Xealot's Protecting your Home


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Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

In Dwarven:

((Kiptera would know these are not her Clan Members. I'll assume you wouldn't have mentioned the part about starting the mining outpost.))
Greetings Lass!!! Pull up a chair.

In Common:
"Hey barmaid, grab my friend here another ale."
Back to Dwarven:
"We are jsut here to do a little surveying... that's all, just passing through. You know anything about mining?"

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Well... I'll go sleep early today, we got to see about this job tomorrow" waves the rest good bye, winks at Mercy and smiles and goes to his room in the tavern

Female Human Oracle 1
Burnsten Woller wrote:
"Well... I'll go sleep early today, we got to see about this job tomorrow" waves the rest good bye, winks at Mercy and smiles and goes to his room in the tavern

Mercy waves goodbye, and when he's out of earshot whispers, "That man..." as if she's glad to be rid of his constant affections. She stands after he's left, clutching her apron. Mercy nods to the others. "I'll be doing the same. See you all in the morning," she says cheerily, but with a pointed glance, almost as if she's aiming her statement at the hooded figure. "Goodnight, Claire," Mercy calls to a blurry room before departing to the room Claire and her share upstairs.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

You're not playing nice nice Xealot, setting me up like that.


Kiptera responds in Dwarven "Ha ha, That joke never gets old. I'm a Dwarf aren't I? What is your clan doing so far from the hold, and before we digress to far into Dwarven politics, I must warn you we are heading out to deal with some Kobold warparty. Just gotta find them first. Don't know much more than that. If you want you can accompany us or follow our trail since we'll be keeping a good pace. That'll help or make your exploration a bit safer. Now back to the good stuff. I've been out of touch with dwarven kin for a while. Talk to me."

I can lead them in opposite direction (already explored thank you very much) and waste their time where there will not be conflict if they do discover something.

Eventually Kiptera will return to her table when McHern settles down and talks business. She'll socialize with the dwarves as opp presents itself. It ain't always business you know.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev waves as they leave. "Till morning then! He then hops off his chair and heads to find a place to sleep for the night.

Female Human Witch 1

Isis briefly pops her head into the Mug, pausing briefly to make sure her mother wasn't there.

Macey's dog Kitch had whelped a fresh set of nine pups without a fuss. Isis had been sent to watch over in case there had been any complications. Isis had at least another hour before he mother would expect her home. Time enough to nip in the Mug and catch up on the local gossip.

Isis had only heard bits and pieces of people talking of the Mayor organizing people to clear the hills of kobolds.


It made the head swim to think they might be lurking in numbers just in the nearby hills.

Isis paused to scoop a small handful of honey and salt flavoured chestnuts and acorns. She also sipped a bit of water from a resin cup. She made sure that Skitter her lizard companion got a chance to lap some water from the cup too.

Isis's mom forbid her to drink except on special social occasions.

'A witch must be proper and full of her faculties at all times.' Isis imagined her mother standing next to her and waving her wooden spoon as she lectured on the proper station that a village witch was expected to maintain.

Isis had so far collected over two hundred and sixteen different rules that her mom had expressed at one time or another. You'd almost think she was a wizard with the thick journals that she had filled with her mother's teachings on Witch behaviour, Herbology, Entomology, Folklore, and a dozen other ologies that Isis struggled to learn.

If only she could convince her mother to let her go with the rest of the youth bounding through the hills on a mythical kobold hunt.

'A witch's place is by her cauldron.' smiled Isis as she imagined another of her mom's sayings as she took a crunch of honey nut.

Maybe she could convince her mom it would be safer to look for herbs and ingredients with all the village youth stomping over the hills calling out for kobold warlords to face them in battle like ancient champions.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos downs the remainder of his ale. While he was quite willing to buy a second round for the table, his meagre money purse is grateful that the party seems to be breaking up much earlier than he expected.

"Brev, it would honour me greatly to share my humble home with you this night, as you have done so many times for me before."

Venedictos attempts to escort him back to his tiny herb shop and the cramped rooms he keeps above it.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Venedictos wrote:

Venedictos downs the remainder of his ale. While he was quite willing to buy a second round for the table, his meagre money purse is grateful that the party seems to be breaking up much earlier than he expected.

"Brev, it would honour me greatly to share my humble home with you this night, as you have done so many times for me before."

Venedictos attempts to escort him back to his tiny herb shop and the cramped rooms he keeps above it.

"Ah, my good friend, thank you ever so kindly," Brev responds. "You know, I was thinking about what you were saying about redemption, and came to the conclusion that redemption is much like a fish: slippery and hard to get a hold of, and quite capable of slipping away from you again..." His voice fades out as he and Venedictos leave the tavern.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Kiptera looks back at her original table, only to find the last of the designated Kobold Scourge Party departing thru the front door. Time flew while she caught up on the dwarven politics. She begged leave from her newfound friends, getting ready to depart herself, when she observed the Witch Hex's daughter enter. Thinking to herself: Hmmm, last minute order of antivenom and Cure potions would certainly be needed.

Ms.Hex? Your mother will be available on the morrow? I wish to purchase some stock of anti-venom, perhaps a neutralize poison and any Cure potions she may have. Could you let her know I'll be there? Or if she wants to market directly to my fellow kobold hunting party, she might make additional sales we'll be meeting here sometime tomorrow before heading off. Thanks for your assistance.

Kiptera departs as well. It was going to be a busy night and morning... I know, I'll just call them a scourge party. Not sure we'll find any kobolds at this rate, which would still be a good thing she reflected. Laughing aloud to herself, "Yes, either way, a good start. It can't get much worse."

