Spacelard |
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I mean the class can Inspire and sing and stuff...And cast spells in armor and it gets the WHIP which is normally an exotic weapon. I mean come on is this fair even the fighter can't use a whip without burning a feat. And it can cure...I mean come on even the Wizard can't do that that is soooo unbalanced.
It ain't I'd just thought it was unfair that the bard got left out of the "XXXXXXXX is Overpowered" threads.

Swivl |

I mean the class can Inspire and sing and stuff...And cast spells in armor and it gets the WHIP which is normally an exotic weapon. I mean come on is this fair even the fighter can't use a whip without burning a feat. And it can cure...I mean come on even the Wizard can't do that that is soooo unbalanced.
It ain't I'd just thought it was unfair that the bard got left out of the "XXXXXXXX is Overpowered" threads.
Hey, no worries, man. Bard is up there on my fun classes to play list. That, and Barbarian. Actually, most classes I have fun playing as are underpowered, which is something my group used to get on my case for.
"Swivl, why do you do this to yourself!?"

Spacelard |
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What's next? Expert is overpowered because they get loads of skill points and can pick their class skills?
Commoner is overpowered because their total lack of abilities in any area means they don't have any archetypes or roles forced on them?
Don't get me started on the Expert! I mean what is that all about!

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Limited Wish lets you cast a 5th level spell. Heal is a 5th level spell for Adepts.
The thing is, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not! If not, why are you saying the Bard is too strong? Do you know how hard it is to play a successful Bard? You have to worry about which spells to pick, what skills to put ranks in, whether to go melee or ranged, what spells to cast when, when to start and stop Inspiring, what Perform skill you should put the most ranks in... and...and....
*Post Terminated due to overload of Poster*

Spacelard |
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** spoiler omitted **
The thing is, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not! If not, why are you saying the Bard is too strong? Do you know how hard it is to play a successful Bard? You have to worry about which spells to pick, what skills to put ranks in, whether to go melee or ranged, what spells to cast when, when to start and stop Inspiring, what Perform skill you should put the most ranks in... and...and....
*Post Terminated due to overload of Poster*
Oh the sarcastic element is turned up to 11!

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Bards are degenerate; strong spellcasters, good fighters, able to cast in armor without spending their swift action every turn AND insane skill points? I mean, virtual performer lets them channel skills. And that's before we even count being the best buffers in the game. Bards should be banned; the rest of the party can't keep up with their raw power.

Swivl |

Umbral Reaver wrote:What's next? Expert is overpowered because they get loads of skill points and can pick their class skills?
WHAT?! How come I didn't know about this before?!
Totally rolling up an Expert for my next campaign :P
I started gaming in 3.0 and they had this feature then. My DM at the time suggested I take a level in expert to round out my skills list. Since I then was a bard/rogue/expert, I believe I had every skill as a class skill. If not, I was close.

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It's not that hard to build a strong bard. Treantmonk's Guide is a good way to start. One of the characters in my current group is a bard and he grants himself and anyone else +4 on attack and damage rolls by using inspire courage and good hope.
Bards are excellent when they have a large party to support, but even alone they are pretty good.
My next character will probably be a melee bard.

Count Duck |

I see your point. The bonusses are great. But an extra wizard, druid, cleric is just as good. For good healing you still need a cleric.
One of the most problems for players is: the supproting role. I know one thing. I am plaing a druid now focussed on his own and animal companion and there is no one in the party who is willing to take the supporting role. No matter how good it is. In many groups where i playd i was the only one willin and capable of playing such characters.
Helping and assisting your characters is something total different then beating, shooting and shoot spells at the monsters and requires a certen way of thinking.

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I consider this thread true, both taken with AND without the sarcasm.
Problem with debating bard power is, their biggest strength is their buffs, but since they buff all, people complain that if you count the buffs for the bard, you actually have to count them on the other guys, too.
For determining individual power, it is a legitimate point. For determining contribution to party power, they're off their rocker(s).
Bards are weak alone, because their abilities take time. But I truly believe they contribute more to a party-whether they're the 5th, 4th, 3rd or even (especially?) 2nd, than any other class.

