Siddhartasam |
Questions re: Multiple Companions. Tags: Celestial, Servant, companion, arcane, hierophant, boon, boon companion, pack, lord, druid.
Thanks for the info on Celestial Servant. Fun times ahead!
PS. great job on the game and the culture surrounding it. You folks at Paizo have given the game new life it really needed.

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I've got a short dungeon level (about 8 pages) in the upcoming Thornkeep book, but apart from that I am not currently working on an adventure. I'm not writing any of the Reign of Winter adventures, and am unlikely to be writing an adventure for "Wrath of the Righteous," since I'll be working on a DIFFERENT book that will be in the Campaign Setting line that'll launch the same day as the first Wrath of the Righteous volume.
Will the Thornkeep book be available for general purchase??

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I have a few questions about the process around the "City of Seven Spears" adventure, considering the multiple authors.
Note: This is far from a criticism, as I happen to enjoy the adventure a great deal! It's like a huge beach I can play in and create whatever sand sculptures I want. I only wish it had been twice as long :)
My questions are as follows:
About how long before the deadline to send the adventure to the printers did you realize something needed to be done?
How easy/hard is it to find authors that can fill in on short notice in situations like this?
Which parts did each author end up writing?
Finally, something only tangentially related (as it happens to be in the same AP): Souls for Smuggler's Shiv is an awesome adventure! I think it's my favorite opening adventure for an AP so far, and I particularly like the writeups for the castaways! Let's see if I can find a question in here.. Do you wish you could write more adventures yourself than you currently get a chance to?
For those who are old school... the old adventure "Dwellers of the Forbidden City" was what I was hoping for with "City of Seven Spears." A big sandbox ruined city with a cool mini dungeon encounter area for each of the seven areas. Basically, 7 short adventures with a well-supported sandbox around them.
Alas... the adventure simply overwhelmed the author; he kept assuring me that progress was being made on the adventure's text and maps, when in the end no progress was being made. In the end, the window to order support maps closed (which is why the adventure uses so many map pack maps instead of custom-made maps), Rob had to build every stat block, and I ended up writing about 80% of the words from scratch and rewriting/developing the remainder. All in about 2 weeks.
In a situation like that, finding a new author is pretty much impossible. Our standard authors all write as a secondary job, so we can't really go to them and say "take 2 weeks off and write a replacement adventure for us." And that's 2 weeks assuming the author's someone who already knows about the adventure path and doesn't have to read through and familiarize himself with the 18,000 word outline. In the end, we didn't have time at all to even spend an afternoon looking for a replacement author, so we wrote it in house.
And thanks for the kind words for Smuggler's Shiv!
I do wish that I had time to write more adventures. And fiction for that matter.

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James Jacobs wrote:As far as I know, this book I'm writing has not yet been announced.Oh man, PLEASE be "Eldritch Horrors Revisited!" That book would easily be the most valuable Bestiary in my entire collection if it came to pass!
That's a book that I'm not gonna let someone else write... but it's not the book I'm talking about writing now.

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James Jacobs wrote:Will the Thornkeep book be available for general purchase??
I've got a short dungeon level (about 8 pages) in the upcoming Thornkeep book, but apart from that I am not currently working on an adventure. I'm not writing any of the Reign of Winter adventures, and am unlikely to be writing an adventure for "Wrath of the Righteous," since I'll be working on a DIFFERENT book that will be in the Campaign Setting line that'll launch the same day as the first Wrath of the Righteous volume.

