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Mothman wrote:Would a campaign from level 1 set almost entirely in the Abyss work at all? Could first level characters possibly survive adventuring in the Abyss?I could make it work... I think. But it'd be weird and the players who like paladins would complain at me.
Ha! I like paladins (apparently despite / because they are broken), but I would LOVE to play in or run an Abyssal campaign! The end of Savage Tide was very cool, I want a whole campaign like that (though not sure if / how it would work at low levels...) Alright, maybe not TOTALLY in the Abyss ...
Are there lots of portals / gates from The Great Beyond’s Abyss to other parts of the Great Beyond? Are they easy to get through?

Justin Franklin |

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:I keep having insatiable urges to murder my PCs in horrible awful evil ways. Do you think I should give into the urges?No, you should switch to playing Call of Cthulhu.
or Paranoia.

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James Jacobs wrote:Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
3) Do you know what the Test of Meat is?
3) Is that when you poke the meat with a knife to see if it's done cooking?
Test of Meat!! (T-Rex Arms!)
Oh! Right! I wrote that book. I just forgot I put the Test of Meat in there. It's been like ten years, after all...
And despite what that poster says... the book was published by Bastion Press, not FFE.

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When can we expect the Epic battle between Numerian mecha-Tom Rex and Darklands radiation-mutated Silverback King?
How about a Son of Tom Rex?
The so-called "silverback king" does not exist. He's the Gorilla King. The reference to "Silverback King" is an error that's going away.
As for the fight you request, I'll run it by Tom but he's seen King Kong and he doesn't want his jaws broken so he'll probably pass.

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Here's an eclectic grab bag;
1) Do the Paizo staffers have an opinion on Kaiju Battle Films?
2) Besides fulfilling the role of the everyman in the art, are there plans to have the iconics participate in the development of Golarion lore (or does that fall strictly within the purview of established characters like Eando Kline)?
3) If one had a steampunk setting, would there be a place where one could shoehorn it into Golarion without much disruption or would that be like pouring sugar into an engine?
4) Can you explain your fascination with dinosaurs?
1) I am a HUGE fan of kaiju movies. Godzilla's one of my favorite movie stars, in fact. I'm probably Paizo's biggest kaiju fan, but there are others. Erik's pretty keen on them, and so is Wes, although Wes has some controversial opinions about Mothra and Baragon.
2) The iconics may periodically show up in the web fiction, but for the most part they're mostly there to play the roles of the PCs in art.
3) On another planet.
4) They're awesome. They're like dragons but REAL!

Justin Franklin |

Justin Franklin wrote:Are there any new animal companions or familiars in Bestiary 2 and can you tell me what they are so that I don't recreate them for something I am working on?Yes and yes. I can't tell you yet, though.
What any of them be African (i.e. Mwangi) based?

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Why don't you like beer? What do you have against the barley-y, hoppy, yeasty goodness that is the veritable nectar of the gods?
If you have to drink beer, what's your beer of choice? (I feel like this might have been answered)
Beer is nasty tasting. That's why I don't like it. If I HAVE to drink it, I prefer Guinness.
Or raspberry lambic, which is technically beer, I guess. In which case I'll drink it for fun!

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Xpltvdeleted wrote:Why don't you like beer? What do you have against the barley-y, hoppy, yeasty goodness that is the veritable nectar of the gods?
If you have to drink beer, what's your beer of choice? (I feel like this might have been answered)
Beer is nasty tasting. That's why I don't like it. If I HAVE to drink it, I prefer Guinness.
Or raspberry lambic, which is technically beer, I guess. In which case I'll drink it for fun!
You just haven't met the right beer. Lambic is a beer, but it flies in the face of a lot of the conventional beer-making wisdom.
I guess given the cool factor of your job and your PF contributions I can forgive your hatred of beer...this time.
+1 on the Guinness btw. If you like Guinness, you should try some of the sweet stouts and porters...hell you might even like an imperial russian stout.

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James Jacobs wrote:Justin Franklin wrote:Are there any new animal companions or familiars in Bestiary 2 and can you tell me what they are so that I don't recreate them for something I am working on?Yes and yes. I can't tell you yet, though.What any of them be African (i.e. Mwangi) based?

