Xealot's Protecting your Home - Pathfinder PbP OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Its all good. The overtime means money and little op to spend it. So reap while you can. I was getting worried that you ditched us. Reading the gamer connection board regarding other disappearing acts didn't boost my confidence. So I guess we'll hunker down and add character roleplaying as filler and the timeline will advance as you can. Or we can hold off completely until we are all onboard next week, but I worry that it would be the beginning of a thread die off.

My two copper pieces.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

No, I'll make at least one or two post every night, unless I get stuck doing paperwork after my doubles, or my internet craps out again.

And was it just me, or did Paizo crap out for a bit a few minutes ago. Couldn't get on the sight for nearly an hour, something about maintenance?

Anywho, sorry for the scare. Well progress, and survive, and maybe even strive.

Xealot wrote:

No, I'll make at least one or two post every night, unless I get stuck doing paperwork after my doubles, or my internet craps out again.

And was it just me, or did Paizo crap out for a bit a few minutes ago. Couldn't get on the sight for nearly an hour, something about maintenance?

Anywho, sorry for the scare. Well progress, and survive, and maybe even strive.

Yeah there was maintainance at one point (which I know due to sitting on the fourms all day waiting for a reply) but it was eventually gone.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

The timeline advances... and there was much rejoicing. Brave Brave Sir Robin.

Female Human Oracle 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
The timeline advances... and there was much rejoicing. Brave Brave Sir Robin.

And I'm back!

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
The timeline advances... and there was much rejoicing. Brave Brave Sir Robin.

Yes ?

robin wrote:
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
The timeline advances... and there was much rejoicing. Brave Brave Sir Robin.
Yes ?

lol...can't help it but whenever I think of Robin I think Batman.

You forgot RobinSon Crusoë

robin wrote:
You forgot RobinSon Crusoë

never heard.

I don't mean to step on peoples' toes here, but it's getting hard in the in game thread to tell the difference between what my character knows about some of the other PCs through observation, and what I know by reading the narratives of internal thought processes. Would it be possible to relegate the internal monologues to the OOC thread, or even better, the journal thread that Kiptera started, and keep the IC thread content to what our characters could see and hear?

Either that, or Xealot could hand out helms of telepathy to all the party members. That could work too.

Nazard wrote:

I don't mean to step on peoples' toes here, but it's getting hard in the in game thread to tell the difference between what my character knows about some of the other PCs through observation, and what I know by reading the narratives of internal thought processes. Would it be possible to relegate the internal monologues to the OOC thread, or even better, the journal thread that Kiptera started, and keep the IC thread content to what our characters could see and hear?

Either that, or Xealot could hand out helms of telepathy to all the party members. That could work too.

Often I try to remember to have internal monologues in initiative, but often I forget, yet it is a good suggesstion though to try and do that.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

I tend to either ignore the internal dialogues of my companions totally or to consider them as not so internal
That's rather depends if the character I'm playing is used to looking at what the others are doing or thinking .
Simon does have sense motive and diplomacy so if you don't want me to consider your internal monologues as readable on your face , don't make them in the In Game thread ...

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Hmmmm. Would a Internal Monologue (IM) Spoiler be more appropriate? That way, it is all right there in the post for lurking readers, and if Xealot hands out Helms of Telepathy, we can see what Caelin really thinks when he looks at Mercy, or what dark dirty secrets Venedictos harbors in the wee hours of the night. Or if one of the BBEG does have a spell of telepathy/suggestion/charm, Xealot can easily tap into it without alerting the party. [insert evil maniacal DM cackle here]

Of course, if we do this, that makes for more crunch and we'll have to be a bit more elaborate in describing our actions.
Init roll, attack roll, dmg. repeat.
Init roll[]
Surprise Round: Kiptera catches a bit of movement from the corner of her eye, whips up her crossbow and twists around in her saddle simultaneously. She focuses in on the only tree branch moving in the still air, firing her crossbow. Attack[] Dmg[].
Round One: Moveaction: She grabs the reins with one hand and guides her horse to far side of wagon and reloads her crossbow, Ride check []. Free action:Yelling the location of last observed movement.
Round two: Kip picks out the enemy(s) trying to flank Caelin, and grimly states "not on my watch", fires her crossbow at flanker attk[] dmg[]. Reloads or dismounts or charges on horse, pulling out her flail to keep Caelin from getting bullrushed. [IM spoiler: STUPID! Why doesn't he ever seek cover? Note to self, He needs a partner to keep him in line when does get over his head...[/IM spoiler]

You know, I kinda like the second. Reads a whole lot better with the visual.

Female Human Witch 1

I'm sorry, I just generally write the way that I do when I'm novel-ling.

When doing PbP it is different from live where people can see expressions and hand gestures. I also like to convey more of the overall story.

