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1)Will Ultimate Equipment have magic items from books other then the core line such as APs, Modules, Compaign setting books, etc.?

2)Other then Adamantine did any of the other sky metals make it into the Ultimate Equipment book?

3)If the Innersea Bestiary sells well enough, how long would we have to wait for a Tian Xia or Distant worlds Bestiary? a year? two years? more?

4)Will we ever see a "Combat of the Innersea" or "Magic of Tian Xia" books?

5)Will we found out what the next hardcover book after Ultimate Compaign will be at Gen Con or will we have to wait a while after that?

6)What kinds of monsters(bestairy in back) do we expect to get in the Shattered Star AP? Since all APs have "themes" for what monsters to get in the bestiary ex:Kingmaker(fey, plants, giants, magical beast)Carrion Crown(Undead, outsiders, lovecraftian horrors, etc.)

7)What does adamantine look like and does mithril rust?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:

Hey James, I have a few questions about the original intent and/or your take for the alchemist, specifically about the mutagen. I think the concept of it is pretty cool as there isn't much else in the game like it. At least I can't think of many (any?) other examples where there's only a soft-limit on the number of uses of the ability per day. Should we just assume it follows the same rules as brewing a potion, except with a fixed cost? So for example, you could adventure about and spend 2 hours making it, rather than sitting around in one location for an hour. If he's under the effect of a mutagen and starts to brew a second, does the first mutagen immediately end when he starts making the second mutagen? Or does it only end when he's done making the mutagen? Was the time to create the mutagen meant interact with Swift Alchemy at all? (So it would take only 30 minutes to make after 3rd level. I suspect I already know the intent though!)

One of the main issues people bring up with the class is that they see the mutagen as a once-per-day thing due to the hour necessary to create it, and after re-reading the ability a bit more critically, the above questions popped into my head.

The effects of a mutagen only go away once you drink a new mutagen. It's not something that can be shortened by Swift Alchemy.

If you want, you can use the ability multiple times a day, you just need to take an hour to switch things out.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steelfiredragon wrote:

slavery questionabout Katapesh.

of the pc races detailed in both the crb and arg( and what not races books ie blood of angels), which of them grabs the most profit?? and in what order do they value...

That depends on a lot more factors that merely race.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Winter_Born wrote:

Hey James!

Just getting into the Cthulhu mythos, and since I know you've been playing in the genre for sometime:

1) Besides the Lovecraft source, which fiction by other authors do you find essential?

2) Just picked up the CoC 6th edition game. Is the the version you'd recommend?

3) What other CoC gaming products do you find essential? There is a metric ton of it.

4) Are there any Cthulhu inspired films that you would recommend?


PS - My exposure so far has been the Call of Cthulhu short story last week, and taking that experience, we ran a game of Fiasco last night with a Cthulhu-themed set up called Cults of New England (http://rpggeek.com/rpgitem/88233/cults-of-new-england) which ended with my character shattered, out of Uni job due to the destruction of the sub basement, and the aspect of Cthulhu fading from this world (fizzled ritual), with my traitorous protege taking my tenured spot at the Uni, along with all my life's research. My first game of Fiasco, and a hilarious evening.

Oh and I saw The Haunted Palace with Vincent Price, loosely based I've heard on The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, which I enjoyed. I'm a sucker for that period of Corman films.

1) Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Robert Bloch, and Ramsey Campbell are my favorite non-Lovecraft writers who have written a fair amount of Lovecraftian fiction. Close runners up would include Fritz Leiber, Henrey Kuttner, Algernon Blackwood, Stephen King, Thomas Ligotti, Michael Shea, T. E. D. Klein, Robert Chambers, and William Hope Hodgson. August Derleth and Brian Lumley have written SOME good stuff, but there's a lot of "landmines" in their writing that take the mythos in directions I don't like.

2) Yes. Mostly because it's the one in print. There's very little difference between the editions; you can play a game with six people using a different edition of the game and it'll go fine with very little IF ANY problem.

3) Adventures. Due to the nature of the game, it's VERY difficult to "ad-lib" a Call of Cthulhu adventure. The investigation element, plus the fact that the adventures always have cool player handouts, makes using a published adventure really handy. And if you pick a region, it's always handy to buy regional sourcebooks. That all said, the main rulebook has several adventures and all you need to get started—from there, it's really a "go get the books that interest you the most." For me... that equates to all of them.

