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Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:

Tels, perhaps, but James has been saying those things for a while :)


Does the amount of worship of a deity influence their power?

If I wipe out all of Sarenrae's worshippers, would she more or less die?

Nope. That's how things worked in D&D (particularly in the Forgotten Realms), but that's not how it works here.

A deity with no worshipers remains alive, but they become "forgotten." There are a few examples of these deities in Golarion.

What, if anything, deities gain from being worshiped in Pathfinder has not yet been specifically addressed or revealed.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)Will the Innersea Bestiary have those multi-legged lizard mounts that Lashunta use?

2)Where was the Vesperguant mentioned?

3)Is there a working title for the fey revisited book or is just being called "Fey Revisited"?

4)Will Ultimate Campaign have any more info/updated rules for the proffesion skill?

5)Will the Andriod be a playable race?

1) No.

2) Until I mentioned it by name here, the word "vespergaunt" existed only in words spoken between me and James Sutter. The vespergaunt itself is brand new, but the art of it is not—the image of the weird tentacle-and-eye creature from Pathfinder #14's article about space is in fact a vespergaunt. (That image was ORIGINALLY intended to be of a brethadan, but Sutter didn't like it and so changed things for Distant Worlds, which left that ropey eye monster without anything attached to it... so when we did Inner Sea Bestiary, I told Sutter he had to design a monster from another planet that would use that art. His response is the vespergaunt.)

3) "Fey Revisited" is the book's actual title.

4) Sort of. One of the main components of Ultimate Campaign is detailing what your PCs do between adventures. That includes things that'll require you to make Profession checks. Like "how do you run a tavern?", for example.

5) Yes. It's a zero HD humanoid race with several construct-like traits. If you use Advanced Race Guide, it's currently sitting at 16 RP, although that could still change before print.

James Jacobs wrote:

In previous editions of the game, the outer planes and the multiverse were basically called "infinite." And that's a concept that isn't accurate, because infinity implies an encompassing of everything. If Heaven is infinite, it's infinitely large and thus would have an infinite amount of contents, which would include all POSSIBLE contents, which means that there would be an infinite number of all the things on other planes and realities in Heaven. There would, for example, be an infinite number of Taco Bells in heaven. Now, obviously, that's not the intent of saying "heaven is an infinite plane," but phrasing it that way allows that argument to hold water.

This is absolutely wrong.

You can have an infinite amount of apples without having any oranges.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

In previous editions of the game, the outer planes and the multiverse were basically called "infinite." And that's a concept that isn't accurate, because infinity implies an encompassing of everything. If Heaven is infinite, it's infinitely large and thus would have an infinite amount of contents, which would include all POSSIBLE contents, which means that there would be an infinite number of all the things on other planes and realities in Heaven. There would, for example, be an infinite number of Taco Bells in heaven. Now, obviously, that's not the intent of saying "heaven is an infinite plane," but phrasing it that way allows that argument to hold water.

This is absolutely wrong.

You can have an infinite amount of apples without having any oranges.

That's not the argument folks were using.

A more accurate apples/oranges analogy would be:

If a region is infinitely large, you can have an infinite number of apples in there AND an infinite number of oranges, and if the region is infinitely large, and thus has infinite possibility for what is in it, then it would by extension have an infinite number of oranges. And carriages and shoes and pteranodons and gravel and slightly smaller gravel and all the rest of everything.

By saying a region is unimaginably large but NOT infinite, it's not as easy for chuckleheads to argue that there must be oranges in that huge mound of apples. Because at the very least you can say there's just no room for oranges.

James Jacobs wrote:
setzer9999 wrote:

Thank you James! I hope you don't mind the inevitable follow ups I have now:

If the diagram is "to scale", and it is impossible to travel the distances by normal means, are Heaven, Pharasma's Spire, Hell, and Abaddon to scale in the diagram as well? I know its fantasy and it doesn't have to follow rules of our reality, but the setting book says that beings "travel around" in these places, and describes their movement in terms of "walking up the slopes of heaven" or "going through gates" (physical ones, not the spell) to get from one layer of Hell to another, or "traveling" the River Styx...