Evil Midnight Lurker |
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e-terah earthenchild wrote:Will there EVER be an unedited version of Hook Mountain Massacre? ! Most likely the answers no but couldn't hurt to ask.
Also,Mr Jacobs T-Rex Face,what would do in a Quag Keep situation?
Nope. No such thing exists anymore—because the vast majority of what I edited out of Hook Mountain had to do with the Paradise pleasure barge, and I gave that back to Nick so that he could rework it slightly to include it in his next adventure, Edge of Anarchy. The "unedited" parts that remain on the cutting room floor after that significant section were mostly a combination of elements that were just too over the top, or that were just bad ideas.
Now that we've republished Hook Mountain Massacre as part of the anniversary edition of the Adventure Path, chances of a third Hook Mountain revision happening are close to zero.
As for Quag Keep... what situation is that? Someone famous wanting to publish a novel set in Golarion? Someone publishing a novel set in Golarion based on their home game? Someone publishing a novel set in Golarion under a different publisher? Need more details.
A "Quag Keep situation" would be the same thing as a "Guardians of the Flame situation": at the start of a new campaign, your secretly-a-wizard GM magically transports your group into the game world and turns you all into the characters you just rolled up (with both your memories and enough fake character memories to let you at least try to fit in and use your class abilities).
The party in Andre Norton's Quag Keep spent the whole book trying to figure out why they'd been sent to Greyhawk and how to get back, and (as is usual for Andre Norton) never quite succeeded on either count. The party in Joel Rosenberg's Guardians of the Flame immediately decided to have nothing to do with their GM's completely selfish "quest," struck off on their own in hopes of finding a way home, and eventually settled down and spent the rest of the series trying to make the crapsack fantasy world a better place, mostly by eliminating the slave trade with extreme prejudice.

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James Jacobs wrote:Might he have a thread akin to this one somewhere?doc the grey wrote:What is the rational behind Moloch, lord of the 6th having a whip as the favored weapon of his clerics when he uses a greatsword and greataxe?That would be a question for Wes!
He does not.

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A "Quag Keep situation" would be the same thing as a "Guardians of the Flame situation": at the start of a new campaign, your secretly-a-wizard GM magically transports your group into the game world and turns you all into the characters you just rolled up (with both your memories and enough fake character memories to let you at least try to fit in and use your class abilities).
The party in Andre Norton's Quag Keep spent the whole book trying to figure out why they'd been sent to Greyhawk and how to get back, and (as is usual for Andre Norton) never quite succeeded on either count. The party in Joel Rosenberg's Guardians of the Flame immediately decided to have nothing to do with their GM's completely selfish "quest," struck off on their own in hopes of finding a way home, and eventually settled down and spent the rest of the series trying to make the crapsack fantasy world a better place, mostly by eliminating the slave trade with extreme prejudice.
That's one of my LEAST favorite story conceits. It worked when I was a kid watching the D&D cartoon, and that now has nostalgia for me to keep me from hating it...
No thanks.

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Hi James
I ask as I'm prepping to run Runelords, and one of my players is looking to play an Aasimar who has grown up in Sandpoint. He's chosen to take the alternate racial trait that makes him not especially distinguishable from human, so shouldn't run into the same sort of problems as Nualia did, but I want to make sure everything is worked out & fits

alientude |

I have a character in the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition who is a LN cleric of Asmodeus looking to join the Hellknights and take ranks in the Hellknight Signifier prestige class from Paths of Prestige. He's 4th level right now, and getting close to when he wants to fight a devil to prove his worthiness. The GM asked me to post a few questions regarding this situation, and who better to ask them of than you?
1) Will the Hellknights summon a devil for my character to fight when he is ready, or is he supposed to track one down somewhere?
2) If they Hellknights summon a devil, is my character allowed any say in which type of devil they summon?
3) Would my character be allowed preparation time to cast spells/use potions before the summoning?

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

I plan to make a thread to discuss this question with other players, but I wanted to post the question here to get your opinion as the creative director/Adventure Writer/GM that you are.
An half-orc by "standard" is a brutish green skinned human with tusks like an orc. They can however take a feat (Pass As Human) that lets them take 10 on Disguise checks, ignore the penalty for posing as a human, and get a +10 to disguise to pose as a human.
A tiefling has a large range of what they can look like, including mostly human with minor features that suggest they aren't human. They can take a feat (Fiendish Facade) that gives them a +5 to Disguise when posing as a specific race chosen when the feat is taken, but says nothing of removing the penalty for posing as another race, so very well could only be a +3 bonus depending on the GM's interpretation of the RAI (or even worse no net bonus at all since you are an outsider posing as a humanoid!)
Now, to me given then range of tiefling looks vs. the range of half-orc looks, it would be a LOT easier for a human-looking tiefling with small horns and a prehensile tail to hide those features than a green-skinned human with tusks.
Now, I realize if one takes the "Pass as Human" feat then you probably don't have green skin and tusks as your human heritage dominates your appearance, but as that's already something inherent in the tiefling as a option, why such a huge disparity between the two feats if you can answer that, but more what do you think of allowing a tiefling character to take Pass for Human instead of the pretty lame in comparison Fiendish Facade?

