Gen Con Survival Guide-Looking for Link

Paizo General Discussion

Dark Archive


A while back I saw a link to a Gencon Survival-type Guide, and now I am looking for this link and can't find it.

I think Erik Mona wrote the guide, if that helps. I could be wrong on that, but I do remember that the author is a Paizo employee.

Any of you have this link??


Grand Lodge

Sean Reynolds has something on his live journal blog, but this is really more apropos:

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4

I like Sean's advice

These are both informative, from the official Gencon forums.

Dark Archive

Excellent. It was Sean's advice I was looking for. Thanks to all for giving me some good links. Thanks to Sean for writing this guide.

Captain Chaos wrote:

Excellent. It was Sean's advice I was looking for. Thanks to all for giving me some good links. Thanks to Sean for writing this guide.

I'd also suggest...

a) healthy food. It's easy to feel terrible after eating pizza and nachos for three days straight. You'll actually get more gaming in if you can fit in some actual nutrition. There -are- grocery stores in Indy.

b) a sweatshirt. Unless you're packing your own insulation, some of those rooms are REALLY air-conditioned. I think the decision was to let skinny people freeze instead of making heavy people sweat.

rkraus2 wrote:
I think the decision was to let skinny people freeze instead of making heavy people sweat.

Look at it this way...the skinny people can always put more clothing on, or the heavy people can begin removing theirs.

Which option makes you shudder?

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