Mirror, Mirror |
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Bards are a force multiplier. The greater the initial force, the greater the multiplied value.
IF the Bard were weak at anything, it would be buffing the CASTERS. Who generally don't need the buffs. So no big deal.
A Bard means the Wiz can focus on battlefield control, the cleric on debuffs, and everyone else on killing the enemy, since the Bard is the best party buffer around.
When is the Bard OP? Probably when he takes leadership, has a dedicated abjurer anti-spell cohort, and lots of followers with Brilliant Energy bows (boosting touch attacks is SO much easier than regukar ones).

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I bet cause you have to hear it a lot, huh?
To be fair, I get 'combat multiplier' more often, which sounds even worse. At least 'force multiplier' makes mathematical sense. But who in their right mind wants to increase the amount of combat?
On topic, my next character will be a Bard/Adept/Mystic Theurge. Most broken character ever.

moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
I mean the class can Inspire and sing and stuff...And cast spells in armor and it gets the WHIP which is normally an exotic weapon. I mean come on is this fair even the fighter can't use a whip without burning a feat. And it can cure...I mean come on even the Wizard can't do that that is soooo unbalanced.
No kidding man. The bard in the campaign I DM is one of the most powerful characters. If it wasn't for the fact that I love undead, vermin, and constructs, his enchantment spells would end every encounter round one. And his skills! God, he has mad skills! Forget hiding vital info behind a knowledge check. And if he gets a chance to parlay, jeeze. What fun is it if the party doesn't get to fight. Again, constructs, undead, and vermin-- sweet thangs.

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But a Barbarian is way more broken than a bard!
A Half-Orc Barbarian with 20 str could have a +10 bonus to damage at level 1 when wielding a 2 handed falchion.
With a bard that damage hits +11!
There isn't anything with enough HP to survive one hit at that level!

DougErvin |

A very fun thread, my favorite Pathfinder class is turning out to be the bard. I learned back in 1e the most effective tactic for a magic user was to buff the fighter instead of blasting away. The character gets the same amount of treasure. The PF bards is a master at buffing the party's warriors and gets Bardic knowledge which allows my character to have a chance to know what I have learned as a player/game master since 1977. Good hope versus fireball is no contest in a resonably sized party, good hope will in most cases cause more damage.

stealthymonkeyman |
Bard's can be a tier 2 class if the magician archetype is used combine with sound striker archetype and you have a bard that potentially does not need weapons. If at level 11 with Virtuoso performance and Paragon Surge as a half elf and you have a bard that has ton of choices and a quicken rod and you have blaster/controller/ Ranged striker through Archery or Weird words monster. In the bard you have the face/ the saves/ most importantly the role playing/ the healing ability and control and damage aspects to dominate (literally) the field of play. But I wouldn't have it any other way cause it has to be built that way to pull it off.

CommandoDude |

The bard is just like the cleric, a high powered class that no one wants to play because the whole party's up in your grill about healing and inspiring and stuff.
That's probably the balancing factor behind the class.
I've discovered that the Cleric borders on OP when you just stop caring what the rest of the party is doing.
"Okay, combat is about to start - I cast my buffs. Wait, you guys want to keep sneaking? Nah, no time for that. Here let me trip the encounter."
"Oh you want to search the room for loot? K I'm going to go trigger all the other encounters and bring 'em back here. Can't have my buffs expire."
"You need healing? Eh, I'll give you a CLW and you can walk it off. I need my back up slots so I can recast my buffs"
"S!$%, we just got ambushed? Okay guys, time out. I cast Deeper Darkness on a rock. Don't worry, I only need to pause the combat for about 5 rounds to buff then I'll put the rock away so everyone can see again."
Oh, I'm not quite so indifferent to my party, but I make it clear that I'm a healbot. And I'm not spending 10 mins to search a room.