4) Alien. John Carpenter's The Thing. 2001. Re-Animator. From Beyond. The Call of Cthulhu. The Whisperer in Darkness. Blair Witch Project. The first Hellboy. The Resurrected. Prometheus. And if you like Corman movies... check out The Dunwich Horror!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)Will Ultimate Equipment have magic items from books other then the core line such as APs, Modules, Compaign setting books, etc.?

2)Other then Adamantine did any of the other sky metals make it into the Ultimate Equipment book?

3)If the Innersea Bestiary sells well enough, how long would we have to wait for a Tian Xia or Distant worlds Bestiary? a year? two years? more?

4)Will we ever see a "Combat of the Innersea" or "Magic of Tian Xia" books?

5)Will we found out what the next hardcover book after Ultimate Compaign will be at Gen Con or will we have to wait a while after that?

6)What kinds of monsters(bestairy in back) do we expect to get in the Shattered Star AP? Since all APs have "themes" for what monsters to get in the bestiary ex:Kingmaker(fey, plants, giants, magical beast)Carrion Crown(Undead, outsiders, lovecraftian horrors, etc.)

7)What does adamantine look like and does mithril rust?

1) A few, but not many. Its primary focus is stuff from the rulebook line.

2) None. All seven skymetals are detailed in Pathfinder #61, though.

3) Unclear. Chances of us doing an Inner Sea Bestiary 2 are greater than us doing a Tian Xia bestiary (see Bestiary 3 for that) or a Distant Worlds bestiary (of which there are a few in Inner Sea Bestiary anyway).

4) Maybe. What makes for a good "Inner Sea Magic" does not make a good "Combat of the Inner Sea" type book, though. There's some crossover, but not enough to simply duplicate that book but with non-magic stuff. Look to the Player's Companion line in the meantime; with books like Knights of the Inner Sea coming out soon... that itch will be scratched.

5) We plan to announce at least the next hardcover after Ultimate Campaign at Gen Con. Beyond that... I'm not willing to say much more than be patient. See... when we announce new books, that REALLY steals the thunder from other books that are coming out, and we want folks to be as excited if not MORE so for the books coming out next month as they might be for books coming out next year.

6) Monsters that have stronger roles in the adventures. There's not really any underlying theme beyond that.

7) Adamantine is flat black. Mithral does not rust.

James Jacobs wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:

slavery questionabout Katapesh.

of the pc races detailed in both the crb and arg( and what not races books ie blood of angels), which of them grabs the most profit?? and in what order do they value...

That depends on a lot more factors that merely race.

I supose that how attractive said character is???

what other factors??

Liberty's Edge

Hi James.
A question about magic items:

It is possible to make a Celestial mithral plate so that it become a light armor?
Or, to put it in another way:
it is possible to stack two effect that reduce the encumbrance of a heavy armor to medium and transform a heavy armor into a light armor?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steelfiredragon wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:

slavery questionabout Katapesh.

of the pc races detailed in both the crb and arg( and what not races books ie blood of angels), which of them grabs the most profit?? and in what order do they value...

That depends on a lot more factors that merely race.

I supose that how attractive said character is???

what other factors??

What level the character is.

What the job you need done is.



Ability Scores.

How submissive/easy to command the slave is.

Character class.

Personal preference.

To name just the ones off the top of my head...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:

Hi James.

A question about magic items:

It is possible to make a Celestial mithral plate so that it become a light armor?
Or, to put it in another way:
it is possible to stack two effect that reduce the encumbrance of a heavy armor to medium and transform a heavy armor into a light armor?

When designing magic items, you can do whatever you want. You just have to make sure that the pricing is right. A magic suit of armor that reduces something like full plate down to light armor could be designed... but it would need to be really expensive.

1)But would a rust monster's rust ability or rusting grasp spell effect mithril?

2)So AP#61 will have the the actual game stats, gp value, etc. on the sky metals? Will it give any other info about them like the history/background of humans(and maybe other races) first used them and how they figured it out?

3)Are there any plans for Paizo to take part in cons other then Paizo Con and Gen Con?

4)Any chance of seeing Pathfinder artbooks that use multiple artist instead of focusing on one?