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James Jacobs wrote:Which of these two sentences should receive the emphasis? Without knowing, I'm somewhat surprised and confused.Angus McDuff wrote:Who's the Demon Lord of Dinosaurs?There isn't one yet. Because Demogorgon's sort of that guy already.
There's not officially a "Demon lord of Dinosaurs" in Pathfinder or D&D canon. But Demogorgon is probably the demon lord most heavilly associated with dinosaurs; he has LOTS of them living in his Abyssal lair.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:Xpltvdeleted wrote:Why don't you like beer? What do you have against the barley-y, hoppy, yeasty goodness that is the veritable nectar of the gods?
If you have to drink beer, what's your beer of choice? (I feel like this might have been answered)
Beer is nasty tasting. That's why I don't like it. If I HAVE to drink it, I prefer Guinness.
Or raspberry lambic, which is technically beer, I guess. In which case I'll drink it for fun!
You just haven't met the right beer. Lambic is a beer, but it flies in the face of a lot of the conventional beer-making wisdom.
I guess given the cool factor of your job and your PF contributions I can forgive your hatred of beer...this time.
+1 on the Guinness btw. If you like Guinness, you should try some of the sweet stouts and porters...hell you might even like an imperial russian stout.
A lot of people say that. "I just haven't met the right beer." I put it to you that's a lie. Do you like being stung by bees? Well, maybe you just haven't met the right stinging bee!

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Xpltvdeleted wrote:A lot of people say that. "I just haven't met the right beer." I put it to you that's a lie. Do you like being stung by bees? Well, maybe you just haven't met the right stinging bee!James Jacobs wrote:Xpltvdeleted wrote:Why don't you like beer? What do you have against the barley-y, hoppy, yeasty goodness that is the veritable nectar of the gods?
If you have to drink beer, what's your beer of choice? (I feel like this might have been answered)
Beer is nasty tasting. That's why I don't like it. If I HAVE to drink it, I prefer Guinness.
Or raspberry lambic, which is technically beer, I guess. In which case I'll drink it for fun!
You just haven't met the right beer. Lambic is a beer, but it flies in the face of a lot of the conventional beer-making wisdom.
I guess given the cool factor of your job and your PF contributions I can forgive your hatred of beer...this time.
+1 on the Guinness btw. If you like Guinness, you should try some of the sweet stouts and porters...hell you might even like an imperial russian stout.
I'm an open minded fella, maybe you're right! :P
But seriously, you're right...I didn't like beer when I first started drinking and got used to it b/c it was often the only alcoholic beverage available. That being said, now that I like it, I love it!

Justin Franklin |

Justin Franklin wrote:Probably.James Jacobs wrote:Justin Franklin wrote:Are there any new animal companions or familiars in Bestiary 2 and can you tell me what they are so that I don't recreate them for something I am working on?Yes and yes. I can't tell you yet, though.What any of them be African (i.e. Mwangi) based?
Alright how about if I try this direction if I make a list of the ones I am thinking about creating either familiar or animal companion stats for and send it to you could you just say which ones not to do?:)

Urizen |

Beer is nasty tasting. That's why I don't like it. If I HAVE to drink it, I prefer Guinness.
Or raspberry lambic, which is technically beer, I guess. In which case I'll drink it for fun!
Agreed about beer. Can't stomach it ... but I can easily drink everything else that has alcoholic content.
Interesting thing with Guinness -- try dropping a shot of Dr. Pepper in it and then chug it. Tastes like chocolate milk. Skeptical when told it, but after doing it the first time, I did it one more time that evening. :D

The smitter |

have you seen the D&D 4th edition commercial for the new box they are putting out?
Also will paizo put a box out some time?
Plus, lambics are really good, I was not a big beer fan until I tried Sours or wild ale, But I don't like wine and if there is one out there for me I do not want to take part in the experiment where a drink wine until I fine one I like.

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James Jacobs wrote:So...how much do we have to pester you to get an official Demonlord of the Dinos? :)Mairkurion {tm} wrote:There's not officially a "Demon lord of Dinosaurs" in Pathfinder or D&D canon. But Demogorgon is probably the demon lord most heavilly associated with dinosaurs; he has LOTS of them living in his Abyssal lair.James Jacobs wrote:Which of these two sentences should receive the emphasis? Without knowing, I'm somewhat surprised and confused.Angus McDuff wrote:Who's the Demon Lord of Dinosaurs?There isn't one yet. Because Demogorgon's sort of that guy already.
The thing is that I don't really see dinosaurs as NEEDING a demon lord for them. They're cool, but they're not necessarily demon fodder. Not like stuff like rats or bats or snakes.
I'll think about it, though.