If what you are saying is correct, how would they do this? If the Outer Shpere is to the Material Plane what the real Sun is to the real Earth... souls traveling in the River of Souls would need to be moving at speeds even unheard of for warp drives in Star Trek... vastly unheard of. Even moving up the slopes of Heaven or through the bowels of hell would require speeds of this magnitude, because the entire material universe could comfortably fit in just one level of these places according to the diagram.

Again, I know this is a magical fantasy setting, but if "distance" in terms of spatial physics IS supposed to exist in that space as you say, the above is only the beginning of the questions I would have... like you are supposed to be able to see Hell's gates from Pharasma's spire, or that you can see the Inner Sphere as if it is a distant sun from the edges of the Outer Shpere... which would be so distant, there is no way you could see light from it from that far away.

A diagram of something this vast can't be to scale in print and hope to show all it needs to show. The diagram of the Great Beyond is distorted so that the points of interest are visible, so that frail human minds can grasp the basic layout of this interpretation of reality. If we'd drawn it to scale... it would just look like a circle with nothing in it.

Beings DO travel around from plane to plane, but unless...

Awesome! Thank you for humoring me, and that really makes it all come together, so to speak. Great stuff!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?


What kind of adventure would contain an article on Brigh? Is such an article (whether attached to an adventure or not) likely?

James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

In previous editions of the game, the outer planes and the multiverse were basically called "infinite." And that's a concept that isn't accurate, because infinity implies an encompassing of everything. If Heaven is infinite, it's infinitely large and thus would have an infinite amount of contents, which would include all POSSIBLE contents, which means that there would be an infinite number of all the things on other planes and realities in Heaven. There would, for example, be an infinite number of Taco Bells in heaven. Now, obviously, that's not the intent of saying "heaven is an infinite plane," but phrasing it that way allows that argument to hold water.

This is absolutely wrong.

You can have an infinite amount of apples without having any oranges.

That's not the argument folks were using.

A more accurate apples/oranges analogy would be:

If a region is infinitely large, you can have an infinite number of apples in there AND an infinite number of oranges, and if the region is infinitely large, and thus has infinite possibility for what is in it, then it would by extension have an infinite number of oranges. And carriages and shoes and pteranodons and gravel and slightly smaller gravel and all the rest of everything.

By saying a region is unimaginably large but NOT infinite, it's not as easy for chuckleheads to argue that there must be oranges in that huge mound of apples. Because at the very least you can say there's just no room for oranges.

When I was a math major I loved working with infinities and the infinite sizes of infinities. However I know that the vast majority of people have never and will never make it to that level of math and when they do a non-zero number of them will drop right there before the mind-boggling makes their brains explode.

I approve of you guys accepting that there are mind-blowingly huge numbers out there without falling into the "bah, let's just call it infinite, the players will understand what we mean" trap.

To ask a question...

So which do you prefer? Apples or oranges? I mean, oranges taste better but you can make pies out of apples...

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dear James,
Once again, thank you for answering all of our questions. I have a few of my own.

In What Lies in Dust, a document can be found in Delvehaven discussing the "11 Isgeri Kellid tribes." Looking at other books and sources though, it is never stated the Kellids traveled that far south in Golarion. I know much has not be released about Isger, but where the Isgeri a race of Kellids? Were they similar to other Kellids say from Realm of the Mammoth Lords or a different ethnic group to some degree?

Also, i know that the tribes were pacified by the Taldans during the Seventh Army of Exploration, but are their culture and physical features at all still prevalent in the population? Kellids are not said to be in Isger according to the Inner Sea World guide. Does this mean few if any share the Kellid features, and are thus considered by a racial perspective to be "Chelexian" or "Taldan"? What are the odds of people who still practice the old Isgeri ways and view them selves to be of these tribes?

If nothing else, will these tribes eventually be covered in future material? As their are 11 of them, I assume they have a good bit of history on their own.

So... I'm really excited about the Mythic Adventures and the Demonblight Crusade AP. Will the Mythic rules allow me to use as a character the son of Erastil and Socothbenoth (and the reason why the god of families has none of his own) stripped of his power by Erastil, cast to mortal flesh and sponsored by Desna in an attempt to regain divinity?

On the subject of planes, one of my friends said something that always made me laugh.

