
Xpltvdeleted's page

1,675 posts. Alias of Ryan White 148.


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Liberty's Edge

August should be fine, thank you.

Liberty's Edge

I am settled into my new place and have updated my billing and address information. Can you please unsuspend my subscriptions? Thanks

Liberty's Edge

My house was hit by the 5/20 tornado, and I'm still in the process of getting the rent house I'll be staying in while I rebuild sorted out. My AP subscription is scheduled to ship out right around the time I'll be moving, so I was wondering if there was a way to delay the shipment until I'm in my new place (or even hold it and ship it out with July's subscription)? Thanks

Liberty's Edge

I just read the post about December subscription stuff. Disregard the comic question :D

Liberty's Edge

Thank you very much and will do. I looked at what will be the new shipment and noticed that the #4 comic isn't on there to be shipped. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
Thanks again.

Liberty's Edge

Unfortunately I still haven't received my order. :(

Liberty's Edge

Fair nuff...was just curious because it seems like I've been browsing on my phone more often than not anymore and the layout can be a bit difficult, even on a phone with a large screen. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure this has maybe/probably already been addressed, but are there any plans for a more mobile friendly version of the website? I know that the PRD is already mobile-fied, just wondering about the rest of the site.

Liberty's Edge


Last activity was 21 Nov, expected delivery date was supposed to be 26 Nov. I know the holidays are making stuff run slow, but there hasn't been an update in a week. Any help would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Just went to download Kingmaker #1 and it's missing from my download page. I have downloaded it in the past, so I know it should be there. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Fair enough, but it seems that my performance with these is laggy unless I'm looking at them on a full-on computer. My netbook, tablet, phone, and kindle all give me problems. I can't seem to tell much of a difference between the full version and the lite when viewing on these devices either.

Thanks for the response.

Liberty's Edge

I know it's not right now, but is this something that might be in the future? Pretty please? Most of my reading is done on one digital device or another (primarily my Kindle or my phone) and even the lite versions of the PDFs cause me grief. Don't get me wrong, I love the art & whatnot, but lugging around all of my books isn't always an option, and it's frustrating when it takes forever to load every time I switch pages.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but basically what the title says. Is there any chance we might see a set of paper minis that covers something like a couple males/females of each class?

Liberty's Edge

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the patch was a lifesaver for me. I tried dipping and chewing instead of smoking for awhile (it worked, technically), then the gum (which was just replacing one addiction and oral fixation with another, and finally the patches. I think they helped the most because there wasn't really a period of serious cravings...with the gum, I felt that need just like I did when I smoked. With the patch, there was still the mental addiction, but the physical part wasn't there so it made it easier to cope.

IMO, YMMV, etc.

Liberty's Edge

I was using FedEx's printonline service. I work for GE, so I get a pretty sizable discount on printing services. I think the guy I talked to probably just didn't know his stuff (I'm sure if Staples has it FedEx would have it)...he sounded awful new.

Liberty's Edge

Cool, thanks!

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

I recently took a couple of PDFs I had purchased (GMG and APG) to be printed and bound at Kinkos, and it ended up taking way longer than it should have (IMO) because they had to call and speak to somebody in your office to get permission to print it (they would have bound it NP, but printing that many pages at home is a PITA).

My question is this: Is there a specific page on here or a disclaimer in the books themselves that gives permission for printing/reproduction of PDFs for personal use? I'm not printing these to resell them or any crazy stuff like that...

I like to have PDFs so I can browse on my computer, but I also like to have a hard copy. I know I could get this by getting the RPG subscription, but I don't necessarily want to own every book.


Liberty's Edge

Trackin...when is the current installment expected to ship? I guess it doesn't really matter since I'll have to wait until next month anyways, but I'm curious...sue me :P

Liberty's Edge

When will I be able to select the first issue of the next AP when starting my subscription? I figured it would tick over when the month switched, but I didn't see it available. :(

Liberty's Edge

Running a low magic (almost no magic) game and someone will be playing a "summoner" their eidolon will be a construct and their SLA summons will be constructs as well. The only thing I'm left to adjust is the spell list...my first thought was to give them the alchemist mechanic & spell list but I'd like to keep the alchy a unique class. A thought I had was to give the summoner the "discovery" mechanic and let them come up with gadgets and whatnot. My only concern is that this would be too weak. Thoughts?

Liberty's Edge

@Felgoroth: Link looks to be OK, but redirects me back to the main page :( I'll try my search-fu

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, and if I remember correctly, the clockwork template has the drawback of 150% damage from electricity, so it would seem to be at odds with a construct being magic immune.