Female Human Witch 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

Kiptera looks back at her original table, only to find the last of the designated Kobold Scourge Party departing thru the front door. Time flew while she caught up on the dwarven politics. She begged leave from her newfound friends, getting ready to depart herself, when she observed the Witch Hex's daughter enter. Thinking to herself: Hmmm, last minute order of antivenom and Cure potions would certainly be needed.

Ms.Hex? Your mother will be available on the morrow? I wish to purchase some stock of anti-venom, perhaps a neutralize poison and any Cure potions she may have. Could you let her know I'll be there? Or if she wants to market directly to my fellow kobold hunting party, she might make additional sales we'll be meeting here sometime tomorrow before heading off. Thanks for your assistance.

Kiptera departs as well. It was going to be a busy night and morning... I know, I'll just call them a scourge party. Not sure we'll find any kobolds at this rate, which would still be a good thing she reflected. Laughing aloud to herself, "Yes, either way, a good start. It can't get much worse."

Isis looked doey-eyed at the dwarf as she spoke.

She should say something but she didn't know how to talk to such a person. Kiptera was everything her mother stressed Isis shouldn't be.

Kiptera was also everything Isis secretly admired as Kiptera was strong and independent minded.

Isis just shook her head up and down and tried to swallow the bit of nut she was chewing as Kiptera spoke.

Isis was still staring blankly ahead almost a minute after Kiptera had gone. She had fallen into her normal listen and say nothing and hope you didn't miss anything too important look by reflex. It was the same look she used naturally when her mother got on a tear of how Isis was a disappointment of a child and would never pass the trials of the coven or be excepted by a respectable village.

It seemed at times only her father was a greater failure or disappointment for her mother. Her father often being gone for months at a time in search of gold or diamonds or some other type of mineral.

Isis smiled as she thought of her mom saying, 'If I had wanted to marry a miner then I would have married a dwarf. At least a dwarf would bring back some gold once in a while.'

It was at this point that Isis realized the Mug was looking fairly empty. How long had she been here?

She quickly tossed a copper on the bar for the bit of nuts she'd eaten and scurried out the door and back to her home.

Now what had Kiptera been asking her to tell her mum? Beard salves or something? Maybe she wanted some Udder Balm. Udder Balm cured just about all ills.

Did it cure Kobold infestations too? You'd need alot of Udder Balm to cure Kobold infestations that's for sure.

Isis laughed as she imagined the huge cauldron needed to brew enough Udder Balm to cure the hills of Kobold Infestation. It kept her smiling all the way home.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Simon is a little surprised to see everyone leaving without discussing plans for tomorrow . After all , all they knew is the kobolds are somewhere in the hills . He then pass some hours in the tavern trying to have more information on their location , their deeds and who to contact on the morrow .
Diplomacy 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Male Human Sorcerer 5 (draconic bloodline - gold)

Ragnar has been listening silently to the familiar banter, nursing his ale, lost in some reverie as seems to happen so often. But the thought of kobolds threatening his home upsets the normally jovial man, and he joins Simon in his investigations.

Aid another in Diplomacy (not that it's needed) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Not sure if Brevaddelar is an early riser or not, but Brother Venedictos certainly is. An hour before dawn he is up and clanking around in his tiny ground floor kitchen preparing a pot of morning tea and tossing some bread in the oven. With the arrival of the sun, he makes his way up onto the roof where a small altar has been constructed on the eastern edge of the roof and carved with beautiful, graceful curves. A small piece of stained glass inset with prisms hangs suspended from the top of the altar which catches the fresh sunlight and shatters it into a myriad of colours that wash over the monk as he offers heavenly chants to Shelyn. He spends an hour in prayer and song, asking for spells that shall be useful to him on his new quest (swapping out create water for guidance). The birthmark on his forehead glows faintly in the wash of colours.

If Brev wishes to accompany him to the roof, he interrupts his prayers occasionally to teach the gnome about this morning ritual and about Shelyn herself (though of course phrased like a person casually explaining what he's doing rather than lecturing to the soul).
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

When he finishes his prayers, the two of them have breakfast and Venedictos packs up some belongings to take on the trip. His last act is to put his "Gone Fishing" sign up in the door of his shop, except this time he adds the words "for Kobolds" at the bottom in careful, elegant script.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Its gonna be fun coordinating the timezone responses in character. What an opportunity to slow down the space-time continuum and do character development vice stringing out the combatants amongst 3 hexes of territory due to time lag.

Kiptera's morning actions
Fluff: Kiptera awakes to the rooster crowing in the yard, thinking chicken and eggs sounds like breakfast of champions. Eh, its a good day regardless what time one gets up as long as you get up. She ensures the her combat and survival gear are packed and secured upon her quarterhorse Dimple. Gives the Widow Erin a peck on the forehead and bids her bye until she returns.

Crunch #1: She heads back to the dwarves to catch them at breakfast. She knows they came from the east along the travel route and occasionally made forays looking at potential mining sites. Perhaps they heard rumor or observed Kobold movement enroute. At worst, we could exclude exploring east; at best we have a solid starting point.
Diplomancy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Sweet! I is tight wit me dwarves!

Crunch#2: Afterwards she'll look for Mama Hex (or daughter) locally before heading to her place, convincing the others to come along to purchase any potions "Just in Case". And encourage her to increase her stock in the near future. Negotiate a group discount and confirm future buy if possible.
Com'n baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Diplomancy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Must've disturbed her morning routine.

