Lottery... who got what?

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Dark Archive

How can we tell if we got into a particular game? Is there somewhere on the Paizo website that will tell us that?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I think that'll be visible Monday when event trading goes live.

I'll trade you a Mona for a Schneider.

I trade you a... wait... I got nothing!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Paizoholic wrote:
I'll trade you a Mona for a Schneider.

Wait, do you have a Mona or a Schneider? Cause I need a Mona to buy a Development card.

Liberty's Edge

Adam Daigle wrote:
I think that'll be visible Monday when event trading goes live.

I'm actually hoping the results will be revealed a bit BEFORE the event trading goes live! It would be good if we had a little time to actually check out and think about which events we got before making important decisions about trading them!!!

Paizoholic wrote:
I'll trade you a Mona for a Schneider.

I guess that makes Mona the sheep and... nevermind, won't go there.

We should find out at 2pm today who got what. :)

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
We should find out at 2pm today who got what. :)

Just to be clear ... 2 PM West Coast time? As in, 5pm here on the East Coast?

Assuming so, the Event Trading then begins at 5PM West Coast Time ... 8PM East Coast?

Shadow Lodge

Marc Radle wrote:
Lilith wrote:
We should find out at 2pm today who got what. :)

Just to be clear ... 2 PM West Coast time? As in, 5pm here on the East Coast?

Assuming so, the Event Trading then begins at 5PM West Coast Time ... 8PM East Coast?

All times are Paizo Standard Time (PST)

Marc Radle wrote:
Lilith wrote:
We should find out at 2pm today who got what. :)

Just to be clear ... 2 PM West Coast time? As in, 5pm here on the East Coast?

Assuming so, the Event Trading then begins at 5PM West Coast Time ... 8PM East Coast?

I'm assuming that Paizo runs on west coast time, seeing as that's where they're at. (To answer your question, yes, that does seem to be the time table.) :D

Grand Lodge

Where exactly will the events you got be listed? Off the event list screen via a link, or in some other area?

Liberty's Edge

Damien_DM wrote:
Where exactly will the events you got be listed? Off the event list screen via a link, or in some other area?

I've been wondering that myself. Does it show up in E-tickets or something?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It should be on the page page. At the end of the instructions there is a sentence that says:

After the lottery has ended, you'll be able to view your events here, and any events that still have open seats will be made available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The word "here" takes you to your schedule. It doesn't seem to be active right now, but it was when I was signing up for events in the lottery. I'd assume it'll be in the same place.

[rant]Little disappointed. I don't think I got even *one* of my 4-ranked events...[/rant]

edit: Okay, I guess I got into the SKR minis sessions, which is cool.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I did pretty good. Playing Eric's Spire of Nex, Day of Roses and Creeps. Just added a Society game and I am all filled up.

Sovereign Court

Pretty happy here! I got my #1 choice from the lottery (Shadow of the Fellnight Queen) and filled out my schedule with a bunch of Society scenarios, which is pretty much exactly what I wanted. Scatha the bard-barian, Lady Overduchess of Taldor, will be adventuring in the Echoes of the Everwar series plus a dash of City of Strangers.

I got two lottery sessions (minis and Crowd messes with Greg Vaughan's game) but dropped both since they conflict with other things I hadn't accounted for when signing up. Have at 'em!

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Got one lottery event (Fight club), which I dropped to do more seminars. Oh well!

Russ Taylor wrote:
Got one lottery event (Fight club), which I dropped to do more seminars. Oh well!

Hello, sir! I believe you and I are sharing a boat.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Figures. I normally have terrible luck in lotteries. I only signed up for a few events, but didn't think I'd get any of them and would have lots of time for seminars.

Now I'm in Lilith's Harrow game (hooray) and James' preview of the next AP (hooray, but for the 8 am start time).

And I'm running two slots.

Going to be a busy PaizoCon...

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I wonder if there's any way for me to find out in advance who's signed up for the event I'm running...

Liberty's Edge

EeeeeEEEeee...(deep breath)...EEeeEEE!!

We got our only 4 - Spire of Nex!

I'm going to continue dancing around the house and squealing with glee.

Grand Lodge

I (and my brother) got into Fight Club 2 on Friday and Suicidal Strikeforce on Saturday--both probably ranked 1-2, so none of our 3s or 4s. Filled the remaining slots with PS events (Among the Living Friday, master of the fallen fortress Saturday a.m., and darkest vengeance on Sunday).