I mean, it is bad enough if you want to do a 'strong silent' type at the game table in live but in PbP it is a good way for people to start to wonder if you abandoned the game.

My aim to just make an enjoyable read for people by adding in bits of colour and events that go on with the character (like visiting her mother or how her mother has shaped her thinking). If it gives you information on Isis, I'm pretty okay with that because I figure that people that have lived in the town will know much of her life or will pick up stuff in the stores and bars as part of the everyday gossip.

When I want something to be truly secret, I put it in a spoiler addressed to the GM.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Isis Hex wrote:

I'm sorry, I just generally write the way that I do when I'm novel-ling.

When doing PbP it is different from live where people can see expressions and hand gestures. I also like to convey more of the overall story.

I mean, it is bad enough if you want to do a 'strong silent' type at the game table in live but in PbP it is a good way for people to start to wonder if you abandoned the game.

My aim to just make an enjoyable read for people by adding in bits of colour and events that go on with the character (like visiting her mother or how her mother has shaped her thinking). If it gives you information on Isis, I'm pretty okay with that because I figure that people that have lived in the town will know much of her life or will pick up stuff in the stores and bars as part of the everyday gossip.

When I want something to be truly secret, I put it in a spoiler addressed to the GM.

I have to agree with Nazard/Venedictos's concerns. The problem is, it makes reacting naturally extremely difficult as we're often in possession of information our characters have no way of knowing. We end up doing a lot more separating of player and character knowledge than is normally necessary.

With a bit of surfing around, I've found that there is actually a term for this sort of thing: metaposing. This site has a pretty good description of it. It may just be my stage and improv training working against me here, but I've had "show, don't tell" drilled into me so much, it's hard to work against.

I do like Kiptera's suggestion of the spoiler compromise.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

No DM peaking! Secret PC plotting. ;-)

Oi! Venedictos! I did not think of that twist regarding Asorva! That will have repercussions on Kiptera Character Dev. Stuff like that is better resolved in table play vs PBP.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Really?! Another Nat 20 on Diplomancy? [ dice] Please please please be a 20! 1d20 +X Oh thank you thank you thank you Dice Gawds/Random Number Generator[ /dice]

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
Really?! Another Nat 20 on Diplomancy? [ dice] Please please please be a 20! 1d20 +X Oh thank you thank you thank you Dice Gawds/Random Number Generator[ /dice]

Venedictos is like a god of diplomacy or something. Nat 20 after nat 20.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Hahahaha yes he is good at Diplomacy, I'm ok in intimidate let's hope I can be a good of melee combat

Female Human Witch 1

Yeah, that is just getting sick.

Especially when I compare it to a few weeks back with a character that I have in RL Pathfinder campaign. The character was using a Glaive to do Whirlwind.

Over two rounds of swinging at targets he rolled five 1s in eight rolls. The only two shots that rolled a successful hit were on shadows that both made their incorporeal rolls to be missed.

Nothing like having your Cavalier be the laughing stock of the table for weeks after that incident.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

I have a rogue that made it almost all the way to second level before actually landing a blow, and he was a brute rogue with a +4 to hit. Never rolled higher than a 5 for the first four encounters.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Internal monologue: "Hi Ho Hi Ho, Wasting Kobolds is how I roll. Hmmm mmm. mmm. mmm. Hi ho Hi Ho."

Female Human Oracle 1
Isis Hex wrote:

Yeah, that is just getting sick.

Especially when I compare it to a few weeks back with a character that I have in RL Pathfinder campaign. The character was using a Glaive to do Whirlwind.

Over two rounds of swinging at targets he rolled five 1s in eight rolls. The only two shots that rolled a successful hit were on shadows that both made their incorporeal rolls to be missed.

Nothing like having your Cavalier be the laughing stock of the table for weeks after that incident.

I just spent a game session playing a level 9 paladin in Kingmaker... in five combats, I did 35 total damage in two swings. I was about ready to hang myself.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
I just spent a game session playing a level 9 paladin in Kingmaker... in five combats, I did 35 total damage in two swings. I was about ready to hang myself.

In a 2nd Edition game years ago, I played a paladin who just could not hit anything. I had absolutely terrible luck. It became an ongoing topic to joke about at the table. The DM even arranged to have my character find a holy avenger just to make it more likely that I would hit. Instead, I just started rolling even lower. My character still missed 9 times out of 10.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Well I've never had that much bad luck with the rolls in RL, I'm just the lucky roll at the lucky moment to avoid death every time, but other than that I roll decently. On the other hand when I'm DM my rolls are just plain wicked and down right evil, my players just complain there is not enough armor in the world to avoid a hit from even the most miserable low-life, common I tripped a lvl 10 fighter with a lvl 3 kobold warrior and won the strength checks later for grappling and pin lol it was hilarious, he had str 20 that was the famous kobold ninja, they just never got a good perception check always rolling 2 o 3, my kobolds stealth checks of 15 or 18 it was funny.