Female Human Oracle 1

Mercy awakens along with Claire and the girls go through their morning routine-- talking, prayers, and then going down into the Everful Mug to help Mr. Haggard serve the few customers awake this early in the morning. There's hardly anyone about in the tavern, so Mercy asks Claire if she can spend the morning preparing her backpack, and Claire agrees. Mercy spends the rest of the morning packing her things into a large burlap sack before strapping on her combat belt and hanging her shortsword and her daggers in the loops. The rest of the morning until the sun has officially risen is spent out in the yard behind the tavern, practicing with her guisarme, letting her arms get used to the weight of it. She pulls her pack over her shoulders as well, going through a few quick drills. Step, stab, pull, step. Step, stab, pull, step. Repeat. By the end, she feels refreshed but curious as to how a professional soldier could do all of what she's doing and wear full-plate at the same time.

When the morning crowd comes in, Mercy leaves her pack and the stack of weapons in the corner behind the bar, pulls on an apron and gets to helping. She gets some compliments from some of the older gentlemen about how "adventure-ly" she looks in her chain shirt with a sword strapped to her thigh, which gives her a little more confidence. She uses her morning to try to mine the villagers for information on kobolds to see what she should expect.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Diplomacy time: 1d4 ⇒ 4
I hate d4s. They never roll properly, even on the internet.

After spending a good four hours of her time mining these people for information, (ugh) Mercy joins Kiptera, who had come in and joined the dwarves at breakfast, in her search for for Hex clan. She brings her back and her gear, walking along behind Kiptera-- so she was sure she wouldn't walk into anything-- with the guisarme in her hands, using it almost like a walking stick. Mercy lets Claire know she'll probably be back to say goodbye, but if she isn't, then, goodbye!
Mercy aids Kiptera's diplomacy check versus Mama Hex (if it happens-- based on Isis's post, she might not even be home!), though it probably doesn't matter.
Diplomacy aid another: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Female Human Witch 1

Isis wakes on her own luxuriating in not being told she was lazy for not being already out of bed.

Kip and Yonkers the family dogs were up and wagging their tails waiting excitedly for any scraps to fall from the table.

Belinda and Madge, Isiis' younger sisters, had already stumbled out of bed and were spooning through the morning oatmeal. 'Rich food wrecks the stomach and gives a tummy ache,' her mom was always telling them.

Personally, Isis thought it was because they usually didn't have money for anything else as her mom spent all the money she made on books. Books to read and books to fill with her various bits of knowledge.

All around the hut there were books being used to hold up ends of shelves, the leg of the table, and even being used as extra chairs for the coven of cats that lurked in every corner of the hut. They didn't have a rat problem but they certainly had a cat infestation.

'Where's mum?' I asked.

Madge just noded at the sheet of paper on the table.

The note read, 'Lilly started the pains last night. See you in two weeks. I have left a list of tasks and studies for you and your sisters. Mum.'

That was the trouble with having a Witch for a mum. She was almost never at home. She was off midwifing or helping watch over cattle births. Times like now, she also helped a new mom get settled into the routine by filling in with some of the house work and teaching how to nurse properly.

Isis looked at the black pot filled with warm bubbly oatmeal. She could feel the dry heaves churning in her belly already. She'd wait to see if she felt hungrier in an hour.

In the meantime, there were chickens to feed and eggs to collect. Goats to be milked and cheese to be started churning. With luck she and her sisters might get this done and the deliveries made quick enough to have some free time before having to settle down to the tasks of wood chopping and book reading.

Now, what was it that Kiptera had said last night of coming by for something. Some salve or something?

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Caelin wakes up early as it is only expected of him when he has work to do, otherwise he would still be in bed and waking up late and hangover. He then starts cleaning and taking her of his equipment, for his armor and shield will protect him and his blade shall defeat his foes. After cleaning them he comes down from his room in the tavern to eat something most people are not used to see him in his adventuring gear, perhaps only Denis and Kiptera have seen him.

As he starts coming down the ladder people in the tavern see a tall and solid built young man has the defined musculature and refined features even tho he lacks social grace. You can just make out a scar bellow his ears looking out from his helmet. He has a powerful presence making the few customer's in the Everfull looking at him for moments before they continue what he is doing.

"Good morning Haggard! Gimme the usual for the early riser, love that spicy soup" just walks to the nearest table to have a sit and wait for the rest suddenly noticing Mercy in armor "You look seriuos in that Mercy" a faint smile shows "If ya need to spar to get a hang of it I'll gladly give you a hand or two" laughs for a moment "I got your back Mercy, so have confidence in battle" this time as he usually is when talking about battle, he is very serious and confident on his skills with his sword that he unsheats, sets it on the table and slides his hands across the blade "This is Dethbellow" looking at the inscription in his blade, with a beautiful tribal design along the edges and the writing of it's name in Skald

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Burnsten Woller wrote:
"Well... I'll go sleep early today, we got to see about this job tomorrow" waves the rest good bye, winks at Mercy and smiles and goes to his room in the tavern
Mercy waves goodbye, and when he's out of earshot whispers, "That man..." as if she's glad to be rid of his constant affections. She stands after he's left, clutching her apron. Mercy nods to the others. "I'll be doing the same. See you all in the morning," she says cheerily, but with a pointed glance, almost as if she's aiming her statement at the hooded figure. "Goodnight, Claire," Mercy calls to a blurry room before departing to the room Claire and her share upstairs.

Denis doesn't know why, but he feels somewhat comforted by her cheery disposition and nods in her direction, though he had to admit there was nothing else for him to do except nurse this beer before heading to bed. He wasn't really tired but knew he had to go to his bedroom at some point wanting to be alone and all by himself. He didn't hate the lonelyness, but found it comforting since he never knew what the alternative was like.