5)Is the Wolfwere or Water Weird closed content?

The only thing that could make me more excited about a hardcover other then Ultimate Equipment would be a Bestiary 4 ...well maybe a hardcover book for Psionics.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
but I also read sci-fi and fantasy now and then, but also non-fiction as well, particularly stuff about movies or directors.

Have you read Ed Wood's biography or seen the recent movie about him?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)But would a rust monster's rust ability or rusting grasp spell effect mithril?

2)So AP#61 will have the the actual game stats, gp value, etc. on the sky metals? Will it give any other info about them like the history/background of humans(and maybe other races) first used them and how they figured it out?

3)Are there any plans for Paizo to take part in cons other then Paizo Con and Gen Con?

4)Any chance of seeing Pathfinder artbooks that use multiple artist instead of focusing on one?

5)Is the Wolfwere or Water Weird closed content?

The only thing that could make me more excited about a hardcover other then Ultimate Equipment would be a Bestiary 4 ...well maybe a hardcover book for Psionics.

1) The rust monster's rust ability specifically says that it can affect ANY metal. Mithral is a metal, therefore it can be corroded by the monster. Rusting grasp, on the other hand, specifically says it targets iron or iron alloys, so that spell could NOT harm mithral (or gold or adamanitne or other non-ferrous metals, for that matter). Left on its own, mithral doesn't naturally rust, in any event.

2) Yes. All seven sky metals have game stats in Pathfinder #61. There's not much more about them, but the entire AP has examples of how Thassilon used all seven types in their constructions.

3) Not on the scale we take part in for PaizoCon and Gen Con. PAX comes close, I guess... We generally send one or maybe 2 or 3 employees to a LOT of conventions though... and not just ones in the USA. We send folks to cons in Australia, Europe, Asia, and so on as well.

4) Unlikely, but we'll see how folks react to "The Art of Wayne Reynolds" and then go from there. In our experience, art books like the one you suggest simply don't sell well.

5) Wolfweres are from mythology (I believe) and are in Tome of Horrors in any case; they're open content. Water weirds got statted up in Monster Manual 2, and as such are NOT open content.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
but I also read sci-fi and fantasy now and then, but also non-fiction as well, particularly stuff about movies or directors.
Have you read Ed Wood's biography or seen the recent movie about him?


But those weren't the water weirds I remember from 2nd edition that were snake like instead of the powerful female elementals from 3rd ed.

Well hopefully Ultimate Equipment has a magical proberty for metal weapons/armor/etc. that protects from rusting effects like from a rust monster.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So, a question about item creation. Is there a necessary minimum level to craft wondrous items? I had always though that you couldn't craft anything that was a higher CL than your character level, but rereading the rules I'm not sure. So could for example a 5th level sorcerer craft a Phylactery of Positive channeling (by adding 5 to the DC to ignore the 10th level cleric requirement) even though they're below the CL (10) for that item? (Crafting rules should be in teh Core Rulebook for reference, I know you generally prefer the books referenced be given).

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:

Hi James.

A question about magic items:

It is possible to make a Celestial mithral plate so that it become a light armor?
Or, to put it in another way:
it is possible to stack two effect that reduce the encumbrance of a heavy armor to medium and transform a heavy armor into a light armor?

When designing magic items, you can do whatever you want. You just have to make sure that the pricing is right. A magic suit of armor that reduces something like full plate down to light armor could be designed... but it would need to be really expensive.

It is not something that I want to make, I feel that stacking 2 encumbrance reduction is excessive, especially at the low cost of simply adding mithral to a celestial plate armor. I was simply amazed at how some poster take this item for granted: "Any high level paladin will have celestial mithral plate armor." ....

James Jacobs wrote:
4) Unlikely, but we'll see how folks react to "The Art of Wayne Reynolds" and then go from there. In our experience, art books like the one you suggest simply don't sell well.

I don't follow the non gaming material annuncements with so much attention, so I have missed it. When it will be printed?

It will be a good Christmas present for a friend.

Found it: October, so probably it will be delivered to me in mid November. Acceptable. Preordered.

@Stratagemini: you can find a discussion about that here.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:

But those weren't the water weirds I remember from 2nd edition that were snake like instead of the powerful female elementals from 3rd ed.