CommandoDude |

CommandoDude wrote:Oh, I'm not quite so indifferent to my party, but I make it clear that I'm a healbot. And I'm not spending 10 mins to search a room.So you're okay with the party being at 15% WBL because they're not taking the time to find the treasure?
There's plenty of time to go back and grab the treasure after all the bad guys are dead. Sometimes I think people are a little too obsessed with loot and getting it NOW. So relax, it isn't going anywhere.

JoeJ |
JoeJ wrote:There's plenty of time to go back and grab the treasure after all the bad guys are dead. Sometimes I think people are a little too obsessed with loot and getting it NOW. So relax, it isn't going anywhere.CommandoDude wrote:Oh, I'm not quite so indifferent to my party, but I make it clear that I'm a healbot. And I'm not spending 10 mins to search a room.So you're okay with the party being at 15% WBL because they're not taking the time to find the treasure?
That all depends on who else is around that might get to it first. Especially if you start running out of resources and have to leave the dungeon to recover.

CommandoDude |

CommandoDude wrote:JoeJ wrote:There's plenty of time to go back and grab the treasure after all the bad guys are dead. Sometimes I think people are a little too obsessed with loot and getting it NOW. So relax, it isn't going anywhere.CommandoDude wrote:Oh, I'm not quite so indifferent to my party, but I make it clear that I'm a healbot. And I'm not spending 10 mins to search a room.So you're okay with the party being at 15% WBL because they're not taking the time to find the treasure?
That all depends on who else is around that might get to it first. Especially if you start running out of resources and have to leave the dungeon to recover.
If you don't even leave rounds, an extended combat that covers multiple encounters would take...what 20, maybe 30 rounds? 40 at most I'd think. I don't think anything is going to come around in 2-4 mins. And if it does, when we get back to grab our stuff, we'll just kill it too.

JoeJ |
JoeJ wrote:If you don't even leave rounds, an extended combat that covers multiple encounters would take...what 20, maybe 30 rounds? 40 at most I'd think. I don't think anything is going to come around in 2-4 mins. And if it does, when we get back to grab our stuff, we'll just kill it too.CommandoDude wrote:JoeJ wrote:There's plenty of time to go back and grab the treasure after all the bad guys are dead. Sometimes I think people are a little too obsessed with loot and getting it NOW. So relax, it isn't going anywhere.CommandoDude wrote:Oh, I'm not quite so indifferent to my party, but I make it clear that I'm a healbot. And I'm not spending 10 mins to search a room.So you're okay with the party being at 15% WBL because they're not taking the time to find the treasure?
That all depends on who else is around that might get to it first. Especially if you start running out of resources and have to leave the dungeon to recover.
I don't understand. Do you mean you expect to finish cleaning out the entire dungeon in 2-4 minutes? Unless it's a 1-room dungeon I don't see how that would be possible.

Anzyr |

2-4 minutes should be enough time to go through multiple rooms. 2-4 minutes is 20-40 rounds keep in mind. Since an encounter is only going to take you around 3-4 rounds. You can easily get 4 encounters out of the way and search several rooms very quickly (its only a move action to take on a Perception check to search). Considering you can move 60 ft. on rounds you are not fighting, or 30 ft with a take 10 on perception, you should be able to cut through a 4-6 rooms pretty easily.

JoeJ |
2-4 minutes should be enough time to go through multiple rooms. 2-4 minutes is 20-40 rounds keep in mind. Since an encounter is only going to take you around 3-4 rounds. You can easily get 4 encounters out of the way and search several rooms very quickly (its only a move action to take on a Perception check to search). Considering you can move 60 ft. on rounds you are not fighting, or 30 ft with a take 10 on perception, you should be able to cut through a 4-6 rooms pretty easily.
That's assuming all the rooms are right next to each other, and there are no stuck or locked doors, traps, riddles to solve, clues to decipher, beings to talk to, dead end paths, that require backtracking, etc. And you're not going to be doing very much mapping at that speed.
It also means you're not scouting ahead, listening at doors, or otherwise doing anything to detect ambushes before you walk into them. And even charging through like that, you're not going to get through very many rooms in 4 minutes.