Denis wakes up early as he often does, so early in fact that it's still dark and then he leaves the room, heading downstairs and sitting back at the table in the corner that he was sitting in origonally. As he sat there he kept his hood up once again and stayed focused on himself and what exactly they were going to do today.

Denis was no leader and he certainly never learnt to become one in his past so he just sat there ordering a early beer and remaining there in the dark feeling most at home.

He didn't understand why, but he eagerly awaited the return of these compansions. There was something about being in group that he was actually welcome in that comforted him. His hand rested on the hilt of the blade, always fearful someone might try to start something. He was resuming exactly what he was doing, wanting to leave this place as soon as he can.

How much would lodging cost if anything at all? Denis wouldn't have returned home and would instead stay at the tavern if possible.

Male Human Sorcerer 5 (draconic bloodline - gold)

Ragnar spent the morning fitting himself a leather armor. Kobolds may be puny but they pack a nasty sting, and Ragnar doesn't feel comfortable going out unarmored. The armor shouldn't impede his movements too badly and he feels a bit safer. He has no real idea about how it's going to interfere with his magic, and right now he trusts more to his sling.

Female Human Oracle 1
Caelin McHern wrote:

Caelin wakes up early as it is only expected of him when he has work to do, otherwise he would still be in bed and waking up late and hangover. He then starts cleaning and taking her of his equipment, for his armor and shield will protect him and his blade shall defeat his foes. After cleaning them he comes down from his room in the tavern to eat something most people are not used to see him in his adventuring gear, perhaps only Denis and Kiptera have seen him.

As he starts coming down the ladder people in the tavern see a tall and solid built young man has the defined musculature and refined features even tho he lacks social grace. You can just make out a scar bellow his ears looking out from his helmet. He has a powerful presence making the few customer's in the Everfull looking at him for moments before they continue what he is doing.

"Good morning Haggard! Gimme the usual for the early riser, love that spicy soup" just walks to the nearest table to have a sit and wait for the rest suddenly noticing Mercy in armor "You look seriuos in that Mercy" a faint smile shows "If ya need to spar to get a hang of it I'll gladly give you a hand or two" laughs for a moment "I got your back Mercy, so have confidence in battle" this time as he usually is when talking about battle, he is very serious and confident on his skills with his sword that he unsheats, sets it on the table and slides his hands across the blade "This is Dethbellow" looking at the inscription in his blade, with a beautiful tribal design along the edges and the writing of it's name in Skald

Earlier, before leaving with Kiptera...

"A very serious name for a sword. I wish I had something nice with a name to hang on to. You find it somewhere or did your da' gift it to you? Or another relative?" Mercy couldn't see half across the room, and so she spoke out into the bar in the direction of his voice hoping she'd catch the right ears. She drops off the tin bowl at his table, and looks taken aback at his sudden warrior-like appearance, just now noticing his attire. "You look like a proper hero now. Very nice," and after a moment to pause to look him over-- and envy his well-made armor that didn't equate to "a metal shirt" like hers-- she's back across the room, giving the dwarves another pint of morning ale "just to wake them up."

Secretly, she hoped Caelin was better at fighting than she was. She'd need a good partner in combat so that she wouldn't lose where she was or where others were, and if Caelin was as dedicated to protecting her as he said, he'd definitely be the one to choose. She just had to make sure it wasn't all hot air.

As she goes on her rounds she notices the hooded figure of Denis again in the dark corner of the tavern and nods hello to him. "Hello again, stranger. Let me know if you need anything." before flitting off to another table to ask the aging farmers and fishermen about kobolds.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev awakes early with Venedictos and accompanies his friend while he prays. He listens to Venedictos's pseudo-lecture and interjects with several suggestions on how he might alter the rituals to make them more interesting and more efficient.

After this, he'll patiently wait while Venedictos packs (Brev always has his things packed since he normally lives off the land), examining a few spiders while he waits. He then accompanies Venedictos to join the others at the Everfull Mug.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Caelin nods with out knowing if Mercy is looking at him, since he is looking at Deathbellow "This was my fathers, a great man and warrior..."touches his amulet gently "This was my mother's for luck and protection" he finally looks at mercy "My armor was given to me when I became a warrior, an honor given to one that has proven himself in battle" smiles at Mercy "We are going to be ok" sheats his sword with care and starts eating, while the rest arrive.

Caelin McHern wrote:
Caelin nods with out knowing if Mercy is looking at him, since he is looking at Deathbellow "This was my fathers, a great man and warrior..."touches his amulet gently "This was my mother's for luck and protection" he finally looks at mercy "My armor was given to me when I became a warrior, an honor given to one that has proven himself in battle" smiles at Mercy "We are going to be ok" sheats his sword with care and starts eating, while the rest arrive.

Denis's eyes focus on the Dwarf curiosly as he talks about himself and the various items that he had and where he had gotten them. It was interesting what he was learning about his comrades.

"Must be nice to have items to remind you of your parents." he says solomonly and then looks at Mercy and watches her, smiling in the shade of his hood as he wants to speak with her as freely as the dwarf does, but was too afraid however what Caelin said to him yesterday really got to him. Being with the group he should be safe to reveal himself completely to them, yet he was a creature of habit and kept the hood up.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos ties up his donkey Modestine outside the Everful Mug (helps Brev down if he needs the aid) and enters the tavern.

"Blessed morning, friends," he announces to the room.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev goes over to Denis and climbs up on a chair beside him. "You look unhappy, my friend," he says. He takes a sack from his belt and starts to untie it. As he does so, several insects start to crawl out of it. "Let me see if I can cheer you up a bit. I find that you just have to look towards nature to find examples of anything you want. There are funny things, somber things, and things to remind you of home."

