>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

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James Jacobs wrote:

Jacobs-Approved Alcohol:

Korean Raspberry Wine
Guinness (if beer is the only choice)
Raspberry Lambic

You know lambics are beers, right?

Have you tried a chocolate stout? Or does the beer-y name automatically make it sound gross?

Ever tried a Cosmo? Daiquiri? Margarita?

If you take a sip of beer and then a gulp, are you engaging in iambic lambics?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:
Your booze palate is sorely lacking in the overly non-alcoholic side of booze.

I like to think I make up for it by not driving drunk, making a fool of myself in public, or missing work due to hangovers.

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:
Have you ever DMed for a group that included a clinical sociopath before? If so could you give me tips?

I have not. Sounds scary!

James Jacobs wrote:
Nebulous_Mistress wrote:
Have you ever DMed for a group that included a clinical sociopath before? If so could you give me tips?
I have not. Sounds scary!

Nah. Not scary. She just cannot feel emotion which throws out half of good roleplaying like fear, emotional connection to characters or setting, pity, remorse, or really anything other than pure calculating logic. And has no idea hijacking the game makes people feel bad or why it should. I get stuck in the role of "therapist" because hers sucks and because roleplaying to learn how emotion works and that other people have them is the only treatment for sociopathy.

Have you ever ended up in the role of therapist for a group member?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Nah. Not scary. She just cannot feel emotion which throws out half of good roleplaying like fear, emotional connection to characters or setting, pity, remorse, or really anything other than pure calculating logic. And has no idea hijacking the game makes people feel bad or why it should. I get stuck in the role of "therapist" because hers sucks and because roleplaying to learn how emotion works and that other people have them is the only treatment for sociopathy.

Have you ever ended up in the role of therapist for a group member?

Several times. It's not really a role I enjoy playing, though.

Dark Archive

JJ: Who would win this fight? Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee vs. Brock Lensar.

Answer correctly, I got 10 bucks riding on this.

Liberty's Edge

Although you're a non-sports fan, would it be possible for you to ask around the office to see if anyone who actually works for the big P would like to join the Paizo messageboards Fantasy Football league?

Surely someone over there likes football, and it would give our league an added sense of legitimacy.

If not, no big deal. It's worth a shot!

Would you drink mead if it were made by a dwarf?

Would you drink it from a bowl?
With Gnibba Gnobba Gnu the Gnoll?

Would he drink it from a shoe?
With a sorcerer named Bobba Ga Nue?

Would he drink it in Kadath?
With Nyarlathotep's Niece Gnath?

Or drink it in Absalom?
With the Pathfinder named Vinus Dabom?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mac Boyce wrote:

JJ: Who would win this fight? Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee vs. Brock Lensar.

Answer correctly, I got 10 bucks riding on this.

Bruce Lee.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremiziah wrote:

Although you're a non-sports fan, would it be possible for you to ask around the office to see if anyone who actually works for the big P would like to join the Paizo messageboards Fantasy Football league?

Surely someone over there likes football, and it would give our league an added sense of legitimacy.

If not, no big deal. It's worth a shot!

That only encourages the support of football, which only increases the likelihood of a televised football game pre-empting a show that I want to watch. PASS!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Angus McDuff wrote:
Would you drink mead if it were made by a dwarf?

Only if I were allowed to strain out the hairs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I do not answer questions that rhyme.
Even if folks ask them all the time.

These words you write fill me with sorrow.
Perhaps if I ask again tomorrow?

The Exchange

Has Dr Zeuss ever influenced an adventure you've written? Or a monster you've designed?

Dark Archive

1) How did your fascination with (and inherent masterful knowledge of) demons begin?

2) What's your favorite demon? Why?

3) What is your opinion of Llolth and her canonical demise?

4) Do you like the Showtime series "Dexter"?

5) What is one thing you wish you could do with Golarion canon that you won't? Why?

Enquiring mind wants to know!


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wrath wrote:
Has Dr Zeuss ever influenced an adventure you've written? Or a monster you've designed?