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Justin Franklin wrote:Alright how about if I try this direction if I make a list of the ones I am thinking about creating either familiar or animal companion stats for and send it to you could you just say which ones not to do?:)Sorry; nope. It's a matter of managing the excitement for the book, marketing, and the like. I can't reveal that much information about what is or isn't in the book yet. That time will come soon, though; the book is hopefully going to the printer in a few weeks... and at that point things are locked down enough with the contents that we can start revealing information.
But the fact is that even now, only a few weeks from sending it to the printer, things can change.
This is what i love about this place: 10:30 p.m. on a Wednesday, and Mr Jacobs is answering questions about Paizo products online! Seriously, Paizo is like the Pinkertons.

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have you seen the D&D 4th edition commercial for the new box they are putting out?
I have indeed seen it.
Also will paizo put a box out some time?
Yes. We'll be doing a basic/intro game for Pathfinder at some point. As soon as we can, in fact. It's an important addition to the Paizo family.

Justin Franklin |

Justin Franklin wrote:Alright how about if I try this direction if I make a list of the ones I am thinking about creating either familiar or animal companion stats for and send it to you could you just say which ones not to do?:)Sorry; nope. It's a matter of managing the excitement for the book, marketing, and the like. I can't reveal that much information about what is or isn't in the book yet. That time will come soon, though; the book is hopefully going to the printer in a few weeks... and at that point things are locked down enough with the contents that we can start revealing information.
But the fact is that even now, only a few weeks from sending it to the printer, things can change.
Understood I am working on something for Wayfinder 4 and just didn't want to have your guys version of the same thing come out at about the same time, because yours is official. Oh well I will just have to risk it.

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What are the campaign settings of your other GMs like? And will any of them ever be published by Paizo?
My current GMs:
Sean K Reynolds: His game is crazy wahoo, with us players as evil drow nobles fighting to survive against a strange coalition between demons, angels, and mi-go. A fair amount of party strife. Sean also really goes all-out with the presentation, using all sorts of minis and terrain features. It's unlikely to turn into something published by Paizo because it's mostly something for us to test out high level rules and combat and stuff with.
Rob McCreary: Rob's game is a lot more traditional. Start at 1st level, and a lot more roleplaying involved than Sean's game, which is a lot more combat driven. Rob's game is MUCH more in line with my preferred style of play: start at 1st level and have lots of roleplaying opportunities. Rob's running a relatively heavily modified Kingmaker game, so that one's already published sorta kinda.
And those are the only games I'm currently a player in.

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What do your parents, siblings, and relatives think of your profession?
They're pretty proud of me, as far as I can tell. My mom often brags about my job to folks who come into her store and mention D&D or roleplaying games, in fact. And when I told my little sister that people are cosplaying as things I made up back in high school, she certainly got a kick out of it.
My whole family has actually been very open-minded about RPGs and the like. To the extent that it was my grandmother who introduced me to Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, and others, basically single handedly getting me hooked on horror (after my Dad already set up the play by watching monster movies with me every Saturday night on Creature Features when I was a kid).

The smitter |

The smitter wrote:Also will paizo put a box out some time?Yes. We'll be doing a basic/intro game for Pathfinder at some point. As soon as we can, in fact. It's an important addition to the Paizo family.
Any way you could have it out by Christmas, cus I will take 3 then. I am willing to help in any way I can, I realize that i have no skills and anything I did would be through the mail. But still I would help.

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James Jacobs wrote:Zothique series? Huh. Never heard of that one. Will have to investigate..
Clark Ashton Smith's Zothique stories.
Zothique is the last continent on Earth that will be ruled by humanity. And it's more or less lousy with necromancers. It's pretty much one of the primary sources for the game's necromancer traditions, in fact. Very fun stories.

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James Jacobs wrote:Any way you could have it out by Christmas, cus I will take 3 then. I am willing to help in any way I can, I realize that i have no skills and anything I did would be through the mail. But still I would help.
The smitter wrote:Also will paizo put a box out some time?Yes. We'll be doing a basic/intro game for Pathfinder at some point. As soon as we can, in fact. It's an important addition to the Paizo family.
Nope. No way in hell will we have it out by this Christmas. HOPEFULLY by next Christmas or sooner!

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so post-apocalyptic movies, Did you see Book of Eli and if so what did you think, same question for the road?
I loved both movies. The novel version of "The Road" was utterly brilliant; the movie's a very good adaptation, to the point where I kind of felt like I'd seen the movie before only because I'd read the novel.
I'm a big fan of post-apocalyptic stories, though, so my view is biased.