He looks into the sack and starts to rummage through it. Ants, spiders, and other small things begin to crawl up his arm. Finally, he pulls out a fat, dead spider. "Take this spider for instance. This reminds me of my father. It's fat, see, and my father was absolutely humongous. Well, in gnome terms that is. Perhaps you'd care for look inside? He holds out the sack to Denis.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Simon did begin the day as all day doing his best to care for the animals at the farm . After which , he did take a frugal breakfast , took his equipment and went to the temple to offer an heartfelt prayer that the people he met yesterday would with his help succeed in forming a true brotherhood . He finally went to the tavern suspecting that was where he would find most of the company pçondering all the while what he did learn yesterday evening .

Brevaddelar wrote:

Brev goes over to Denis and climbs up on a chair beside him. "You look unhappy, my friend," he says. He takes a sack from his belt and starts to untie it. As he does so, several insects start to crawl out of it. "Let me see if I can cheer you up a bit. I find that you just have to look towards nature to find examples of anything you want. There are funny things, somber things, and things to remind you of home."

He looks into the sack and starts to rummage through it. Ants, spiders, and other small things begin to crawl up his arm. Finally, he pulls out a fat, dead spider. "Take this spider for instance. This reminds me of my father. It's fat, see, and my father was absolutely humongous. Well, in gnome terms that is. Perhaps you'd care for look inside? He holds out the sack to Denis.

Denis turned and was surprised that not only did he want to sit next to him, but that that he called him friend. I have barely met this Gnome and he already calls me a friend? There aren't many Gnomes I have met but this one appears to be the strangest of them all. he visably recoilsas he notices him rummaging through his sack and all the random insects crawling out and all over before his eyes were drawn to the spider's body. Denis wanted to swat it out of his hand, but assumed it would make enemies of the gnome and he didn't wish to many anymore enemies. The offer of looking on the bad made him widen his eyes and he shook his head feverishly. What's wrong with this Gnome? Why does he carry dead and live insects with him? He was very strange and he had no interest in searching his bag.

"Well...nature is where many of us come from I guess but...why do you carry so many live creatures with you? I'm sure not many places will let you in if they knew what you had in your sack..."he wanted to keep away from this sack and clearly his mind was now on other things.

Female Human Witch 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

Crunch#2: Afterwards she'll look for Mama Hex (or daughter) locally before heading to her place, convincing the others to come along to purchase any potions "Just in Case". And encourage her to increase her stock in the near future. Negotiate a group discount and confirm future buy if possible.
[ooc]Com'n baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Diplomancy 1d20 +1
Must've disturbed her morning routine.

When Kiptera arrives, Isis apologizes that her mother isn't around.

She apologizes that they don't currently have any anti-toxin potions ready but she'll see that her mom gets the message.

She also offers a jar of Udder Salve for healing. 'I know the name is awful but it works on everything. Cuts heal up much more quickly with that put on it.

'If you need an actual healer,' she pauses to drag a foot on the floor, 'I'm pretty good. And I wouldn't be any trouble. Not a peek, Miss Stiresong. I'd keep right with you and I'm almost a full witch now. Mom says I have a real talent for healing and such. And I could...I could gather herbs at the same time to help make that Anti-toxin potion that you want.

'Please, please, please.'

It was totally unprofessional for a witch to beg and her mother would have turned to stone if she'd been in the hut. Isis didn't care. This was her chance to get out of the hut on a good day and go into the hills.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

I am thinking that Denis is the one with vision problems. ;) I am the dwarf and Caelin is a rather large human. And Kiptera loves the way Ragnor posts in third person. Kiptera thinks this is endearing. Kiptera might hang around Ragnor more often. Kiptera likes the strong silent types without the ego of McHern. ;->

Kiptera's actions during Breakfast with Dwarves, Stage one, scene two.
Kiptera welcomes again the Dwarves to Tanner's Crossing. She inquires what they know of kobolds and thier habits. DM spoiler

And she tells them what she know of the area, minus one specific site and radius of 30 km if they get too detailed with their questions in that direction. If things are going very well, she might offer to assist as liason representative from her clan "StoneHaven". Perhaps even give up the site at a later date, if certain conditions are met.

Diplomancy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Bluff vs sense motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Knowledge Geo 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Thats it for my lunchbreak. Catch ya in a few hours. And I'll flesh out my Crunch#2 actions with Mercy and Hex.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:

Denis turned and was surprised that not only did he want to sit next to him, but that that he called him friend. I have barely met this Gnome and he already calls me a friend? There aren't many Gnomes I have met but this one appears to be the strangest of them all. he visably recoilsas he notices him rummaging through his sack and all the random insects crawling out and all over before his eyes were drawn to the spider's body. Denis wanted to swat it out of his hand, but assumed it would make enemies of the gnome and he didn't wish to many anymore enemies. The offer of looking on the bad made him widen his eyes and he shook his head feverishly. What's wrong with this Gnome? Why does he carry dead and live insects with him? He was very strange and he had no interest in searching his bag.

"Well...nature is where many of us come from I guess but...why do you carry so many live creatures with you? I'm sure not many places will let you in if they knew what you had in your sack..."he wanted to keep away from this sack and clearly his mind was now on other things.

Brev shrugs and places the spider back in the sack. "I like insects," he says. He begins gathering up any other stray insects. He continues to speak as he crawls under the table after some ants that are getting away. "I'm preparing a catalogue of all the local insect species and I need reference materials. Unfortunately, the spiders have a tendency to eat the other insects, so I'm constantly having to replace them. Makes doing the catalogue difficult, but anything worth doing is difficult, right?"

