The Next Poster...

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Dark Archive

Along with my soap, it helps me to clean all my parts.

The next poster thinks they're a superhero.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes! For I am Well-Distinguished Man! Able to smoke fine cigars and drink copious amounts of absinthe within a single evening!

The next poster might actually be the person responsible for alien abductions and cattle-mutilations...

Liberty's Edge

Actually, I MAY have abducted a few cattle...But there is NO evidence that I ever mutilated an alien. The fact is, ET has always been something of a drama queen. His accusations are without merit!

The next poster will be featured in Better Homes and Gardens.

Dark Archive

its all part of our undead plans

next poster has a silly hat

I do - though it has this shape to accommodate my head tentacles.

The next poster has an outrageous moustache she regularly shampoos.

I use the term "moustache" rather liberally, to mean any hair that is not located upon my cranium. That's what you meant, too, right?

The next poster has been a very naughty boy.

Punish me, oohhh yesss punish me, punish me sooo hard I've been so naughty, punish me more...

The next poster thinks Cthulhu is a type of stirfry.

…and goes great with a nice chianti.

The next poster wants to move to North Korea.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

No, no. I said North Korea should be moved.

The next poster likes cats.

They taste just like chicken.

The next poster believes everything tastes just like chicken.

mmmm Quite true, dah-ling, especially small, yapping white poodles.

The next poster sleeps in the nude.

Only because the previous poster likes to watch.

Curls up on the couch and falls fast asleep. His hind leg kicks as he dreams of chasing Jacks up trees.

The next poster is a communist sympathizer.

As Karl Marx once said "Get that nude poodle off my sofa, comrade!". Brilliant man, that Karl.

The next poster enjoys falaffel a bit too much. *winks knowingly*

That is not really saying much since we lick our own butts, drink out of the toilet and eat out of the trash.

The next poster likes 4e.

Yes, yes I do. Sombody wanna make something of it?

The next poster snorts yellow mustard.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

[spray of French's yellow mustard everywhere] Heh heh... you would too after reading this thread... funniest thing on Paizo... only, don't read it while eating a ham sandwich loaded with French's yellow mustard... it's not fun cleaning off the keyboard.[/spray of French's yellow mustard everywhere]

The next poster thought that this thread was about Paizo's next promotional poster for one of their books.

…and I was hoping for a full length spread of Seoni. How very disappointing.

Chuck Norris is looking for the next poster.

Uh-oh, I hope I can post before he finhyuhu bbg luck

The next poster sucks the ink out of permanent markers.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm trying to make my heart as black as everyone says it is.

The next poster made out on a whoopie cushion.

Only to excuse my distinctive aroma.

The next poster is once smurfed smurfette right on the smurf.

*pouts slightly, then sniffs derisively*

Honestly, dear, it happens one time in college and it's like it never goes away...

*waves hand dismissively*

The next poster has a near pathological obsession with spandex.

Dark Archive

must... destroy... all... spandex.... ever....

next poster is posting from a pit of lava

I thought it was kitty litter.

The next poster eats Tutti Fruiti Ice Cream.

But I like Rocky Road much better.

The next poster spells every other word wrong.

Ervey other wurd wrong? Taht's quite imposible, honestly.

Teh next postre really lieks solving geometrey problems whiel sitting arund in teh nude.

It's so I can solve the ones with factors of 21

The next poster has bubbles in their bathwater

Well what do you expect from an ins... eccentric scientist?

The next poster thinks everything is better with goats.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

And by "everything" he means "chupacabras."

The next poster needs to change his underwear.

Mark Moreland wrote:

And by "everything" he means "chupacabras."

The next poster needs to change his underwear.

Nope. I like soggy stained cloth sticking to me.

The next poster just threw up in their mouth after reading this.

Grand Lodge


Yum... Seems... *GULP* have a better flavor the next time around...

Though after this morning, I thought I was rid of all that corn I ate...

The next poster loves to say things in rhyme...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is so true, how do you do?

The next poster likes to post things backwards.

Liberty's Edge


There. That was fun!

The next poster did some stuff with someone at the place with the thing, you know what I mean, right?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You mean that street ball game on Yancy Street, with me & the Yancy Street Gang vs. the Thing (ala Fantastic Four fame?) Yeah we did some stuff, at that place... and the Thing was involved.

The next poster thinks that there is always room for pudding... black pudding that is.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Bill Cosby and I have had this argument many times, yet he still feels that Jello is the answer. He'll come around soon, I just know it!

The next poster has two owls and a hen, four larks and a wren, all rolling dice in his beard.

Which is how I run High-Speed Random Dungeon Crawl soooo excellently.

The next poster is the Maytag repairman.

Grand Lodge

Anyone have a shovel handy? Perhaps a flashlight? It's awful dark and cramped in here...

The next poster has no idea what a shovel or flashlight has to do with being THE "Maytag Repairman"...

Well, yeah. You can't expect us Swedes to get all your cultural references.

The next poster can't wait for the floorball season to get going.

Liberty's Edge

Go Salibandyliiga!!

One thing about the Finnish, they FINISH!

The next poster would kill for a venti double-mocha latte.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

It would go well with my venti iced soy latte I got on the way into the office today.

The next poster didn't sleep last night in favor of clearing out all the episodes of Mr. Belvedere in their DVR.

Scarab Sages

I finished those and then the rest of my Silver Spoons episodes.

I feel sorry for the next poster who has to go wash Sebastian's car.

Scarab Sages

This must be some strange new meaning of the word "car" of which I was previously unaware.

The next poster didn't get my reference.

I sure didn't. It must have been lost in the mail..

The next poster thought I said "male".

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

that's sexist!

The next poster says a string of the most recently added words in the Oxford English Dictionary when s/he stubs a toe.

Automagically bromance chillax catastrophizing defriend freemium frenemy netbook turducken steampunk!!!

Well, all those new words simply set my vuvuzela a-tingling.

The next poster has had his/her fair share of wardrobe malfunctions

Yes, and I have had it up to here with trousers without holes for the feet.

The next poster speaks in iambic verse.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

But does not write in it, alas.

The next poster finds fishy smells strangely aluring.

My favorite cologne is "Sea Bass".

The next poster doesn't think Monty Python's Flying Circus is funny.

*rolls eyes*

Honestly, there's nothing funny about Mister Python or his circus, whether it flies or not. How could you find it funny, with the way they treat those poor elephants and dancing bears and such?

The next poster has "happy hands"; you know, what the nuns at my elementary school were always warning the boys about...

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Hrm, I can't seem to read the last post. My eyesight's going...

The next poster is counting down the days until Monday!

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