Magathus |
1 through 98. Non-vancian casting, preferably using fatigue or hit point loss to limit casting rather than spell slots.
99. More powers, hexes, curses, mysteries etc for the witch and oracle
100. That it not be too padded with new spells, which seem to be used as cheap filler for every expansion book.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
malebranche |
1) Not to be outdated or anything, but I'd love to see something like the "spellfire" system from 2.0: Magic based on Con instead of a mental score.
2) A prestige class, sort of like an eldritch knight, only focused on a monk/sorcerer or monk/oracle-type build.
3) Rules for a magical disaster site or magic deadzone. This could be a fun mini-setting.
4) More sorcerer bloodlines. One can never have too many sorcerer bloodlines. How about rakshasa-blooded or daemon-blooded?
+1 to rituals.
And of course magic items. Bring back the memento magica!
ProfessorCirno |
I'm good with new stuff for witches or sorcerers or bards, and I'd love more stuff for alchemists. New classes are always great
But please, no more or no new wizard spells. Maybe spells that are meant for sorcerer? One of the Dragon books (Races of the Dragon, maybe?) had spells that gave extra benefits to sorcerers. Or something similar for other classes.
But wizards have enough 8|
Gorbacz |
I'm good with new stuff for witches or sorcerers or bards, and I'd love more stuff for alchemists. New classes are always great
But please, no more or no new wizard spells. Maybe spells that are meant for sorcerer? One of the Dragon books (Races of the Dragon, maybe?) had spells that gave extra benefits to sorcerers. Or something similar for other classes.
But wizards have enough 8|
Hate to break it in for you, Prof, but there is some reason why 3.5 era was all about "moar spells". Why we had spells in every book and no Combat Compendium or whatever else.
Spells rock the world. There is some reason for the "What I want from UM" thread being twice as long as "What I want from UC" thread.
ProfessorCirno |
ProfessorCirno wrote:I'm good with new stuff for witches or sorcerers or bards, and I'd love more stuff for alchemists. New classes are always great
But please, no more or no new wizard spells. Maybe spells that are meant for sorcerer? One of the Dragon books (Races of the Dragon, maybe?) had spells that gave extra benefits to sorcerers. Or something similar for other classes.
But wizards have enough 8|
Hate to break it in for you, Prof, but there is some reason why 3.5 era was all about "moar spells". Why we had spells in every book and no Combat Compendium or whatever else.
Spells rock the world. There is some reason for the "What I want from UM" thread being twice as long as "What I want from UC" thread.
One reason I like Pathfinder is that it cut out the stupid power bloat for wizards.
I don't want it happening again.
Spells do indeed rock the world. I'm saying, other things should be allowed to rock the world too. Wizards rock the world enough as is - let other classes shine.
BPorter |
Hate to break it in for you, Prof, but there is some reason why 3.5 era was all about "moar spells". Why we had spells in every book and no Combat Compendium or whatever else.
Spells rock the world. There is some reason for the "What I want from UM" thread being twice as long as "What I want from UC" thread.
And 3.5 was ultimately worse for spell glut. Most new spells didn't make their way into products like adventures and drove the one-upmanship of "better-stronger-faster" that ultimately drove the power creep cycle. As for combat, changes in combat were equivalent to variant spell systems. You saw them in OGL games and d20 variants but they didn't conform the Set-in-stone splat format of classes-feats-spells-magic items.
I'm not suggesting those things can't be cool if done well. However, if the GM Guide and APG are any indication, Paizo can produce superior products without adhering to the old WotC-splat model; at least not religiously adhering to it.
As for UM vs UC, UM will be released a year sooner than UC so I'd be stunned if it didn't have more posts at this point in time.
KnightErrantJR |
Not for any practical reason, but I would like to see a PrC like the Ultimate Magus from Complete Mage. For some reason, I like the idea of someone that can progress using "innate" magical ability as well as learned and disciplined spellcasting.