I always dread the moment the moment the DM says 'ok roll 1 d100 and just don't make 01 " ...
It happened to several of my PC to gruesome consequences especially this time in the positive plane :)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Caelin McHern wrote:
Well I've never had that much bad luck with the rolls in RL, I'm just the lucky roll at the lucky moment to avoid death every time, but other than that I roll decently. On the other hand when I'm DM my rolls are just plain wicked and down right evil, my players just complain there is not enough armor in the world to avoid a hit from even the most miserable low-life, common I tripped a lvl 10 fighter with a lvl 3 kobold warrior and won the strength checks later for grappling and pin lol it was hilarious, he had str 20 that was the famous kobold ninja, they just never got a good perception check always rolling 2 o 3, my kobolds stealth checks of 15 or 18 it was funny.

I have had players steal my GM dice because they were upset with the string of good rolls I've had with them.

Of course, the best case was a game that I luckily missed. I was playing in Mech Warrior campaign with a group of others and we had all spent in the 30 to 40 mill mark on various Mechs due to a series of success ful mercenary missions (most had the money invested in one or two high tech Mechs with best inner sphere tech they could afford).

Due to sickness, I missed one week. I came the next week for my regular game and was told that we were starting a new campaign. The GM of the previous week had gotten 'hot' with a set of d6 while firing PPC and Gauss Rifles. He cleared out around eleven mechs with a series of Head shots (normally need to roll a 12 and should be a 1 in 36 chance). Evidently, the players after that game destroyed took those d6 and the GM of that game has fifteen years later still not seen them returned.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Yeah I've "lost" like five d20 dices in more the one "mysterious way" or during the game they take it away to roll with it and steal th Juju contained in it or something and give me their unlucky dices and fight do get even.

Yes tell me about it my DM hated me after I humilliated him in a reunion with tons of jokes and funny stories at his expense, well let's just say I could have been a dwarf for my love to the floor since that's how I ended up 4 out of 5 encounters for some reason I became the target of every spell, surprise attack, etc...

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Of course, then we have to remember the times when the dice do the opposite, and we can't lose.

I remember annoying my DM by one-shotting his pet vampire villain with two successive natural 20s on a called shot with a wooden spear, or the time my 9th level cleric dispelled the programmed amnesia spell that had been put on his wife by a 36th level wizard.

Right, Brev?

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Yeah, twice now you were supposed to fight the damn kobolds, and twice now you have talked your way out of it. I don't do auto success dip's, but if you have a good argument and a good roll you usually get what you want, a bad argument and a nat 20 get you nothing lol.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

[heavy sigh...]

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Don't worry. Venedictos is fairly keen on slaughtering some genocidal dwarves at the moment.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

YAAAAAYYyyyyyyyyeehuhehuhWhat? Hold on partner! I am packing some Nat 20s, Just haven't used them yet. But I will. Oh Yes. I will.
bluff 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Ohhh so close!

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:
[heavy sigh...]

I know dear, I know *rolls eyes*

Female Human Oracle 1

Back and forth, back and forth... At this rate, we'll talk so much we never level up. :P

Considering running my own PBP for Serpent's Skull... wondering if any of you would like to cross-pollinate, perhaps.

Sovereign Court

Venedictos wrote:
I have a rogue that made it almost all the way to second level before actually landing a blow, and he was a brute rogue with a +4 to hit. Never rolled higher than a 5 for the first four encounters.

Ah Kevorin... I'm sorry Morghrim stole all his luck.

Smerg wrote:

I have had players steal my GM dice because they were upset with the string of good rolls I've had with them.

Same :( they touch them or hide them then the dice karma is all disturbed :(

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:

Back and forth, back and forth... At this rate, we'll talk so much we never level up. :P

Considering running my own PBP for Serpent's Skull... wondering if any of you would like to cross-pollinate, perhaps.

Possible. I am certainly looking for something more to fill time at the moment.

I put an ad up to see if there was any interest in some OSR DnD using a DnD clone like Labyrinth Lords or Sword & Wizardy (both free to download). The other option I was offering was some sort of Superhero game using the new ICONS system.

Unfortunately, after over a day, not a single response. Oh well, guess neither are the jive that people are looking for at the moment.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

I saw that, but wasn't sure what OSR meant nor have any reference books on LabLords or Sword and Wiz, much less what an ICON system is. Limited budget and time, I play with core rules. Dang it, the PFS was a splurge on my part because it was very well put together.