"How 'infinite' planes have borders is beyond me."

With respect to Mythic rules, it had been mentioned that a mythic PC might be able to play as a solo character in APs designed for four normal PCs. Is the reverse potentially true? If the (tentatively named) Demonblight Crusade AP uses Mythic rules, will it be workable to use higher-level non-mythic PCs in any capacity, for all or part of the AP?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
What kind of adventure would contain an article on Brigh? Is such an article (whether attached to an adventure or not) likely?

An article that has lots to do with constructs.

Such an article is, alas, not too likely in the near future, since there's a LOT of other deities I want to cover first. If a deity or demigod isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide, chances of that deity getting an article in Pathfinder anytime soon are DRASTICALLY smaller. And Brigh isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ANebulousMistress wrote:

So which do you prefer? Apples or oranges? I mean, oranges taste better but you can make pies out of apples...


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?



Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BDFisher89 wrote:

Dear James,

Once again, thank you for answering all of our questions. I have a few of my own.

In What Lies in Dust, a document can be found in Delvehaven discussing the "11 Isgeri Kellid tribes." Looking at other books and sources though, it is never stated the Kellids traveled that far south in Golarion. I know much has not be released about Isger, but where the Isgeri a race of Kellids? Were they similar to other Kellids say from Realm of the Mammoth Lords or a different ethnic group to some degree?

Also, i know that the tribes were pacified by the Taldans during the Seventh Army of Exploration, but are their culture and physical features at all still prevalent in the population? Kellids are not said to be in Isger according to the Inner Sea World guide. Does this mean few if any share the Kellid features, and are thus considered by a racial perspective to be "Chelexian" or "Taldan"? What are the odds of people who still practice the old Isgeri ways and view them selves to be of these tribes?

If nothing else, will these tribes eventually be covered in future material? As their are 11 of them, I assume they have a good bit of history on their own.

The Kellids did indeed extend that far south. Taldor's Wars of Expansion more or less either wiped those tribes out (in some cases, so well that very little remains about them in writing, such as the Isgeri tribes), or simply forced them north.

The tribes of Isger are unlikely to be mentioned much more anytime soon—we more or less threw that bit in to "What Lies in Dust" as a specific example of a super obscure and unusual and perhaps not 100% factual curriosity—there's a lot of those in that adventure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Amaranthine Witch wrote:
So... I'm really excited about the Mythic Adventures and the Demonblight Crusade AP. Will the Mythic rules allow me to use as a character the son of Erastil and Socothbenoth (and the reason why the god of families has none of his own) stripped of his power by Erastil, cast to mortal flesh and sponsored by Desna in an attempt to regain divinity?

First off... the idea of Erastil and Socothbentoth having a son is a bit... weird. And not because both of them are men. Gods can break those rules if anyone can!

It's weird because Erastil is lawful good and Socothbenoth is a chaotic evil demon lord.

That said... yes. Mythic Adventures will let you play characters who are the sons and daughters of deities.

Clash of the Titans, for example, would be a Mythic Adventure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:

On the subject of planes, one of my friends said something that always made me laugh.

"How 'infinite' planes have borders is beyond me."

Yet another reason I prefer the Great Beyond's model of the multiverse.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:
With respect to Mythic rules, it had been mentioned that a mythic PC might be able to play as a solo character in APs designed for four normal PCs. Is the reverse potentially true? If the (tentatively named) Demonblight Crusade AP uses Mythic rules, will it be workable to use higher-level non-mythic PCs in any capacity, for all or part of the AP?

Perhaps, yes. We'll see.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Yup; the Material Plane is indeed intended to be the same thing as the Universe.

The "Dark Tapestry" is fantasy-speak for "Deep Space." It just refers to the scary parts of outer space where the really alien things dwell. The dark places between the stars. The worlds where madness lives. It's not really even a place you can map out... it's like looking at an olde-tyme map and seeing places labeled "Here there be dragons." The dark tapestry is where those metaphorical dragons live.

The outer sphere's size is unimaginably vast... saying it's trillions and trillions of miles in diameter is a vast understatement. Distances there are, in fact, so vast that it's impossible to travel them physically in the amount of time reality has existed, which is why you need things like portals or plane shift or gate spells to get to and from these other planes.

