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James, does stone age adventuring interest you?
Does a system where magic items don't exist but the gods bless the brave with magical powers that mimick magic items interest you?
Would a setting with both of the above and dinosaurs interest you?
It absolutely interests me.
In fact, I've toyed with building a d20 Primeval game for a long, long time. Such a game would be a pretty solid complete redo of the rules—the races would be limited to a couple of human species, classes would be hunter, gatherer, and shaman, and the concept of gods wouldn't exist for PCs—it'd be all animism and the like. There would absolutely be dinosaurs and megafauna... and there'd be "bad guy races" like serpentfolk and troglodytes who WOULD have deities and advanced magic and the like that wouldn't really be availalbe to the PCs.
I've never gone ahead with the game simply because it's really hard to find a group of players who are interested in playing cavemen while the bad guys have more powerful stuff.

Zoe Oakeshott |

Zoe Oakeshott wrote:James, does stone age adventuring interest you?
Does a system where magic items don't exist but the gods bless the brave with magical powers that mimick magic items interest you?
Would a setting with both of the above and dinosaurs interest you?
It absolutely interests me.
In fact, I've toyed with building a d20 Primeval game for a long, long time. Such a game would be a pretty solid complete redo of the rules—the races would be limited to a couple of human species, classes would be hunter, gatherer, and shaman, and the concept of gods wouldn't exist for PCs—it'd be all animism and the like. There would absolutely be dinosaurs and megafauna... and there'd be "bad guy races" like serpentfolk and troglodytes who WOULD have deities and advanced magic and the like that wouldn't really be availalbe to the PCs.
I've never gone ahead with the game simply because it's really hard to find a group of players who are interested in playing cavemen while the bad guys have more powerful stuff.
I'm working on a primeval Pathfinder setting, but I'm making different design choices. First off, the concept of gods exists because they showed themselves. Animism is common, but it's not connected to the gods, it's connected to superstitions. There is only one race, the Tanari, who are humanoids descended from dragons. Tanari do use magic, but it isn't split between
arcane and divine. I have eight classes planned, the Sorcerer, Witch, Warrior (Fighter), Brave (Barbarian), Hunter (Ranger), Shaman (Druidic Clerics), Keeper (Savage Bards), and Trickster (Magical Rogues heavily based off of the Ninja class). Magic items don't exist, but the gods reward the courageous with magic powers, so characters are as powerful as if they did have magic items. The campaign setting is E10 (E6 with a higher level), so the classes only go up to 10th level.A complete rules redo isn't necessary, because I have spellcasters. I just need to add in defense bonuses to replace armor and redo weapons lists, as well as finish the classes, and it's ready. Oh, and the setting has dinosaurs and megafauna.
Anyway, James, have you ever heard of E6? Would you ever play E6? Do you like the idea of E6?

Jeff de luna |

James Jacobs wrote:You have a basement lair at work? Or a nice desk sans cubicle on the main floor?Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Why are you not quoted often in the "Overheard at the Paizo office" thread?Because that thread's like 98% upstairs quotes.
Wow, that reminds me of Stross's Laundry books. If you read them, you'd know... Have you read them, James? They'd be kinda your thing, given the whole Cthulhu angle in them.

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Anyway, James, have you ever heard of E6? Would you ever play E6? Do you like the idea of E6?
I have heard of E6, but I prefer playing normal Pathfinder. I don't have a problem with playing and running high level games, and if I want a low-magic, grittier game, I'll just play a different game entirely.

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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Wow, that reminds me of Stross's Laundry books. If you read them, you'd know... Have you read them, James? They'd be kinda your thing, given the whole Cthulhu angle in them.James Jacobs wrote:You have a basement lair at work? Or a nice desk sans cubicle on the main floor?Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Why are you not quoted often in the "Overheard at the Paizo office" thread?Because that thread's like 98% upstairs quotes.
I have not! I am intrigued!

Dragon78 |

I wouldn't mind a stone age adventure but I would keep the follow classes Barbarian, Druid, Ranger, Rouge, Sorcerer, Oracle, Witch, and maybe Fighter, Bard, Cleric, and/or Summoner with the right archtypes, domains, other modifications, etc.
1)Do you have a least favorite Dinosaur?
2)Why don't you like Jonny Quest?
3)Do you like the Batman animated series and/or the Tick?
4)Did you ever consider giving Golarian more then one moon?
5)Are there any movies you have seen lately that you would recommend?
6)Any old school fantasy movies that you recommend?
7)Do you have a least favorite Godzilla movie?

