Pathfinder PbP: Protecting your Home.

Gamer Connection

Sovereign Court

For the past few years, or for some of you all of your life, you have lived in the peaceful village of Tanner's Crossing. Farming and hunting are the staples of the villages survival, although there are a few people who have unique skills that help the community survive, if not thrive.

Recently many of the villagers have started worrying about their lively hoods as well their safety after rumors of kobold war-bands in the area have been spread.

Our intrepid adventurers have been hired by the village to investigate these rumors and, if true, help deal with the problem before it threatens to destroy your home.

Character Creation Guidelines:
1st Level
25pt Buy
2 Traits
1 Extra Skill Point that MUST be put into a Profession Skill
No Evil Characters.

Allowed Sources:
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Bestiary
Pathfinder Final Playtest of Advanced Player's Guide
Pathfinder Traits Chart

Quick Note:
This game is going to be a healthy mix of RP/Hack and Slash.

Must be will to post at least once, preferably several times per day.

I would just like to point out that wilderness classes will be most appropriate as all of the PC's were either born in this frontier village, moved here with in the past for years, or recently moved to Tanner's Crossing for a chance at a new life.

Feel free to right your background as having friends and/or family that lives and works in the village. Up to this point in your life you have been supporting yourself by whatever your profession skill is. If you are a ranger, maybe you have Profession: Hunter or profession: Woods Guide, the fighter might have Profession: Blacksmith.

Your actions can and will effect the progress and growth of Tanner's Crossing. You will eventually be able to buy land, and maybe even progress in ways similar to the Kingmaker Adventure Path.

All of the PC's know each other, feel free to intertwine backgrounds.

Final Note:
Players will be selected not on a first come first served basis, but based on background, concept, and character sheet. That being said I am taking no less than 4 no more than 5 players.

I look forward to seeing all of the submissions.


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Is this a homebrew game? one of the one shot books? Galorian based? If so what country is Tanner's Crossing in?

Sovereign Court

Homebrew. Using phone to respond ATM so trying to keep it short. If you have more questions just ask.

Dotting this for now. Will write up an aspiring Dragon Disciple.

Sovereign Court

Sounds good. I await your, and more, submissions.

Dotting, want to try out a witch. What nationality are we talking? Where is the town located?

Sovereign Court

Like I said above, its Homebrew. It's nothing specific yet.

Well I'll see what I can do then ^^ if you allow me to join in, I allready have this one I'll just adjust him yo your specs ^^

Edit 1: Well I'll have an human (ulfen) barbarian ^^ if you let me or Fighter if you want I have no problems with it.

Edit 2: So any ideas how we know each other I'll post my background soon.

If I am accepted I am willing to post several times a day. I am mostly at home so I can do it.

The Exchange

Kiptera would like to do her part for Tanners Crossing.
For all: Kiptera became a "local" a year ago. Offering her skills as a woodland guide and proving useful during several search parties of lost civilians. She is in town as much as she is out averaging 5-7 day forays. She brings in furs, rare herbs and her knowledge of the area is excellent despite being a "newcomer" She is friendly and not a stereotypical gruff dwarf, nor has anyone seen her quaff more than a few tankards. She also is not above making deliveries or messages if the destination is not too much of an inconvenience.

For DM Xealot:

Kiptera is a surveyor scout looking for new vein of minerals to mine. She believes she found such a site and sent word for her dwarven hold to set up a mining outpost. Her current task is to keep anyone else from discovering it or the dwarven team hopefully enroute. She is surepticiously keeping an eye out for her dwarven clanmembers as well as ensuring hunting parties find plenty of game elsewhere. She is indeed honestly helpful to the citizens, it is just with an ulterior motive. Her stats are posted in the alias.

Recent History
Caelin met Kiptera at a local bar a couple of months ago. They shared several stories from back home and how they ended up in town. Caelin as a former "explorer" of some sorts lended a hand every now and then when searching for people or as guide with Kiptera, and sometimes offering his swordarm as a mercenary to protect merchant caravans, escorting travelers or taking our drunkards from a bar.