Nope, not that I know of. Well... maybe Zuddiger's Picnic from the start of Pathfinder #36.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:

1) How did your fascination with (and inherent masterful knowledge of) demons begin?

2) What's your favorite demon? Why?

3) What is your opinion of Llolth and her canonical demise?

4) Do you like the Showtime series "Dexter"?

5) What is one thing you wish you could do with Golarion canon that you won't? Why?

1) With the 1st edition Monster Manual. The monster with the most hit points in that ENTIRE BOOK was Demogorgon. He also looked cool, combining many of my favorite animals (dinosaurs, monkeys, octopuses) into one awesome shape. Also, there were naked ladies in the demon section. And a giant blob. And frog men. And things with pincers for hands. And snake ladies. And so on and so on. The entire section just really captivated my imagination, I guess. Then, the first module I ever bought was "Queen of the Demonweb Pits" and I really REALLY loved how bad-ass the demons were in that thing.

2) Obox-ob, a demon lord I've been developing in my homebrew world for decades as the world's primary bad-guy deity. I got the name from the 1st edition MM2, so it's only fitting that I gave him and his development back to WotC, but I do sometimes miss being able to use him in Golarion. Close runners-up include Demogorgon, Nocticula (who replaced Malcanthet), and Cyth-V'sug. Sifkesh is looking like she's going to be joining these ranks sometime soon.

3) Lolth (I don't go in for R. A. Salvator's "typo turned regional dialect" spelling of the name) is a cool demon—I MUCH prefer her role as it existed in Greyhawk, but she was a pretty fun and cool deity in the Forgotten Realms as well. I'm not up to date on the current status of the Forgotten Realms—I think that the whole Spellplague concept was a bad idea, and as a result I just ignore it.

4) Yes.

5) Give Obox-ob the role that Rovagug ended up with. Can't do this because Obox-ob is now WotC's intellectual property.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

1) With the 1st edition Monster Manual. The monster with the most hit points in that ENTIRE BOOK was Demogorgon. He also looked cool, combining many of my favorite animals (dinosaurs, monkeys, octopuses) into one awesome shape. Also, there were naked ladies in the demon section. And a giant blob. And frog men. And things with pincers for hands. And snake ladies. And so on and so on. The entire section just really captivated my imagination, I guess. Then, the first module I ever bought was "Queen of the Demonweb Pits" and I really REALLY loved how bad-ass the demons were in that thing.

Huh, so for much the same reason that I do. Awesome!

James Jacobs wrote:

2) Obox-ob, a demon lord I've been developing in my homebrew world for decades as the world's primary bad-guy deity. I got the name from the 1st edition MM2, so it's only fitting that I gave him and his development back to WotC, but I do sometimes miss being able to use him in Golarion. Close runners-up include Demogorgon, Nocticula (who replaced Malcanthet), and Cyth-V'sug. Sifkesh is looking like she's going to be joining these ranks sometime soon.

Nifty! Very, very nifty! I'm really looking forward to seeing that impending demons book Paizo's got coming. (The title of which escapes me) Mostly because I just found a copy of your seminal work with WotC - Lords of Chaos - and LOVED it.

James Jacobs wrote:

3) Lolth (I don't go in for R. A. Salvator's "typo turned regional dialect" spelling of the name) is a cool demon—I MUCH prefer her role as it existed in Greyhawk, but she was a pretty fun and cool deity in the Forgotten Realms as well. I'm not up to date on the current status of the Forgotten Realms—I think that the whole Spellplague concept was a bad idea, and as a result I just ignore it.

Yay! You spell it like I prefer to. *refuses further commentary on R.A.S. by making a will save*

Sadly, in most - if not all - games that I run, she's canonically dead as a party I was running through "Queen of the Demonweb Pits" offed her.

James Jacobs wrote:

4) Yes.

*thumbs up*

James Jacobs wrote:

5) Give Obox-ob the role that Rovagug ended up with. Can't do this because Obox-ob is now WotC's intellectual property.