On a side note, I wandered into a garage sale today. A small table had old games on it, but what caught my eye like a glint of gold to a dwarf was an old TSR redbox. One Dollar, original dice except missing d10. I failed my Will Save to temptation. Score!

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

I saw that, but wasn't sure what OSR meant nor have any reference books on LabLords or Sword and Wiz, much less what an ICON system is. Limited budget and time, I play with core rules. Dang it, the PFS was a splurge on my part because it was very well put together.

On a side note, I wandered into a garage sale today. A small table had old games on it, but what caught my eye like a glint of gold to a dwarf was an old TSR redbox. One Dollar, original dice except missing d10. I failed my Will Save to temptation. Score!

Sorry, OSR means Old School Renaissance. Basically it means going back to stuff like the original three book versions of DnD, plain DnD (like Rules Cyclopedia), or 1st ed Advanced DnD.

The great thing with things like Labyrinth Lord and Swords and Wizardy are that they are free downloads by their creators because they are clones of the original set of rules. There are differences but they aren't usually enough that a regular person would notice.

The focus of OSR is to go the opposite way to DnD 3rd ed and later by going to a system without skills, feats, or other complications. It is DnD like I played in the late 70s and early 80s.

Choice of rules determines whether you play with just the classes Fighter, Cleric, Mage, Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling or include other classes more like 1st ed ADnD.

It is sometimes thought of a bit more hard core in the generating of attributes using 3d6 system in order and hit points are what you roll at each level. It is quite possible to be a fighter and have 1 hit point to start (often leading to the rapid adoption of the bow or crossbow at level 1).

The Red Box is right in the spirit of the OSR which is what the clone DnD rules attempt to capture.

Labyrinth Lord and Advanced Compendium downloads are here

Sword and Wizardy and White Box version downloads are here

And if you want a site dedicated to 1st ed and earlier DnD then there is Dragonfoot.

Dragonfoot Site

ICONS by Steve Kenson (writer behind Mutants and Masterminds) is a new system of rules based around the FATE rules.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Caelin , are you aware that even if you succeed in your intimidate , at the end of it , relations will worsen ?

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

[ OOC] Wheeee! [ /ooc]
[Alt personality] Kiptera no like kobold. Kiptera smash kobold.[/alt]

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:

Back and forth, back and forth... At this rate, we'll talk so much we never level up. :P

Considering running my own PBP for Serpent's Skull... wondering if any of you would like to cross-pollinate, perhaps.

No thanks, soon to start running a second campaign that's a published adventure and I'm in a few already including this one. Personally I'm happy as long as we get exp for "defeating" the enemy which doesn't nessacerily mean killing them.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2
Simon Bornen wrote:
Caelin , are you aware that even if you succeed in your intimidate , at the end of it , relations will worsen ?

Yes but well he is not much of a smooth talker lol, so he does what he can with what he has.

Female Human Witch 1

So, what are the Kobolds doing?

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1


The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

DM Xealot,
Are you still here? A simple "Yes, but busy. Will resume adventure XX Aug 2010," or "I am no longer able to support this PBP," will suffice. Life happens, but please accord us same courtesy as you requested from us regarding posting requirements and absences.

I would like to know as I consider this part of my recreation time and schedule certain time slots to check and respond before I too have to return to add to this Nation's GDP or family priorities.

Thank you for your support.

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

DM Xealot,

Are you still here? A simple "Yes, but busy. Will resume adventure XX Aug 2010," or "I am no longer able to support this PBP," will suffice. Life happens, but please accord us same courtesy as you requested from us regarding posting requirements and absences.

I would like to know as I consider this part of my recreation time and schedule certain time slots to check and respond before I too have to return to add to this Nation's GDP or family priorities.

Thank you for your support.

I agree I've been refreshing the post over and over, hoping to find something, but nope. I'm DMing two different things and I'm doing okey as well as playing in this and another game, then again I have no life beyond the internet so that's to be expected.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Darn I was hoping Xealot was back...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I like to try and give a GM one week to respond. I figure that gives enough time for any personal emergency to be solved enough, including loss of internet or computer. I figure, one week, gives time for the GM to seek contact through another computer system like an internet cafe or friend's system.

I appreciate the offer Denis and you are doing a good job DMing in the other game where you DM and I'm a player.

If Xealot can't continue then my personal preference would be a fresh start in a new thread with possibly new characters. I like Iris but I'm always filled with ideas to explore and develop.

I am especially looking forward to the APG (Advanced Player's Guide). It looks like it is really going to be good with options for all classes.

Jason Bulmahn, Game Designer, has an offer to create free material dependent on the number of people that join his group on Facebook.

Jason on Facebook

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

I must confess my interest is waning, but I feel somewhat obligated to continue this for awhile, seeing as how my character keeps screwing up the combat opportunities for everybody else!

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