Well how does this sound Kiptera?

Sovereign Court

Caelin and Kiptera are both in. There are still 2-3 more spots available.

Good to have you in another game there Deiros.

The Exchange

"Aye Caelin. Well met! Last I saw you, we were both hired to escort that merchant caravan to the border and beyond. I left a bit early. What word from the outside world and was the merchant's coin as shiny as he promised?"

Caelin, its all good. She has an easygoing manner and life is treating her well.

since the Pathfinder Bestiary is an allowed source does that mean I can choose to be a Tiefling?

Looking to join Tanners Crossing.

Isis Hex:

Concept: Good Country Witch

Class and Race: Human Witch

Background: Isis grew up in Tanners Crossing learning magic from her mother. She has learned to gather herbs in the woods and make poultices to heal people and animals. She a new member of the county coven of witches and is working to learn more of magic to one day be entrusted with a village and take her place amongst the elders of the coven.

Temperament: Still young and mostly a follower. She tends to believe what she is told rather doubting her fellow villagers. This at times leads her in to trouble as she follows the local youth into places and on escapades that her mother would not approve.

Obstacles in Life: Pleasing her mother. Keeping her clothes presentable to the station of a village witch (something her mother always is stressing and getting her in trouble when she follows the village youth on escapades). Trying to get acceptance by the elders of the village and county coven.

Finishing up some prose, but I've essentially got an oracle of battle written up. Admittedly, I've never played in one of these before and it sounds interesting. Would like to see what it's all about. I can post pretty darn often, so I hope that's a bonus.

Sovereign Court

overfiend_87 wrote:
since the Pathfinder Bestiary is an allowed source does that mean I can choose to be a Tiefling?

Yes, as well as Aasimer.

Smerg, nice concept, I look forward to seeing her stat'd up.

Mercy looks good, but I would like to see a bit m ore background.

How would a paladin of Erastil work there ?

Background :
Simon Bornen is the second son of a farmer of Tanner's Crossing . While he does help his family in farming , he is also a member of the militia and does help at the church .
He prefers to preach by example rather than by words . He is certainly no zealot and understands that some people can have different priorities than his own as long as they are not harmfull to the community as a whole .

Xealot wrote:
overfiend_87 wrote:
since the Pathfinder Bestiary is an allowed source does that mean I can choose to be a Tiefling?

Yes, as well as Aasimer.

Smerg, nice concept, I look forward to seeing her stat'd up.

Mercy looks good, but I would like to see a bit m ore background.

Okey, now I know I'll stat up and produce a character background for your consideration.

Venedictos here, a cleric of Shelyn (Golarion Goddess of Beauty, Music, and True Love) done in the style of a medieval monk. Will have a few cleric levels, but is primarily done as a bard who thinks the bard abilities come from his goddess. Somebody on the boards suggested using the bard to portray the medieval friar rather than a cleric and I had to run with it.

A friend of mine is submitting a gnome sorcerer soon. We've been looking for a game to play in together for awhile now, so we're a package deal - if you like our paired concepts, great, otherwise, thank you for the consideration.

Sovereign Court

robin wrote:
How would a paladin of Erastil work there ?

Rather well, Erastil is the predominant religion in Tanner's Crossing.

Venedictos I look forward to seeing how the concepts pair up, and will either except both or neither. Not a problem.

Xealot wrote:

Mercy looks good, but I would like to see a bit m ore background.

You ask for more background, it is delivered to you. I finished it all up and have it on the page now. Melodramatic plot hook included. EDIT: Still going through revisions, I just have to take a break from it for a while so I don't fall in love with the sound of my own keyboard. Let me know if it's fine or to tone it down. I haven't gotten to write a background for a PC that would actually be read by anyone in a while, so I may have gone overboard...