*pout* IP sucks that way. Why can't we all just get along.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

I'm curious as to what's the thinking behind Paizo comparing the witch to the wizard? The witch seems to me to be more of a bardic character in party role, than a wizard. Looking at a witch's first level spell list, a witch lacks grease, colour spray, magic missile, and sleep, all of which I would consider essential spells to a low level sorcerer or wizard. (The witch does have the option to take the slumber hex, true, but this is a single target only effect, and if the witch fails against a target, she can't try again on that particular target the next round, unlike a sorcerer, or even a wizard who has a couple of sleep spells prepped.)

The witch's role seems to me to be more one of buffing other party members and applying healing where needed, than one of trying to control or do things to the enemy. (By the way, why didn't fox's cunning make it onto either the main witch list or any of the patron lists? I'm not clear on what the thinking is of why a witch shouldn't have the second level spell to self-buff her own casting ability stat, or be able to make potions/items to do the same? I think that the witch is currently uniquely hampered here amongst casting classes, as even paladins and rangers have the spells which buff their respective casting stats on their spell lists.)
Threefold Aspect might possibly be considered a self-buff option for a witch, but it's a fourth level 'self' spell so can't be made into potions, it doesn't have any wondrous items associated with it thus far to my knowledge, and it harms another stat (Dexterity) if a witch is using it to get an Intelligence boost.
Jason did the design work for the witch, so it's him you'd have to ask to get the exact details on the witch. The OVERALL design goal was that no base class should ever be a mere "reskinning" of another class. A base class needs to bring something new to the table, something that no other class can really do—this can be an entirely new mechanic, such as the summoner's eidolon or the...


Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Jeremiziah wrote:

Although you're a non-sports fan, would it be possible for you to ask around the office to see if anyone who actually works for the big P would like to join the Paizo messageboards Fantasy Football league?

Surely someone over there likes football, and it would give our league an added sense of legitimacy.

If not, no big deal. It's worth a shot!

That only encourages the support of football, which only increases the likelihood of a televised football game pre-empting a show that I want to watch. PASS!


Dark Archive

What three houserules do you have in your Pathfinder game that deviates the most from the core rules? Replacing melee fighters with their B09S equivalents? Magic-users use skill rolls to cast spells? Rogues are called "thieves"?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
joela wrote:
What three houserules do you have in your Pathfinder game that deviates the most from the core rules? Replacing melee fighters with their B09S equivalents? Magic-users use skill rolls to cast spells? Rogues are called "thieves"?

1: Scrolls don't care if you're a divine or arcane spellcaster. If the spell on the scroll is on your spell list, you can cast it.

2: Appraise is kind of a pointless skill; I just tell the players how much the stuff they find is worth.

3: Bards can reallocate their skill points whenever they gain a new Versatile Performance, and effects that provide bonuses to skills that can be replaced by a versatile performance also provide the bonuses to the appropriate perform skill (so a bard with versatile performance—dance can add his +5 bonus from his boots of elvenkind to Perform (dance) checks made as Acrobatics checks).

BONUS HOUSE RULE: When you roll hp, you can always reroll 1s. And if at any point a hp roll results in below average hp for your character, you instead bump up to average hp.

BONUS BONUS HOUSE RULE: Breath of life is called cure deadly wounds so clerics can swap out spells to spontaneously cast it.

TRIPLE THREAT BONUS RULE: The swashbuckler rogue archetype gets to add his Dexterity bonus to damage done with light or one-handed weapons; this ability replaces the "martial weapon" thing that, for most swashbuckling rogues, is useless since they already have access to the iconic swashbuckling weapon (the rapier).

will there ever be stats for were-monkeys??

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

will there ever be stats for were-monkeys??

Since the lycanthrope template is a template, there's nothing stopping anyone from building a weregorilla or a weremonkey right now.

And since I put a werebaboon into my adventure for Shackled City, I'm already confirmed as being wereprimate friendly.