Grand Lodge

swinetrekkie wrote:

EeeeeEEEeee...(deep breath)...EEeeEEE!!

We got our only 4 - Spire of Nex!

I'm going to continue dancing around the house and squealing with glee.

<swinetrekkie is my wife>

Not only did we get that, but we will be in the party for the Greg V's Plot Twist game.

Double Woot!!!!

YAY! I managed to get into every seminar I wantz, even thou I did not sign up for anything until now :D

Is it me or most seminars have VERY few attendees?

Hugo Solis wrote:

YAY! I managed to get into every seminar I wantz, even thou I did not sign up for anything until now :D

Is it me or most seminars have VERY few attendees?

Since they're open events, I imagine they will fill in as people sign up and fill their schedule out. :D

I didn't get "4's", but I got Ryan Costello Jr's Dreadnought game and the Katapesh game. Wasn't expecting to be that lucky, and actually had to drop the Katapesh one (sorry Kelly!) to add in the Master of the Fallen Fortress (really want to play my brand new level 1 in that). I'm running two games so I wouldn't have played almost anything PFS w/out that.

Dropped mini-construction (sorry Sean!) for the Friday Special Event open signup.

Majuba wrote:
Friday Special Event open signup.

Huh, which one is that?

I didn't get any 4's either and was hoping for a Liz Courts game, but did get in three games I think I'm going to enjoy. I proposed a couple trades to switch my 8am game with something on Friday evening just so I can have a bit of time to prepare the game I'm running Saturday afternoon.

I didn't get terribly lucky or unlucky, and overall I'm happy.

I did alright, Fight Club 2, Shadow of the Fellknight Queen, and There are NO robots in RIO sector... I'd be open for trades, but I'm happy with what I have so far.

Dark Archive

nathan blackmer wrote:
I did alright, Fight Club 2, Shadow of the Fellknight Queen, and There are NO robots in RIO sector... I'd be open for trades, but I'm happy with what I have so far.

Which Shadow of the Fellknight Queen did you get into?

Hugo Solis wrote:

YAY! I managed to get into every seminar I wantz, even thou I did not sign up for anything until now :D

Is it me or most seminars have VERY few attendees?

Then it'll be all up close and personal, like! :D


My husband and I got EXTEMELY lucky! Auspician and I will be attending The Lost Caravans of Katapesh, Painting some minis with Sean on Friday, Souls for Smuggler's Shiv and the Banquet on Saturday and finally (the icing on the cake FOR ME!) Angelic Armegeddon with Sean again on Sunday!


I got Unspeakable Futures—Knights of Dagon , which I really really want to play (!) , Risen Beneath the Ice , and the Preview Banquet. I would have liked one or more of my choices (also really wanted to play Liz's Big Trouble in Little China which sounds like great great fun). Suicidal Strikeforce (which I didn't get) also looks like a lot of fun. I'm very happy with what I got and at least for me, this set-up seems to be the best way to try for everyone to get something they want.


Sword and Paper

Panda40 wrote:
...also really wanted to play Liz's Big Trouble in Little China which soudds like great great fun...

Why thank you!

I seem to have a problem with my registration. I 'think' I got into Greg A. Vaughn's audience group for Twisting Plots, but due to a conflict with a seminar at the same time it's not on my schedule.
When I try to drop the seminar it will drop, but even though the option to add Twisting Plots is available, it won't save...

Anyone else have a similar problem?

Blergh! Somewhat disappointed. I only have one slot where I'm not volunteering to GM PFS -- apparently the system doesn't compensate for that.


Dark Archive

Didn't get into any of my 4stars :(

However, I will be in for alot of sitting around and BSing with the Devs with about 10 other people. I'm sure it'll be fun. For them-fun for them, they get to experience the trancendental joy of basking in my awesomeness.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I didn' get any games, but I can attend all the seminars I wanna. :)

Who got into Green Blood on a Black Rock? Sound off free-captains!

I'll set up camp in the Evergreen room for 85% of the Con :D

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Adam Daigle wrote:

I didn' get any games, but I can attend all the seminars I wanna. :)

Who got into Green Blood on a Black Rock? Sound off free-captains!

Capt'n Timitius here! I be layin' the smackdown on ye scallywags!