Plus, as a long time Realms fan, that PrC just screamed "The Simbul" as soon as I read through it.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
MerrikCale wrote:hot pictures of sorcerous babesMake that "pictures of hot sorcerous babes" and I'll throw in a +1. The temp of the pictures is largely irrelevant to me. :)
Some of us are blind to the "visible" spectrum and rely on 2nd Edition infravision to see hot pictures of sorcerous babes to get our jollies.
BPorter |
BPorter wrote:Some of us are blind to the "visible" spectrum and rely on 2nd Edition infravision to see hot pictures of sorcerous babes to get our jollies.MerrikCale wrote:hot pictures of sorcerous babesMake that "pictures of hot sorcerous babes" and I'll throw in a +1. The temp of the pictures is largely irrelevant to me. :)
:) Ah, that makes sense then!
Oliver McShade |
More Spells for all, wizards, clerics, rangers, bards, etc
A lot more Spells for Druids :-) Would like these spells to be spell effects and not turn the druid into X,Y,Z, since they already have wildshape. Like control winds/air, rain/water, fire/sun, earth/plants,etc. Maybe add flesh to stone & Stone to flesh to the druid list. (( if you cant tell, i like the caster druid route )).
Lots more magic items.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Magical options for non magical characters. Like a magic ritual fueled fighter archetype, or shadow magic infused rogue archetype.
Yeah, it would be neat if some PCs could do a ritual that super-buffs one they did to Buffy in the penultimate episode of Season 4 of Buffy, when they fought Adam.
It would also be a neat way of PCs taking on a BBEG that is prepped and propped by a bunch of minions being all cult-of-personality and doing ritual sacrifices and chanting and stuff to keep the BBEG all buff.
Maybe a ritual where the participants use full round actions to grant the focus extra actions? One participant doing a full round of chanting might give the focus an "action point." The focus can spend 1 action point to get an extra move action, 2 to get an extra standard action, and 3 to get an extra full round action in a round.
There might be variants, like the 3.5 circle magic of the Red Wizards, where spell slots are sacrificed. Maybe divine circles where channel energy uses are expended, or druidic ones where wild shape uses are bestowed on the focus.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I was hoping the Magus would be an Int-based, prepared spellcaster that used the bard's spells per day table, and got the bulk of their "firepower" from reserve-feat-like class features (or bonus reserve-like feats). I think the combination of a limited number of spells per day with reserve feats makes an interesting resource management challenge.
I also think it would be neat if there was a way to boost the 3 + Int/Wis/Cha bonus per time rays or touches by increasing the number of damage dice based on the highest level spell currently available that is similar to the power. For example, if you have a Meteor Swarm prepared, your ray of fire does 9d6 + 1/2 CL fire. Once that Meteor Swarm is cast, if the only other fire spells you have prepared are wall of fire, fireball, scorching ray, and burning hands, your ray of fire ability only does 4d6 + 1/2 CL damage. Etc. Etc.
Souphin |
Bloodlines I really like the sorcerer class and don't want to see too many blood lines. When people keep asking for more blood lines is their a certain bloodline that they are expecting. Too many just floods the system of options. It's like schools of magic for wizards or domains, rather than coming up with new schools or domains the APG made an add on that works with what was already set. Some stated rakshasa & or daemon bloodlines, those could be a template or feat to change the Abyssal or Infernal blood line.
spells that are meant for sorcerer Spells that could have a special effected when cast spontaneous
Weapon like spells I'm a huge fan of produce flame, melf's minute meteor,light lance, flame blade. The idea of a character starts with nothing in hand and creates something that he can use it as a tool for a some time rather than it being instantaneous. And to add onto that a metamagic feat to improve such spell
Ensharpened Spell A spell that requires an attack roll can be cast at a higher level granting a +1 enhancement to attack and total damage rolls for each level above the original spell level. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the original spell.