So is the Golarion meme for space travel inspired by Warhammer's Warp, or movies like "Event Horizon" where the only star travel is straight through Chaos itself?

Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?
James Jacobs wrote:

Hmm... Any chance that such an adventure might contain information about a certain nascent demon lady who serves Nocticula and also calls the Midnight Isles her home?

I've been thinking about the Empyreal Lord Regathiel, and I've wanted to do something similar to his history for some time, mixing in redemption themes. It was a bet between Nocticula and Socothbenoth and Old Deadeye got tricked, probably with Calistria's asistance, who thought it would be fun.

James Jacobs wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

If Night Hags are technically not fiends, does that not mean that a child of a Night Hag will be a Changeling?

And if so, what alternate racial should a Night Hag spawn Changeling get?
What I had in mind was some variant to Fiendish Sorcery (related to Dreamspun and Daemon bloodlines)

That child can be whatever your story wants it to be.

Although a night hag isn't technically a fiend, she IS an evil outsider. So while she's not a fiend, she's fiend-like. Or... "fiendish" if you will.

As a result, I could certainly see her offspring with a human being a fiendish changeling. But if you as the GM wanted, a normal changeling works fine as well.

Myself... I would make the kid a fiendish changeling.

(Again... the fiendish template doesn't mean the templated creature is actually a fiend... but is just fiend-like, or "fiendish".)

I knew I said I already asked my last question, but...

...so, technically, they don't gain any other "Hag heritage" racials then? No claw bonus, no mystical dream magic or soul related stuff?

James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
What kind of adventure would contain an article on Brigh? Is such an article (whether attached to an adventure or not) likely?

An article that has lots to do with constructs.

Such an article is, alas, not too likely in the near future, since there's a LOT of other deities I want to cover first. If a deity or demigod isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide, chances of that deity getting an article in Pathfinder anytime soon are DRASTICALLY smaller. And Brigh isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide.

Kind of figured as such.

IF there was a Constructs of Golarion, would that be a good place for it?

Silver Crusade

Cheapy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
What kind of adventure would contain an article on Brigh? Is such an article (whether attached to an adventure or not) likely?

An article that has lots to do with constructs.

Such an article is, alas, not too likely in the near future, since there's a LOT of other deities I want to cover first. If a deity or demigod isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide, chances of that deity getting an article in Pathfinder anytime soon are DRASTICALLY smaller. And Brigh isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide.

Kind of figured as such.

IF there was a Constructs of Golarion, would that be a good place for it?

Any AP that touched on the planet Verces would be a natural fit for it too, if not for constructs and robots then certainly for the high technology and augmentations, especially combined with their Augmented and God-Vessel castes. Maybe Abollon too, but those guys seem so far removed from their origins that Brigh may never come into play.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?




Also, thanks!

Mythic rules allowing to play the children of deities? Awesome.

Question: Which demon lords have a notable presence in Tian-Xia?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
So is the Golarion meme for space travel inspired by Warhammer's Warp, or movies like "Event Horizon" where the only star travel is straight through Chaos itself?

I've not played enough Warhammer to know what a "Warhammer Warp" is.

There certainly IS faster than light travel in space in the campaign setting... but how it exactly works isn't something I've had to decide on yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Midnight_Angel wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?
James Jacobs wrote:
Hmm... Any chance that such an adventure might contain information about a certain nascent demon lady who serves Nocticula and also calls the Midnight Isles her home?


Starflight. You get there in a couple hours, or a couple of days, regardless of the distance.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Icyshadow wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

If Night Hags are technically not fiends, does that not mean that a child of a Night Hag will be a Changeling?

And if so, what alternate racial should a Night Hag spawn Changeling get?
What I had in mind was some variant to Fiendish Sorcery (related to Dreamspun and Daemon bloodlines)

That child can be whatever your story wants it to be.

Although a night hag isn't technically a fiend, she IS an evil outsider. So while she's not a fiend, she's fiend-like. Or... "fiendish" if you will.

As a result, I could certainly see her offspring with a human being a fiendish changeling. But if you as the GM wanted, a normal changeling works fine as well.

Myself... I would make the kid a fiendish changeling.