Sinosaur |

That varies from campaign to campaign, since as a general rule, NPCs do NOT earn XP. They gain levels only when the GM says.
And the rate at which PCs gain levels depends on each particular game.
We outline the spread of levels in Golarion on page 253 of the Inner Sea World Guide.
Thank you for pointing out that section of the Inner Sea World Guide, I'm reading through it slowly and haven't gotten out of the nations yet since I only got it a few weeks ago, it more or less answered my question exactly.
New questions:
1) What are you favorite sort of wonderous items?
2) What's the most creative use you've seen for a magic item?
3) Do you like to have your characters give names to their favorite weapons?

Void Munchkin |

Zoe Oakeshott wrote:James, does stone age adventuring interest you?
Does a system where magic items don't exist but the gods bless the brave with magical powers that mimick magic items interest you?
Would a setting with both of the above and dinosaurs interest you?
It absolutely interests me.
In fact, I've toyed with building a d20 Primeval game for a long, long time. Such a game would be a pretty solid complete redo of the rules—the races would be limited to a couple of human species, classes would be hunter, gatherer, and shaman, and the concept of gods wouldn't exist for PCs—it'd be all animism and the like. There would absolutely be dinosaurs and megafauna... and there'd be "bad guy races" like serpentfolk and troglodytes who WOULD have deities and advanced magic and the like that wouldn't really be availalbe to the PCs.
I've never gone ahead with the game simply because it's really hard to find a group of players who are interested in playing cavemen while the bad guys have more powerful stuff.
.NPC classes vs PC classes? Cavemen vs Aliens? Cavemen vs Demons/Devils? Men vs Nature? Cavemen vs what's outside that cave?

Dragon78 |

1)When are going to get an official announcement of Ultimate Equipment and when will we it get it's own section?
2)Is there any place on this site that talks about the new Pathfinder comic? Where/when was it announced?
3)Is there any chance of a Golarion specific mini bestiary? maybe in the campaign setting line.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1)Do you have a least favorite Dinosaur?
2)Why don't you like Jonny Quest?
3)Do you like the Batman animated series and/or the Tick?
4)Did you ever consider giving Golarian more then one moon?
5)Are there any movies you have seen lately that you would recommend?
6)Any old school fantasy movies that you recommend?
7)Do you have a least favorite Godzilla movie?
1) Nope.
2) For all the reasons Venture Brothers makes fun of it.
3) Yes... although not enough to want to watch all of the episodes or track them down on DVD or Netflix.
4) No. Because the complications to tides and lycanthropy and calendars and cultures and more would DRASTICALLY offset the negligible advantages of having more than one moon.
5) The Grey: Just saw this last weekend and it's REALLY good. Great ending. Made some chucklehead in my theater cry out in frustrated anger. Good times.
6) Conan the Barbarian. Seventh Voyage of Sinbad. Clash of the Titans (NOT the remake!!!!). Dragonslayer. Jason and the Argonauts. Beastmaster.
7) Godzilla's Revenge. It's basically a clip show of other Godzilla movies. Lame.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you for pointing out that section of the Inner Sea World Guide, I'm reading through it slowly and haven't gotten out of the nations yet since I only got it a few weeks ago, it more or less answered my question exactly.
New questions:
1) What are you favorite sort of wonderous items?2) What's the most creative use you've seen for a magic item?
3) Do you like to have your characters give names to their favorite weapons?
1) Ones that let you do things you can't normally do with spells or class abilities. Apparatus of the crab, figurines of wondrous power, mirror of lifetrapping, that kind of stuff. The opposite of spell in a can, I guess.
2) Tomb of Horrors; the player went into the wrong entrance and got sealed in. His only way to escape was to wait for a chance to regain spells in 16 or so hours and prepare word of recall or some other escape spell, but he'd run out of air in 12 or so hours. So he waited almost 12 hours, then filled the chamber he was trapped in up with water from his decanter of endless water, cast water breathing, and endured the last 4 hours in the water before praying/preparing his escape.
3) Sometimes. Depends on the character.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1)When are going to get an official announcement of Ultimate Equipment and when will we it get it's own section?
2)Is there any place on this site that talks about the new Pathfinder comic? Where/when was it announced?
3)Is there any chance of a Golarion specific mini bestiary? maybe in the campaign setting line.
1) Probably sometime pretty soon; within the next month maybe? Dunno... I don't normally take part in the announcement schedule scene.
2) Not yet; there's not much to say about it yet.
3) Yes. A very good chance. A very VERY good chance.

Justin Franklin |

James Jacobs wrote:The REAL question is "How many PMs asking about unannounced products will it take before James blocks you from sending him PMs?"Not James Jacobs, but just one.
How do you like that? For once, someone answered YOUR question!
*Puts on sunglasses. Is nighttime.*
I would think it would take 3. But maybe I am just being optimistic. ;)

Golden-Esque |

Golden-Esque wrote:James Jacobs wrote:The REAL question is "How many PMs asking about unannounced products will it take before James blocks you from sending him PMs?"Not James Jacobs, but just one.
How do you like that? For once, someone answered YOUR question!
*Puts on sunglasses. Is nighttime.*
I would think it would take 3. But maybe I am just being optimistic. ;)
You most certainly are. That's the kind of mistake that gets you eaten by the Creative Director. Who happens to be a dinosaur.