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James, as I said at Gencon, thank you for keeping this thread alive. I Zen to it as I fall asleep some late nights/early mornings.
I need some creative input for a PC for Shattered Star if you please.
I am swamped running Fashion Week events in New York and while I did have a week notice my game group starts Shattered Star tomorrow and I while I have most of my stat block an Elven Wizard (Evoker?) I want a more creative/immersive back story, and Varisa and the Runelords are your babies.
I'm looking more for motivation and character background that will mesh with the AP to help role play rather than any "what skills should I take" suggestions.
Here is what I have so far:
I am playing "Orthwin, the greatest diplomat expat in the world" a "half elf Bard of some renown".
But is actually Iramine Thainel of House Thalanderond, a Grey Elf from the Mordant Spire, the second son of a second son, in a family of spy masters and information brokers. His father has sent him out into Varisa in search of secrets and whispers Karzoug and other Runelords once held dear.
And while he is a polished diplomat and has a rapier and a hand harp at the ready, he is primarily an Evoker of some promise. And a pathological liar.
(In case it matters, don't think it would but - Because we have a seven player group, NP Summoners, no Gunslingers, 15 PT buy)
Got anything else fluff wise you can think of adding for character background ?

Cheapy |

How do you deal with urban campaigns and keeping the "3-4 encounters per day" mechanic going? It seems urban campaigns would be slightly harder to ensure that occurs.
How about the issue of PCs leveling too fast when you throw 3-4 encounters per day at them? If I recall, each level requires about 13 CR equal encounters, so with that PCs would blow past it unless there are many buffer days.

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Hi James
** spoiler omitted **
I've not yet revealed much about Nualia's true heritage or parents. On purpose. Because like a few other characters in Sandpoint (such as Ameiko, Chopper, Aliver Podiker, Valdemar, or Shalelu) there are story elements there that I've planted and am waiting for the right time to do more with...

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I have a character in the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition who is a LN cleric of Asmodeus looking to join the Hellknights and take ranks in the Hellknight Signifier prestige class from Paths of Prestige. He's 4th level right now, and getting close to when he wants to fight a devil to prove his worthiness. The GM asked me to post a few questions regarding this situation, and who better to ask them of than you?
1) Will the Hellknights summon a devil for my character to fight when he is ready, or is he supposed to track one down somewhere?
2) If they Hellknights summon a devil, is my character allowed any say in which type of devil they summon?
3) Would my character be allowed preparation time to cast spells/use potions before the summoning?
1) That's a choice your GM gets to make. If he makes you track one down somewhere, that'll kinda disrupt the storyline a LOT more than if the Hellknights summon one for you. Alternateively... you can just have another PC in your group use a summon monster spell.
2) Nope.
3) Depends on how much his supervisors like him and want him to fail or succeed.

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I plan to make a thread to discuss this question with other players, but I wanted to post the question here to get your opinion as the creative director/Adventure Writer/GM that you are.
An half-orc by "standard" is a brutish green skinned human with tusks like an orc. They can however take a feat (Pass As Human) that lets them take 10 on Disguise checks, ignore the penalty for posing as a human, and get a +10 to disguise to pose as a human.
A tiefling has a large range of what they can look like, including mostly human with minor features that suggest they aren't human. They can take a feat (Fiendish Facade) that gives them a +5 to Disguise when posing as a specific race chosen when the feat is taken, but says nothing of removing the penalty for posing as another race, so very well could only be a +3 bonus depending on the GM's interpretation of the RAI (or even worse no net bonus at all since you are an outsider posing as a humanoid!)
Now, to me given then range of tiefling looks vs. the range of half-orc looks, it would be a LOT easier for a human-looking tiefling with small horns and a prehensile tail to hide those features than a green-skinned human with tusks.
Now, I realize if one takes the "Pass as Human" feat then you probably don't have green skin and tusks as your human heritage dominates your appearance, but as that's already something inherent in the tiefling as a option, why such a huge disparity between the two feats if you can answer that, but more what do you think of allowing a tiefling character to take Pass for Human instead of the pretty lame in comparison Fiendish Facade?
There's a disparity between the two feats because they were designed by different people at different times, and we don't have the luxury of the time it would take to cross reference every new feat with every feat we've already published to ensure that similar feats like these end up working in a similar way.
THAT SAID. Half-elves, half-orcs, and halflings, the races that can officially take Pass for Human, are humanoids. Tieflings are not. They're outsiders. That's a pretty huge difference in and of itself, so by THAT reasoning, it makes sense that it'd be harder for a tiefling to "pass for human." After all... they may look human, but they're more like demons or devils. That has implications beyond your appearance. It affects your personality, your outlook on life, and probably even things like the smell of your breath or the temperature of your skin.
Game-balance wise, there's no big concern with letting a tiefling or aasimar or any other human-shaped outsider take Pass for Human. But flavor/story-wise, there certainly is.