Well hopefully Ultimate Equipment has a magical proberty for metal weapons/armor/etc. that protects from rusting effects like from a rust monster.

Unfortunately, when Wizards of the Coast decided to update the water weird to 3rd edition, they went with a completely different route than the 1st/2nd edition snake version. In any event, both versions are not open content, so this is a case where you can't even use the D&D version. Which kinda sucks, bu that's what it is.

One good way to protect from rusting effects from a rust monster is to use weapons like quarterstaves, which are made of wood.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Stratagemini wrote:
So, a question about item creation. Is there a necessary minimum level to craft wondrous items? I had always though that you couldn't craft anything that was a higher CL than your character level, but rereading the rules I'm not sure. So could for example a 5th level sorcerer craft a Phylactery of Positive channeling (by adding 5 to the DC to ignore the 10th level cleric requirement) even though they're below the CL (10) for that item? (Crafting rules should be in teh Core Rulebook for reference, I know you generally prefer the books referenced be given).

Frankly, I'm not all that up to speed on the intriciacies of item creation as a player character... I do all my item creation as a designer or a GM these days. My preference is that the minimum caster level DOES matter, and that it shouldn't be something you can fake.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
So, a question about item creation. Is there a necessary minimum level to craft wondrous items? I had always though that you couldn't craft anything that was a higher CL than your character level, but rereading the rules I'm not sure. So could for example a 5th level sorcerer craft a Phylactery of Positive channeling (by adding 5 to the DC to ignore the 10th level cleric requirement) even though they're below the CL (10) for that item? (Crafting rules should be in teh Core Rulebook for reference, I know you generally prefer the books referenced be given).
Frankly, I'm not all that up to speed on the intriciacies of item creation as a player character... I do all my item creation as a designer or a GM these days. My preference is that the minimum caster level DOES matter, and that it shouldn't be something you can fake.

I suspect that at the minimum the DC adjustment would be at least +10, because not only are you lacking the caster level, you're lacking the spells you need to complete the item and that's a +5 for each spell you're missing.

What was the coolest thing you owned when you were ten years old?

What's the coolest thing you own now?

And here's the tricky one: Which of those things is/was cooler?

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
So, a question about item creation. Is there a necessary minimum level to craft wondrous items? I had always though that you couldn't craft anything that was a higher CL than your character level, but rereading the rules I'm not sure. So could for example a 5th level sorcerer craft a Phylactery of Positive channeling (by adding 5 to the DC to ignore the 10th level cleric requirement) even though they're below the CL (10) for that item? (Crafting rules should be in teh Core Rulebook for reference, I know you generally prefer the books referenced be given).
Frankly, I'm not all that up to speed on the intriciacies of item creation as a player character... I do all my item creation as a designer or a GM these days. My preference is that the minimum caster level DOES matter, and that it shouldn't be something you can fake.
I suspect that at the minimum the DC adjustment would be at least +10, because not only are you lacking the caster level, you're lacking the spells you need to complete the item and that's a +5 for each spell you're missing.

Honestly, I do things a little different. If someone wants to craft an item higher than their level, I enforce the +5 rule for every level they lack. So a 5th level Sorcerer would have a +25 to the craft DC for not being a 10th level caster, and another +5 for not being a 10th level cleric. This brings the DC for a 5th level Sorcerer to craft a phylactery of positive channeling to DC 45 (Base 5 + CL 10 + 30 modifiers). Quite a difficult feat indeed, and out of range for any 5th level Sorcerer to make. Hope he enjoys his cursed item.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gregg Helmberger wrote:

What was the coolest thing you owned when you were ten years old?

What's the coolest thing you own now?

And here's the tricky one: Which of those things is/was cooler?

At 10, my favorite possession was my Monster Manual.

Today, I'd probably have to say that would be the original artwork for Merisiel, or maybe my iMac, or perhaps my supersized H. P. Lovecraft art book, or why not the Engel box?

I have cooler stuff today than I did growing up, I would say.

Dragon78 wrote:

Well hopefully Ultimate Equipment has a magical proberty for metal weapons/armor/etc. that protects from rusting effects like from a rust monster.

The player companion, "Qadira: Gateway to the East", has such a substance, Silversheen. However, it's stated to only be for blades, so it has some restriction on use.

yeah and the crb has silversheen that states its an alcehmical substance....

