swinetrekkie's page
Organized Play Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Yes there was a quiz. Happily it was much easier than last year. I knew 2 answers!
(considering that I barely understood 2 questions last year, this is a major achievement)
So I didn't contribute much, but it was a lot more fun this year.
Oh, I did manage to earn 2 extra points for my team by tailoring a few things to Lisa.
I hope they don't move it earlier in June - those of us who teach won't be able to make it in the middle of exams. AS a parent of 2 school-aged kids, its awfully hard to take off during the school year anyway.
Kyle Baird wrote: Dragnmoon wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: This year's ducks must have the advanced template. Someone kill them and put them in a row already! Can we make them Zombies after that? I don't have my Bestiary in front of me... would they keep the advanced template? If so, hell yes!
Maybe we can make them fast zombies while we're at it. Fast moving evil ducks that want to eat our brains? I believe the template is called 'Muscovy'.
Vic Wertz wrote: DMcCoy1693 wrote: Any news on dates yet? *bats eye lashes at Vic* Sorry—not yet! How about now?
Congrats to all of y'all! I hope you have fun with it.
My 2cents on the dates is the same weekend or a week later.
The Father's Day thing was a bit of a bummer, but workable. Our schools let out June 10, 2011. If the Con is after that weekend, we'll be there!
Vic Wertz wrote: Greg A. Vaughan wrote: I only got 1 PC kill (who was then later resurrected through a plot twist, go figure), and I was still okay with the outcome. And that's saying something. :-) Was that the person I accidentally killed with the Rod of Wonder effect that came up fireball? I'm glad she came back—I felt bad. I was just hoping she'd, you know, turn a funny color or something. I was really happy to be brought back, but the lightning bolt was totally my own fault.
When you did the Wonder-card, Greg had the cleric roll for the result. When he read it he said 'Oh, that's lame, do it again'. He ended up repeating that 2 more times and the crowd was yelling for a charging rhino and various other chaotic things. I got really caught up in the moment and started calling for the rhino too.
On like the fourth roll he said "All right, Lem's covered in faerie fire." And I said "That's still lame."
As Greg turned to look at me I had a half second to think "Wait a minute that's MY character. What the heck am I saying!?!" And that was when the 4d8 lightning bolt hit me.
So the lightning bolt was TOTALLY my fault. 100% deserved.
Even the failed save and resulting death did not diminish my pleasure in the game. Greg managed to take the cards - which he hadn't even seen before the game - and make them into a fun tool. He kept a completely insane game moving forward and made it fun for everybody. Honestly, it was one of the best games I've ever played in. I can't wait to do it again!!
Doug Doug wrote: I just want to know when we'll see Grandmaster Torch's stat block, since everyone in my area wants him dead. It's very frustrating to swing at an armor class of [absent]. How hard should it be to kill a naked guy in a hot tub? It is surprizingly difficult to kill a creepy, naked man in a hot tub.
I'd assume that any naked guy would be using total defense (+4 bonus). While 'invisible' is a +2 AC bonus, 'showing WAY too much' is at least a +8, with an additional -4 attack roll modifier for all touch attacks.
Brandon Hodge wrote: Marc Radle wrote: Erik Mona wrote: mearrin69 wrote: I plan on stalking you guys until I get all of you to sign my core book. Hopefully I can get Erik to sign it with a "c" instead of a "k" but that might be asking too much.
This will never, EVER happen.
I feel your pain - I can't tell you how many times someone has spelled my name with a K! Marc Radkle? Yeah...that sucks. =-) Yep, I feel the pain too. Try having a unusually spelled first name (Tera) combined with a hyphenated last name (Griffin-Wade).
I assume that the endless possibilities for confusion is the reason I'm never asked for my autograph :)
But maybe you can get your book signed "Erik Mona at Piazokon 2010"
I'm currently thinking fighter-type myself. Maybe something bow-oriented or a monk.
Anybody know the ohter person in the game? Hope they like wizards! It would be a good plan to have one.
Vic Wertz wrote: swinetrekkie wrote: Vic Wertz wrote: Marc Radle wrote: Joshua J. Frost wrote: This is a dress how you want event. :-) Got it - thanks Josh! Except for you. You can only wear something figure skater Johnny Weir would wear. But then we'd match! :( Well, one of you can go with Lady Gaga instead of Weir, then. Because there's such a big difference.
There is! Lady Gaga has the Dali-esque telephone headgear. Weir obviously isn't carrying a phone anywhere.