(Again... the fiendish template doesn't mean the templated creature is actually a fiend... but is just fiend-like, or "fiendish".)

I knew I said I already asked my last question, but...

...so, technically, they don't gain any other "Hag heritage" racials then? No claw bonus, no mystical dream magic or soul related stuff?

Technically, children of night hags aren't changelings at all, since the rules for changelings only list the three non-outsider hags (annis, greenhag, and sea hag). All of these rules for what a night hag's child might be are all off-the-cuff suggestions that your GM should be involved with. OR, if you're the GM, this is a great opportunity to come up with a new one of your own design.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
What kind of adventure would contain an article on Brigh? Is such an article (whether attached to an adventure or not) likely?

An article that has lots to do with constructs.

Such an article is, alas, not too likely in the near future, since there's a LOT of other deities I want to cover first. If a deity or demigod isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide, chances of that deity getting an article in Pathfinder anytime soon are DRASTICALLY smaller. And Brigh isn't mentioned in the Inner Sea World Guide.

Kind of figured as such.

IF there was a Constructs of Golarion, would that be a good place for it?

Dunno, frankly. One that's several years in the future after we've covered the majority of the other gods and important demigods from Inner Sea World Guide. Or perhaps something not in an AP at all, but as part of a Big Book of Golarion Deities.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:
Starflight. You get there in a couple hours, or a couple of days, regardless of the distance.

That works for monsters and magic, but not so much for science-powered starships like the one that crashed in Numeria.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The NPC wrote:
Question: Which demon lords have a notable presence in Tian-Xia?

I'm actually not sure. Not a lot of them, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?



Oh wow.

I hope that certain heretic happens to be right, because aiding in the willing redemption of a demon lord would be the most awesome thing ever.

James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:
Starflight. You get there in a couple hours, or a couple of days, regardless of the distance.
That works for monsters and magic, but not so much for science-powered starships like the one that crashed in Numeria.

That's interesting to limit the potential of technology. It's one thing to say specifically that the ship that crashed in Numeria and the civilization it came from is too limited to traverse existence with similar potency to magic, but to say it is impossible for any technology?

What can be accomplished by a civilization is really only a function of how much energy they can manipulate. I always really quite pictured high level and deific magic as fundamentally no different from super high sci-fi technology, but just tapping into vastly greater quantities of energy than most civilizations would ever come close to learning to harness.

I can conceive of a sci-fi/fantasy setting where a race learns to harness the very "stuff" of energy into a "quantum machine" of sorts and achieve divinity via their own forceful technological means. See "The Q" from Star Trek. If you can gather and manipulate enough energy, you should be able to "gate", and more, regardless of the label like "magic" or "technology". The Q refer to it simply as "powers".

And how cool is the idea of a vengeful super civilzation comprised of a technologically-ascended mega-consciousness that now stakes it's own claim in the Outer Sphere and makes a jealous war on the gods? I think pretty cool anyway.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?



Oh wow.

I hope that certain heretic happens to be right, because aiding in the willing redemption of a demon lord would be the most awesome thing ever.

Living the dream!


In this thread we discussed this, but wasn't conclusive. Wondering if you could help clear this up.

Which of these stack? How many times do they reroll when a d20 is called for?

Pugwampi's Grace (Inner Sea Magic)

Misfotune Hex (APG)

Ill Omen (APG)

Number of re-rolls for:

1) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex
2) Pugwampi's Grace + Ill Omen
3) Misfortune Hex + Ill Omen
4) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex + Ill Omen


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
LazarX wrote:
So is the Golarion meme for space travel inspired by Warhammer's Warp, or movies like "Event Horizon" where the only star travel is straight through Chaos itself?

I've not played enough Warhammer to know what a "Warhammer Warp" is.

There certainly IS faster than light travel in space in the campaign setting... but how it exactly works isn't something I've had to decide on yet.