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Diego Rossi wrote:Ammunition isn't the same as a stored item. There are special rules for ammunition. Making the assumption that when we say "stored item" we also mean "ammunition" (which we generally don't mean ever) DOES basically negate the build of any ranged weapon oracle, and it DOES unnecessarily punish a specific type of build, so my preference and suggestion would be to limit the effects of the haunted curse to stored items. The oracle's bow would count... she'd need a standard action to draw her bow. But once that's out, her arrows should be no more difficult to draw and fire than an axe is to raise up and chop.James, I would like an opinion.
I have a Oracle with the Haunted curse. On the basis of this thread she is arguing that drawing a weapon or a arrow should not fall under the effects of her curse.
To me it seem that that would remove most of the drawback of the curse, especially as with the item creation feats a lot of stuff can be created in the form of a weapon (and then we fall in problematic areas like "the alchemist fire is a weapon when retrieved to be launched at a enemy, but a tool when retrieved to be used to start a fire").So what do you think is the RAI of that curse? It should affect weapons or the words "Retrieving any stored item" are referred to equipment and not weapons?
Thanks for the reply.
So retrieving a weapon will always be a standard action but she could use a a bow or a crossbow without problems after she has draw it?
What happen with throw weapons?

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Zoe Oakeshott wrote:James, does stone age adventuring interest you?
Does a system where magic items don't exist but the gods bless the brave with magical powers that mimick magic items interest you?
Would a setting with both of the above and dinosaurs interest you?
It absolutely interests me.
In fact, I've toyed with building a d20 Primeval game for a long, long time. Such a game would be a pretty solid complete redo of the rules—the races would be limited to a couple of human species, classes would be hunter, gatherer, and shaman, and the concept of gods wouldn't exist for PCs—it'd be all animism and the like. There would absolutely be dinosaurs and megafauna... and there'd be "bad guy races" like serpentfolk and troglodytes who WOULD have deities and advanced magic and the like that wouldn't really be availalbe to the PCs.
I've never gone ahead with the game simply because it's really hard to find a group of players who are interested in playing cavemen while the bad guys have more powerful stuff.
But the core of D&D isn't finding people with more powerful stuff, kill them, take it from their cold finger and use it against the next foe?
Munchkin for the win. :DA primitive world RPG is absolutely not my kind of game. I agree with Cohen the Barbarian about civilization: "hot water,good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper" are the best things in life. I would add heating tot he list.

Jeff de luna |

Jeff de luna wrote:I have not! I am intrigued!Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Wow, that reminds me of Stross's Laundry books. If you read them, you'd know... Have you read them, James? They'd be kinda your thing, given the whole Cthulhu angle in them.James Jacobs wrote:You have a basement lair at work? Or a nice desk sans cubicle on the main floor?Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Why are you not quoted often in the "Overheard at the Paizo office" thread?Because that thread's like 98% upstairs quotes.
Well, they combine spy thrillers, hackerish science fiction, and Lovecraftian horror. A poorly funded British intelligence agency fights the good (well, morally complex) fight against the Great Old Ones. Math and complex computer programs plus weird gadgets have replaced summoning circles and spells, but they work the same way... It's not 100% serious, but the scary bits are still scary.
I'm sure there must be other fans in this messageboard. There's also the CoC/BRP rules that Cubicle 7 came out with for the universe, which are neat. Apparently Stross hadn't heard of Delta Green before writing the first book in the series, but he references it in later ones.

Evil Midnight Lurker |

Matrixryu wrote:I'm just curious: what happens when a reincarnate spell is cast on a Samsaran? I'm guessing that instead of the standard 'random race table' it would have a very high chance of having the target come back as a new young adult Samsaran?The reincarnate spell works normally on a samsaran, unless that samsaran has ALREADY reincarnated (this would be the samsaran version of any other race choosing not to be reincarnated—aka having been judged by Pharasma).
So... does a samsaran who allows himself to be spell-reincarnated as another race permanently forfeit his samsaran-ness (samsaranitude?) or will he, upon subsequent "permanent" death, reenter the samsaran cycle anyway?

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Justin Franklin wrote:How many PMs would it take to find out what the HCs that will be announced at PaizoCon are? ;)The REAL question is "How many PMs asking about unannounced products will it take before James blocks you from sending him PMs?"
O_O when did pms get added to the paizo site?