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James, as I said at Gencon, thank you for keeping this thread alive. I Zen to it as I fall asleep some late nights/early mornings.I need some creative input for a PC for Shattered Star if you please.
** spoiler omitted **
I'd rather not open the floodgates to what fully answering this question might cause... I'd rather this remain a "Ask James Anything" thread and not a "Have James help build your character" thread.
That said... my strongest recommendation is to download the Shattered Star Player's Guide and pick one of the campaign traits. Those are all about giving you a background for your character that will help him/her fit into the campaign. Even if you don't use traits, you can use the information in there to find out what kind of character background fits well for the campaign.

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How do you deal with urban campaigns and keeping the "3-4 encounters per day" mechanic going? It seems urban campaigns would be slightly harder to ensure that occurs.
How about the issue of PCs leveling too fast when you throw 3-4 encounters per day at them? If I recall, each level requires about 13 CR equal encounters, so with that PCs would blow past it unless there are many buffer days.
First off... Sometimes I do 1 encounter a day. Slavish adherence to doing 3-4 encounters per day starts to feel forced to me REAL quickly. I generally prefer to let the number of encounters per day be something organic, and be something that the players help to determine. Urban campaigns, though, are a great place to hit the PCs with non-combat encounters, and having multiple non-combat encounters such as chases or interrogations or hagglings or investigations or seductions or cons or just plain old roleplaying can help you get more encounters out of the day. When you DO switch to a more combat-themed set of encounters... keep in mind that the NPCs have the same resources the PCs do... probably more! If the PCs hit the thieves' guild, do 1 encounter, then go out to rest and buy more gear... the guild should change things up. Bring in hired help or field agents. Reset traps. MOVE traps. They should use the time the PCs give them to make their place more customized to protect them SPECIFICALLY from the PCs who foolishly gave them the free preview of their powers and tactics and weaknesses.
And I don't think "leveling too fast" is a problem. If it is for you... switch to a slower XP track. If you're using an Adventure Path, the encounters are designed for 4 players on the Medium track to gain levels at the rate appropriate for the campaign, so if you have a problem with them leveling too fast for the adventure, you can just run with it (sometimes players LIKE feeling tough!), or you can switch down to the Slow XP track until they catch up. Personally, I kind of like games where the PCs don't take forever to level up, because that's a fun game for me and I like that. Because once they hit the end of the story or level cap or whatever... there's always a TON of new campaigns to play.

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James how long does it take for a ghoul to no longer be completely controlled by its hunger and become like the intelligent ghouls under Osirian, in the city of the ghouls?
That length of time is different for every ghoul. It could happen immediately upon the person becoming a ghoul, or it could NEVER happen. AKA: It happens when the story you want to tell wants it to happen. :-)

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Alexander Augunas wrote:Dear James,
Can you name a few monsters that are commonly associated with dreams to help me get my creative juices flowing? :D
To Adam's list I would add:
Moon Beasts
Vooniths(All of which are from Lovecraft's Dreamlands stories.)
And also any thing Desna-related.
At least according to traditional legend, also, the Incubus, Succubus, and Nightmare, though the ability to invade dreams in PF is not really a part of their stat-block.