In Warhammer, whether it's Fantasy or 40K. Travel between other solar systems is done through Chaos. Warpgates are opened at the entry and exit points on where you wish to go. What we would normally call Hyperspace is instead filled with the Lovecraftian demons of Chaos. And to travel through Chaos is a combination of warding away the worst of the Chaos demons and placating the rest. Warhammer's version of Earthfall occured when the North Polar Warpgate failed creating a bleeeding wound of Chaos from which the Chaos dieties emerged. (So did the dieties of Law because they themselves are just a mutation of Chaos and they fight Chaos to retain their identities) You also get stuff like mutagenic warpstone raining on the planet and the whole disaster pretty much puts the kibosh on the pre-human civilisaton of the Old Ones. The known races were essentially experiments in progress of the Old Ones ranging from the Elves who were almost complete to Men who were barely finished prototypes, and thus the most suceptible to Chaos)

The movie "Event Horizon" does a fair amount of homage to this trope. the title refers to the name of Mankind's first experimental starship which uses a form of teleporting technology. Contact was lost immediately upon launch and nothing is heard form again until the ship mysteriously reappears in the outer solar system. The folks sent to investigate find that the doorway to Hyperspace is the doorway to madness.

So it's essentially the Crapsack version of Hyperspace. (Bablyon 5 had this to a mild degree)

Liberty's Edge

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?



Oh wow.

I hope that certain heretic happens to be right, because aiding in the willing redemption of a demon lord would be the most awesome thing ever.

Where did you people find a chapter list?

Edit Nevermind, found it.

Silver Crusade

graywulfe wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?



Oh wow.

I hope that certain heretic happens to be right, because aiding in the willing redemption of a demon lord would be the most awesome thing ever.

Where did you people find a chapter list?

It was posted over here along with a lot of other exciting details. If you're looking for Reign of Winter's as well, it's in the new product catalogue that started at GenCon. listed here too

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
graywulfe wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
So... I saw one of the Worldwound AP adventures could be called The Midnight Isles... should I start hoping for a Nocticula deity article?

Is it perhaps jumping the gun to start excitedly drawing lines between dots between this, another chapter name from Demonblight Crusade, and recent revelations of a certain heretic and his/her goals?



Oh wow.

I hope that certain heretic happens to be right, because aiding in the willing redemption of a demon lord would be the most awesome thing ever.

Where did you people find a chapter list?
It was posted over here along with a lot of other exciting details. If you're looking for Reign of Winter's as well, it's in the new product catalogue that started at GenCon. listed here too

Thank you

Silver Crusade

Nae prob!

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

In previous editions of the game, the outer planes and the multiverse were basically called "infinite." And that's a concept that isn't accurate, because infinity implies an encompassing of everything. If Heaven is infinite, it's infinitely large and thus would have an infinite amount of contents, which would include all POSSIBLE contents, which means that there would be an infinite number of all the things on other planes and realities in Heaven. There would, for example, be an infinite number of Taco Bells in heaven. Now, obviously, that's not the intent of saying "heaven is an infinite plane," but phrasing it that way allows that argument to hold water.

This is absolutely wrong.

You can have an infinite amount of apples without having any oranges.

In all seriousness, I'm really excited about this. This may actually be The One I've been waiting for for years. The only way it could get better personally is if there was an orc tribe to save. :D

1)Have the 10 fey been chosen yet for the Fey Revisited book? If so any chance the Nixie made it in?

2)What Lovecraftian creatures(other then the Denezins and spiders) are actually from Leng?

3)What are a true Azlanti's racial modifiers?

4)Other then Demi-Gods, Demon Lords(and similar evil outsiders), and Kaiju what other examples can you give of "Mythic" creatures on/around Golarion?

5)So will the shattered star APs reveal what other uses the sky metals can have because it is obvious that many of them are not practical as weapons and/or armor?

6)Will we have to wait till the last AP of Shattered Star to find out what the Sihedron?

7)Have you had a chance to read the Pathfinder comic yet? If so what did you think?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

setzer9999 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:
Starflight. You get there in a couple hours, or a couple of days, regardless of the distance.
That works for monsters and magic, but not so much for science-powered starships like the one that crashed in Numeria.

That's interesting to limit the potential of technology. It's one thing to say specifically that the ship that crashed in Numeria and the civilization it came from is too limited to traverse existence with similar potency to magic, but to say it is impossible for any technology?

What can be accomplished by a civilization is really only a function of how much energy they can manipulate. I always really quite pictured high level and deific magic as fundamentally no different from super high sci-fi technology, but just tapping into vastly greater quantities of energy than most civilizations would ever come close to learning to harness.