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Wow, that reminds me of Stross's Laundry books. If you read them, you'd know... Have you read them, James? They'd be kinda your thing, given the whole Cthulhu angle in them.
Great series! Last Cthulhu game I played in used the series as the hook. Lots of fun and shows how modern computer science can be applied.

Kajehase |

A few questions about Magnimar and its city council.
1.) What are the criteria for being elected to the city council?
2.) Who gets to vote people into the council?
3a.) For how long is a council-member elected?
3b.) Are all council-members elected for an equally long period, or are there different kinds of seats? (Like an upper and lower chamber of the kind you have in the US, or a situation like we had in Sweden back before and a bit into the 19th century, with all nobles being automatic members, to pick two examples).

Timothy Ferdinand |

First off, Bestiary 3 is fantastic, thanks so much, all the monsters I was hoping to see! Next a question which may be dumb, in which case my apology: I think I am correct to assume that demons are effectively "immortal". As a "half fiend" is half demon crossed with some other race/species, what would the life expectancy of a half fiend be? For example, would a half fiend/half human (1) be immortal, (2) have a normal human life expectancy or (3) have some extended life expectancy? I note that a nephilim (half god/half human) lives for up to 600 years, so would a half fiend/half human live a similar lifespan? thanks

Kavren Stark |

Zoe Oakeshott wrote:Is there chocolate in Golarion?Absolutely!
Do they grow it in Garund, Vudra, and/or southern Tian Xia, or is it only available as a (presumably) fantastically expensive import from the tropical regions of Arcadia, the way chocolate in the real world was from Central America when the Spanish first brought it to Europe? Or are Golarion cacao trees different enough from the real-world version to be grown in temperate climates like Avistan's?
5) The Grey: Just saw this last weekend and it's REALLY good. Great ending. Made some chucklehead in my theater cry out in frustrated anger. Good times.
I'm rather sorry to hear that one was good, since I'm boycotting it. Whatever else it may be, it's in part a propaganda piece for the anti-environment jackwagons that think pulling North America's keystone carnivore species back from the brink of extinction in the continental U.S. was a mistake, and want to eliminate all legal protection of that species so they can finish it off.
New question: how likely is it that Paizo will ever publish a mostly-underwater adventure, along the lines of War Rafts of Kron, in either the Pathfinder Modules line, or as one of the episodes in an AP?

Matrixryu |

From what I've heard Paizo will (probably) be putting out information on more of Golarion's continents at some point. Do you think these will be mostly campaign books, or do you think that there will be additional player options similar to the number of classes and races that Tian Xia has?

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Thanks for the reply.
So retrieving a weapon will always be a standard action but she could use a a bow or a crossbow without problems after she has draw it?
Ok.What happen with throw weapons?
Correct, because retrieving ammo is not the same as drawing a weapon. The weapon you draw in that case is the bow or crossbow itself, not its ammo.
A few thrown weapons (shuriken, for example) are treated as ammo, and therefore they'd not be impacted... but for the vast majority of thrown weapons, yeah, a haunted oracle would get dinged for drawing them.

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But the core of D&D isn't finding people with more powerful stuff, kill them, take it from their cold finger and use it against the next foe?
Munchkin for the win. :DA primitive world RPG is absolutely not my kind of game. I agree with Cohen the Barbarian about civilization: "hot water,good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper" are the best things in life. I would add heating tot he list.
Agreed... which is why I'd build a brand new game that's NOT a D&D "clone" for a primeval setting RPG. And there's a reason why fantasy D&D style games are classically the most successful and most widespread of RPGs... folks simply aren't as interested in the other types of games, be they sci-fi or horror or espionage or whatever.

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James Jacobs wrote:So... does a samsaran who allows himself to be spell-reincarnated as another race permanently forfeit his samsaran-ness (samsaranitude?) or will he, upon subsequent "permanent" death, reenter the samsaran cycle anyway?Matrixryu wrote:I'm just curious: what happens when a reincarnate spell is cast on a Samsaran? I'm guessing that instead of the standard 'random race table' it would have a very high chance of having the target come back as a new young adult Samsaran?The reincarnate spell works normally on a samsaran, unless that samsaran has ALREADY reincarnated (this would be the samsaran version of any other race choosing not to be reincarnated—aka having been judged by Pharasma).
No, because the mind and personalty and, more to the point, the SOUL of a reincarnated creature never changes—only the body. When a samsaran is affected by a reincarnate spell and then dies, her soul is still a samsaran soul. It reincarnates normally and loses all but fragments of its knowledge of previous lives as normal for that process.

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James Jacobs wrote:3) Yes. A very good chance. A very VERY good chance.Can you please give a little more of a sneak preview, other than what you just said?
I am surprised not more of your regular thread readers are all over this.
Not beyond the fact that I used the word "very" so much, and even capitalized it once.