Bards In 3.5 the bard abilities used the bards perform check but Pathfinder uses doesn't user perform at all for fascinate. All I ask if for a really good reason for a bard to boost his perform skill
Reserve-feats are something I'd like to see return
scotchrocket |
Bloodlines: I don't want to see too many, but would love a shapeshifter/doppelganger one.
custom ediolon: I would love an option where you get x points to set stats where you want them. that way if you want to play as if the ediolon is your decesed mentor/lost sibling he doesnt need to start with below average int and average wis & cha.
the Magus: I can't wait to see how Paizo handles this class
rituals: a non-combat low level spell ability usable by anyone trained in spellcraft
Souphin |
I been playing for years and I know of very few characters that actually prepare and keep track of spells. Too many times it comes to the wizards turn and he's flipping through the the core book/PHB for the spell that suits the situation, totally defeats the perk of the sorcerer class. The game should support a way of helping people keep track of spells, the chracter sheet in the book is not too much help with that.
In Ultimate Magic a character sheet or spell sheet should be in the back to help people actually keep track or spells
Souphin |
I been playing for years and I know of very few characters that actually prepare and keep track of spells. Too many times it comes to the wizards turn and he's flipping through the the core book/PHB for the spell that suits the situation, totally defeats the perk of the sorcerer class. The game should support a way of helping people keep track of spells, the chracter sheet in the book is not too much help with that.
In Ultimate Magic a character sheet or spell sheet should be in the back to help people actually keep track or spells
Oliver McShade |
A magic theory alternative to Divine magic... say Pisionics. Were divine magic used do not get there magic from gods, but from themselves. That way one could get rid of gods/goddess/demons/devils as the source of clerics in there game world, and use Psionic spells, Psionic granted abilitys, etc.
~~Tick Tock the gods be dead~~
R_Chance |
A magic theory alternative to Divine magic... say Pisionics. Were divine magic used do not get there magic from gods, but from themselves. That way one could get rid of gods/goddess/demons/devils as the source of clerics in there game world, and use Psionic spells, Psionic granted abilitys, etc.
~~Tick Tock the gods be dead~~
I'm not sure if it's your grammar or the time of night that's confusing me... but if you don't want divine spellcasters (or gods) in your game... just don't have them. Or rework the fluff and say those divine spells have another source and skip gods. Use the bit about Clerics deriving their spells from a philosophy, not a god maybe. Why bother wasting space in a finite book on something that can be done by GM fiat in about 5 seconds? Just saying, that book's "real estate" is valuable... use it on something that isn't drop dead simple.
R_Chance |
I been playing for years and I know of very few characters that actually prepare and keep track of spells. Too many times it comes to the wizards turn and he's flipping through the the core book/PHB for the spell that suits the situation, totally defeats the perk of the sorcerer class. The game should support a way of helping people keep track of spells, the chracter sheet in the book is not too much help with that.
In Ultimate Magic a character sheet or spell sheet should be in the back to help people actually keep track or spells
I have them write down what spells they have memorized and give me a copy (I also have a copy of their spellbooks to know what's available). Cross them off as used. They give me the changes when they memorize new ones. For Sorceror's I have a list of their known spells and cross off the spell levels used off a tally list as they do so. Simple enough. It just requires a little cooperation with the DM and some time on the players part. It's not overwhelming, even at mid to high level. Basic book keeping details, much like hit points or experience points, it needs to be done.
R_Chance |
I want a solid alternative magic system. One in which the full ramifications are explored (how it effects magic items, item creation, etc.). I hope the Power Word system mentioned is just that. If so it should make for a fun read even if you don't use it. The PF version of a spell point system would be interesting as well, but I doubt you could cram more than one fully realized magic system in one book and still have room for everything else that this book promises... I'm really looking forward to this one.
Grey Lensman |
Space devoted to APG class support. New mysteries, revelations, hexes, curses, discoveries, and judgements. Hexes that are specific to a patron. Not just new revelations to make a new Oracle mystery, but new revelations for the old ones as well. Maybe some fluff as to possible Witch patrons beyond what spells are offered. And add in stuff for Bards as well.
In other words, I want to see at least as much space devoted to any "not wizard and sorcerer class" as those 2 are going to get.
BenignFacist |
Some kind of casting system where key words generate key spell effects and by combining key words with each other you can form 'sentences'.
The more powerful the effect desired the more powerful the sentence must be, involving more key words which in turn makes the sentence harder to handle/cast.
