercing weapon (though you may feed upon a creature with severe wounds or a bleed effect without cutting it first). Once you cut the target, you can drink from its wound as a standard action. Drinking blood deals 2 points of Constitution damage to the creature you feed upon." ~Feat in question

By the rules as written, no. Your GM should feel free to adjust that if she/he wishes, of course.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

SAMAS wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
SAMAS wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Seannoss wrote:
I'm not a Godzilla historian so I'm wondering if this is explained at all. Why does Godzilla protect humanity? Or your own theories?

That varies from movie to movie. Indeed, in several of the movies, such as the original Gojira and in "Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack," Godzilla is in fact a force of destruction, and is VERY much the bad guy of the film.

In the most recent Godzilla movie... ** spoiler omitted **

Kaiju Cults. You really gotta work that into an Adventure sometime.

Speaking of which, are we ever gonna get an Adventure Module, Linked Modules, or Adventure path which will let players take a Colossus into battle against other Colossi, Behemoths, Kaiju, or other similarly humongous monsters?

Maybe. That's kinda tricky though, since that's the kind of fight that kinda NEEDS to be a climactic battle, and in an RPG, any battle (especially a climactic one) that basically says, "You know those characters you spent so long building up the stats and experience and levels with? Don't worry about them; you don't need them for this important fight!" is bad adventure design.

It all depends on how you use them.

The first idea that comes to mind is to stage the final confrontation with the BBEG right before or right after. Slay his monster, then you have to go into a mountain hideout or demiplane to finish the job. Alternately, kill the BBEG, then his monster rampages.

The second is to integrate the players individual skills into the fight. Have one or two control/guiding the Colossus, and the rest casting spells in support or fighting off enemies (even the BBEG) in the middle of the fight. Just, you know, watch your step. *grin*.

The third is to integrate the discovery/(re)construction of the colossus into the adventure. That way the big fight is a reward in and of itself.

Of course it depends how you use them. That doesn't mean it's not tricky. Also... not seeing a question there. Old James would have complained about that. New James says only "You're Awesome!"

I agree with the picture thing, if it wasn't for the caption, I wouldn't have recognized you (the twisted face not helping)... Congrats.

James Jacobs wrote:
Bill Nye The Alchemist Guy wrote:

Can my Dhampir Grappler still drain someone like a capri sun and do Con damage without them being the designated subtype? Just being nit-picky. I understand no bonuses(temp HP/Str) but, "if you cut me, do i not bleed?"

"Blood Drinker
Consuming blood reinvigorates you.
Prerequisite: Dhampir.
Benefit: Choose one humanoid subtype, such as "goblinoid" (this subtype cannot be "dhampir"). You have acquired a taste for the blood of creatures with this subtype. Whenever you drink fresh blood from such a creature, you gain 5 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus on checks and saves based on Constitution. The effects last 1 hour. If you feed multiple times, you continue to gain hit points to a maximum of 5 temporary hit points for every three Hit Dice you have, but the +1 bonus on Constitution-based skill checks and saving throws does not stack.
Normally, you can only drink blood from an opponent who is helpless, grappled, paralyzed, pinned, unconscious, or similarly disabled. If you have a bite attack, you can drink blood automatically as part of your bite attack; otherwise, you must first cut your target by dealing 1 hit point of damage with a slashing or piercing weapon (though you may feed upon a creature with severe wounds or a bleed effect without cutting it first). Once you cut the target, you can drink from its wound as a standard action. Drinking blood deals 2 points of Constitution damage to the creature you feed upon." ~Feat in question

By the rules as written, no. Your GM should feel free to adjust that if she/he wishes, of course.

Thankyou very much for the definitive answer and your time, Mr. James Jacobs.

Hey James,

Y'all at Paizo have said that you guys had established (or at least strongly hinted at) the fact that

Earth and Golarion are not only in the same cosmology, but in the same dimension, well before Reign of Winter.
I'm curious, beyond Baba Yaga, where else did you guys hint at this in previous books?

Also, while I don't expect to see something like it for the near future, do you think you guys are going to do anything else with that planet, whether going there again or aliens from that world visiting Golarion?

James Jacobs wrote:
Alleran wrote:
Assuming that you were the one who designed the statblock for Areelu Vorlesh in WotR (or at least had a heavy hand in it), when you were giving her that enhanced familiar (quasit with class levels and even mythic tiers) was there any change to her CR considered as a result of the upgrade? Does it take up one (or more) of her mythic path abilities?

I did indeed design her stats.

Her enhanced familiar is part of what boosts her CR higher than it should be; its' a bonus on top of everything else. She doesn't need to follow PC creation rules, after all, since she's not a PC. She's a unique foe, and as such giving her unique abilities helps support that. Enhanced familiar isn't designed or intended to be a PC option.


I was trying to work out just how much it did factor in, though when I put it together I got:

19 (20th level character) + 1 (PC wealth) + 4 (mythic tier 8) + 3 (11HD+ half-fiend template [succubus]) = 27.

She has a couple of artifacts, but those aren't counted into the final CR calculation - I think you've said before that artifacts are for story reasons only - and without a noticeable 25 point buy, advanced template or anything, the by-the-book math appears to match up (hence my wondering about her special familiar, since it doesn't seem to be altering her CR).

Was it intended to do more, have I missed something...?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Hello Mr. Jacobs!

1) In a previous poster's question, the poster wanted a LG god for a pantheon worshipped by judges to go with Abadar (LN) and Asmodeus (LE). You suggested Torag. Why Torag instead of Iomedae, whose areas of concern include justice and rulership?

