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Hm... did I pre-order this? I can't remember. :)
Edit: Ah, yes, I did, back in August. Good. Can't be long now...
Do we get print and PDF by any chance?
from what I recall, those who pre-ordered through Adamant's site got the PDF when the final proof shipped to printers, and the Print copy when they shipped to distributors. Kind of like the Paizo setup.

Zaister |
from what I recall, those who pre-ordered through Adamant's site got the PDF when the final proof shipped to printers, and the Print copy when they shipped to distributors. Kind of like the Paizo setup.
Hm, I didn't get anything like that, and I pre-ordered over the Adamant site as far as I can tell.
Gareth, can you check that, perhaps? My name is Stefan Radermacher.

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psionichamster wrote:from what I recall, those who pre-ordered through Adamant's site got the PDF when the final proof shipped to printers, and the Print copy when they shipped to distributors. Kind of like the Paizo setup.Hm, I didn't get anything like that, and I pre-ordered over the Adamant site as far as I can tell.
Gareth, can you check that, perhaps? My name is Stefan Radermacher.
Still not shipped, as far as I know, which would be why we haven't gotten our PDF, I assume.

Gareth-Michael Skarka |

I would like an updated release date on this please. My Pathfinder group is ready for a change and this would shake things up nicely. Is it gonna be much longer on a release?
Yes, we were trying our best for May, but the realities of the workload dictated that it will be June.
Unfortunately, this will mean that we won't have copies at the booth we're sharing with Cubicle Seven at Origins at the end of the month (since the main stock won't be at the warehouse in time) -- but Pre-Order Customers will have their PDFs by then.
Here's another preview, though: The new cover by Rick Hershey!

Joey Virtue |

Unfortunately, this will mean that we won't have copies at the booth we're sharing with Cubicle Seven at Origins at the end of the month (since the main stock won't be at the warehouse in time) -- but Pre-Order Customers will have their PDFs by then.
So can we still preorder?

Urizen |

Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:Thats to bad looks like you lost at least forty dollars worth of bussiness and maybe 80 cause I dont buy books I dont get the PDF with Paizo has spoiled meJoey Virtue wrote:So can we still preorder?No, sorry, the pre-order has closed.
The pre-order has been up since 4Q 2010. There was plenty of time.

Urizen |

Brutorz Bill wrote:I would like an updated release date on this please. My Pathfinder group is ready for a change and this would shake things up nicely. Is it gonna be much longer on a release?
Thanks!Yes, we were trying our best for May, but the realities of the workload dictated that it will be June.
Unfortunately, this will mean that we won't have copies at the booth we're sharing with Cubicle Seven at Origins at the end of the month (since the main stock won't be at the warehouse in time) -- but Pre-Order Customers will have their PDFs by then.
Here's another preview, though: The new cover by Rick Hershey!
No offense to the previous cover artist, but Rick's upgrade smokes it.

Fnipernackle |

Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:No offense to the previous cover artist, but Rick's upgrade smokes it.Brutorz Bill wrote:I would like an updated release date on this please. My Pathfinder group is ready for a change and this would shake things up nicely. Is it gonna be much longer on a release?
Thanks!Yes, we were trying our best for May, but the realities of the workload dictated that it will be June.
Unfortunately, this will mean that we won't have copies at the booth we're sharing with Cubicle Seven at Origins at the end of the month (since the main stock won't be at the warehouse in time) -- but Pre-Order Customers will have their PDFs by then.
Here's another preview, though: The new cover by Rick Hershey!
i actually liked the old cover better.

Zaister |
I think, I'd have preferred the original art. It captured the post-apocalyptic abandoned-city-look well, while the new one is just some kind of generic "guys with guns" picture, and a little bit too much on the comic-book-style side. Anyway, the contents is what matters!

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I think, I'd have preferred the original art. It captured the post-apocalyptic abandoned-city-look well, while the new one is just some kind of generic "guys with guns" picture, and a little bit too much on the comic-book-style side. Anyway, the contents is what matters!
I agree. I wasn't a huge fan of the art style of the last one, but I did think the image better captured what the book is about. Or hopefully what the book is about.
On a side note after it goes for sale any chance of there being a print/PDF bundle offer?

Joey Virtue |

Joey Virtue wrote:The pre-order has been up since 4Q 2010. There was plenty of time.Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:Thats to bad looks like you lost at least forty dollars worth of bussiness and maybe 80 cause I dont buy books I dont get the PDF with Paizo has spoiled meJoey Virtue wrote:So can we still preorder?No, sorry, the pre-order has closed.
Not to complain but I was dealing with alot of stuff during that time (my wife got cancer and passed away) so gaming was not that important

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Not to complain but I was dealing with alot of stuff during that time (my wife got cancer and passed away) so gaming was not that important
While I'm sorry for your troubles, you can't expect that companies will shut down their business just because you're having rough times. The pre-order was available for approximately six months.

Brutorz Bill |

Yes, we were trying our best for May, but the realities of the workload dictated that it will be June.
Unfortunately, this will mean that we won't have copies at the booth we're sharing with Cubicle Seven at Origins at the end of the month (since the main stock won't be at the warehouse in time) -- but Pre-Order Customers will have their PDFs by then.
Here's another preview, though: The new cover by Rick Hershey!
Thanks for the update. Here's hoping for the PDF this month!

Wiptag |

You may not be aware, but we give complimentary PDF copies of our products to anyone who purchases a print version.
That's always been our policy.
Details here: http://www.adamantentertainment.com/downloads/
Okay. I understand that the pre-order through Adamant is closed, and that it's been stated that those pre-orders are the only ones to get the PDF this month.
However, according to you, anyone who purchases a print version will get a PDF.
So, if I pre-ordered the book through Paizo, and sent Adamant proof of purchase, that means one could get the PDF this month that way, correct?