Justin Sluder wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
I did alright, Fight Club 2, Shadow of the Fellknight Queen, and There are NO robots in RIO sector... I'd be open for trades, but I'm happy with what I have so far.
Which Shadow of the Fellknight Queen did you get into?

Saturday, the prequel event.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

thelesuit wrote:
Blergh! Somewhat disappointed. I only have one slot where I'm not volunteering to GM PFS -- apparently the system doesn't compensate for that.

Yes. Two things I don't care with for the lottery is it doesn't reward volunteering, and it can give people multiples of their high choice while other people get goosed.

I think it'd be kind of nice next year if a small number of seats (1-2 per table) were reserved for volunteers in the lottery, until each volunteer had gotten a high pick. Probably a pain to design, though I can rough out some means in my head (most involving multiple passes through the priority list).

Sovereign Court

Hugo Solis wrote:
I'll set up camp in the Evergreen room for 85% of the Con :D

I'll see you there. I ended up with one of my lottery picks, but may drop it for a seminar event ... need to think that one over tonight.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Timitius wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:

I didn' get any games, but I can attend all the seminars I wanna. :)

Who got into Green Blood on a Black Rock? Sound off free-captains!

Capt'n Timitius here! I be layin' the smackdown on ye scallywags!


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Russ Taylor wrote:
Yes. Two things I don't care with for the lottery is it doesn't reward volunteering, and it can give people multiples of their high choice while other people get goosed.

There's a high probability that the people who got "goosed" on their high choices just plain didn't *make* very many high choices, while people who got multiples made a *lot* of high choices. I'm not going to go into the specifics of the process, but I strongly believe that the system is very fair—though the more even-handed you are with your rankings, the more likely you are to be rewarded.

The point you raise on volunteers is worth considering for next year, though.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Hah! I'm totally blessed with the luck of Desna! Not only did I make it into the "Shadow of the Fellnight Queen" game, but I scored both sessions! Woot!

Uh, hmmm...wait a minute. It says here I'm a volunteer for those events. Yikes! You mean I've got to actually run those sessions?!

Aiiiie! The pressure!

Blazej got Fight Club 2. That is the end of my lottery events. Darn.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Actually, in all seriousness, I feel like I made out like a bandit. I've got a nicely full schedule for PaizoCon 2010. For anyone interested, here's the breakdown:


Friday, June 18
12:00 PM – 01:00 PM Pathfinder Modules and Writing Adventures
Since writing adventures is my favorite past-time right now, I totally want to attend this one.

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch

02:00 PM – 03:00 PM Pathfinder Companion and Player-Friendly Sourcebooks
More coolness. Let's hear what's coming up and where this line might go.

03:00 PM – 04:00 PM Pathfinder Chronicles, for GM's Eyes Only
I'm in! Always nice to learn more about the world of Pathfinder.

04:00 PM – 05:00 PM RPG Superstar Panel Discussion
Really looking forward to this one!

05:00 PM – 06:00 PM Dinner

06:00 PM – 11:00 PM Shadow of the Fellnight Queen
Take #1. It should be interesting to see how well I hold up playing this late, considering that 11PM will be more like 2AM for me traveling from the East Coast.

Saturday, June 19
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM Shadow of the Fellnight Queen
Take #2. I hope I'm awake for this one. I may still be on East Coast time, but I'll do my best to make it memorable.

01:00 PM – 02:00 PM Lunch

02:00 PM – 03:00 PM Fiction Workshop
I really enjoyed this last year and thought I'd sign up again!

03:00 PM – 04:00 PM Creating Evocative Locations
Always nice to learn further tricks of the trade.

04:00 PM – 05:00 PM Pathfinder Recruits, "Opening the Lodge to Minors"
Sounds cool! And I'm on a panel at another convention about introducing gaming to kids, so I'm interested in comparing notes.

07:00 PM – 11:00 PM Banquet
Wouldn't miss this for the world!

Sunday, June 20

08:00 AM – 01:00 PM Pathfinder Society Special: Master of the Fallen Fortress
The only game I'll get to play in while I'm there!

01:00 PM – 02:00 PM Women in Gaming
What? I've got 3 girls I'd like to introduce to gaming someday. Count me in!

02:00 PM – 04:00 PM Burnt Offerings on Stage: A Video Presentation
So want to see this!

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