2) It has been established that the Osirian gods are in fact Earth's Egyptian gods operating on Golarion. Is Alseta, in a similar case, just the Roman god Janus in a female guise operating on Golarion?

3) Does Iomedae's sword have a name?

4) Why are dogs not available as familiars? Smaller breeds of dogs have comparable stats to existing familiars (equivalent to foxes), so it should be viable.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Neongelion wrote:

Hey James,

Y'all at Paizo have said that you guys had established (or at least strongly hinted at) the fact that ** spoiler omitted ** I'm curious, beyond Baba Yaga, where else did you guys hint at this in previous books?

Also, while I don't expect to see something like it for the near future, do you think you guys are going to do anything else with that planet, whether going there again or aliens from that world visiting Golarion?

Here and there. For example, read the entry for Cuthbert's Mace in the Artifacts book. Or look at the list of deities, and note that some of them (Lamashtu, Asmodeus, etc.) are from real-world mythology. Or read about Cthulhu where we've talked about him being imprisoned on a distant world. There's more out there, squirreled away...

We don't currently have plans to return there, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alleran wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Alleran wrote:
Assuming that you were the one who designed the statblock for Areelu Vorlesh in WotR (or at least had a heavy hand in it), when you were giving her that enhanced familiar (quasit with class levels and even mythic tiers) was there any change to her CR considered as a result of the upgrade? Does it take up one (or more) of her mythic path abilities?

I did indeed design her stats.

Her enhanced familiar is part of what boosts her CR higher than it should be; its' a bonus on top of everything else. She doesn't need to follow PC creation rules, after all, since she's not a PC. She's a unique foe, and as such giving her unique abilities helps support that. Enhanced familiar isn't designed or intended to be a PC option.


I was trying to work out just how much it did factor in, though when I put it together I got:

19 (20th level character) + 1 (PC wealth) + 4 (mythic tier 8) + 3 (11HD+ half-fiend template [succubus]) = 27.

She has a couple of artifacts, but those aren't counted into the final CR calculation - I think you've said before that artifacts are for story reasons only - and without a noticeable 25 point buy, advanced template or anything, the by-the-book math appears to match up (hence my wondering about her special familiar, since it doesn't seem to be altering her CR).

Was it intended to do more, have I missed something...?

Her CR is where it needs to be to match her raw "Table 1–1" numbers. The artifacts and other things in there, including her familiar power, help to balance all that out and can be assumed to be part of the rest of everything.

The calculations and formulas are what you do to START the process of assigning a CR. That process is finalized after you look those numbers over and, if needed, make adjustments.

In the end, her familiar isn't really much of a boost to her at all. And since the PCs get XP for defeating that familiar on its own, there's no need to boost Areelu's CR higher anyway.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CNichols wrote:

Hello Mr. Jacobs!

1) In a previous poster's question, the poster wanted a LG god for a pantheon worshipped by judges to go with Abadar (LN) and Asmodeus (LE). You suggested Torag. Why Torag instead of Iomedae, whose areas of concern include justice and rulership?

2) It has been established that the Osirian gods are in fact Earth's Egyptian gods operating on Golarion. Is Alseta, in a similar case, just the Roman god Janus in a female guise operating on Golarion?

3) Does Iomedae's sword have a name?

4) Why are dogs not available as familiars? Smaller breeds of dogs have comparable stats to existing familiars (equivalent to foxes), so it should be viable.


1) Because we've done a LOT with Iomedae recently, and I felt Torag needed some attention. And because dwarves feel to me to be more judgmental than humans. Iomedae is an equally plausable choice though, so if you like her better, then go with her. Personally... that's what I'd do. Maybe I was just trying to throw the dwarves a bone. I take it back!

2) No. If it was Janus, we would have named the deity Janus.

3) It probably should.

4) Because they're generally too large and generally assumed to fit the role of animal companion, not familiar.

Shadow Lodge

This just popped into my head while working on stuff for my home game but I thought I'd ask.

How do traditional Orcs view homosexuality in lands like the Hold of Belkzen? Is it different based on paring, do they have any concepts of trans orcs and if so how does that diversity of non-traditional genders (assuming they share the same 2 sexes we have) factor into their culture?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

doc the grey wrote:

This just popped into my head while working on stuff for my home game but I thought I'd ask.

How do traditional Orcs view homosexuality in lands like the Hold of Belkzen? Is it different based on paring, do they have any concepts of trans orcs and if so how does that diversity of non-traditional genders (assuming they share the same 2 sexes we have) factor into their culture?

We haven't broached that topic yet, nor do I see the need to, honestly. AKA: It's not a significant enough part of Belkzen society to worry about.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
doc the grey wrote:
How do traditional Orcs view homosexuality in lands like the Hold of Belkzen? Is it different based on paring, do they have any concepts of trans orcs and if so how does that diversity of non-traditional genders (assuming they share the same 2 sexes we have) factor into their culture?

There is now a grad student NPC in my homebrew campaign doing research on exactly these questions.

Dark Archive

1) What size is Varisia compared to USA?

2) Would you allow a player to choose one of Rogue Genius talented classes for your game?

3) Who is the Queen of Chaos?

4) Do you miss Blood War?

5) Is there a chance of Darklands AP, with enemies other than drow?

6) What is your favorite improved familiar?

7) Have you ever played or GMed in a gestalt game? If so, what are your experiences?

8) Optimal number of players is... and why?

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