I can conceive of a sci-fi/fantasy setting where a race learns to harness the very "stuff" of energy into a "quantum machine" of sorts and achieve divinity via their own forceful technological means. See "The Q" from Star Trek. If you can gather and manipulate enough energy, you should be able to "gate", and more, regardless of the label like "magic" or "technology". The Q refer to it simply as "powers".

And how cool is the idea of a vengeful super civilzation comprised of a technologically-ascended mega-consciousness that now stakes it's own claim in the Outer Sphere and makes a jealous war on the gods? I think pretty cool anyway.

Note that I didn't say technology can't equal or even exceed what a shantak does with starflight... just that if it does, it would use different rules. By making the mechanics of how magical interstellar flight works and the mechanics of how scientific interstellar flight works different, we make both options feel different in the game. Which is a good thing, because magic and science SHOULD feel different, I think.

Of course, there's always Arthur C Clark's "Sufficiently advanced technology would look like magic" quote... but still. A shantak and a spaceship are different, and their rules should be different.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

harmor wrote:


In this thread we discussed this, but wasn't conclusive. Wondering if you could help clear this up.

Which of these stack? How many times do they reroll when a d20 is called for?

Pugwampi's Grace (Inner Sea Magic)

Misfotune Hex (APG)

Ill Omen (APG)

Number of re-rolls for:

1) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex
2) Pugwampi's Grace + Ill Omen
3) Misfortune Hex + Ill Omen
4) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex + Ill Omen


I would say that they don't stack. Mostly because they're all very similar effects, and by not stacking, you don't slow the game down too much by making TOO many rolls have to happen.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:

Nae prob!

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

In previous editions of the game, the outer planes and the multiverse were basically called "infinite." And that's a concept that isn't accurate, because infinity implies an encompassing of everything. If Heaven is infinite, it's infinitely large and thus would have an infinite amount of contents, which would include all POSSIBLE contents, which means that there would be an infinite number of all the things on other planes and realities in Heaven. There would, for example, be an infinite number of Taco Bells in heaven. Now, obviously, that's not the intent of saying "heaven is an infinite plane," but phrasing it that way allows that argument to hold water.

This is absolutely wrong.

You can have an infinite amount of apples without having any oranges.

In all seriousness, I'm really excited about this. This may actually be The One I've been waiting for for years. The only way it could get better personally is if there was an orc tribe to save. :D

No orcs. Gotta save something for you to keep you buying our stuff, after all! Can't give you everything at once!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)Have the 10 fey been chosen yet for the Fey Revisited book? If so any chance the Nixie made it in?

2)What Lovecraftian creatures(other then the Denezins and spiders) are actually from Leng?

3)What are a true Azlanti's racial modifiers?

4)Other then Demi-Gods, Demon Lords(and similar evil outsiders), and Kaiju what other examples can you give of "Mythic" creatures on/around Golarion?

5)So will the shattered star APs reveal what other uses the sky metals can have because it is obvious that many of them are not practical as weapons and/or armor?

6)Will we have to wait till the last AP of Shattered Star to find out what the Sihedron?

7)Have you had a chance to read the Pathfinder comic yet? If so what did you think?

1) Yes; we chose the 10 fey for Fey Revisited a month or two ago. I'm not ready to reveal what choices we made though... mostly because I don't have that list memorized and I don't want to set false expectations by mus-remembering in public.

2) That depends if you're asking about Pathfinder's Leng (which will have a gazetteer in AP #65) or Lovecraft's Leng (which could be one of 3 locations in two different dimensions spread across 3 different continents...).

3) +2 to every Ability Score, as mentioned in Inner Sea World Guide.

4) The Oliphaunt of Jandelay. Arazni. Tar-Baphon. Great Old Ones.

5) Shattered Star #1 does that, actually. Some are good for weapons. Some are good for armor. Some are good for power sources. Some are good for poisons. Each of the 6 Shattered Star APs have a little bit of Skymetal stuff in them. Some more than others.

6) Yes.

7) Yes, I actually have script approval over the comic, so I get to read it before the art is even done. I quite love the comic.

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