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You may not be aware, but we give complimentary PDF copies of our products to anyone who purchases a print version.
That's always been our policy.
Just for the record, I've taken GMS up on this offer, and the process was always painless and swift. I think this is a very, very cool policy of Adamant's, and I wanted to take a moment and publicly thank GMS for doing it.
Because it's way to easy for complaints to bury praise.

Urizen |

Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:You may not be aware, but we give complimentary PDF copies of our products to anyone who purchases a print version.
That's always been our policy.
Details here: http://www.adamantentertainment.com/downloads/
Okay. I understand that the pre-order through Adamant is closed, and that it's been stated that those pre-orders are the only ones to get the PDF this month.
However, according to you, anyone who purchases a print version will get a PDF.
So, if I pre-ordered the book through Paizo, and sent Adamant proof of purchase, that means one could get the PDF this month that way, correct?
The pre-orders are supposed to get an additional bonus mini-adventure by Gareth.

Sgt Steel |
Zaister wrote:I think, I'd have preferred the original art. It captured the post-apocalyptic abandoned-city-look well, while the new one is just some kind of generic "guys with guns" picture, and a little bit too much on the comic-book-style side. Anyway, the contents is what matters!I agree. I wasn't a huge fan of the art style of the last one, but I did think the image better captured what the book is about. Or hopefully what the book is about.
I've been following this discussion ever since it started and as a long time Post-Apoc fanatic, have been gritting my teeth holding on for this books release in pdf/print. I know you write good stuff Gareth and the previews confirm this. However, I have been moved to comment on the change of cover.
I have to agree with Fnipernackle, Zaister and Dark Mistress. The older cover was better. The old cover alone sold the book to me. It was appropriate to the genre and looked as classy as the Paizo Pathfinder covers. The new one is too comic booky. IMHO the new illustration would be better inside the book somewhere.
I am rooting for the book and like everyone on this thread, keep telling myself to hang just a bit longer. I really don't want to bail out over a cover but please restore the old and make at least 4 people happy.

Kruelaid |

You may not be aware, but we give complimentary PDF copies of our products to anyone who purchases a print version.
That's always been our policy.
Details here: http://www.adamantentertainment.com/downloads/
Is there any way I can find out who carries your stuff in Vancouver?

Kruelaid |

I am rooting for the book and like everyone on this thread, keep telling myself to hang just a bit longer. I really don't want to bail out over a cover but please restore the old and make at least 4 people happy.
Respecting that everyone obviously has their preferences... I love the cover!

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I, too, preferred the mockup cover. The new one is just a tad generic. Plus I loved the idea of the girl on the mockup using an old stop sign as a shield. That entire cover just screamed "Post-Apocalyptic" to me. The new one...well, other than the fact that "Warlords of the Apocalypse" is written on it, I wouldn't really know what genre it was.
Although I fear at this late stage, the new cover is almost certainly definitively going to be THE cover.

Gareth-Michael Skarka |

Although I fear at this late stage, the new cover is almost certainly definitively going to be THE cover.
Not necessarily. I can make the change, if I feel the change is worth making.
So please, sound off in this thread (If it was any other thread software, I could post a poll, but alas....).
Do you prefer the earlier cover? Or the new design?
We're also taking opinions on our Facebook page.

Brutorz Bill |

Not necessarily. I can make the change, if I feel the change is worth making.
So please, sound off in this thread (If it was any other thread software, I could post a poll, but alas....).
Do you prefer the earlier cover? Or the new design?
I've been following this product closely and am a big fan of P.A. Games.
While I wasn't 100% sold on the original cover, I feel it does capture the setting better than the second one. Don't get me wrong the second one is cool, I just see it as being more suitable for interior art or on the back cover of the book.Thanks for asking!

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Kthulhu wrote:Although I fear at this late stage, the new cover is almost certainly definitively going to be THE cover.Not necessarily. I can make the change, if I feel the change is worth making.
So please, sound off in this thread (If it was any other thread software, I could post a poll, but alas....).
Do you prefer the earlier cover? Or the new design?
We're also taking opinions on our Facebook page.
I thought the first art fit the product a lot better. I like the style of the second art more. So take that as you will. :)

terraleon |

Do you prefer the earlier cover? Or the new design?
The old cover had a much better post-apocalyptic vibe to it. The character was calm, but had a reason be-- she seemed to just be looking at something.
The characters on this cover are in a firefight, and seemingly have all the emotion of a trip through the bank to order more checks. Look at the faces; they're completely expressionless.

Justin S. Davis |
[I posted this at the FB page, too.]
The first cover, with its cracked roads and abandoned vehicles and dark skyline, gives a vibe of desolation and despair (which is both enhanced by the exploitive nature of the be-mascara'd waif, and hindered, due to her ridiculous attire). It screams doom-n-gloom. (And the signage is just extra goodness.)
But the second cover? Aside from the radiation symbol (that's halfway obscurred, mind you), there's NOTHING that seems post-apocalpytic. It's a dog-man and an elfish-gal...with guns. It looks like one of the slapdash, off-brand, fly-by-night products from the 3E boom-n-bust era.
I already pre-ordered, so you have my money either way...but , if I had to pick the book off the shelf based solely on the cover, I wouldn't look twice at the second.

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I agree with Justin. If I saw this book on the self of my FLGS I would pick up and examine one with the first cover.
No interest in the new cover at all. It seems like it 'wants' to be an action scene, but with no background, no foreground and no sense of what the heroes(?) are firing at, it just comes of as very... well boring actually.