James Jacobs wrote:

2) Obox-ob, a demon lord I've been developing in my homebrew world for decades as the world's primary bad-guy deity. I got the name from the 1st edition MM2, so it's only fitting that I gave him and his development back to WotC, but I do sometimes miss being able to use him in Golarion. Close runners-up include Demogorgon, Nocticula (who replaced Malcanthet), and Cyth-V'sug. Sifkesh is looking like she's going to be joining these ranks sometime soon.

Nifty! Very, very nifty! I'm really looking forward to seeing that impending demons book Paizo's got coming. (The title of which escapes me) Mostly because I just found a copy of your seminal work with WotC - Lords of Chaos - and LOVED it.

What is this Lords of Chaos you speak of??

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

2) Obox-ob, a demon lord I've been developing in my homebrew world for decades as the world's primary bad-guy deity. I got the name from the 1st edition MM2, so it's only fitting that I gave him and his development back to WotC, but I do sometimes miss being able to use him in Golarion. Close runners-up include Demogorgon, Nocticula (who replaced Malcanthet), and Cyth-V'sug. Sifkesh is looking like she's going to be joining these ranks sometime soon.

Nifty! Very, very nifty! I'm really looking forward to seeing that impending demons book Paizo's got coming. (The title of which escapes me) Mostly because I just found a copy of your seminal work with WotC - Lords of Chaos - and LOVED it.

What is this Lords of Chaos you speak of??

Book of the Damned II: Lords of Chaos

James Jacobs wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

2) Obox-ob, a demon lord I've been developing in my homebrew world for decades as the world's primary bad-guy deity. I got the name from the 1st edition MM2, so it's only fitting that I gave him and his development back to WotC, but I do sometimes miss being able to use him in Golarion. Close runners-up include Demogorgon, Nocticula (who replaced Malcanthet), and Cyth-V'sug. Sifkesh is looking like she's going to be joining these ranks sometime soon.

Nifty! Very, very nifty! I'm really looking forward to seeing that impending demons book Paizo's got coming. (The title of which escapes me) Mostly because I just found a copy of your seminal work with WotC - Lords of Chaos - and LOVED it.

What is this Lords of Chaos you speak of??
Book of the Damned II: Lords of Chaos

So obviously not some pre-existing book that Mikhaila seems to suggest.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:
What three houserules do you have in your Pathfinder game that deviates the most from the core rules? Replacing melee fighters with their B09S equivalents? Magic-users use skill rolls to cast spells? Rogues are called "thieves"?

1: Scrolls don't care if you're a divine or arcane spellcaster. If the spell on the scroll is on your spell list, you can cast it.

2: Appraise is kind of a pointless skill; I just tell the players how much the stuff they find is worth.

3: Bards can reallocate their skill points whenever they gain a new Versatile Performance, and effects that provide bonuses to skills that can be replaced by a versatile performance also provide the bonuses to the appropriate perform skill (so a bard with versatile performance—dance can add his +5 bonus from his boots of elvenkind to Perform (dance) checks made as Acrobatics checks).

BONUS HOUSE RULE: When you roll hp, you can always reroll 1s. And if at any point a hp roll results in below average hp for your character, you instead bump up to average hp.

BONUS BONUS HOUSE RULE: Breath of life is called cure deadly wounds so clerics can swap out spells to spontaneously cast it.

TRIPLE THREAT BONUS RULE: The swashbuckler rogue archetype gets to add his Dexterity bonus to damage done with light or one-handed weapons; this ability replaces the "martial weapon" thing that, for most swashbuckling rogues, is useless since they already have access to the iconic swashbuckling weapon (the rapier).

Nice, especially the bard and cleric stuff.

Did any of your houserules (beyond just the ones above) make it into the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core book?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zaister wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
TRIPLE THREAT BONUS RULE: The swashbuckler rogue archetype gets to add his Dexterity bonus to damage done with light or one-handed weapons; this ability replaces the "martial weapon" thing that, for most swashbuckling rogues, is useless since they already have access to the iconic swashbuckling weapon (the rapier).
Is that in addition to Strength bonus or as a replacement?