Anzyr |

You really will. If you aren't you need to keep better track of how many rounds you are actually using. Scouting ahead is usually a poor tactic, as it opens one party to member to focused fire. Remember, never split the party. Also... in my experience doing dungeons, the rooms tend to be right next to each other. I've never had to cross a 200 ft. field (and waste a whopping 4 turns) to get the next one. Maybe all your dungeons are randomly spread out rooms though. Seems weird as architecture isn't really like that but who am I judge your dungeons. Also mapping? The hell? This is SWAT tactics time, no one is here for cartography. Do that after the enemies are dead, I promise it works just as well. Clues? Riddles? Those don't take any time at all unless I guess you aren't good at clues and riddles. And traps are 2d4 rounds max unless you just chug through and hit the healstick (wand of CLWs) after. I'm sorry dungeons just don't take that long.

JoeJ |
You really will. If you aren't you need to keep better track of how many rounds you are actually using. Scouting ahead is usually a poor tactic, as it opens one party to member to focused fire. Remember, never split the party. Also... in my experience doing dungeons, the rooms tend to be right next to each other. I've never had to cross a 200 ft. field (and waste a whopping 4 turns) to get the next one. Maybe all your dungeons are randomly spread out rooms though. Seems weird as architecture isn't really like that but who am I judge your dungeons. Also mapping? The hell? This is SWAT tactics time, no one is here for cartography. Do that after the enemies are dead, I promise it works just as well. Clues? Riddles? Those don't take any time at all unless I guess you aren't good at clues and riddles. And traps are 2d4 rounds max unless you just chug through and hit the healstick (wand of CLWs) after. I'm sorry dungeons just don't take that long.
You're obviously playing with very different dungeons than I'm used to. The overwhelming majority of published dungeons I've seen have significant stretches of corridors between rooms. (Look at the sample dungeon in the 1E and 2E DMG as an example.) Doors are frequently locked, barred, or stuck. And some of them are secret or hidden doors. SWAT is fine if you're attacking some known threat in a very small area. It's not a good tactic if you're exploring, or if the dungeon is more than just a few rooms. Sure, there are a lot of 5-room dungeons recently, but there are an awful lot of much larger ones as well (The Temple of Elemental Evil has over 200).
Mapping is a very good idea if you want to find your way back out again. A good map can also show you places where it would make sense to search for secret doors. If the party has run into a one-way door, sliding wall trap, chute, or anything else that prevents backtracking, a map will make it a lot easier to figure out how to get back to where you want to be. And if you've encountered a teleportal, having a map is the fastest way to realize you're not where you thought you were. Plus, if (when) you have to leave the dungeon for a while and then come back, a map will come in very handy.
How do you figure that clues and riddles don't take time? Doesn't your group ever get puzzles that are challenging? If you have to brainstorm possible solutions or work through any kind of complicated logic they can take quite a while. Some traps can be disarmed quickly. Others can take a lot longer. Although if you're hurrying through the dungeon you probably aren't going to detect most of the traps before you trigger them. As for just chugging through the traps and healing afterward, in my dungeons that will almost certainly result in a TPK.
And none of that addresses the question of what happens to all that treasure if you either leave the dungeon and coming back again or find a place inside to hole up and rest.

Anzyr |

You should maybe look at 3E and PF dungeons. They tend to have a lack of large empty corridors that would only still only take a round or 2 to cross. Maybe catch up with something more modern? Doors being locked, barred and stuck are also pretty easy to get around usually requiring no more then a Full round action (Disable Device).
Mapping is meaningless unless your character possess goldfish memories, since the way back is pretty obvious (hint its the way you came). As to clues and riddles, first of all generally speaking, their either easy, easy once you make INT check, although I guess they could be hard for others, but that sounds like an out of game issue.
Traps are useless in 3E, PF. They deal some damage. You wand of cure light wounds yourself back to full and its like it never happened. And really if you have a person with maxed perception, taking 10 every 30 ft. should spot all of them while still giving you 30 ft. of movement every round.
Lastly, you come back for the treasure after everything has stopped breathing. And hey if something does show up for the treasure, thats just more xp and loot.