On a sidenote, I like to randomize a lot of my character statistics, so I was pretty surprised when I got a 10 and an 8 on her height. She's huge!

Greetings! My name is Brevaddelar, but most people just call me Brev. They seem to find my full name as something of a tongue twister for some reason. I'm good friends with Venedictos--there's nothing like hearing that man sing! I would love for the opportunity to adventure with him if you'll have us.

Click on my name to see my stats and background. I'll have an avatar soon.

I see that Brev has arrived. My profile has been updated to include your creation methods. I fixes his stats to reflect 25 point buy and added Profession: Herbalist to his skills.

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

"Aye Caelin. Well met! Last I saw you, we were both hired to escort that merchant caravan to the border and beyond. I left a bit early. What word from the outside world and was the merchant's coin as shiny as he promised?"

Caelin, its all good. She has an easygoing manner and life is treating her well.

"Oi! Kiptera, missed ya on the trip back, nothin' fun this time" as he touches his swordThe coin is always shiny and beauty winks at Kiptera"Tell ya more after we eat some pork or salted fish at the bar and a mug of ale to celebrate my safe raturn"

Well it's simple to get you in Mercy, you are a barmaid and a pretty nice looking one at that ;) I take care of the drunkards so we work together if you wish to work that in your background as recent history. You could add kiptera as friend you met because of me or before me in the bar and we get along pretty well ^^ yer darn tall girl ^^ mycharacter proly loves ya hahahahaha

Caelin McHern wrote:
Well it's simple to get you in Mercy, you are a barmaid and a pretty nice looking one at that ;) I take care of the drunkards so we work together if you wish to work that in your background as recent history. You could add kiptera as friend you met because of me or before me in the bar and we get along pretty well ^^ yer darn tall girl ^^ mycharacter proly loves ya hahahahaha

Sounds about right. I'll scribble it in!

Not yet finished this character yet. I have a template that I use and I'm modifying it as I go, but I thought I'd post up his backstory anyway.


On the day Denis was born it was considered an omen for he was born with eyes of a goat, a demonic looking tail, two small goat horns on his head as well as a forked tongue. His mother was only just on the cusp of womanhood when he was born and though she claimed she had never slept with anyone, no one was incline to believe her. If he were a holy child like a Aasimar they would've seen it as devine intervention but since he was a Tiefling they instantly labeled her a whore.

Life when he was young was often filled with hunger, ever since his mother was kicked out by her parents when they had seen the child was not human. She had no choice but to be taken in by the only man in the village who would take her in. Michael Dubosc. He was a middle-aged man who had a habit of returning home drunk and beating Denis or his poor mother. On more than one occassion he walked in on them as a child, witnessing the horror of his step-father forcing himself onto his mother and was thrashed within a inch of his life. Ever since that first happened he knew never to enter that room no matter what.

As he grew older he never got to play with the other kids. They too saw him as strange and unnatural. Few of the kids would throw stones at him, calling him a demon and a "whore-son" due to what their parents told them about his mother.

As he grew older he became more adept at slipping into the shadows and avoided the townsfolk. They knew he was there and since he made sure not to cause trouble they decided not to bother him, but still whispered about him and what he was. Girls were a big trouble for him when growing up. Many were nasty and vile towards him, but few were kind and wanted to sit down and talk to him finding him more interesting than dangerous. but he never let them in and kept away from them, afraid they would do the same to him as his step-dad did to his mother. This was the only outlook he had on love and feared being caught in the embrace of someone who sought only to cause harm.

Denis longs to travel away from this home, but his Step-father has never allowed him the chance. He was never allowed to study the arcane world nor was he allowed to learn the use of a blade like many young men did. Instead he learnt his trade from the streets and even studied how people could be pick-pocketted and he even witnessed a murder, watching how the man snuck up on the poor sap who walked into the alleyway and then lunged the blade deep into his heart, but he smiled that day for the first time in all of his life for that man who fell to the floor, clasping at Denis's boot and begging was none other than his step-father.