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos climbs under the table to help his friend, but unfortunately, his rather wide girth makes this an exercise in comedy rather than entomology as the table bucks around like a bed in a whore house.

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

I am thinking that Denis is the one with vision problems. ;) I am the dwarf and Caelin is a rather large human. And Kiptera loves the way Ragnor posts in third person. Kiptera thinks this is endearing. Kiptera might hang around Ragnor more often. Kiptera likes the strong silent types without the ego of McHern. ;->

Kiptera's actions during Breakfast with Dwarves, Stage one, scene two.
Kiptera welcomes again the Dwarves to Tanner's Crossing. She inquires what they know of kobolds and thier habits. DM spoiler ** spoiler omitted **
Diplomancy 1d20 +1
Bluff vs sense motive 1d20 +1
Knowledge Geo 1d20 +6

Thats it for my lunchbreak. Catch ya in a few hours. And I'll flesh out my Crunch#2 actions with Mercy and Hex.

Dammit! I keep forgetting that. There's someone in another rp group with the same name, same picture that's a dwarf so it's very confusing.

Brevaddelar wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:

Denis turned and was surprised that not only did he want to sit next to him, but that that he called him friend. I have barely met this Gnome and he already calls me a friend? There aren't many Gnomes I have met but this one appears to be the strangest of them all. he visably recoilsas he notices him rummaging through his sack and all the random insects crawling out and all over before his eyes were drawn to the spider's body. Denis wanted to swat it out of his hand, but assumed it would make enemies of the gnome and he didn't wish to many anymore enemies. The offer of looking on the bad made him widen his eyes and he shook his head feverishly. What's wrong with this Gnome? Why does he carry dead and live insects with him? He was very strange and he had no interest in searching his bag.

"Well...nature is where many of us come from I guess but...why do you carry so many live creatures with you? I'm sure not many places will let you in if they knew what you had in your sack..."he wanted to keep away from this sack and clearly his mind was now on other things.
Brev shrugs and places the spider back in the sack. "I like insects," he says. He begins gathering up any other stray insects. He continues to speak as he crawls under the table after some ants that are getting away. "I'm preparing a catalogue of all the local insect species and I need reference materials. Unfortunately, the spiders have a tendency to eat the other insects, so I'm constantly having to replace them. Makes doing the catalogue difficult, but anything worth doing is difficult, right?"

"I can understand liking insects...but why carry them everywhere you go?" Denis moved away, not wanting one of those creatures to start crawling on him. He didn't want to seem rude, but he wasn't too much of a fan of insects, though he did enjoy playing with them as a kid but that was years ago. He was older now and was more focused on what other people thought than his own thoughts.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:
"I can understand liking insects...but why carry them everywhere you go?" Denis moved away, not wanting one of those creatures to start crawling on him. He didn't want to seem rude, but he wasn't too much of a fan of insects, though he did enjoy playing with them as a kid but that was years ago. He was older now and was more focused on what other people...

Brev places the last stray insect back in the sack and ties it shut. He then ties the sack back onto his belt. "Where else would I keep them?" he asks while helping Venedictos out from under the table.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Huff, huff, puff. "Oof, thank you kindly," a red-faced and heavy-breathing Venedictos emerges from beneath the table and sits himself heavily into a rickety chair.

"So what do we know about these kobolds we are to investigate?"

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! no wonder you keep making mistakes with me ^^

Silently finished his soup and looks at Denis "Yes indeed, we must remember and honor our ancestors always" he does not drink any ale or mead just fresh water with his soup and stand up from his seat "I'll be outside I need to focus and warm up a bit" he just steps out from the Everfull Mug do his ritual, practice with his sword to get rid of some stress before going to fight.

Brevaddelar wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:
"I can understand liking insects...but why carry them everywhere you go?" Denis moved away, not wanting one of those creatures to start crawling on him. He didn't want to seem rude, but he wasn't too much of a fan of insects, though he did enjoy playing with them as a kid but that was years ago. He was older now and was more focused on what other people...
Brev places the last stray insect back in the sack and ties it shut. He then ties the sack back onto his belt. "Where else would I keep them?" he asks while helping Venedictos out from under the table.

He certainly caught Denis off guard with this question as he had no idea where he would keep them.

"If you were able to come up with some way to keep those creatures in some kind of container I guess you could study them better, but I can't imagine such a thing to be very portable." he was thinking of something like a glass box to keep them in with leaves and other things so that it would be possible to study them, however he had no idea of what name to use for such a think. "Insects interested me when I was a child. I always found the way this one group of ants killed this large insect and managed to take it to peices. So many small insects had the ability to overpower something so powerful. I guess team work wins all battles."

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:

He certainly caught Denis off guard with this question as he had no idea where he would keep them.

"If you were able to come up with some way to keep those creatures in some kind of container I guess you could study them better, but I can't imagine such a thing to be very portable." he was thinking of something like a glass box to keep them in with leaves and other things so that it would be possible to study them, however he had no idea of what name to use for such a think. "Insects interested me when I was a child. I always found the way this one group of ants killed this large insect and managed to take it to peices. So many small insects had the ability to overpower something so powerful. I guess team work wins all battles."

Brev smiles. "It does indeed. It works for ants, and it'll work for us against kobolds." He pauses a moment, then adds, "I hope."

Brevaddelar wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:

He certainly caught Denis off guard with this question as he had no idea where he would keep them.