Herald wrote: To get things rolling, I could go ahead and make a Cleric.
Is that the first bad pun of the game?
Vic Wertz wrote: Marc Radle wrote: Joshua J. Frost wrote: This is a dress how you want event. :-) Got it - thanks Josh! Except for you. You can only wear something figure skater Johnny Weir would wear. But then we'd match! :(
Sara Marie wrote: Yay! I am glad to see people interested in this. If anyone has specific things they would like to discuss, let me know as details are still being nailed down. I don't know where to start. What were the discussion plans from last year?
Herald wrote: Swinetrekie and I more than likely won't be able to shut up about this. "More than likely?!" Even my students know about this :)
I'm planning on using some of the long weekend to figure out character possibilities.
Joshua J. Frost wrote: Yes.
There's also a Candy Land tournament, a mass game of charades (those get a little crazy), and I think we've added a Paint Ball Tournament on I-405 to the mix, too. (But don't tell Cosmo he's the only one invited!)
The way we play, Twister is far more dangerous than an interstate paintball tournament.
If anybody else is a professional angry cat herder (AKA teacher) don't forget to bring your ID with you. Lost of museums have teacher discounts if you ask.
Tambryn wrote: I actually proposed St. Augustine. But "she" feels that the waters are more emerald and sand more white on the gulf beaches. And I always take what "she" thinks to heart.
I'm in West Central FL (St Pete/Clearwater area) and we have gorgeous beaches! If you do go to North FL though, I'd recommend St Augustine as well. The beaches aren't quite as beautiful as ours, but there are so many historical things there that I think its a great place to go. Great food too!
I'm bringing Formula D with me, and will probably be looking for people to play before and after the Con (Thursday and Sunday nights).
I had originally planned to try for more pickup games, but we lucked out and got in Spire of Nex. My unscheduled time will need to involve sleep!
We're not going with the group, but we will be sightseeing on Thursday. We absolutely have to hit the scifi museum. I'd love to have a way to keep in contact with the group in case we end up there at the same time. Or will it be obvious - will you all be wearing Golem masks? Maybe use one as a tour guide flag?
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Yeah easy to say or I thought so, but it makes me think of Jelleo axe... and thats wrong. Though Jello is evil so maybe it's right.
Jello is evil, but it never chops. Jello only shoots :)
Andoran is the one that occasionally changes pronounciation at our table. The way it's said seems to depend on how big a Star Wars fan the person saying it is.
Dreamweaver wrote: I thought I would start a thread to figure out what characters people are wanting to play and what the build rules are. Both my wife and I are playing and my wife is looking at playing an Inquisitor. I was looking at an Alchemist but really I am open to anything. Excellent plan! I can't figure out how to find the event details again, so I'm not 100% certain what level we're playing.
The only class I'm not open to is a wizard, but I haven't really thought yet about what I want to play. I don't know what class my husband is interested in.
Hmm...I wonder if this is an all spouses game :)
I've wanted to go to the one at GenCon, but they've had it at terribly inconvenient times.
EeeeeEEEeee...(deep breath)...EEeeEEE!!
We got our only 4 - Spire of Nex!
I'm going to continue dancing around the house and squealing with glee.
Sara Marie wrote: In early February (after Metro's schedule revision) I hope to work on directions for how to use public transit to get around Seattle and Bellevue and the Airport.
(Where and how to get to which stops, how much it will cost and how long it will take, etc.)
Are there any particular points of interest you would like to see covered?
~Sara Marie
I'd like to know about getting from the hotel to downtown (the space needle) without a car. Should we take the hotel van to a central hub somewhere?
Damien_DM wrote: Where exactly will the events you got be listed? Off the event list screen via a link, or in some other area? I've been wondering that myself. Does it show up in E-tickets or something?
Anybody else currently planning on attending? I'm eager to participate in this.
Glad to hear there will be plenty of Society tables going! We want to spend every second we can playing.
Adam Daigle wrote: I'm not sure we're going to bother with shipping back to Texas after the Con. Winner gets to keep it, first out has to pay for shipping? :)
Shadowborn wrote:
Save that sort of stuff for after the game...
Allow me to clarify - we can GAME for 11 hours together. After that we go to sleep.
Erik Mona wrote: .
It should be a lot of fun!
I hope we get this...I hope we get this...
My husband and I can go for 11 hours.
Seriously, this seems like the coolest game around to us!
Joshua J. Frost wrote: You should both sign up and you should both make sure to rate events you want to attend together at the same rating. Thanks! This is the only time we've ever put in for exactly the same stuff at a Con :) My gosh. we might finally play a game together (gasp)!