I think the crb one blows and I prefer the Qadira one...

Sniggevert wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Well hopefully Ultimate Equipment has a magical proberty for metal weapons/armor/etc. that protects from rusting effects like from a rust monster.
The player companion, "Qadira: Gateway to the East", has such a substance, Silversheen. However, it's stated to only be for blades, so it has some restriction on use.

There was a 3.5 Forgotten Realms armor enhancement that did that - Everbright. It was a +1 enhancement to armor that made it really shiny, immune to rust and acid attacks, gave resistance to acid 5 to it's wearer. Prereq was craft magic arms and armor, and 12th level caster. I'm sure that could be easily adapted to a Golarion campaign.

there were two actually in dnd 3.x, the everbright as already mentioned above, and the blueshine which granted a +5 bonus to stealth and armor is immune to acid and rust.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

It's also worth remembering that in Pathfinder, it's a LOT LOT LOT easier to repair a broken or destroyed weapon. Even a magic one. So while it can indeed suck to have your favorite sword broken or destroyed by a rust monster, it's just a second level spell (make whole) to fix it. Of course... for REALLY powerful weapons (above CL 10th) you'll need more powerful magic... but by the point you're carrying things like that around, a CR 3 rust monster isn't gonna be around long enough to break your weapon in the first place.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
It's also worth remembering that in Pathfinder, it's a LOT LOT LOT easier to repair a broken or destroyed weapon. Even a magic one. So while it can indeed suck to have your favorite sword broken or destroyed by a rust monster, it's just a second level spell (make whole) to fix it. Of course... for REALLY powerful weapons (above CL 10th) you'll need more powerful magic... but by the point you're carrying things like that around, a CR 3 rust monster isn't gonna be around long enough to break your weapon in the first place.

You have been around long enough that you know that the PC can beat impossible odds and then get to be bested by seemingly inconsequential enemies. :-)

I wouldn't be surprised by a high level group doing something dumb and getting one or two weapons destroyed by a rust monsters.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
It's also worth remembering that in Pathfinder, it's a LOT LOT LOT easier to repair a broken or destroyed weapon. Even a magic one. So while it can indeed suck to have your favorite sword broken or destroyed by a rust monster, it's just a second level spell (make whole) to fix it. Of course... for REALLY powerful weapons (above CL 10th) you'll need more powerful magic... but by the point you're carrying things like that around, a CR 3 rust monster isn't gonna be around long enough to break your weapon in the first place.

You have been around long enough that you know that the PC can beat impossible odds and then get to be bested by seemingly inconsequential enemies. :-)

I wouldn't be surprised by a high level group doing something dumb and getting one or two weapons destroyed by a rust monsters.

Yes... but I try not to amend everything I write on these boards with stingers and "what ifs" because it generally isn't worth the effort.

In the vast majority of cases, once you have weapons that can't be fixed by make whole, you won't have much to worry about when the rust monster shows up.

James Jacobs wrote:

At 10, my favorite possession was my Monster Manual.

Today, I'd probably have to say that would be the original artwork for Merisiel, or maybe my iMac, or perhaps my supersized H. P. Lovecraft art book, or why not the Engel box?

I have cooler stuff today than I did growing up, I would say.

OK, I've given it some thought and the only thing I can think of for "Engel box" is the coffin containing the mortal remains of the co-author of The Communist Manifesto, and I'm pretty sure I'd have heard about it if you had that. Can you explain?

I recently watched the anime Kenichi - Histories Mightiest Disciple, when I saw this character named Siegfried. He sings while he's fighting, claiming he channels the emotions of his victims into beautiful melodies. However, he's called the Immortal Composer because he seems to be a zombie. People could beat him all they want, and he'd always return to the fight because nothing seemed to hurt him.

He was actually 'faking' the hits. He'd mimic the body movements the blows would inflict, while just barely avoiding them, to trick the people into thinking he was taking damage, but having no discernible wounds.

I was wondering, in your opinion, could such an enemy be possible? In the anime, I only ever saw him fight 1 on 1, so I imagine it could be mimicked somewhat with a readied action, can you think of any other way to do it?

[Edit] BTW, Siegfried hums Night on Bald Mountain while fighting to add to the creepy factor.

Will you be tuning in to the Protecting Project Pulp podcast?

