Rogue Eidolon |

IIRc that did not pertain to the Forlorn elves right>>
and did that mean physically or mentally mature, as even we humans are not considered mature until 21....oh and smurf
The books give a very high number for the age of "Adult", but I assume that elven society is very snooty about the emotional maturity and coddles children who would be physically mature at a younger age, and thus Forlorn elves can be mature in my games at a much younger age due to being in a fast-paced human culture. If you don't do that, Shalelu's backstory from Rise of the Runelords doesn't make as much sense to me. Smurf indeed.

Dork Lord |

Dork Lord wrote:It was added one day such that if your post had the word "smurf" in it, the avatar would be changed for that post into a random smurf.Dork Lord wrote:No one?Someone may have to explain this forum smurf phenomenon to me...
Edit: And now my avatar is a smurf as well. Interesting.
Thank you.
Wow, that seems rather random. Does anyone know why this was instituted? Is it just on the Paizo forums?

KaeYoss |

Blazej wrote:Dork Lord wrote:It was added one day such that if your post had the word "smurf" in it, the avatar would be changed for that post into a random smurf.Dork Lord wrote:No one?Someone may have to explain this forum smurf phenomenon to me...
Edit: And now my avatar is a smurf as well. Interesting.
Thank you.
Wow, that seems rather random. Does anyone know why this was instituted? Is it just on the Paizo forums?
Try it on your passport or driver's license.

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We've never actually come out and said exactly how long an elf takes to mature, but starting ages in the Core Rulebook would indicate that most elves go through a protracted "adolescence" - hence the high starting ages. This doesn't necessarily mean that an elf is immature, or a "teenager" for that long, however - they might spend significantly more time on schooling for example, or an elf might try many different things before finally deciding on a career path to follow. So while most elves have starting ages in the 100s, you could certainly make an elf who is younger.
Forlorn elves on Golarion, however, are going to have higher starting ages. It's the fact that they've had a century away from long-lived elven society, living among shorter-lived races, seeing friends and adopted families die while they remain young, that makes them forlorn.
An elf who is only 25 years old would not be forlorn, then, simply because they haven't had time to be exposed to the darkness and death that follows behind life.

Lord Starmight |

I'm going to try and take this in a slightly different direction. If I were an Elvin parent and I had 60-80 years to teach my son / daughter things before they reached adulthood, that child should have about as much experience as a human racks up in a life time. What that means is that while a human adventurer may start at level one, the elf should be starting at level 5, and not be leaving home before reaching that level. Especially if I'm only able to have 1 child every 100 years or so. What kind of responsible elvin parent lets their level one child go out adventuring to be killed by 2 kobolds with javelins?
This seems to be an issue completely overlooked because of how simple it is. The opposite is also true, old elves should be very scary because they've been around so long, how could they not be level 15+ Granted 10 of those levels may be in a fluffy profession, but that's still ph, base attack and save, equipment, etc..
P.S. Papa Smurf is epic so the next time Gargamel comes to raid the smurf village I expect to at least see some fireballs!

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Well, here's my viewpoint on elves: They don't rush. An elven parent with 60 -80 years to teach a child will teach them about as much as a human parent would in 15-20 years because they're not rushing around like humans do. With the maturity level development of the child spread out over 60-80 years, it's not a bad policy to spread it out.
Also, a decade of diapers? Eww.
They really take the time to master the basics. This generally slower pace of life is also why not every old elf is a lvl 20 archmage. They fit fewer activities into each day, and just enjoy the time spent on them.
Similar with the dwarves, though they usually spend the time difference drinking and socializing.
An elf raised by humans would *to the humans* seem to have problems developing maturity, the ability to multitask, and so on. Just like a human raised by elves would seem to develop at a super-fast pace...and then die.
Papa Smurf can only cast wish. He uses it for everything, including cleaning his clothes.
Smurfette? Really?

Kirth Gersen |

Similar[ly] with the dwarves, though they usually spend the time difference drinking and socializing.
If that were the case, they should have a racial Charisma BONUS, not a penalty. So, I always assume that they spend the time difference growing their beards and appearing as extras on "Jackass."

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The penalty is due to the invariably frequent brawls, which train them to take offense quickly lest they miss out :p Their wisdom bonus is from learning quickly enough when to stand up and attack the WRONG dwarf (when otherwise they'd be so overmatched as to not have fun). Constitution, well, that's kind of obvious :p

KaeYoss |

Especially if I'm only able to have 1 child every 100 years or so.
Humans can get kids more often than once every 20 years or so. I'm sure elves can do the same: I think an elven pregnancy takes about two years, and they can probably go right back at it. They probably won't do this, but I totally see elves with kids that are like 10 years apart. Or less.

KaeYoss |

Magicdealer wrote:Similar[ly] with the dwarves, though they usually spend the time difference drinking and socializing.If that were the case, they should have a racial Charisma BONUS, not a penalty. So, I always assume that they spend the time difference growing their beards and appearing as extras on "Jackass."
Dwarves keep their kids in kennels until they grow a beard and stop to look like a "filthy non-dwarf".

Ambrosia Slaad |

Lord Starmight wrote:Especially if I'm only able to have 1 child every 100 years or so.Humans can get kids more often than once every 20 years or so. I'm sure elves can do the same: I think an elven pregnancy takes about two years, and they can probably go right back at it. They probably won't do this, but I totally see elves with kids that are like 10 years apart. Or less.

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KaeYoss wrote:Perhaps elven longevity is linked to their lower fecundity?Lord Starmight wrote:Especially if I'm only able to have 1 child every 100 years or so.Humans can get kids more often than once every 20 years or so. I'm sure elves can do the same: I think an elven pregnancy takes about two years, and they can probably go right back at it. They probably won't do this, but I totally see elves with kids that are like 10 years apart. Or less.
Elves have worms!

Dork Lord |

Dork Lord wrote:Elves mature physically at the same rate as humans... the "20 years in diapers" idea was debunked in Races of The Wild.You use "debunked" like this is some sort of verifiable physical fact. Elves are imaginary. They mature physically at any damn rate you please.
Bah. I meant as in as official a capacity in the genre as one can get. Until Paizo says it works differently for Pathfinder elves, I'll go with Races of the Wild.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Studpuffin wrote:Elves have worms!A dwarf told me if you cut an elf in half, both pieces grow into a full elf. He also told me they were hermaphroditic.and a gnome told me that Dwarves are born when a can of whoop arse is opened.....
edit smurf it
That's not true at all. Dwarves come from breeding half-gnomes with half-orcs!

Me'mori |

*smiles and gives a headshake*
Too many factors that are dependent upon how you run your game exist to make a clear-cut statement, but I'll try to boil them down:
- 1. Are there any magical effects present during birth?
oo-a. Have these effects been persistent?
ooo-i. How long have these effects been persistent?
oo-b. Of what school have the majority of these effects been?
ooo-i. If these effects are not able to be determined, what does your local wizard say?
oo-1. If there is no wizard available, how would you describe them at length?
- 2. Have these effects persisted due to actions taken by yourself?
oo-a. Your significant other?
oo-b. Someone outside of the immediate circle of your friends?
ooo-i. If the answer to any of these is yes, please to continue to 3.
- 3. If these effects have been shortened by a divine (or arcane) source, did this source:
oo-a. Act through you?
oo-b. Act through someone close to you?
ooo-i. Were you in proximity to the subject at the time this action was taken by said power?
et cetera, et al...
Many things can affect aging rate, from sources ranging from the alchemical to the arcane (or divine). The question is "How do you, the DM interpret these effects?