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James Jacobs wrote:Alexander Augunas wrote:Dear James,
Can you name a few monsters that are commonly associated with dreams to help me get my creative juices flowing? :D
To Adam's list I would add:
Moon Beasts
Vooniths(All of which are from Lovecraft's Dreamlands stories.)
And also any thing Desna-related.
At least according to traditional legend, also, the Incubus, Succubus, and Nightmare, though the ability to invade dreams in PF is not really a part of their stat-block.
Yup; that element's pretty much the schtick of the night hag in the game.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

Game-balance wise, there's no big concern with letting a tiefling or aasimar or any other human-shaped outsider take Pass for Human. But flavor/story-wise, there certainly is.
Alright, thanks for your input and actually funny aside... the bit I quoted actually is making me give my tiefling Fiendish Facade simply what you say makes a LOT of sense to me, and I and my friends will always forgo a bit of game balance or (in this case if a tiefling were allowed to take Pass for Human) give up a bigger advantage if it makes sense for story. :)

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That said... my strongest recommendation is to download the Shattered Star Player's Guide and pick one of the campaign traits. Those are all about giving you a background for your character that will help him/her fit into the campaign. Even if you don't use traits, you can use the information in there to find out what kind of character background fits well for the campaign.
But ... but I already did that. I was asking for juicy, meaty, spicy World Designer/tyrannosaurus deep psyche stuff.
But I take your meaning, keep on rocking on Dino James.

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How about just a one sentence Jamesian advice for character concept to trade in. exchange for link to this Pic that brought you to mind.
Bonus pic just because your cool.
Can't blame a Cheliaxian for trying.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:James how long does it take for a ghoul to no longer be completely controlled by its hunger and become like the intelligent ghouls under Osirian, in the city of the ghouls?That length of time is different for every ghoul. It could happen immediately upon the person becoming a ghoul, or it could NEVER happen. AKA: It happens when the story you want to tell wants it to happen. :-)
Doesn't it usually happen the other way, a person rising as a ghoul initially have a substantial part of their personality left which is ultimately consumed, leaving only ghoulish hunger in it's stead? (which made for some interesting pathos in one PFS scenario I won't name) If I recall usually it's a process of person devolving into raving beast, not the other way around.

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James Jacobs wrote:Game-balance wise, there's no big concern with letting a tiefling or aasimar or any other human-shaped outsider take Pass for Human. But flavor/story-wise, there certainly is.Alright, thanks for your input and actually funny aside... the bit I quoted actually is making me give my tiefling Fiendish Facade simply what you say makes a LOT of sense to me, and I and my friends will always forgo a bit of game balance or (in this case if a tiefling were allowed to take Pass for Human) give up a bigger advantage if it makes sense for story. :)

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Are the traits in the Pathfinder Society's Faction Guide and other Adventure Paths Open Game Content? If not, are their mechanics as long as the names are changed?
Pretty much all the rules content in our books is open content; there's been a few monsters that aren't open, since we were only able to secure more limited rights for them... but for the most part, the rules for every rule we publish is open content. The flavor text, not so much. Which, in the case of some monsters (like the daughter of Urgathoa, for example) means that if you DO want to use them in a print product, you should probably rename them anyway since you can't say much more about who Urgathoa is.

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How about just a one sentence Jamesian advice for character concept to trade in. exchange for link to this Pic that brought you to mind.
Bonus pic just because your cool.
Can't blame a Cheliaxian for trying.
HA! Thanks for the pictures! But still... don't have the time to open up this thread to "help me design my character" elements... sorry! :(

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James Jacobs wrote:Doesn't it usually happen the other way, a person rising as a ghoul initially have a substantial part of their personality left which is ultimately consumed, leaving only ghoulish hunger in it's stead? (which made for some interesting pathos in one PFS scenario I won't name) If I recall usually it's a process of person devolving into raving beast, not the other way around.The Minis Maniac wrote:James how long does it take for a ghoul to no longer be completely controlled by its hunger and become like the intelligent ghouls under Osirian, in the city of the ghouls?That length of time is different for every ghoul. It could happen immediately upon the person becoming a ghoul, or it could NEVER happen. AKA: It happens when the story you want to tell wants it to happen. :-)
It could, I guess, but the ghouls of Nemret Noktoria certainly grew into their culture from a baseline of feral savagery to one of cultured savagery.
Kinda like us humans.

Stalwart |

Hi, James,
I remember back when Carrion Crown was first announced, its initial write-up on the product page mentioned something called "campaign curses". Obviously, they were dropped as the publish date neared and I don't recall ever seeing anything about them since then.
When I was looking forward to this AP (being a fan of gothic horror), my curiosity was piqued, since I love the thought of a tormented, cursed character that has inner demons to face along with the more obvious threats found in an adventure.
My questions are, what, if any, was the plan for "campaign curses", and will we ever see them?