Tels wrote:

I recently watched the anime Kenichi - Histories Mightiest Disciple, when I saw this character named Siegfried. He sings while he's fighting, claiming he channels the emotions of his victims into beautiful melodies. However, he's called the Immortal Composer because he seems to be a zombie. People could beat him all they want, and he'd always return to the fight because nothing seemed to hurt him.

He was actually 'faking' the hits. He'd mimic the body movements the blows would inflict, while just barely avoiding them, to trick the people into thinking he was taking damage, but having no discernible wounds.

I was wondering, in your opinion, could such an enemy be possible? In the anime, I only ever saw him fight 1 on 1, so I imagine it could be mimicked somewhat with a readied action, can you think of any other way to do it?

[Edit] BTW, Siegfried hums Night on Bald Mountain while fighting to add to the creepy factor.

My gut instinct is that it would fail because the people trying to land the blows would feel the lack of impact... but I'm no martial artist.

Silver Crusade

Other than the Lyrune-Quah of the Shoanti, what barbarian tribes would you say are most likely to have traditions or history likely to produce celestial-touched or "paladin-level Good" good barbarians?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gregg Helmberger wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

At 10, my favorite possession was my Monster Manual.

Today, I'd probably have to say that would be the original artwork for Merisiel, or maybe my iMac, or perhaps my supersized H. P. Lovecraft art book, or why not the Engel box?

I have cooler stuff today than I did growing up, I would say.

OK, I've given it some thought and the only thing I can think of for "Engel box" is the coffin containing the mortal remains of the co-author of The Communist Manifesto, and I'm pretty sure I'd have heard about it if you had that. Can you explain?

I suppose it helps if I spell it correctly...

Angell Box

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:

I recently watched the anime Kenichi - Histories Mightiest Disciple, when I saw this character named Siegfried. He sings while he's fighting, claiming he channels the emotions of his victims into beautiful melodies. However, he's called the Immortal Composer because he seems to be a zombie. People could beat him all they want, and he'd always return to the fight because nothing seemed to hurt him.

He was actually 'faking' the hits. He'd mimic the body movements the blows would inflict, while just barely avoiding them, to trick the people into thinking he was taking damage, but having no discernible wounds.

I was wondering, in your opinion, could such an enemy be possible? In the anime, I only ever saw him fight 1 on 1, so I imagine it could be mimicked somewhat with a readied action, can you think of any other way to do it?

[Edit] BTW, Siegfried hums Night on Bald Mountain while fighting to add to the creepy factor.

A high level bard's probably the best way to emulate this character, I guess... to a certain extent his skill at fighting and magical powers can be duplicated by just changing the flavor text of how bardic performances work?

Another option, of course, is to just stat him up as a unique monster, in which case you can make his abilities do exactly what you want.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kajehase wrote:
Will you be tuning in to the Protecting Project Pulp podcast?

Never heard of it.

I don't really listen to podcasts at all, though, so probably not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
Other than the Lyrune-Quah of the Shoanti, what barbarian tribes would you say are most likely to have traditions or history likely to produce celestial-touched or "paladin-level Good" good barbarians?

Barbarians have to be chaotic, so no barbarian tribe will be duplicating an actual paladin.

But as for very very good aligned barbarians... there are tribes among the Shoanti that would do it. Also some tribes in the Mwangi that have affiliations with Jatembe, or some tribes in the Mammoth Lords/Worldwound region that crusade against demons.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Other than the Lyrune-Quah of the Shoanti, what barbarian tribes would you say are most likely to have traditions or history likely to produce celestial-touched or "paladin-level Good" good barbarians?

Barbarians have to be chaotic, so no barbarian tribe will be duplicating an actual paladin.

But as for very very good aligned barbarians... there are tribes among the Shoanti that would do it. Also some tribes in the Mwangi that have affiliations with Jatembe, or some tribes in the Mammoth Lords/Worldwound region that crusade against demons.

Oh no, I didn't mean the lawful bits. Just the good. :)

Now I'm that much more curious about Jatembe's legacy and hte tribes that are keeping it alive! (never considered the Mammoth Lords on the Worldwound border before...hmmm...)

James Jacobs wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Will you be tuning in to the Protecting Project Pulp podcast?

Never heard of it.

I don't really listen to podcasts at all, though, so probably not.