"If you were able to come up with some way to keep those creatures in some kind of container I guess you could study them better, but I can't imagine such a thing to be very portable." he was thinking of something like a glass box to keep them in with leaves and other things so that it would be possible to study them, however he had no idea of what name to use for such a think. "Insects interested me when I was a child. I always found the way this one group of ants killed this large insect and managed to take it to peices. So many small insects had the ability to overpower something so powerful. I guess team work wins all battles."
Brev smiles. "It does indeed. It works for ants, and it'll work for us against kobolds." He pauses a moment, then adds, "I hope."

"I'm sure a group of this size would be able to deal with the Kobolds." he turns to look around and then turns to look back at the Gnome "Do any of us know how many there are? Is it simply a small group or an entire warband?"

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Guess who's back... back again. Xealot's back, tell a friend.

After a full night of gossip and camaraderie everyone goes to their respective homes, or pay Haggard 5sp for room and breakfast the following morning.

The following morning many things are going on. Haggard serves breakfast gives the group a large quantity of his famous "Spicy Elk Jerky". The dwarves are there bright and early and have a conversation with Kitpera.

For Kiptera:

Its obvious the dwarves were originally intending on making their way in the direction of your discovery, but you are able to send them in a different direction. They also inform you that there were no signs of kobolds to the east, although they heard rumors of trouble with kobolds to the West near the mountain range.

For Simon:

After conversing you here rumors that the river city of Kern near the Alterang Mountains has been attacked by kobolds. No one has any hard facts, or evidence though. Feel free to roll sense motive to see if they are lying, drunk, sober, honest, etc.

As everyone is making last minute preparations in the tavern, Risca, the village sheriff comes by and personally thanks each of you for going on this quest. The normally taciturn dwarf takes extra time when speaking to Denis. "Denis, I truly appreciate your willingness to help the town even though they have been... less than kind to you. Perhaps this will let people see you for who you are, not who they are afraid you are. Good Luck and may the Stone-Father be with you."

Ok, looks like you guys are ready to set off.

Xealot wrote:

Guess who's back... back again. Xealot's back, tell a friend.

After a full night of gossip and camaraderie everyone goes to their respective homes, or pay Haggard 5sp for room and breakfast the following morning.

The following morning many things are going on. Haggard serves breakfast gives the group a large quantity of his famous "Spicy Elk Jerky". The dwarves are there bright and early and have a conversation with Kitpera.

For Kiptera:
** spoiler omitted **

For Simon:
** spoiler omitted **

As everyone is making last minute preparations in the tavern, Risca, the village sheriff comes by and personally thanks each of you for going on this quest. The normally taciturn dwarf takes extra time when speaking to Denis. "Denis, I truly appreciate your willingness to help the town even though they have been... less than kind to you. Perhaps this will let people see you for who you are, not who they are afraid you are. Good Luck and may the Stone-Father be with you."

Ok, looks like you guys are ready to set off.

Denis looked up to the Sheriff and nodded slowly. He did enjoy what she said and that fact that she was thinking along the same lines of him that doing this will make him look good to the entire town.

"It's what I hope to accomplish." he smiles though for a moment his face returns to a neutral explaination "If something does happen...be sure that any treasure I have on my body to be given to my mother."

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

I'm already waiting for them outside the tavern ^^

Caelin McHern wrote:
I'm already waiting for them outside the tavern ^^

Better get outside and head on the road then :p

Denis rises from his seat and leaves the Sheriff there, giving a slight nod and moving his hand from the blade as he trusted no one would do anything with her nearby and soon left the tavern to wait outside with the big human who had been so interested in trying to help him get further in his life and come out of the dark world that he was living in.

There you go. Didn't call you a dwarf this time.

Female Human Oracle 1
Isis Hex wrote:
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

Crunch#2: Afterwards she'll look for Mama Hex (or daughter) locally before heading to her place, convincing the others to come along to purchase any potions "Just in Case". And encourage her to increase her stock in the near future. Negotiate a group discount and confirm future buy if possible.
[ooc]Com'n baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Diplomancy 1d20 +1
Must've disturbed her morning routine.

When Kiptera arrives, Isis apologizes that her mother isn't around.

She apologizes that they don't currently have any anti-toxin potions ready but she'll see that her mom gets the message.

She also offers a jar of Udder Salve for healing. 'I know the name is awful but it works on everything. Cuts heal up much more quickly with that put on it.

'If you need an actual healer,' she pauses to drag a foot on the floor, 'I'm pretty good. And I wouldn't be any trouble. Not a peek, Miss Stiresong. I'd keep right with you and I'm almost a full witch now. Mom says I have a real talent for healing and such. And I could...I could gather herbs at the same time to help make that Anti-toxin potion that you want.

'Please, please, please.'

It was totally unprofessional for a witch to beg and her mother would have turned to stone if she'd been in the hut. Isis didn't care. This was her chance to get out of the hut on a good day and go into the hills.

Mercy is just plain amused at seeing someone her age beg like a school child, offering up a "Oh, look how excited she is. And she's got a talent for healing! We'd have all kinds of luck, then. I imagine we won't go a tumble with the kobolds without a few scratches, so we might need her. We should bring her along, I say." She taps her foot, ready to head off as soon as possible.