How does the buddy thing work for event sign up?
My husband and I are buddies. I know that our accounts are linked, but I don't know if that means only 1 of us should sign up for the event lottery.
I hope not, but I'm not sure.
Please enlighten me.
We aren't due to get in until 11pm on Wed. I hope everyone else is arriving at a better hour!
I've been wondering that myself.
Herald and I will still be in town. I'd love to keep the Con going a bit longer!
Yay! Everybody sing!
"First of May, First of May
Master schedule's out today
Bring your favorite PC
or at least someone to play..."
Okay, I've been listening to WAY too much Jonathan Coulton this week :)
Any idea on when a schedule will be out?
I'm eager to sign up for stuff! (However that will be handled...)
I've got to figure out what I can make that will be better for the 3 days between baking and eating, yet still legal to bring on a plane.
Is "The Year of the Shadow Lodge" going to happen at PaizoCon as well as GenCon? I don't know whether to sign up at GenCOn or not.
...although after the hours I spent there today I think I'd rather pry out my intestines with a spoon than go back on the RUBI site :)
Will there be an option for late event entering?
I'd be happy to run a boardgame, but I don't want to volunteer for a time and then find out that the event I want to do most is at the same time.
In our family, we start bringing the kids when they hit middle school age. My rule is they have to be old enough to leave a major booth at GenCon, walk to the bathroom and come back without assistance. By the time, they've played enough games at home with us that they know how to behave at a table, and will enjoy playing enough that the Con is good for all of us.
I'm really looking forward to our youngest being old enough to join us at all the Cons.
Dragonborn3 wrote: Dessic wrote:
Being a Bard, Gurg of course sang all of his spells (in a cheerful shrieking falsetto no less.) The tune was always the same, and the lyrics followed a fairly predictable pattern.
Expeditious Retreat: "This is the Running Song! You no catch me now!"
Cure (whatever) Wounds: "This is the Healing Song! You feeling better now!"
Eagle's Splendor: "This is the Pretty Song! You like me better now!"
Invisibility: "This is the Hiding Song! You no see me now!" (somehow, the enemy always found him...) Genius. Pure genius. Bupo would be proud... That sounds like SOOooo much fun to play! Unfortunately, the certainty that I would participate in exactly this type of activity is why my husband/DM has banned me from playing bards. He couldn't take it every week.
In a D20 campaign mine has to be Guftre the Kender Barbarian. She was fun and aggressive - like a very cheerful roller derby queen with a skull-laden topknot. Guftre mapped everywhere we went, but couldn't write so it was just a sheet full of x's.
In a one shot game The Great Gonzo in Muppets vs Toy Story. He bounced off the bed, went 3 times around on the ceiling fan to gain speed and then flew across the room, goring Woody with his nose. Good times...
For a pregen taken to weird places, the NASCRAG kobold dancing girl twin Taras at GenCon have been unbelievably strange and fun. My partner and I did show tunes (No, we aren't wearing underwear today) and then gave up our sense of fun to save a goddess. That turned us into angry British Goth chicks whose lives are just an empty hole. Just one...big...black...empty...hole. We can't wait to finish out that storyline this year!
Herald wrote: I have to admit that I was thinking of forgoing this, but I just started playing with Dunjinni and now I think i have the itch. (I do understand that this isn't about Dunjinni specificly.)
I think that I need to look in on this.
Sounds cool to me too - we'll attend
Alex Martin wrote: Jason Nelson wrote:
You've been more than fair.
You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you.
You seem a decent fellow, I hate to die.
I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?
I silently hold up fingers. Guess how many? :)
2 first time attendee questions:
What is the music jam?
Is there anywhere the late arrivers are planning on meeting for a drink? Like my DH said, he's allergic to seafood and we can't even walk into the restaurant. I'm hoping that late arrivals tend to go somplace for a drink/late meal so we can still get the chance to meet up with people.
Herald wrote:
We've secretly replaced Aberzombie's savory brains with the new "Folger's Cauliflower with Flavor Crystals." Let's see if he can tell the differance...
I start work at 6:50am, and I can definitively say that while some may have Folger's Cauliflower, most people don't have brains in the morning.
Interesting. Since this will be our first time attending, I didn't know about the lottery.
I do hope I'll be able to get into some cool games with my spouse. One of the reasons we're doing PaizoCon together (without the kids - woot!) is that we never see each other at GenCon.