The figure stepped out to reveal himself. He was cowled and it was impossible to tell what race he was, except he seemed human or elf sized. The figured passed over a shortsword to him.
"Denis, you will have to leave this town soon and that weapon will help you. Run to your mother and tell her nothing that happened here." the figure spoke in Abyssal, a language Denis had naturally picked up and just as he studied the writing on his new weapon he looked back up to see that the man had gone. He decided he didn't wish to wait around for the watch to find him like this and so he slunk into the shadows, finding the mostly shaded path back to his home, sneaking into the house as he was sure his mother was asleep and heading to his room.

Many villagers suspected that Denis had killed his step-father, but no one could prove it. He had a bladed weapon, but it was clean and the mark made on Michael was so unique that it could not have possibly have been that blade, not to mention no one saw him in the area of the crime. Denis took up work to help pay for his mother. It's a simple job for trapping creatures to sell or cook themselves. Not many people buy from him, but he kept the animals in mostly good condition and could set or disable any traps for those who needed to get rid of the stiff competition.

Sorry if it's a bit big. Got carried away whilst writing, lol. This is overfiend_87 btw.

Work in progress

Denis Dubosc wrote:

Not yet finished this character yet. I have a template that I use and I'm modifying it as I go, but I thought I'd post up his backstory anyway.

** spoiler omitted **...

Okey finished now. For your consideration.

Meet Ragnar. Will flesh him out more if he should be accepted or if it would improve my chances to get to play.

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:

On a sidenote, I like to randomize a lot of my character statistics, so I was pretty surprised when I got a 10 and an 8 on her height. She's huge!

Lol, I randomised the hight too and got the same result, but being a male my character will be taller by 5 inches. I got a 9 and a 9 instead so my character is HUGE and yet he's a loner. I was hoping for younger but got the maximum on the 1D4.

On a site note my character would've been raised in Tanner's Crossing so anyone who has lived there will recognise him, anyone who doesn't will probably not bother to stare at him unless his hood is down. He'll be in the bar that Caelin was going to go to just to get him involved in the rp that's going on here ;)

Ok stats , skills and feats done
traits and equipment to pick up

It's far easier if you are our trapsmith ;) for when we go pillageing and... er... hunting game and escortin merchants and stuff.

Well i guess the bar we hang out or work needs a name already, how about:

1.- Witche's Well
2.- Slurp & Slop
3.- Giggling Grizzly
4.- Slaughtered Lambs
5.- Boar's Broken Tusk
6.- Wanton Wyvern
7.- Everfull Mug

The Exchange

I could see Kiptera (4'2") and Denis (big-un) playing at professional stealth tag. Her finding his traps and tracks, observing disabled snares with his fingerprints all over it. Subtle messages of peekaboo, you're being watched but no harm no foul on either side if they actually observe the other. But actually meeting? Why ruin a competitive relationship like that?

And Mercy, we got along alright once I figured out you weren't intentionally ignoring the short dwarf trying to get a drink and a hot meal. Plus mocking Caelin for his overtures towards you makes bonding all the better. If he gave up, he'd lose what little charm he had. ;)

Sounds about right Kiptera ;)

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

I could see Kiptera (4'2") and Denis (big-un) playing at professional stealth tag. Her finding his traps and tracks, observing disabled snares with his fingerprints all over it. Subtle messages of peekaboo, you're being watched but no harm no foul on either side if they actually observe the other. But actually meeting? Why ruin a competitive relationship like that?

And Mercy, we got along alright once I figured out you weren't intentionally ignoring the short dwarf trying to get a drink and a hot meal. Plus mocking Caelin for his overtures towards you makes bonding all the better. If he gave up, he'd lose what little charm he had. ;)

well his past does say he'd disable other people's traps for a price. Certainly not a noble thing to do, but he does this to gain money for his mother.