Liberty's Edge

Detect Magic wrote:

Change a creature's type to construct, and apply the clockwork template.

They would gain all the construct defenses in addition to whatever features and abilities they previously possessed (save those which rely on physiology they no longer possess--unless they can be imitated by mechanical organs and the like).

Thanks for the info! I didn't even know there was such a thing as clockwork template...

Next question:

So what would making the creature a construct do to its CR? I see that the clockwork template is CR+0, but that's assuming it's being applied to something that's already a construct.

Liberty's Edge

Looking to run a game in a homebrew Steampunk setting and I was wanting suggestions as to what a good clockwork construct template would be. I'm wanting to apply this to a wide variety of critters...from small animals to humanoid to even a dragon. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

Actually, now that I reminisce a little, mine really isn't all that self-explanatory...

When I first started playing WoW, I made it a point to make characters with the most borderline inappropriate names I could think of. I went from Urmomzmymnt to Prisonsex to a few others before I decided Xpltvdeleted (the only way I could get it to fit) was probably the most appropriate. :D

Liberty's Edge

12 was an arbitrary age, but it's a good example. The risk of death in childbirth is MUCH higher the younger the pregnant person is. Combine this with a circumstance of rape and there is NO WAY you can ethically or morally tell this CHILD they are to be victimized again by risking death to deliver their rapist's baby.

Liberty's Edge

*cast threadomancy*



But srsly, I've wondered about some of the usernames. Mine's pretty self-explanatory...

Liberty's Edge

Maybe I'm just not as nostalgic as some of y'all, but the first thing that popped into my head was Kim Kardashian...followed shortly by Rihanna.


Liberty's Edge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Its a philosophical or religious decision, not medical. Medicine can enter into it depending on whether you care about fertilization, implantation, heart beat, brain function, consciousness, or viability outside of the womb, but there's no medical justification for any particular position.

It's very much a medical decision. If history shows that a fetus at a certain gestational age can reasonably be expected to live if delivered (between 22-24 weeks), then it is a person. There reaches a certain point where a vast majority of doctors (something like 95%) will not even attempt to resuscitate. The 5% who would would do so no matter what. Considering that doctors have an obligation to save people's lives and a vast majority of them won't even try at a certain point, I believe we have a point at which we can reasonably say that a fetus is not yet a person.


So rape exception no, life of the mother exception yes (mostly).

So if a 12 year old girl is raped and impregnated by her father she has to bear and raise that child? Umm...that's pretty f#~!ed up...certainly not a position the president of a secular nation needs to be taking.

The lack of support for embryonic stem cell research is equally disturbing. We are already losing some of the best and brightest scientists in the field to other countries (Singapore being the most common). We are essentially experiencing the "brain drain" commonly seen in socialist countries...except with scientists. Americans (as a general rule) suck enough at the sciences...do we really need to be forcing the few scientists we do have out?

Liberty's Edge

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Didn't Ron Paul just sign on to one of those personhood pledge things? Doesn't seem very libertarian to me...

Libertarians aren't against laws where one person harms another. If you consider the fetus a person (something that needs its own thread if it needs to be discussed at all) then there's no inconsistency between libertarian values and person-hood pledges.

Also as an old school states rights advocate, paul's likely to punt on the issue and send it back to the states anyway.

It seems to me that it would be intellectually dishonest for him (a trained doctor) to consider a fetus a person. And it was a full-on no abortion (including rape, incest, mother's life, etc.) pledge. Again, not very libertarian.

Liberty's Edge

I think the biggest issue with IP law ATM is the fact that you don't actually have to invent anything in order to patent it. On top of that, you don't even have to produce anything, even if you "invented" something.

A good example is a local company here in Oklahoma...they've somehow managed to patent the process of electronically producing a survey, administering it, and reporting the results? Sound familiar? I'd imagine it does considering it's used by almost everything. Will it hold up? Maybe, maybe not, but it will cause the 30 or so companies that have been sued a financial and legal nightmare in the meantime.

Liberty's Edge

Didn't Ron Paul just sign on to one of those personhood pledge things? Doesn't seem very libertarian to me...

Liberty's Edge

But...but...The Doctor can't be an NPC...

Liberty's Edge

Title says it all...what class would you consider The Doctor to be? I'm kind of leaning toward bard, skills rogue, or sorcerer myself, but even those don't seem to fit completely.

Liberty's Edge

It's a live bear it will literally rip your face off!

Liberty's Edge

I have an AAS in Biomedical Equipment Repair, a BA in Technical Management, and I am currently completing my MBA.