Using how we generate language and applying the concepts of grammatical structure as a theme for a spell casting system would be fun.
*shakes fist*
Ævux |
TED MEADE wrote:I strongly suggest against those ones. IMO they were a bad, bad, bad idea.
Reserve-feats or something very similar. With rules for making our own.
IMO they were not a bad bad Idea, just mostly useless. Great Idea, poor exucution.
With Unlimited Cantrips however, there isn't much of a point other than to give casters something a little higher to cast.
I'd like to see things like Voice of the Mage, and Name of the Mage appear. Oh and the Magic Missler, as well as the combined power of the Ultimate Mage.
Bloodlines for sorc, an animalistic bloodline.
Oliver McShade |
A 4th level Create Water Spring spell. Cleric and Druid. So us farmers can start irrigating the deserts, mountains, and what ever else we want :) Say 1 gallon per round, with the spell having a 1 day/level duration.
Also, want a Continual Light spell back. Ya we want those lanterns, flashlights, rooms of light back that we use to have.
.... what was browsing the Old D&D spell lists....
ps.. what happened to Fairy Fires +2 to hit target bonus ... ;p
kettchup |
Warning: Long Post.
It's called "Ultimate Magic" but so far the focus seems to be on Arcane magic, Sorcerers and Wizards. I'd like to see much more Cleric/Druid/Paladin/Ranger content.
More Ranger/Paladin bond abilities, or the ability to use their magic to boost their class abilities (favored enemy/terrain, lay on hands, etc) instead of casting spells.
An alternate class feature replacing Channel Energy. Or, more ways to get uses out of Channel Energy like Divine Feats used to. Maybe this isn't as relevant with domain daily-use powers, I dunno.
An alternate Wild Shape feature like the "Aspects of Nature" in Unearthed Arcana.
I like the idea of boosting the 3+Int/Wis/Cha sp abilities, but I think a reserve feat would be kind of doing too much of the same thing. Maybe, an alternate class feature or a feat that lets a caster sacrifice a daily slot or two to power-up their daily abilities, so a 3rd-level slot sacrificed boosts the damage of a "fire bolt" by +3d6, or extends the duration of a "dazing touch" by 3 rounds. Automatically granting a bonus damage/effect based on a spell-prepared is like adding a whole new class feature for the price of a feat, which is way too much in my opinion.
Alternate Alchemist mutagens (a high level one that changes size or grants a subtype?), more ways for a Summoner to boost their eidolon and/or summoned creatures (create a feat tree out of the Augmented Summoning feat?), more hexes for Witches (patron-specific or familiar-specific hexes, like improved overland flight for hawks or a poison touch for snakes; a blur effect for the deception patron or a smite ability from the strength patron). Curse-specific Oracle mysteries, like a sight-beyond-sight divination themed Oracle mystery only available to clouded-sight Oracles, or a Planes-themed mystery for tongues Oracles. Necromancer abilities, maybe make a necromancy-themed summoner archtype that creates/summons undead and has an undead cohort/companion instead of an outsider, etc.
Magic in architecture, like from the 3.0 Stronghold Builder's supplement - a bier of resurrection found in the holy grand temple of a healing deity, a room in a wizard's tower with built-in protection from scrying.
Instead of Pact Magic or whatnot, maybe tweaking the method that sorcerers/wizards/clerics acquire their powers. Instead of a sorcerer having a bloodline, they might acquire pacts instead, that grants powers at certain costs, and pick a pact each time they would gain a bloodline feat/power instead. Clerics might form pacts with Angels or Devils or other outsiders, replacing their domains. Witches and Druids might do so with spirits, replacing some or all of their hexes/wild shape (respectively).
Rituals and other outside-of-combat magic is a good idea. Also, along the same lines, cooperative magic that lets casters delay/ready their actions and cast spells affecting the same area/target to boost effects; i.e., a cleric "aids another" on an enchanter casting Hold Person, increasing the save DC. A witch with the agility patron "aids another" on a sorcerer casting Haste, increasing the duration.