It's a newly started podcast produced by the guy behind Starship Sofa (y'know, the one who ran the other James's novella a while back), but with a different host, focused on playing old Pulp stories.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Other than the Lyrune-Quah of the Shoanti, what barbarian tribes would you say are most likely to have traditions or history likely to produce celestial-touched or "paladin-level Good" good barbarians?

Barbarians have to be chaotic, so no barbarian tribe will be duplicating an actual paladin.

But as for very very good aligned barbarians... there are tribes among the Shoanti that would do it. Also some tribes in the Mwangi that have affiliations with Jatembe, or some tribes in the Mammoth Lords/Worldwound region that crusade against demons.

Are they actually "good" per se, or have just picked a worthy target to focus their hate on? Barbaric tribes by nature do tend to be xenophobic.

James Jacobs wrote:

I suppose it helps if I spell it correctly...

Angell Box

Oh AWESOME. I've wanted that since I first heard about it. Wow!

Our group has a couple of questions about the Paladins.

1: Does the damage from Smite Evil power (+1 damage per level vs. evil) stack with the damage bonus from a weapon with the Holy property (additional 2d6 of damage vs. evil)?

2: The description of the Divine Bond power for a weapon indicates it takes a standard action to invoke but similar abilities often can be invoked as a swift action or less (see examples below). Has the standard action requirement for the Divine Bond power been changed to a swift action?

A: Arcane Archer: Enhance Arrows power – automatic
B: Magus: Arcane Pool power – swift action
C: Feat: Arcane Strike – swift action

Silver Crusade

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Other than the Lyrune-Quah of the Shoanti, what barbarian tribes would you say are most likely to have traditions or history likely to produce celestial-touched or "paladin-level Good" good barbarians?

Barbarians have to be chaotic, so no barbarian tribe will be duplicating an actual paladin.

But as for very very good aligned barbarians... there are tribes among the Shoanti that would do it. Also some tribes in the Mwangi that have affiliations with Jatembe, or some tribes in the Mammoth Lords/Worldwound region that crusade against demons.

Are they actually "good" per se, or have just picked a worthy target to focus their hate on? Barbaric tribes by nature do tend to be xenophobic.

So are dwarves, but they still get a pass when it comes to labelling races or cultures as "goodly".

Lyrune-Quah and Mwangi tribes taking after Jatembe don't really sound like they need to focus any "hate" any "acceptable" targets to come across as Good. They could just be Good.

Is Dwarven culture as a whole in Golarion xenophobic?

Silver Crusade

Probably moreso than all the various barbarian cultures taken as a whole.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
Is Dwarven culture as a whole in Golarion xenophobic?

Mostly towards elves I think. But the longears deserve it. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Other than the Lyrune-Quah of the Shoanti, what barbarian tribes would you say are most likely to have traditions or history likely to produce celestial-touched or "paladin-level Good" good barbarians?

Barbarians have to be chaotic, so no barbarian tribe will be duplicating an actual paladin.

But as for very very good aligned barbarians... there are tribes among the Shoanti that would do it. Also some tribes in the Mwangi that have affiliations with Jatembe, or some tribes in the Mammoth Lords/Worldwound region that crusade against demons.

Are they actually "good" per se, or have just picked a worthy target to focus their hate on? Barbaric tribes by nature do tend to be xenophobic.

There are some actually Chaotic Good barbarian tribes among the Mammoth Lords. Just as there are some Chaotic Evil ones. The vast majority are Chaotic Neutral.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
jesterle wrote:

Our group has a couple of questions about the Paladins.

1: Does the damage from Smite Evil power (+1 damage per level vs. evil) stack with the damage bonus from a weapon with the Holy property (additional 2d6 of damage vs. evil)?

2: The description of the Divine Bond power for a weapon indicates it takes a standard action to invoke but similar abilities often can be invoked as a swift action or less (see examples below). Has the standard action requirement for the Divine Bond power been changed to a swift action?

A: Arcane Archer: Enhance Arrows power – automatic
B: Magus: Arcane Pool power – swift action
C: Feat: Arcane Strike – swift action

1) Yes, it stacks.

2) Nope; Divine Bond is a standard action. It's a different power than the ones those other classes get.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
Is Dwarven culture as a whole in Golarion xenophobic?

Not as a whole, no.

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