I have also completed my degrees in about every way possible. The AAS I got via a combination of credits granted for my military tech school and CLEP and DANTES tests, my BA I got via all online courses with DeVry, and I am completing my MBA at a traditional brick and mortar college.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So...have we figured out who has the bigger penis yet?

Liberty's Edge

Scott Betts wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:


I don't want balanced classes to be honest. Look at WoW...Blizzard went out of their way to try and balance the classes and not only failed miserably, but took all the fun out of the game in the process.

Any argument that starts with "I mean, just look at WoW! Man, was that game ever a monumental failure," is dead on arrival.

When your argument is that balance kills games, probably best not to use one of the most popular video games ever published as an example of over-balancing.

I was speaking from my personal experience, not as a critique of the game as a whole.

Also, maybe I didn't explain my line of thinking correctly...what I meant was more along the lines of this:

If every class can be just as effective as another, then what is the point having different classes? So while it may not have been "balance" I was referring to, but I don't know what else I'd call it...

Liberty's Edge


I don't want balanced classes to be honest. Look at WoW...Blizzard went out of their way to try and balance the classes and not only failed miserably, but took all the fun out of the game in the process.

Casters are going to be more powerful ranged, but if facing an appropriately "feated" fighter in melee range, they're probably SOL (or at least hurting pretty bad).

Besides, unless any one of the classes is broken to the point that it ceases to be playable due to lack of contribution, lack of fun, etc. then whether one will beat the other seems a moot point to me.

Liberty's Edge

Less than a year served for murdering an unarmed, handcuffed man. How long are those mandatory minimum sentences again?

Liberty's Edge

Relevant to the current discussion, methinks

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
Never trust a man with a pig farm.

True dat homes, true dat...

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:

Can we make two threads then?

One for the respectful and dignified, and one for the Springer audience?

I find the fact that people believe that pile of sh!t deserves respect and/or dignity appalling. Wrap him in bacon and feed him to the hogs hannibal style and I'd sleep happy.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Moreland wrote:
As much as I like hearing that justice has been served, all this celebrating doesn't sit well with me. No matter who it is or what they've done, it just feels wrong to celebrate someone's death to this degree.

Sorry, but some people's deaths deserve to be celebrated, and people like Osama bin Laden, Hitler, etc. definitely fit that bill. Hell, I woulda put two in the back of his head myself given the chance.

Liberty's Edge

Seems appropriate given the current situation.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

3d5 + 3 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) + 3 = 10
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1, 2) + 3 = 10
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) + 3 = 16
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (4, 4, 5) + 3 = 16
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1, 5) + 3 = 13
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 3) + 3 = 16
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 3) + 3 = 15
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (1, 5, 3) + 3 = 12
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) + 3 = 17
3d5 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4, 5) + 3 = 15

Liberty's Edge

Everyone seems to be turning this into a matter of what WBC can or cannot say, when in reality, it is more of a case of where WBC can or cannot say something.

They were sued for invasion of privacy (it was a private funeral and they had no business being anywhere near there)...I don't see a problem with the verdict there. Itentional infliction of emotional stress (no brainer)...

I seriously doubt that the father would have cared (as much) had WBC just spewed their hate-speech from their pulpit...I'm certain they wouldn't have been sued.

I am not advocating for limitations on the "what" of speech, but rather sensible limitations on the "where" of speech.

Liberty's Edge

Moro wrote:
The WBC broke no laws, and did not seek this father out to specifically harass him. They simply put on a protest and stated their views within view of the burial ceremony.

And they had NO IDEA that what they were saying would cause severe emotional distress to the family of the person for whom the funeral was being held? If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you...

Moro wrote:
I don't care how distasteful their message is, they have every right to express it in any location allowed by law. If you don't like their choice of location and you're afraid this sort of scene might play itself out in a public location near you, then get off of your butt and apply pressure to your local politicians to make it illegal to demonstrate near a cemetery.

I come back to the whole "fire in a theater" bit. If what you're saying will cause harm to another person, then it's not protected.

Moro wrote:

Don't attempt to sue on a groundless claim of "what they be sayin' be hurtin' mah feelins" and then try to take the issue before the Supreme Court and have them legislate policy from the bench, that's not their job.

What the hell would this world come to if you could sue anyone you didn't agree with because they were speaking their minds in a place where you could see or hear it?

How is this emotional assault any different than a physical assault (aside from the obvious)? It will have effects that will probably outlast any that might have been inflicted from a physical beating.

BLUF: They weren't just speaking their minds, they were saying something they knew to be inflammatory and would hurt people. That is their intent. They know that the reaction they get (emotional distress) will cause their message to receive coverage. They're emotionally abusing people to further their ends and the SCOTUS now says that's ok.