Other ways of increasing spell save DCs, durations, or caster levels, like unique/magic metamagic components or casting a spell in conjunction with using a wand/staff/scroll of the same spell, or even a class feature or spell where a caster takes damage or other effects to boost spellcasting (like the Oracle's "Borrow Fortune" spell, the Insane Focus supernatural ability of the Insanity subdomain, or the "vicious" magic weapon ability).
Blueluck |
What I want from Ultimate Magic is best summed up as, "I'd like more of the cracks filled in."
Once upon a time, D&D had only a handful of abilities to offer. (3 races, 3 classes, very limited spell lists, etc.) As the game has gone through many editions, many more possibilities were added. With Pathfinder, we now have 7 races, 18 character classes, 18 prestige classes, dozens of archetypes, and hundreds of feats, schools, domains, fighting styles, skills, etc. The breadth of characters available is outstanding!
Unfortunately, not all of the possible characters are truly viable, and therefore many appear but rarely in actual play. There are many Really Cool Things ^TM that can be done in Pathfinder, but for the absence of a low-level version aren't viable at low levels, or for the absence of a high-level version aren't viable at high levels, etc. I would love to see the next few Pathfinder RPG products fill in those holes. Take more of the concepts (characters, strategies, etc.) currently available in the rules, concepts we players have already considered and discarded, and make them less "discardable".
What does that mean for Ultimate Magic?
First, print more spells.
Each school/domain of magic should have at least one very desirable spells at each level.
Each line of spells could have spells at each level, so that characters can be built with those themes in mind.
Summon Monster and Cure are healthy lines of spells, with one usable spell at each spell level.
Fabricate is a great spell. All of a sudden at 9th or 10th level, a magic user can use craft skills instantaneously to make all sorts of gear. Mending & Make Whole at levels 0 & 2 go well with it. Add a spell at 3, 4, 6, and 8, and you've got a cool character concept or two that just became viable. Even better, include 1, 7, and 9 and you've got an entire line of spells for the crafty crafter, perhaps the mage who lives alone in his tower, his tower that he built piece by piece with his own magic!
The same could be said for ray spells, teleportation spells, creation spells, rune/symbol spells, or any number of other formal or informal grouping of spells.
Second, print more feats.
Yes, there are hundreds, but there are holes that could be filled in. For example, working off the model of Spell Focus + Augment Summoning, many lines of spells could be made into series of three (Somewhat reminiscent of Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Tripping Strike for a melee combatant.)
Third, print more magic item creation rules.
There's a table on page 550 of the Pathfinder Core book that can easily be extrapolated. Do it! What if I want a ring with a spell-trigger rather than command word ability? How about a weapon that can be used to cast a spell three times per day? A spell completion item that is usable once per day rather than once ever? A 6' long stick that is a "wand of cure light wounds" or a 12" long stick that's a Staff of Charming?
There's a lot of material there that's possible, that's already been thought of a thousand times by players, that's just waiting for a fairly easy rules fill-in.
Dragon78 |
Bloodline related feats for sorcerers, such as adding non class spells to spell list(holysmite for celestial bloodline), spell like abilities or special abilities related to the bloodline. Alternate abilities for sorcerer bloodines that you can choose instead of draconic claws or fey woodland replace with ability "x". Feats or abilities that allow oracles to pic spells from other spell list that fit there theme.
Apethae |
4) More sorcerer bloodlines. One can never have too many sorcerer bloodlines. How about rakshasa-blooded or daemon-blooded?
Slight threadjack, but KQ did a good writeup of a rakshasa bloodline that I've used for another character to good effect (.user file here for HL).
Dragon78 |
More elemental spells especially cold and electrical for 1st-4th druid and the wizard/sorcerer list.(well any level that doesn't have an elemental spell that should get one, like 1st and 2nd level wiz/sor is missing cold, no fire for 5th, etc.)
More wall spells(like wall of coral, gears, crystal, wood, etc.)
