c873788 |
As we all know, the APG has been available for download for a few days now. I've certainly enjoyed reading my copy. Now that you've had time to digest all the new character combinations using archetypes, alternative features, prestige classes, new base classes etc... it's time for the theory crafters and powergamers to swing into action.
I'm laying down the gauntlet to all who would dare rate your top 3 new character combos based solely on the Core Rulebook and the APG in terms of what is now most powerful. What do I mean by powerful? I mean your character creation is in a typical party of 4 and would outshine and possibly dominate typical adventures of appropriate level to such a degree that your GM might even decide to make the encounters more difficult.
Assumptions are that your character is level 11 with a 20 point build. I like 11th level. By this time your character idea has come into its own as opposed to 1st level which tells you nothing or 20th level which is rarely played. You can multiclass, use prestige classes, and use any new rules in any combo as long as it follows the rules laid out in the core book and the APG.
So give me your top 3 (1 most powerful) and reasons why if you wish but please don't debate what is meant by "most powerful" as I don't want the thread sidetracked. So over to you. Let me see your great character ideas.
JimmyNids |
I don't need to build these, they are too easy to make powerful for the reasons listed that you feats and stats are hardly relevant:
#3: Monk of Four Winds... because you become immortal and can take 3 standard actions two+ times per day
#2: Antipaladin... because its an Antipaladin and its dps can be ridiculous.
#1: pointed out by a friend, ignoring the lvl 11 restriction: Holy Vindicator - Cleric 10/HV 10 gives you strong fort and will, 10d8+10d10 hit dice, +17 BAB, and 9th level spells, as well as free maximize or empower when healing yourself. Obviously less broken with paladins and you only get lvl 10 domain powers but who cares!?
nathan blackmer |
Sniper w/ sniper goggles, snap shot, and at least one level in diviner. (assume 10h level) Improved Initiative (+4 init), 26 dex (+8 init), Reactionary trait (+2 init) Diviner bonus (+1) = +15 initiative. Act every surprise round, no matter what, with snap shot for a 35 Initiative and unlimited range sneak attacks. powerful/lethal sneak attacks so minimum sneak attack die roll a 3. If you're in 30 add +2 to each die. Rapid/Manyshot if you'd rather stay hidden then make the full attack.
Beyond 30 = Arrow damage +15-30. (per arrow)
Within 30 = Arrow damage +25-40. (per arrow)
If you can somehow manage a multishot/Rapid shot within 30... a potential 75-120 from SA damage alone. Yeesh.
I like the Alchemist/Barbarian. Rage/Mutagen/Enlarge 20 starting strength = 30 strength at level 2. Go high str/int with a decent con, I'd go with Oni-Spawn Teifling, and if your dm allows it (I don't know if there's an official ruling) take the trait that lets you guzzle two potions in a turn to make extracts go faster.
I don't have a book in front of me to do much math, but Feral Mutagen is a great investment. d6/d6/d8 primary natural attacks, (upgrade later on from something I can't remember to d8/d8/d10, Master Chymist PFRC grants some bonuses). You could even dip Shifter Ranger a level or two if you want (plays into the theme well enough). Not sure if you can take improved natural attack or not, but d10/d10/d10 would be fun.
Level 11 would get you a tasty +4 strength item, for a 34 str for Power Attacking blendocity. I'm not worrying about other buffs for the moment (notably not the one that adds elemental damage to natural attacks)
I think (off the top of my head) an 11th level enlarged, raging mutagenic badass with greater magic fang +2 would be looking a Claw +19 / Claw +19 / Bite +19 / Bite +14. Bites should be 2d8+20/2d8+20 Claws should be 2d6+20/2d6+20
So what, a total (assuming hits) of 4d8 (avg of 18ish) + 4d6 (avg of 15ish) + 80?
112 ish then.