I imagine this scene is taking place in some sort of strange limbo after we'd already left the tavern and are just swinging by the Hex's home to pick up what Kiptera asked for. So, I'll write it up like that.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Kiptera and Mercy visit Mama Hex place mid-morning, just as the others are starting to assemble. She calls out, ”Back in 30.” Her daughter (all these humans look so young) answers the door and proceeds to speak as if under a haste spell. Kip takes a moment to absorb it in. Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 Not quite sure she understood it all, regardless she does not want to take a daughter from her mother, perhaps an ill-trained one at that. However, if she was talented with healing there likely would be a need, assuming there were indeed kobolds. “Dear girl, I cannot take you, at least not without alerting with several others. We should speak to your mother first, the mayor second, and our own warparty which is probably the easiest part. Could we purchase the Salve now and speak to your mother when we return from our first foray. It is surely just a scouting mission, you know wandering through the forest, probably tripping over a tree root is the worst thing we’ll encounter. Sorry lass. “ A bit uncomfortable and compassionate, she pulls some coins at what she hopes is fair value for the salve. Perhaps Mercy would be better as she knew these folks better than her. She implores Mercy with her eyes…

Female Human Oracle 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
Kiptera and Mercy visit Mama Hex place mid-morning, just as the others are starting to assemble. She calls out, ”Back in 30.” Her daughter (all these humans look so young) answers the door and proceeds to speak as if under a haste spell. Kip takes a moment to absorb it in. Perception 1d20 +5 Not quite sure she understood it all, regardless she does not want to take a daughter from her mother, perhaps an ill-trained one at that. However, if she was talented with healing there likely would be a need, assuming there were indeed kobolds. “Dear girl, I cannot take you, at least not without alerting with several others. We should speak to your mother first, the mayor second, and our own warparty which is probably the easiest part. Could we purchase the Salve now and speak to your mother when we return from our first foray. It is surely just a scouting mission, you know wandering through the forest, probably tripping over a tree root is the worst thing we’ll encounter. Sorry lass. “ A bit uncomfortable and compassionate, she pulls some coins at what she hopes is fair value for the salve. Perhaps Mercy would be better as she knew these folks better than her. She implores Mercy with her eyes…

"It could still be worth it," she interrupts Kiptera as she searches for gold in her pouch. Mercy looks at the dwarf, trying to read the mood and hopefully succeeding before begrudgingly stepping forward. "It is, um, dangerous, however. It's not as if nobody gets hurt or dies when they fight. When you go into a dangerous situation, always accept that the worst can happen, and all that," she says, emulating her father more than she'd like to-- not that the others would know. "If you think your mother would object to us running into eachother out in the woods and us agreeing to lend you a hand picking leaves, then don't come. But if you really want to, I'm sure that we can take you with us if you promise to keep your head down if we end up in a scuffle out in the woods. You're not a fighter, so don't get in the thick of a fight. Oh, and not to do anything rash. We have Caelin along if we need anyone to do something rash." She gives Isis a smile, trying to implore her to make the right choice for herself.

In the back of her head she was wondering when she'd become more grown-up than someone than she knew was older, wiser and more experienced than her, but she enjoyed the feeling of adulthood she had when she was the tallest person in the room.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1


I would prefer for you to roll my sense motive rolls. For me , I'm not supposed to know as a player if I succeeded or not

Going to the inn , Simon sees Caelin and decides to wait for him . Seiing the sheriff leaving a short time after , he hails him (her?)
"Risca , one moment if you please. It seems that this endeavour could well take some travels and some time . Would you know if the mayor has prepared an allowance for us ? "

Female Human Witch 1
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
Kiptera and Mercy visit Mama Hex place mid-morning, just as the others are starting to assemble. She calls out, ”Back in 30.” Her daughter (all these humans look so young) answers the door and proceeds to speak as if under a haste spell. Kip takes a moment to absorb it in. Perception 1d20 +5 Not quite sure she understood it all, regardless she does not want to take a daughter from her mother, perhaps an ill-trained one at that. However, if she was talented with healing there likely would be a need, assuming there were indeed kobolds. “Dear girl, I cannot take you, at least not without alerting with several others. We should speak to your mother first, the mayor second, and our own warparty which is probably the easiest part. Could we purchase the Salve now and speak to your mother when we return from our first foray. It is surely just a scouting mission, you know wandering through the forest, probably tripping over a tree root is the worst thing we’ll encounter. Sorry lass. “ A bit uncomfortable and compassionate, she pulls some coins at what she hopes is fair value for the salve. Perhaps Mercy would be better as she knew these folks better than her. She implores Mercy with her eyes…
"It could still be worth it," she interrupts Kiptera as she searches for gold in her pouch. Mercy looks at the dwarf, trying to read the mood and hopefully succeeding before begrudgingly stepping forward. "It is, um, dangerous, however. It's not as if nobody gets hurt or dies when they fight. When you go into a dangerous situation, always accept that the worst can happen, and all that," she says, emulating her father more than she'd like to-- not that the others would know. "If you think your mother would object to us running into eachother out in the woods and us agreeing to lend you a hand picking leaves, then don't come. But if you really want to, I'm sure that we can take you with us if you promise to keep your head down if we end...

Isis looks with big pleading eyes but recognizes the restrained tone in Kiptera. It was the same message she'd been hearing much of her life.

Not today. Maybe when you're older.

Isis then hears Mercy speak and recognizes that she is getting a qualified yes. She nods her head up and down eagerly and back and forth at the statements to avoid getting into combat.

The question of whether her mother would object passes briefly through her mind but she rationalizes that bit away in a moment of doing work that was related to her studies and gathering herbs.

'Nope, I'm the oldest so I'm often sent to gather herbs on my own. Mum relies on me.'

It was true that she did gather herbs on her own and her mum did rely on her to make her own choices. It was just that there were safer places to gather things that her mum would send her and save the more dangerous spots to when her mum was around or her mum would just go on her own.

Straightening herself up to her full 5'1" she further argues, 'Besides, till Mum can get back, it is kinda my duty, as a witch, to go with you and make sure no one comes to any harm.'

Isis quickly grabbed her cape and healing kit.

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