Replacement. Like how Weapon Finesse replaces Dex mod for Str mod for attack rolls.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:

Nice, especially the bard and cleric stuff.

Did any of your houserules (beyond just the ones above) make it into the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core book?

Yup; sprinkles here and. A LOT of the bard class stuff is house rules or ideas I've been kicking around, for example. The starknife's from my homebrew, as are many of the deities. And the breath of life spell's right out of my homebrew (although as I mention above, it's called cure deadly wounds). It's actually kinda hard to remember what ones come from me and what comes from other folks, like Jason—the MAJORITY of the changes from 3.5 to Pathfinder are, of course, from Jason.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:

Nice, especially the bard and cleric stuff.

Did any of your houserules (beyond just the ones above) make it into the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core book?

Yup; sprinkles here and. A LOT of the bard class stuff is house rules or ideas I've been kicking around, for example. The starknife's from my homebrew, as are many of the deities. And the breath of life spell's right out of my homebrew (although as I mention above, it's called cure deadly wounds). It's actually kinda hard to remember what ones come from me and what comes from other folks, like Jason—the MAJORITY of the changes from 3.5 to Pathfinder are, of course, from Jason.

Coolio. Were there any houserules you wished had made it into the Core book?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Zaister wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
TRIPLE THREAT BONUS RULE: The swashbuckler rogue archetype gets to add his Dexterity bonus to damage done with light or one-handed weapons; this ability replaces the "martial weapon" thing that, for most swashbuckling rogues, is useless since they already have access to the iconic swashbuckling weapon (the rapier).
Is that in addition to Strength bonus or as a replacement?
Replacement. Like how Weapon Finesse replaces Dex mod for Str mod for attack rolls.

Thanks, I like that rule.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:

Nice, especially the bard and cleric stuff.

Did any of your houserules (beyond just the ones above) make it into the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core book?

Yup; sprinkles here and. A LOT of the bard class stuff is house rules or ideas I've been kicking around, for example. The starknife's from my homebrew, as are many of the deities. And the breath of life spell's right out of my homebrew (although as I mention above, it's called cure deadly wounds). It's actually kinda hard to remember what ones come from me and what comes from other folks, like Jason—the MAJORITY of the changes from 3.5 to Pathfinder are, of course, from Jason.

Coolio. Were there any houserules you wished had made it into the Core book?

All the ones I listed a few posts above I would have liked to see get into the core. And I would have liked to see more dinosaur options for animal companions. In the end, though, what's in the core is pretty solid as far as I'm concerned!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Paizo has been using the unholy warrior class from Green Ronin's Book of Fiends on occasion, such as for

Spoiler for Legacy of Fire:
Ghartok, the Carrion King.
With the APG out now, would you use the antipaladin instead now, or does the unholy warrior still have a place?

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

All the ones I listed a few posts above I would have liked to see get into the core. And I would have liked to see more dinosaur options for animal companions. In the end, though, what's in the core is pretty solid as far as I'm concerned!

Thanks for the reply.

What the most surprising rule change/suggestion you remember when you first read Buhlman's first draft of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game? Were there any particular rule you liked from the first draft? Disagreed with?

Mr. Jacobs

Are there any plans for new core classes in the future?

And what is your favourite 3.0-3.5 prestige class(es), and would you like to see any one of them in the Pathfinder rules?:)

My favourite was ofcourse the Inititate of the Sevenfold Veil, although it overpowered as ***:)


Liberty's Edge

Did you miss me? I got attacked by an aberzombie on your lawn …

Outside of Varisia, what would be your favourite location in Golarion to play and/or GM a game in?

Liberty's Edge

How did the ancient serpentfolk civilization in Golarion interact / coexist with the aboleths? Which species (as an intelligent race) came first? Has this information been revealed in a released product, and if so, where can I find it? If it hasn’t (and assuming the answers to the first two questions didn’t reveal anything) is it likely to be explored in an upcoming product?