I made this character to have more of a longer past and attitude, but depending on the people he meets and get's along with he'll probably change personality wise.

Sovereign Court

No further submissions will be considered. I am mulling all of the submissions over now and coming up with the party as we speak. Three of you are for sure in. I am mulling over the last 1-3 spots right now.

I am weighing things such as class, deity, alignment, role, and especially backstory.

I should have the final group picked out in an hour or so.

I will then post the discussion thread and pbp thread.

Sovereign Court

Harder than I thought. Going to mull it over tonight, then tomorrow I'm going put up the threads.

This is Isis Hex in more detail posted by Smerg

Caelin McHern wrote:

It's far easier if you are our trapsmith ;) for when we go pillageing and... er... hunting game and escortin merchants and stuff.

Well i guess the bar we hang out or work needs a name already, how about:

1.- Witche's Well
2.- Slurp & Slop
3.- Giggling Grizzly
4.- Slaughtered Lambs
5.- Boar's Broken Tusk
6.- Wanton Wyvern
7.- Everfull Mug

The Giggling Grizzly has a gnome proprietor with a pet bear who gets it drunk on public holidays! At least, that's what that name tells me.

I like the Everfull Mug. The Slurp and Slop doesn't enamor me very much, I'm afraid. Mental image of a trough or something else distasteful...

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Caelin McHern wrote:

It's far easier if you are our trapsmith ;) for when we go pillageing and... er... hunting game and escortin merchants and stuff.

Well i guess the bar we hang out or work needs a name already, how about:

1.- Witche's Well
2.- Slurp & Slop
3.- Giggling Grizzly
4.- Slaughtered Lambs
5.- Boar's Broken Tusk
6.- Wanton Wyvern
7.- Everfull Mug

The Giggling Grizzly has a gnome proprietor with a pet bear who gets it drunk on public holidays! At least, that's what that names tells me.

I like the Everfull Mug. The Slurp and Slop doesn't enamor me very much, I'm afraid. Mental image of a trough or something else distasteful...

I agree. Wanton Wyvern sounds good too but Everfull Mug sounds more like a jolly place to go :)

The Exchange

Aaahhhh Yes. The Everfull Mug. Where the tankards overflow more than Mercy's corset and chairs are replaced weekly.

Q. How do tell when the Everfull is closed?

When McHern is the last drunk thrown out.

Q. Whats the best way to kill the revelry?

Invite Simon to the Saturday Night card game with Denis.

Q. When do you know the beer is fresh and not yet watered down?

When the "twins" start singing better than any visiting bard.

Sovereign Court

I'm still trying to narrow it down.

Several characters fit the fluff perfectly, others roles are awesome, while some characters will bring the others to life in ways that NPC's will not be able to accomplish. Add in the fact that there are many very good RP'rs in this group and well... I haven't been able to narrow down yet.

I want to accept everyone, and actually might do it, for two reasons. One being that people drop, it's the nature of the beast. The other being that... it could make things different, and even allow some people to do things in town while others go out and handle problems, or even handle more than one problem at once.

So, if there are no objections, I will increase my player limit, and allow the following people in.

Caelin McHern, Human Fighter - Erastil CG
Kiptera Stiresong, Dwarf Ranger - Torag NG
Isis hex, Human Witch - Unknown LG
Mercy Ulricsdottir, Human Oracle - Ulric NG
Venedictos, Human Cleric - Shelyn NG
Brevaddelar, Gnome Sorcerer - Unknown NG
Denis Dubosc, Tiefling Rogue - Calistra CN
Ragnar Thorkelson, Human Sorcerer - Torag NG
Simon Bornen, Human Paladin - Erastil LG

Shortly the OOC Discussion thread as well as the IC thread will be up. When they are I will link them here.


I expect a very enjoyable game for all.


Sovereign Court

And OOC is here.

and IC Thread is here.

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