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Sellsword2587 wrote:Are the traits in the Pathfinder Society's Faction Guide and other Adventure Paths Open Game Content? If not, are their mechanics as long as the names are changed?Pretty much all the rules content in our books is open content; there's been a few monsters that aren't open, since we were only able to secure more limited rights for them... but for the most part, the rules for every rule we publish is open content. The flavor text, not so much. Which, in the case of some monsters (like the daughter of Urgathoa, for example) means that if you DO want to use them in a print product, you should probably rename them anyway since you can't say much more about who Urgathoa is.
Not just *should*—you would *have* to rename the daughter of Urgathoa, because proper names are specifically not part of the Open Content.

DrDeth |

Casters have built-in limits to their powers. If you're seeing casters constantly dominating the games and the non-casters feel left out or marginalized, your ACTUAL problem is the 15-minute adventuring day. A fighter can hack and chop all day long, and a rogue can make sneak attacks as long... but that advantage doesn't come into play if you've trained your players to expect only one or two encounters per day. If you start doing more than that, the spellcasters will start to realize that they need to conserve and spread out their magic and suddenly things work a lot better. That's how it works in games I run, at least—I've not seen the huge disparity in power or fun between casters and non-casters.
If you don't WANT to use that solution, though... my suggestion would be to limit casters on a battle-by-battle basis. Give them a hard limit as to how many spell levels (or perhaps just spells) they can cast in a specific battle (this includes preparatory spells). Something like a number equal to their best mental ability score modifier, or their Hit Dice.
Alternatively, you could bring back something I really REALLY wanted in the game but it got pushed aside: "buff slots." Every character has a number of buff slots equal to their HD divided by 4 (rounded down, minimum 1). You can have a number of preparatory spells in effect at the same time equal to this limit. Then give the non casters 3 bonus slots, so that they get more benefit from things like haste and the like. This system never made it to playtest, so I'm not sure how it might work out in play, but not only would it give non-casters a boost, it also helps to uncomplicate the game (managing a...
James, something like this would be a great way to balance spellcasters. Except that by “preparatory spells” I’d say “self buff” spells. Spellcasters cast too many self buff seplls, not enough party buff spells. But yes, when there are a LOT of party buff spells, things get weird.
There also does need to be some sort of spells per encounter limit, but then- more spell slots.

DrDeth |

Lord Snow wrote:Hey, James!
I am now running CotCT, which is AWESOME. I am looking for advice about something that is very central to the expirience of the game for me.
In broad terms, CotCT is, 90% of the time, gritty and dark and full of shades of grey (Gah, ever since that silly book I cam barely think of this phrase and avoid the mental image os BDSM :( ), which sets a very serious tone.
However, when playing Pathfinder, I am surrounded by friends, and so humor and good natured laughter accompany the game, just because that's the way we are as a group.
Now, the problem here is a simple one: you can't very much sink into the brooding mood of CotCT when evrey thirty minutes or so a joke (even if it's an in play, related to the adventure joke) would send evreyone into fits of laughter. !
Laughter is used by lots of people as a defense mechanism or a release valve for horrific stuff. To me, that feels kinda inappropriate, but I see it happen a LOT in horror movie audiences.
Now, that same type of element can and often does show up in an RPG, especially since when you're doing an RPG with horror themes... it's not you watching someone else in danger... psychologically, it's actually YOU in danger. Which means that gritty, grisly horror in an RPG can be a lot more horrifying than in a book or movie.
Right. My dad was a WWII vet, Combat Infantry badge, etc. He said they were cracking joke all the time in battle. Mostly rather dark humor, true, but it’s a defense mechanism. So, my suggestion is to limit the jokes to IC jokes only.

deuxhero |
1) A bladed weapon is any weapon that deals slashing damage. A hafted weapon is any weapon that has a handle that's longer than the actual mechanism of inflicting damage—this is pretty vague and open to interpretation. Axes and pole arms and maces and picks are hafted weapons, but swords are not.
Is a whip a bladed weapon then?
Is it a hafted weapon?