Liberty's Edge

Have you any advice for a GM running a game using the Pathfinder rules for using darkness as a dramatic device in a horror themed game, when magical light is an at will cantrip away for most parties?

Liberty's Edge

If you animated a corpse using animate object rather than animate dead, then used permanency on the animated corpse to make a zombie-like construct, would you be evil? Or just stupid, inefficient and now poor?

Liberty's Edge

Is the animating ‘force’ within a skeleton or zombie supernatural or spiritual? Or to put it another way, is it animated by magic, or by some fragment or residue of a spirit (that is put into the corpse by magic)?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zaister wrote:
Paizo has been using the unholy warrior class from Green Ronin's Book of Fiends on occasion, such as for ** spoiler omitted ** With the APG out now, would you use the antipaladin instead now, or does the unholy warrior still have a place?

Depends on the needs for the NPC in question. The unholy warrior and the antipaladin have different flavor, after all. Ghartok, for example, would have likely remained an unholy warrior if we did him up today, simply because I like the more demony flavor of the unholy warrior.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
Are there any plans for new core classes in the future?

No; the "core" classes are limited to the 11 in the core rulebook. The 20 level classes in APG are called "base" classes; it's a subtle difference but it's one we chose to make so that folks don't feel they need the APG in order to play the game. We'd rather they buy the APG or ANY of our books because they want to, not because they feel they need to.

There'll be one more base class in Ultimate Magic: the magus (a sort of fighter/wizard type character). After that, we'll probably be presenting subclasses like we did with the antipaladin int he APG, but these aren't significantly different from their parent class and are basically just extra detailed archetypes; we'll be presenting several subclasses, I think, going forward. We'll see!

Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
And what is your favourite 3.0-3.5 prestige class(es), and would you like to see any one of them in the Pathfinder rules?:)

My favorite prestige class is probably the dervish dancer. I'd love to see something like it show up in Pathfinder (although its 10th level ability is too much... it's not necessarily too powerful, but it just means that your turn suddenly becomes twice as long and that disrupts the game play too much).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:

Did you miss me? I got attacked by an aberzombie on your lawn …

Outside of Varisia, what would be your favourite location in Golarion to play and/or GM a game in?

Aberzombies are tenacious. Best go get your shots if you got jumped!

My favorite location outside of Varisia would probably be a three-way tie between Mediogalti Isalnd, Ustalav, and the Darklands.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
How did the ancient serpentfolk civilization in Golarion interact / coexist with the aboleths? Which species (as an intelligent race) came first? Has this information been revealed in a released product, and if so, where can I find it? If it hasn’t (and assuming the answers to the first two questions didn’t reveal anything) is it likely to be explored in an upcoming product?

The serpentfolk and the aboleths knew about one another, but they didn't really interact at all that much. They weren't allies, but they weren't necessarily enemies either. The aboleths actually probably thought the serpentfolk were quite useful at testing humanity and forcing them into numerous periods of wartime innovation and advancement.

The aboleths were first. We haven't revealed much at all about aboleths on Golarion yet, but it will ABSOLUTELY be expanded upon at some point in the future. Not the immediate future though. Aboleths are inexorably tied to Golarion; they created Earthfall, after all. They're one of the world's most important races/monsters. We're just not quite ready yet to really talk much more about them and what their story is in public yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
If you animated a corpse using animate object rather than animate dead, then used permanency on the animated corpse to make a zombie-like construct, would you be evil? Or just stupid, inefficient and now poor?

You would not be evil. You'd have a 6th level and a 5th level spell working together to make an incredibly fragile and low-powered animated object, but that's not evil. It might be kind of gross, though.

Animate objects creates a sort of magical lifeforce to animate things. That's not evil.

Animate dead steals a fragment of ambient established lifeforce, often from leftover soul in a dead body, to animate a dead thing. That IS evil, because you're stuffing a part of something that's alive into something that's dead.

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