More spells for casters from different terrains(like the mentioned "wall of coral" for the sea based characters/creatures)
TakeABow |
Wishlist for Ultimate Magic (Some may have already been mentioned)
- Archetypes for Witches: Maiden(Cha)/Matron(Wis)/Crone(Int - The APG Witch)
- Archetypes for Summoner, Inquisitor, Alchemist
- More Discoveries/Mysteries/Hexes/Judgments
- More options for the Eidolon (Base forms / Evolutions)
- Prestige Classes that grant cool abilities but do not get full-casting progressions
- More magic items, especially magic weapons and armor
- Blessings, Curses, Magic Tattoos, and other permanent 'buffs'
- Expanded rules for crafting items
- Variant Metamagic system
- Metamagic feats which require you to be a specific class (witch 10) as a prerequisite
- Witch only spells
- Sorcerer only spells
- A Prestige Class that can steal spells (maybe even midcasting) and use them against the original caster.
- Options for non-magic users to combat magic users more effectively
- Magical Locales e.g. 'Leylines' (Rules to make them and examples)
- Several Alternate Magic Systems
- A chapter describing several different 'fluff' ways to explain how magic works in the game world (do characters know about things like 'spell levels?')
- More Familiars (Similar to the witch familiars in APG, just bunches more - a whole page would be awesome)
- Magical Artifacts
- Superstitions that grant defensive bonuses against spells or bonuses against magic-users
- Ritual and cooperative magic
- Themed spell lists for various classes (Only can use spells from that list, but gain access to several spells normally not available or get a few spells earlier)
- Keep new spells to a minimum (I would prefer to have Wizard, Cleric, and Druid all get no new spells at all)
Morbios |
Each school/domain of magic should have at least one very desirable spells at each level.
Each line of spells could have spells at each level, so that characters can be built with those themes in mind.
Second, print more feats.
Yes, there are hundreds, but there are holes that could be filled in. For example, working off the model of Spell Focus + Augment Summoning, many lines of spells could be made into series of three (Somewhat reminiscent of Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Tripping Strike for a melee combatant.)Third, print more magic item creation rules.
There's a table on page 550 of the Pathfinder Core book that can easily be extrapolated. Do it! What if I want a ring with a spell-trigger rather than command word ability? How about a weapon that can be used to cast a spell three times per day? A spell completion item that is usable once per day rather than once ever? A 6' long stick that is a "wand of cure light wounds" or a 12" long stick that's a Staff of Charming?
I agree on the first two counts - not just "more spells!" and "more feats!" (which will make their way into all new books in one form or another) but rather following existing patterns with the ubiquitous additions every time a new book comes out.
On the third count, I disagree about some things that could be easily extrapolated from existing guidelines and examples (longer wands, shorter staves, spell-trigger rings) - but I heartily agree on the case of "X uses / day" items, regardless of their activation method. These have been around in the game since the inception of 3E, and there's never been a formula that's anywhere near accurate. As an example, cape of the mountebank should cost 64,800gp by the formula given, and yet you can get one for the low price of 10,080gp. Though this is the example item for the formula, it's off from the value it's supposed to exemplify by more than a factor of six. Whuh?
Sorry, rant off. Continuing...
Wishlist for Ultimate Magic (Some may have already been mentioned)
- Archetypes for Summoner, Inquisitor, Alchemist
- More Discoveries/Mysteries/Hexes/Judgments
- More options for the Eidolon (Base forms / Evolutions)
- Blessings, Curses, Magic Tattoos, and other permanent 'buffs'
- Expanded rules for crafting items
- A Prestige Class that can steal spells (maybe even midcasting) and use them against the original caster.
- Options for non-magic users to combat magic users more effectively
- Magical Locales e.g. 'Leylines' (Rules to make them and examples)
- Several Alternate Magic Systems
- Magical Artifacts
- Superstitions that grant defensive bonuses against spells or bonuses against magic-users
- Ritual and cooperative magic
Agreed on these counts. A non-Vancian, non-spellpoint system would be very nice. I realize it's nigh-impossible to balance with existing classes, but a fatigue-based system (which has already been mentioned - apologies to the poster) would be really nice. Essentially anything that uses a recharge time frame on the order of minutes to hours, and therefore bypasses the issue of the 15-minute workday and the need for several wands of cure light wounds to heal up after every battle, without generalizing so broadly as was done in 4E.